Besieged (21 page)

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Authors: L.P. Lovell

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Romantic Erotica, #L.P lovell, #Besieged, #Theodore Ellis, #Romance, #Lilly Parker, #New adult

She smiles broadly as she throws down a straight flush and wins the game. People clap as she smiles at them, charming everyone around her without even knowing it. "Care to dance Mr Ellis?" She cocks an eyebrow at me.

"With pleasure." I take her hand and guide her to the centre of the room.


Chapter 14 – Lilly


Theo quickly pulls me to his chest and spins me away from him before I even have a chance to move. Dancing with Theo is an indescribable feeling, it's almost as good as having sex with him, and in the same way he hypnotises me with his power and grace, my body becoming putty in his hands. His steps are limited, however he makes up for it with his assured confident movements and savage grace. The way he moves me across the floor is with righteous authority. His steps are athletic and lithe with possessed dominance. The familiar flames of desire start to lick through my body as he holds me close, pressing every rock solid plane of his body against me. My hand presses against his well-muscled shoulder. The more we dance, and the more he moves against me, the hotter the flames burn. I feel like I can't get enough of his touch, as though I’ve been starved of it. My skin tingles where his palm presses against the bare skin of my back.

I try desperately to steady my erratic breathing. The song stops and melds into another. He spins me away from him, and for a moment I just stop and look at him. The forced pretences have dramatically intensified my yearning for him, unbearably so. He looks edible in that tux and I've pictured myself ripping it off him at least a hundred times tonight, yet I have to appear professional with him. Ugh, it's killing me. His square jaw is lined with dark stubble, His sculpted lips tilted up in a small smirk his blue eyes study me intensely. He's removed his jacket exposing his perfectly fitted shirt which follows the tight lines of his narrow hips and clings to his broadly muscled chest and shoulders. My eyes travel down his body to the bulge at the fly of his trousers. I look up and meet his amused expression, raising an eyebrow at him.

"When you're ready Miss Parker?" He holds out a hand to me trying very hard not to smile. I can feel the heat crawling up my cheeks. I take his hand and he chuckles before spinning me easily across the dance floor. He holds me against his chest and brushes his lips quickly against my neck.

"Whatever you were thinking...I can guarantee I'm thinking much worse." He pulls me firmly against him and shows me exactly what's on his mind as his rigid cock presses against my stomach.

" about we turn idea into reality?" I dare him.

He raises an eyebrow and smiles. "With pleasure." He takes my hand and pulls me from the dance floor. I stumble after him. He marches swiftly through the room toward a hallway and out a fire exit. The cool night air envelopes me, cooling my feverish skin. Once we're alone he turns and grabs my face, pressing his lips to mine fiercely. I can no longer control myself. I throw myself against him, pressing my body against every perfect inch of his. I dip my tongue into his mouth and am rewarded with his tortured moan. His arms wrap firmly around me, bowing my back into him. My entire body is overheated, consumed by the single need for him. His rigid cock sits between us, reminding me of exactly what I’m missing out on. Without thinking I grab his belt and yank it undone, followed swiftly by his button and fly. I thrust my hand inside his boxers and grab his thick cock in my hand. He trembles under my assault.

"Lilly." He groans against my lips. "God I want you so much. I've missed..." His breath hitches as I begin to move my hand up and down the length of his cock. His breath hisses through his teeth as I cup his balls, gently rubbing that spot just behind them. I kiss gently up his neck and lightly suck his earlobe. His breathing is laboured as he holds me close. One hand cups my bum whilst the other is wound firmly into my hair.

"Wait, wait." Theo pulls back and grabs my wrist stilling my hand. "Not here. Someone is bound to see."

I shrug. "Makes it more exciting doesn't it." I smile before pressing my lips to his and gently biting his bottom lip. He moans before carefully pulling away from me again.

"I...we can't be seen together Lilly. There's a lot of press here. I've already pushed it, the rumours will be rife tomorrow morning." He rolls his eyes.

Anger rises in an instant. I rip my hand away from him and step back.

"You're right, of course how stupid of me. We couldn't possibly have anyone think that
Theodore Ellis is fucking a solicitor." His face changes from shock to panic and finally anger. "It just wouldn't do would it." I snap out with clear venom. I try to appear logical and emotionally unaffected by this latest revelation, but my treacherous body shakes with anger and hurt.

"That is not what I mean..." Theo barks harshly as he hurriedly tucks his shirt in and refastens his trousers.

His harsh tone only serves to hurt me further, and so I turn and bolt before he can see my weakness.


"Lilly come back." He calls after me as I hurry back inside the Hotel. My chest clenches painfully, though I don't understand why. Why am I so angry? So hurt? I myself made it clear to him that I only wanted sex, and that's all it is, just sex. Why should I care who he does or doesn't want to be seen with? Maybe I’m just disappointed. I didn't think he cared about what anyone thinks of him, but I guess I was wrong. My feeling toward this whole situation has revealed something that scares me; it is not just sex and I am in too deep. I finally come to the shocking realisation that whatever this is or isn't, I actually trust him. I don't trust anybody, yet I trust him of all people. Oh god, this is a disaster waiting to happen. I've been kidding myself into thinking everything is just fine, well it's not. I can't do this. The panic starts to creep up my throat, threatening to choke me. I need to finish whatever strange arrangement we have or I will be the one to suffer the damage. The thought makes my chest constrict and a lump form in my throat. Both wavering and hardening my resolve.


I head back inside.

 George, Molly and Donnie are sat at a table sipping champagne.

"Guys I'm going. Donnie it was really great to see you again." Donnie nods.

"You going already?" George frowns.

"Yeah, I need to leave I uh...I don't feel well."

"How are you getting back?" Molly demands.

"Taxi." I lie.

"Okay. We'll see you tomorrow then I guess." Molly looks suspicious. I nod and quickly make my exit.

We didn't bother with the valet's. Instead I walk the two blocks to where the car is parked. I drove everyone here in Harry's BMW, he was already too pissed to drive. We were going to get a taxi and pick up the car in the morning. I know I’m probably over the limit, but I’m not drunk. I just desperately need to get out of here. I really can't deal with any of this right now.

I find the car and fumble with the fob, trying to find the button in the dim light, in doing so I drop the key.

"For fuck sake." I curse as I crouch and feel around until I find it.

"Please tell me you’re not intending to drive Lilly." The deep sultry voice has a bite of authority in it which makes my whole body stand to attention. I hate that he has this effect on me, even now.

I turn to face the silhouetted character behind me. "Yes, I am. As far as I can recall it has fuck all to do with you." I snap. I turn and force the key in the lock rather than fiddle with the fob again. The door unlocks and I pull it open before it's slammed shut in front of me.

Theo is standing right next to me with his hand against the door of the car. My temper is at breaking point right now.

"It has everything to do with me. You're not getting in that car." His voice is low, but stern and full of warning. I narrow my eyes at his shadowy figure, seething with rage.

"What is your problem?!" I scream at him. "I can do what the fuck I like. It has nothing to do with you!" I repeat, my blood practically boiling.

"Lilly, either way you are not driving home. We can do this the easy way or the hard way..." He steps forward pressing me against the car. His closeness does strange things to me, and as angry as I am with him, I can't help but want him. He stands so that his broad shoulders block me in.

"Give me the key Lilly." He whispers against my cheek. He's using his sex appeal to manipulate me. I close my eyes and take a deep breath. I fight through the fog clouding my mind. Summoning all my strength I shove hard against his chest. It's enough for him to take a step back. I seize the opportunity and storm down the street. I quickly hear footsteps coming up behind me before his arm wraps around my waist, pulling me up against his strong body.

“Let go of me.” I struggle in his arms.

"No." He growls. "You're walking through the streets of London on your own, at midnight, pissed and in
dress! Seriously’re just asking to get raped!"

The shock hits me like a punch in the gut and I freeze. A violent tremor shakes my body and I start to struggle for breath. Images flash through my mind at a hundred miles an hour. Voices. ‘
You ask for it you little slut. You like it’.
The smell of tobacco fills my senses threatening to make me gag. I squeeze my eyes shut trying to push the torment away. Fingers brush my cheek and I flinch away from the touch.

“Lilly. Lilly!” I snap back to the cold London street, and Theo’s concerned face staring back at me. His hands cup my cheeks as he studies me, worry etched all over his features.

“Don’t touch me.” I snap out. I can’t be touched right now. Not with the memory of
crawling over my skin.

He looks hurt. “What happened to you?” He whispers.

I look at the pavement. “Nothing. I need to go.”

I turn back to the parked Beemer, but Theo steps in front of me. “You still can’t drive Lilly.” My previous state is quickly over taken by boiling rage. Who the fuck does he think he is?!

“Can you not see that I don’t want to be around you right now?! Are you that fucking stupid!” I scream at him.

“Hard way it is.” He mumbles. Suddenly strong hands grab me around the waist and the next thing I know I’m being thrown over Theo's shoulder.

"Theo!" I scream. "Fucking put me down right now!"

“No, I don’t care what issue you have with me, you’re not driving home tonight, and you’re not staggering around at this time of night. Stop being such a fucking brat!” He shouts.

"Put me down." I try to keep my voice threatening.


Well, I asked nicely. From where I’m situated across his shoulder I manage to hook my arm around his neck, grabbing my wrist with the other hand I pull back, crushing his windpipe in the crook of my arm.

"Lilly!" He coughs.

I hold it there for a few more seconds. "Put me the fuck down." I keep my voice low. His grip on my thighs loosens. I release his neck and slide down his body until my feet touch the ground.

I straighten my skirt before turning to look at him. He's still coughing and his face is red.

"The next time you speak to me like that, you'll be needing a new windpipe." I growl. I turn and pull open the door of the car, it abruptly slams again. I grit my teeth and take a deep breath. He is seriously testing my patience now.

I turn and glare at him. "You're not driving home." He repeats.

"Really?" I smirk at him.

"Oh come on Lilly. You may have got one up on me when I wasn't expecting it, but we both know you can't take me." He rolls his eyes.

As my anger slowly subsides it gives way to the crippling unfamiliar pain in my chest. I take a deep breath, keeping my voice quiet so that he hopefully won't hear it break. "Please Theo. Just go. I'll be fine. I just need to leave right now."

"Why?" He growls.

"Because you're an arsehole!" I shout. Hello again anger, nice to see you rather than that bitch self-pity.

"Really Lilly?" He says through gritted teeth.

There is a long silence. "Because I can't be this close to you right now. Happy?!" I only hear him take a sharp breath. Fuck, I'm pathetic. He's fucking done this to me. I vowed this would never happen to me. I despise myself right now.

" have it all wrong..."

"Please Theo..." I beg. "Please just let me go." I whisper the words as my chest tightens.

"I..." He struggles.

"Please." I close my eyes, trying to force back my instincts to kiss him, to want to be near him, even as self-loathing invades every cell in my body.

"I'll give you what you want. I'll let you go Lilly. But you are not driving. I'll take you wherever you want to go." His words are hushed.

"Ugh! Please just leave." The pain in his eyes is too much to bare. I can't look at him. He opens the passenger door, waiting.

"Please Lilly." His voice is gentle and in the dim glow from the interior light I can see his broken expression.

"Fine." I climb in, fed up of fighting with him. We'll be out here all night at this rate.

We sit in silence as he winds his way around the streets of London. There's that usual energy between us that thrums through the small space in the car. I try very hard to ignore it, but it's difficult.

"You were wrong earlier." He says quietly. I say nothing. "It's not that I don't want to be seen with you Lilly. I don't want you to be seen with me."

"Theo, its fine. You don't have to explain. You need to be seen with the right people. I understand." I say calmly. The anxiety is clawing at me and I try to force it away. This will be fine. Better I do it sooner than later. I just need to summon the courage to deny my hopeless addiction to him, that's all it is, it's a chemical reaction. My body craves his, but it's just sex.

"Lilly..." He barks.

"It was just sex, I don't care." I stare out of the window at the passing blackness.

He growls and thumps his fist against the steering wheel. "Was? Shit Lilly! You don't get it. I've always been a horrible bastard. I seduce women, have sex with them and then don't ever speak to them again. I couldn't even tell you half their names. And I have no respect for any of them, because they're all so damn easy." He takes a deep breath, anger radiates from him. This information is nothing new to me. I'd spotted it the moment I met him. It's the reason I didn't want to be involved with him. His body relaxes slightly and his tone softens.

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