BeMyWarlockTonight (8 page)

Read BeMyWarlockTonight Online

Authors: Renee Field

He stilled, breathing deep, trying once again to assert control. She didn’t want that. Without thought to the consequences, Cindy let a finger wedge deep into the tight hole of his ass. He gave one last thrust—grasping her head to ensure she didn’t escape. Then he came, the hot spurt of his seed raining down into her mouth, filling her. She gulped, tasting his magical essence, loving the salty and sweet flavor of him. Licking him clean, she flopped onto her back.

“You like?”

Lance gave her a long, thorough hot look that set Cindy’s body and mind on fire. There was something telling, something that had changed because she’d dared take control. A shiver of desire swamped her magical senses.

She thought his kiss would be brutal. It was the exact opposite.
, he took her slightly swollen bottom lip into his mouth, tasting his own passion. She yielded, opening her mouth to his loving lips. And it
was loving
. It wasn’t a taking or a thank you. No, in her heart Cindy sensed the difference.

The melding of their combined magical energy coalesced into one entity with the power of his kiss. Her heart went straight into overdrive with the realization this was beyond her control. This was pure, unbridled universal-soul power, eating her alive with passion. She had no control over her emotions and realized no amount of business sense would save her from falling magically in love with Lance.


Lance wanted the feel of his body on top of Cindy’s. He wanted her breasts pushing into his chest, he needed the feel of his still-hard cock against her slick cunt and he had to have those blue eyes that looked so sexy with want and filled with magic watching him as he took her.

His heart skipped a beat as he looked at the lovely
witch lying beneath him. Her long, cascading blonde hair spilled with a life of its own around his pillows. Her hot, melting candy scent reminded him of a bouquet of fresh flowers with a hint of cinnamon as it filled his bedroom. He couldn’t have been happier. Her body hummed with magic. Now that she’d given in to her magical essence, varying shades of yellow colors surrounded her with brilliance. It was like looking at a Goddess come to life—warrior and lover sinfully combined into the best magical beauty of all time.

“I love you.”

Lance had no idea where the words came from. Cindy’s eyes popped open, the effect showcasing the surprise and fear his words had evoked.

“No, you do not. You’re just saying that because of the curse.”

Her easy answer didn’t sit well with him. He leaned back, crouching, still needing to be seated between the
of her thighs, wanting to see the slick dew of her pussy that screamed she was ready for the taking. He liked that. Cindy wasn’t shy, didn’t cower in the bedroom pretending she didn’t enjoy what they were doing. She was the type of woman, type of witch who relished all the ways they could fuck. A hot, fast-pounding fuck or a slow, tender loving one suited her fine. Depending on her mood she could be just as dirty, just as ferocious or inventive as him. Lance ran his hands through his tousled hair.

It wasn’t like him to casually throw out meaningless words. That wasn’t the warlock he was or the man he could be. He hadn’t thought about the impact of his words but he realized he meant them.

“The curse has nothing to do with it and you know it.”

She attempted to prop herself up onto her elbows. He leaned over her, keeping her in her prone position.

“The curse has everything to do with it.”

She looked angry and scared. Lance wished he was angry but he wasn’t. He no longer quested for revenge on the Stephanopoulos witches—it no longer mattered. The only thing important to him was Cindy. He wanted her. Now and always and it was about time he became the
warlock he was and fully made her his.

In his heart Lance knew he should ask permission but he was afraid she’d rebuff him.

“You pick. Do you want me to fuck you or love you?”

She didn’t hesitate. “Fuck me.”

Her clipped answer was all bravado and he knew it. “Turn over, on your knees now.”

Oh he was going to take her, just not how she expected. Cindy gave him a coy look, following his instructions, flashing her ass high, letting him know she was attempting to take control.

He pushed her face into his pillow and leaned all his weight onto her. She groaned. He knew exactly how she felt. The heat of their bodies was like the
outer realm, full of hot magic. Lance’s hands circled her waist, toying with her belly as he made his way to her heaving breasts. He tweaked first one nipple and then the other. Cindy’s head thrashed around on the pillow as she gave in to the passion surging through her body. Widening her stance, Lance took his cock in hand, sliding it over her wet cunt. She whimpered. He was tempted to plunge it into her pussy, pounding her with his lust, but she’d wanted to fuck so he was going to do it his way.

Lance moved his cock to the crack of her ass, letting his pre-cum slide along the tight crease. She tensed for a moment and then relaxed. He pushed his shaft against her tight hole, watching her body’s reaction.

“Relax,” he said, wedging it a fraction of an inch inside her ass.

“What are you doing?” A cautionary note crept into her voice but it wasn’t fear. That pleased him.

“Fucking you…like you asked. Trust me, you’ll enjoy it.”

Slowly and with care Lance used a bit of magic to lube Cindy’s virgin hole. Then he played with her sensitive area until she relaxed and then pushed a finger into her. She whimpered with newfound desire.

“You okay?” asked Lance.

Cindy turned her head to look at him. “So far
I’m loving

Without further ado, Lance moved his body up over hers. With magic he lubed his cock again and grinned at the cool tingly feeling the lotion induced on his engorged penis. Then he pushed his cock all the way into her hole. She stilled. He gave her a minute to adjust to his size and then slowly withdrew.

“More,” she said, panting.

Grinning, he pumped his cock back inside, this time snaking a hand around to her front to play with her wet pussy. His fingers easily found her pebbled nub and he tweaked it hard.

Cindy leveraged her ass to meet him. The sensation of him filling her ass was something she’d never thought she would enjoy, but Lance had used his magic to read her mind and it pleased him knowing he was able to awaken a new pleasure spot on her body. Lance kept up his play with her nub. She bounded back on her knees to meet his thrusts while he kept plunging his cock into her ass until the urge to come once again took hold of him. Gripping her hips, he came long and hard inside her. Ensuring she followed suit, he patted her hard achy clit, sending her into an orgasm that had her inner muscles clenching around him in pleasure.

Withdrawing slowly, he flashed a warm basin of water and towel to the side of his bed. Lance lovingly used the warm wash cloth to clean Cindy and himself. Then he flashed them both to his warm Jacuzzi.

Cindy used magic to bind her hair up off her shoulders, ensuring it didn’t get soaked. Soft, light gold tendrils slid down both sides of her face, evoking a girlish pose. Usually Cindy was all polished business but no longer. She seemed softer, more refined and he loved her all the more for it.

“You said you were going to fuck me.”

“Did I?” Lance moved toward her, bridging the small gap separating them.

“You did.”

It was a strange argument and Lance knew she used the harsh words in her attempt to claim he didn’t love her.

“You just want me to say it again, don’t you?” His teasing words caused a sad smile to flirt across her face.

“I’m not lovable?”

“Says who?” He braced his arms on either side of her body as it lay against the sides of the Jacuzzi.

“I can’t do anything right. I don’t even want to be a witch.”

Lance chuckled. She playfully smacked him in the shoulder. He feigned affront but still smiled. Cupping her chin in his hand, Lance looked Cindy in the eyes. “Cindy, you can’t change what you are. You’re a
witch through and through, and even if you weren’t it wouldn’t change how I feel about you. In fact, when I didn’t know you were a witch I asked you out.
Sadly though you refused me.
Twice as I recall.”

“I only did that—”

He silenced her protest by placing a finger on her lips. “I don’t care for the reasons. The magic of the universe works in mysterious ways. If you’re asking, am I disappointed in discovering you’re a witch and a
Stephanopoulos witch at that, I will admit at one time I would have said yes. But now…” Lance took the time to stare into her eyes, ensuring she listened to his choice of words. “Now that I know you, my answer is most definitely no. I love you…Cindy Stephanopoulos Frost.
You and only you.
Screw the curse. I don’t care that I can only wield magic at night. So what? I want to make you happy. I want to spend the rest of my life slaying all those
just for you. You feel me?”

Tears pooled into Cindy’s eyes.
Shit, this is not what I expected.

She sniffled and then flashed a searing smile up at him. “Lance, I think you need to understand why I wanted to give up my magic.”

He nodded, encouraging her on, not trusting himself to speak.

“I gave it up because I could never measure up to my mother. Every spell I did wasn’t good enough for her. So for all my life I doubted my abilities and I grew to hate what I inherently was. I grew to hate everything about my culture, my identity and I didn’t trust my own magic.”

“But you’re a great witch,” he said, interrupting her.

“Thank you. Coming from you that means a lot. I had to escape my predestined path. I knew my mother was grooming me to join the Witches’ Coven and that wasn’t something I wanted. Can you imagine spending every waking moment with my mother?”

the sound light and airy. Lance felt hope magically soar through his heart.
“Honestly, nope.
Your mother is scary.”

“Trust me on that one, I know. She doesn’t mean to be and I truly think she did have my best interests at heart but being a member of the Coven doesn’t allow for a child like me.
A child who never measures up to her mother.”

It was a telling statement coming from Cindy. Lance couldn’t have cared if she ever measured up to her mother but to think she thought herself unworthy when she was so much more than that caused his pain to morph into anger.

“If you’re telling me you can’t love me because of your mother, I’m going to spank you.”

She giggled. “You don’t really want me. You’re just doing this to free your family from the curse.”

Totally exasperated, Lance didn’t know what to do to make her listen to the truth of his words so the warlock he was decided he’d kiss away all her self-doubt. Then it dawned on him, he did have another option.

Intimately touching his forehead to hers, he snapped his fingers, sending them both spiraling into the future. Two paths lay before them. One dark, the other filled with laughter and light.

“You choose.”

“We’re not allowed to do this,” she said, caution edging into her voice.

“Before you pick the path you want us to walk down let’s see our options. I won’t tell anyone.” Lance flashed them into the void of the future. He linked his fingers through hers, nudging Cindy forward. “Pick.”

“I don’t think I want to see it.”

“I never expected Cindy Stephanopoulos Frost to be a coward,” Lance purposely taunted her, hoping it would spring her backbone back into place. She unhooked her fingers from his.


Lance watched her move toward the light. He followed on her heels and gulped. The scene blazed bright and caught at every one of his heart strings. There before him on a beach was Cindy, bouncing a toddler on her lap, her belly round and full with a second child. Her face beamed with hope and happiness, while she cast a gaze up at him. The adoration shining from his face was evident. Lance heard Cindy gasp.

“I look so happy.
I never expected to have children.” A tear clogged her throat and he knew exactly how she felt.

“Now the other.”
Lance knew he was playing the bastard but he had to make sure she saw her choices clearly.

With hesitation slowing her stride, she backed away from the bright, hopeful scene. Slinking down the blackened corridor, she gave a weak cry. There was Cindy cloistered away in a gray, bleak room. His gut told him it had to be a room the
-Roman Witches’ Coven had allotted to her. She was all business. A gray robe huddled around her as she scribed away.

“That’s what will become of me.” It was a stark contrast to the playful, light scene with him in her life. But again, the choice had to be hers.

“How do I choose? What if the choice isn’t mine?”

A violent yellow flash tore them both from the void of the future. Landing on his feet was pure instinct for Lance.

“You are not allowed into the void.”

Great, just great,
thought Lance.

There standing majestic and proud before them, casting her usual judgment, was Sybil, Cindy’s mother. Lance’s body prepared for the zap of the attack he felt was seconds away.

“Mother, stop it. The magic of the universe works in mysterious ways. Lance came into my life and showed me that I should trust in my own magic.”

“Of course you trust in your own magic, Cindy. Don’t talk in riddles.”

Cindy took a step toward her mother. A surge of pride took hold of Lance. This was the Cindy he had fallen in love with.
Sure of herself and full of confidence.

“I love him.”

“What?” Lance heard himself mutter while Sybil laughed. The sound wasn’t at all what he had expected.

Sybil reached her daughter halfway, holding out her arms to offer an embrace. Cindy cautiously edged her way into her mother’s hold. Slightly awkward at first but after a moment’s hesitation they allowed themselves to give in.

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