Besieged (14 page)

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Authors: L.P. Lovell

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Romantic Erotica, #L.P lovell, #Besieged, #Theodore Ellis, #Romance, #Lilly Parker, #New adult

He spins me away from him and pulls my back up to his hard chest and abdomen. His tongue traces a slow line up the side of my neck as I hear the unmistakeable sound of a zip being lowered.

“You taste as good as you look sugar.” His breath tickles my neck. He then grabs my hip in one hand whilst the other presses between my shoulder blades. He pushes me down roughly, until I’m thrown onto the pool table, chest pressed against the velvet, hips bent over the mahogany edge. His body folds over mine and I can feel his erection pressing against my inner thigh. I’d normally be fighting for control at this point, but I’m so hot for him, so eager for him to just take me that I don’t care.

He moves until the head of his cock is pressing against my entrance. “You want my cock sugar?”  His lips are pressed against the side of my neck.

Ugh, I can’t take this. I need him in me, now. I press my palms into the table and push all my weight back against him. His grip on my hip tightens almost painfully, halting my movement.

He laughs. “Oh, you do want my cock.” Still he doesn’t move.

“Theo.” I growl.

“You’ll get it… but not now.” The cold rush of air at my back tells me he’s stepped away from me. I hear him do his zip back up.

I stand and whirl to face him. “I’m sorry did you just turn down offered, on a silver platter sex?!”

He smirks at me devilishly. “Believe it or not I do have that ability, and not turned down, just delayed.”

“You’re Theodore Ellis for fucks sake. I just got turned down by man whore of the century, fucking great.”

He laughs. “Actually I think Hugo takes that title, and like I said, not turned down just delayed.”

“Delayed?” I cock an eyebrow at him.

“Delayed. If I give it to you now, there’s every possibility I’ll never see you again. Whereas now…well it looks like if you want my cock, you’ll have to see me again.”

“Oh god. Trust me, your manly appendage is not that good.” I snap.

His face breaks into an enormous grin. “Oh yeah it is.”

I sigh. “Just when I think you couldn’t be any more of a dick, you surprise me.”

“Keeps you on your toes sugar.” He laughs.

He grabs my face, gives me a quick peck and leaves the room. What the hell just happened!? I will not fuck Theodore Ellis…again. That was what I vowed before I came here. Ugh, I am so screwed when it comes to that man…or not as the case appears.

There is something about him that so infuriating yet attractive and almost endearing at the same time. Shit, you’re losing your edge Parker.


I catch a cab home straight away having text Molly to tell her I'm leaving.

George is sprawled out on the sofa when I get in.

“Where’s Molly?” He asks.

“With Hugo.”

"Oh, Hugo. So I take it the party was good? It was for her apparently anyway." He laughs.

"Yeah, it was good." I keep it short as I sit on the end of the sofa with him.

"Oh, I know that look. I thought I could smell expensive cologne when you walked in here." He leans over and sniffs at me whilst I try to crawl into the sofa cushions. "Lilly!" He feigns a shocked look.

"It wasn't my fault." I frown.

"Oh, what you just fell on it." He raises his eyebrow whilst smiling at me.

I exhale with a huff. "Well as you know I didn't want to go to that party for this very reason." I put my head in my hands.

George laughs. "So you had a private party instead?"

I frown again feeling my earlier confusion returning. "Um, well not exactly." George cocks his head questioningly, probing me with his eyes.

"He wouldn't have sex with me..." I wait for George’s response, he says nothing. "He just gave me head...on a pool table... which he then bent me over and almost had sex with me on, before he refused me… and then I left."

George looks shocked. "Firstly I need to come to more of these parties you girls go to. Secondly, well shit."

"What?" Why is that a big deal?

He shakes his head. "I just didn't take him for that kind of guy." I eye him waiting for further explanation. "Well I thought the same as you, that he was a use and abuse kind of guy. Clearly not."

“Did you not hear the part where he turned me down?”

“All part of the game sweetie, he’s trying to keep you coming back. I can tell by your face you definitely want another piece of Mr Ellis, so I’d say its working.” He grins.

"Oh god." I grumble. "This just got even more complicated."

"Only because you can't keep those pretty little legs of yours closed." He mocks in a sing song voice.

"George!" I swat him with a cushion.

"Lill's I don't blame you. He's beyond gorgeous. I would have given it up a long time ago."

I sigh, feeling mentally tired. "I just can't help it. When he's near me it's just...I swear to god there is not a woman on this planet that could resist that. I shit you not the man is just pure sex. I am so fucked!" I cry.

"I know chicken." George opens his arms and I go into them, he kisses the top of my head and holds me. "Maybe you should just stop fighting it?"

"I could have coped with a one-time thing and then just forgetting about it, but he won’t just leave it at that. I can't do this George. He's Theodore Ellis - Millionaire man whore extraordinaire. Fuck!" I say, as though this should explain everything.

"Lilly you really can’t criticise, you’re not exactly virginal. I'd just enjoy the hot sex if I were you. Whatever happens after that...well, you overthink these things. Just act in the moment." George shrugs.

"I like sex, not STD’s, that being the difference between him and me.” I huff.

George laughs. “There’s this invention called a condom sweetie. Use it.”

I give him the finger. “No shit. I don’t know maybe I could have a fling with him or something, just you know, work him out of my system.”

He laughs loudly. "Oh I definitely think you should let Mr Ellis lead you down the dark and dirty path. Plus if you think about it, the only reason you're opposed is because he always wins, by making you give in. If you just gave yourself permission in the first place then you wouldn't feel like he always has the upper hand."

"You're just as bad as he is." I slap him lightly on the chest.

"No, I am the voice of reason and you know I'm right. Plus, I love to encourage anarchy and corrupt morals." He grins. I collapse against him, burying my face in his vast chest, blocking out the world. He wraps his arms around me and holds me tight.

"Ugh. I think we should go out and get ratted tomorrow night. If I'm going to be a wild uncontrolled mess I might as well do a proper job of it." I murmur against his chest.

He laughs. "What happened to ‘I’m never drinking again’?"

"It went to shit along with 'I will not fuck Theodore Ellis'." I groan. "We both know what happened there and seeing as how he pretty much offered to be my booty call… what is pretty guaranteed to happen again."

"You have Theodore fucking Ellis as a booty call! What the hell Lill's!?" He whines. I laugh at him.


Chapter 9 – Theo


It's Monday morning, so I'm at the office going through client lists and marketing strategies. Yawn, I know.

I haven't been able to get Lilly out of my mind since seeing her on Friday evening. It took all my will power to turn and walk away rather than fuck her senseless on that pool table. I've been horny as hell ever since. I've tried to take my mind off of it with work, the gym, women. None of it works and I’ve disturbingly stopped even attempting to get my release elsewhere. But the point of the exercise was to make her see how much she actually wants me, and oh, does she want me. I have no idea why I'm so bloody obsessed with Lilly Parker. Perhaps it's just the classic case of wanting what you can't have. I want her, of course I do, what man wouldn't, but it's more than that, it's an all-consuming need to possess her in a way I've never felt before. She's challenging and outright antagonistic in a way that makes me feel as though I want to tame her. Never have I gone to such lengths over a woman. I’m having to convince her that she wants me for god’s sake. I close my eyes and I can hear her moaning as I taste that sweet pussy of hers. Her cries as she trembles against my tongue. Oh god. My cock stiffens immediately at the memory.

Just as I'm debating whether to go and stroke one out real quick, the intercom beeps.

"Lucy." I greet her curtly.

"Sir, I have Mr Walker’s office on the phone for you."

"Put them through." I realise that I’m leant forward in my chair tensed with anticipation, hoping desperately that it's Lilly's voice I hear. There's a pause.

"Mr Ellis." She greets me. Even her voice is hot. She spoke two words down a phone and I'm ready to blow, Jesus. This is not healthy.

I lean forward placing my elbows on the desk. "Lilly. How are you today?"

"Good thank you. Yourself?" She asks brightly.

"All the better for hearing your voice."

"Oh please." I can almost see her rolling her eyes. "Anyway. Stop side tracking me. I called in a professional capacity."

"Of course. Our relationship is nothing but professional." I tease her easily.

I hear her exasperated sigh. "Mr Walker has asked if you could possibly pop into the office and sign some more paperwork. He's unavailable after three as he has meetings, but I assured him that I could manage if you happened to stop by later. It should take about half an hour." The implication in her tone is clear.

"Wow that must be a lot of papers."

"Well, we do like to be thorough Mr Ellis. I wouldn't want you leaving until we're finished and you're completely satisfied." She says innocently.

"I'll be there at three thirty." I all but growl down the phone.

"I look forward to it Mr Ellis." Her voice adopts that husky tone that I’ve noticed she has when she's either turned on or angry. The sound of it has all the blood in my body rushing south. I hang up before she can say any more, I may actually pass out from a lack of blood to the brain soon.


I arrive at Florell and Simmons at three twenty. I step out of the elevator into a wide open space with a single desk and a young Asian woman at the desk.

"Hello." She greets me with a warm smile and then quickly blushes and looks away.

"I'm here to see Lilly Parker."

"Um, yes of course, just one moment." She scrambles for the phone. "Lilly. Mr um...." She looks at me sheepishly.

"Ellis." I say, smiling at her.

"Um, uh, yes." She giggles at something Lilly says, then hangs up and composes her features.

"She'll be one moment." She looks apologetic.

I hear the unmistakeable sound of stiletto heels clicking down the hallway. Lilly rounds the corner wearing a green dress that hugs every inch of her perfect figure, clinging to her thighs before flicking out just above the knee. It has a V neck line, exposing more cleavage than she has previously. A thin black belt accentuates her tiny waist. I realise that I’ve spent far too long studying her body. I look up and meet her amused expression. Her hair hangs in a fiery cascade over one shoulder. Everything about her is perfectly executed and sinfully seductive.

"If you're quite ready Mr Ellis?" She turns on her heel and heads back down the corridor. She doesn’t look back as I follow her.

She holds the door open into the office. Its split into two the first is smaller, more like a reception area to the main office, this is Lilly's office. The partitioning glass wall divides her office from Walkers. I step in after her and she closes the door behind me and locks it. I turn at the sound of the latch clicking into place. She has her back pressed to the door as she looks up at me. The look on her face is that of a predator toying with its prey. My cock goes from zero to rock hard in two seconds.

She moves away from the door and into the bigger office, glancing over her shoulder to beckon me forward.

"Sit." She commands in that husky tone which makes me come over all unnecessary.

I sit in the chair at the desk. She places some papers in front of me, I’m so turned on I can't see straight and she wants me to do fucking paper work.

“I was under the impression that I wasn’t here for paper work.” I smirk at her.

“Hmm, presumptive of you Mr Ellis.”

“I’d call it perceptive.” I counter.

“You’re right, you’re not here just for papers. You’re here because I’ve made a decision.” Her green eyes fix me.

“Oh?”  I smile.

“You were right, I am attracted to you and I do want you, but it will be on my terms.” She raises an eyebrow.

“I’m listening.”

“This is just sex, at no point will it be any more than that. Do not attempt to get to know me in any way. Just sex.” Holy shit this is my kind of girl.

“Done.” I smile. “Is that all?”

“You will be there when I want you.” She raises an eyebrow and smirks at me.

I stand and wind my fingers into her hair, bringing her lips close to mine. “Oh no sugar. I will be there when I want you, and trust me you will want me just as much. I’m not a lap dog sweetheart.” I trace her ear with my tongue, she trembles. “I bite.” I nip her earlobe and she gasps.

She brings her lips to mine and kisses me hard, her tongue traces my lower lip before she bites hard enough to draw blood.

“So do I.” She whispers against my lips. “Now sit.” She pushes me back into the chair.

She slowly circles around behind my chair, her fingers lightly trace across the back of my neck sending shivers down my spine.

I feel her hair brush my neck as she leans down and trails kisses across my neck and jaw, kissing and gently nipping me. She's killing me. Next she removes my tie.

She runs her hands leisurely over my biceps, then applies more pressure when she reaches my fore arms. "Do you mind?" I can hear the smile in her voice. I oblige and allow her to pull my arms behind my chair.

She wraps the tie around my wrists and pulls it tight so that I’m effectively unable to move. Well, well, where has this little vixen been hiding? I didn’t take her for the tying up type.

She stands in front of me her eyes dark with desire. She bends over and presses her lips to mine, her tongue caressing my own. Her fingers grasp at the roots of my hair, wrenching my head back with the slightest bite of pain. Suddenly she's straddling me and kissing hungrily down my throat and neck. My entire body is on fire. My groin aches like a motherfucker.

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