Best Friends Forever (10 page)

Read Best Friends Forever Online

Authors: Dawn Pendleton



As long as we’ve been friends, I can’t believe Rome would talk about my girl that way. Something is up with him, and although I’m pissed and don’t really want to know, I care. He’s my friend, always.

I recognize that we both need some space to calm down. I might need more time, though. Having my best friend dis the two girls I’ve slept with in the last twenty-four hours is a little infuriating. Not that he knows about Hazel. I think he’d be pissed, and with every right to be, if he knew I slept with his ex.

Whatever, I think. We’ll sort it out, eventually. For now, I need to talk to Hazel and figure out where her head is. With a full day of classes, though, I know I won’t see her until our calculus class. With a resigned sigh, I hit the showers, expecting them to be empty.

To my chagrin, Hazel is in one of the stalls. I walk right over to her and peer over the shower stall. The girl is definitely hot. Long legs, flat stomach, and toned arms all wrapped up in baby-soft skin that begs to be touched.

“Hey, sexy girl,” I say to her back. When she turns around, I’m rewarded with the sight of her beautiful breasts, nipples taut under the stream of water.

She puts her hands on her hips. “What are you doing here?”

“Mmm, I couldn’t get enough,” I answer her, pulling open the door. I lift the hem of my shirt as I step up into the shower and Hazel doesn’t push me out. A good sign. Before I can drop my arms, she’s unbuttoning my jeans. They drop and her skin meets mine in delicious agony. I put my shower bag on the hook in the stall then wrap my arms around her wet body. Once I step out of my shower shoes and jeans, I push her back against the stall. Under the steady pulse of the stream, I follow the path of the water along her sweet skin.

She doesn’t argue with me and I continue, moving my way down her body, giving direct attention to each of her pretty pink nipples, sucking them into my mouth on at a time. She throws her head back as my hand snakes down her belly and under her to the prize beneath. She’s so hot, so wet, I push my fingers inside her and put as much pressure as I can on her g-spot. She moans again, her body almost limp with pleasure. I decide to take it a step further.

I kneel down in front of her, lifting her left thigh up and over my shoulder and set my lips on her. Her succulent flesh fills my mouth and I growl into her. I feel her fingers delve into my wet hair, pulling the strands and forcing my head closer to her body. Just as she shudders against me, the door to the bathroom open. I hear laughter and glance up to Hazel, whose eyes are locked on the door.

“Hey, Hazel!” Des calls, and I hear her slip into the stall next to this one. I thank the heavens that these stalls go all the way to the floor, preventing her from seeing my feet.

Panicked, Hazel looks at me, but I stay where I am and Hazel gathers her wits. “Hey. girl. How’s it going? What are you doing in this building?” I press lazy kisses to the inside of her thigh, gently massaging her calves.

“It’s good. The maintenance people are working on our showers. We don’t have any running water at all, so they sent everyone to different residence buildings to get showers this morning. So, I guess you and Nolan didn’t study last night. Which is a good thing. We finally did it!”

Hazel tenses against me and I freeze, too. This is the last place I want to be for this conversation. I knew it would be inevitable, but to sit here and listen to it? Not my idea of a good time. Hazel’s hands are in my hair, pulling it roughly. I look up at her.

“Oops,” she says, her body wash slipping off the shelf and onto the floor. It smashes into my big toes and I bite back a grunt. She leans over to pick up the bottle and whispers to me. “Don’t touch me.” Her teeth are grit together, but when she stands back up, she pushes me away and forces a grin toward Des. “Tell me everything!”

Her fake excitedness worries me, but Des doesn’t pick up on it. “Oh, he was so sweet, Hazel! I think I am the luckiest girl alive. I have a feeling he might be the one!”

I cringe. Hearing that makes me feel like scum. But what else could I do? Telling her the truth would have broken her heart and not sleeping with her would have hurt her, too. I guess I’m destined to hurt the women in my life. Hazel. I keep my eyes on her and I notice, as she showers, that there are tears in her eyes that she tries to play off as water. She wipes them away and smiles at her friend as Des goes into way too much detail about last night, even telling Hazel how much it hurt and felt like she was being torn apart.

I’m more than a little grossed out by the description she gives. Hazel mumbles encouraging words, but I can tell she’s plotting my death. Thinking about how wonderful she tasted, I move against her again, running my hands up and down her legs. I’m surprised when she doesn’t push me away. In fact, when I get near her inner thighs, she spreads them a little, allowing me access as she washes herself. Not one to deny myself, I lean in and taste her again.

Hazel washes her long hair and the soap gets in my eyes, but I don’t stop my ministrations. I keep at it until I can tell she might come again. I slowly back off, not wanting her to scream or moan in front of Des.

“Aren’t you done yet?” Des asks a few minutes later, shutting off the shower stream in her stall.

“I have to shave my legs,” Hazel replies. I cup my hand around the back of her knee and lift her leg up and over my shoulder again.

“Alright. Well, I have to get ready for my next class. I’ll see you later, okay?” After a brief pause, the bathroom door opens again and closes, leaving me alone with Hazel.

I try to press farther into her to give her another orgasm, but she pulls away, removing her leg. I stand up, my knees sore from being on the tile so long. When I move to wrap my arms around her, she slaps me.

“How dare you! Do you really think it’s okay to sleep with two girls in less than a day? How disgusting are you?”

I know there’s no excuse for my behavior, but I try to appeal to her senses. “Look, Des would have known something was up if I didn’t sleep with her. She came to my room last night and had this whole seduction planned. I didn’t want to sleep with her. In fact, when I fucked her, I pictured you. I imagined it was you whose virginity I was taking.” I drop my voice low. “I wanted it to be you.”

She sighs. “That’s almost romantic. The problem is, it wasn’t me. And Des is going to hate you now, if she ever finds out that you slept with me first.”

“We won’t tell her,” I mutter, moving closer to her. I put my hands on her luscious hips and she melts into me.

“Fine. We won’t tell her, yet. But we do need to tell her. Right now, I want you to fuck me,” she says and my heart soars.

I grab a condom out of my shower bag, roll it on, and face her. I know she won’t need much preparation, so I back her up against the tile wall and lift her hips. She wraps her thighs around my hips and just like that, I press into her. We both sigh at the contact.

Several minutes later, I leave the shower, dressed, sated, and ready to face the world.





The day passes slowly. All I can think about are the girls in my life. While my original intention at the beginning of the year was to sleep with as many girls as possible, especially the ones in our little group, now I think I could settle for just these two. Hazel is demanding, voicing her opinions and sexual preferences without reservation. She’s exactly what I want in the bedroom.

Des is innocent, inexperienced. It makes her adorable, but more importantly, her innocence means she’ll do what I want, without question because she loves me. Or, at least, I am pretty sure she does. She hasn’t said it yet, but she did say she would never sleep with a guy she didn’t love.

Classes are boring until I walk into calculus and find Hazel already waiting. Normally, she’s almost late for each class because of her schedule, but she’s already in her seat, eyeing me seductively. I take in her outfit and suck in a breath. Her makeup is the usual, but instead of the goth/emo tank tops I’m accustomed to, she’s in a tight, white T-shirt. The V neck dips low, revealing her cleavage, and even though I know she must be wearing a push-up bra, I want to rip her clothes off and make love to her right there on her desk.

What I do instead is walk past her, trail my fingers across the back of her neck, and smile at her shudder. He chest heaves and I know she’s as turned on as I am, but there’s nothing we can do about right now, so we both try to focus on the equations on the board.

At the end of class, our professor asks Hazel to stay put so he can talk to her. I’m pissed. I only have twenty minutes between classes and I want to talk to her, but I leave the room, knowing if I stay, people will talk. And if that talk gets to Des, I’m screwed.

Outside, I run into Roman.

“I’m sorry, man. I talked to Cheyanne and she let me know that it wasn’t anyone from our group. In fact, I just talked to Des and I’d like to take the two of you and Hazel out to dinner, as an apology. I owe you that much,” he says.

Personally, I think he owes us much more, but I agree. “If Hazel wants to go, we’ll go, too. But if she doesn’t, I still expect you to find her and apologize.”

“Absolutely. I don’t want to ruin our friendship,” he says.

We shake hands just as Hazel comes out of the building. She’s flushed and I wonder if our professor yelled at her for something. I’ll have to ask her later, though.

“Seriously, Roman? Didn’t you get enough this morning?”

“I don’t want trouble. I was just telling Nolan that I want to apologize. I’d like to take you guys and Destiny out to dinner tonight. I want to make up for this morning.”

She looks at me and I nod. “Fine, I’ll go. But I can and will kick your ass again if you ever touch me like that in the future.” Her threat doesn’t fall on deaf ears. I watch, amused, as Roman rubs his sore jaw.

“I understand.”

Hazel walks away, but Roman sticks around and I realize I won’t have a chance to talk to her before dinner. I hope it won’t be awkward.

“She’s a spitfire, huh?” Roman is staring after her, his eyes on her ass.

I glare at him, jealous. He had her first and although I don’t hold that against her, I definitely hold it against him. “So what happened with you two anyway?”

“I just needed space. She’s clingy,” he says with a laugh and I chuckle along. I haven’t experienced her being clingy at all.

“I know what you mean. Des is, too,” I say.

“Damn women. They’ll be the death of us,” he mutters, stalking off without so much as a see you later.

I glance at my phone and realize I’m going to be late. Shit!






Dinner, as it turns out, is at the local Italian place, a restaurant I know Destiny loves. She offers Roman her forgiveness without much of an apology, but she also wasn’t there when he accused her. Hazel, I notice, is uncomfortable at the table and keeps shifting in her seat.

“You okay?” Destiny leans over to ask her friend after we order.

“Yeah, it’s just awkward,” Hazel whispers back. Of course, Des assumes the awkwardness is because of Roman, when in actuality, it’s because of her.

Hazel hasn’t quite figured out how to act around Destiny now that they’re both sleeping with me, and I want so badly to boast about my conquests to Roman. He is, after all, my friend. And even though I didn’t want to forgive him this soon, I find myself saying the words over dinner.

“Let’s put the whole thing behind us,” I say, lifting my water glass and toasting the four of us.

“Thanks, man,” Roman says, clinking his glass against mine and then Hazel’s. His gaze lingers on her and I draw a deep breath for strength to keep it together.

When he leans over and whispers something I can’t hear in her ear, I watch as her face lights up and then she excuses herself and goes to the bathroom. Roman, I notice, is smiling like an idiot.

He takes a large gulp of his water and then proclaims he has to piss. So crude, I think, and then I wonder if it was on purpose, to get Des and me thinking about how rude he is instead of the fact that he just followed Hazel to the bathroom.

“What an ass. I don’t know what she ever saw in him,” Des comments to me, her eyes on Roman’s back.

“No kidding. Did you hear what he said to her?”

“Nope. Hazel is smart, though. She won’t take him back.” She’s confident in her friend, but I wonder if she would.

“You never know. People do crazy things,” I say.

“Oh, salad’s here,” Des says excitedly as the waiter sets plates and salad bowls down, as well as large bowl of premixed leafy greens, veggies, and dressing. A basket of fresh baked bread is also set on the table.

Des and I dig in, helping ourselves to the delicious food. I know I’ll eat too much, but I have a feeling I’ll need to fill my stomach in order to perform tonight. Hazel or Des, it doesn’t matter who, but one of them is sleeping in my room tonight.

When the meals arrive and neither Hazel nor Roman is back, I start to worry. Des mimics my fear.

“I hope they aren’t hooking up in the bathroom,” Des mumbles, lifting her fork to eat her fettuccine.

“I hope not too. I’ll go check,” I offer, standing.

“That’s a good idea. Make sure she’s not doing something stupid,” she says, waving me off.

I walk toward the bathrooms with a sense of impending doom. As much as I don’t want to accept it, I realize that the chances are high I’ll find Roman and Hazel in the middle of something.

I push open the men’s room door, walk in, and check each stall. Empty. With severe caution, I go back to the small hallway and nudge the women’s room door open just a crack. I stop breathing.

Roman is standing near the sink with his pants around his ankles. His hands grip the sink so hard, his knuckles are white. Down on her knees in front of him is Hazel, my lovely, fiery-tempered Hazel. Her lips are locked around his cock and she’s eager to please him. From this angle, I can clearly see Hazel’s sultry brown eyes, closed in ecstasy as she bobs her head up and down. When her eyes meet mine, though, I’m frozen in place, unable to look away. She continues to suck him, but she stares at me while she does it and I feel myself get hard.

Roman doesn’t notice Hazel staring at me. His eyes are closed, his head thrown back in pleasure while Hazel works her magic on him. I remember exactly how hard that mouth of hers can suck, bringing me to the very edge and then backing off just enough to keep me from going over. Hazel’s eyes fall to my pants and I look down, realizing that I’m stroking myself through them, and my erection is painfully obvious. She stares at it longingly and forces Roman’s dick deep in her throat.

A discrete cough sounds behind me and I pull the door closed, fold my hands in front of my jeans, and turn around. A girl, probably no older than fifteen, is glaring at me.

“Are you done with your peepshow, perv?”

Caught off-guard, I laugh. She rolls her eyes and pushes past me into the bathroom. I peek in behind her and Hazel is at the sink, applying lipstick, and Roman is nowhere to be seen. With a sigh, I back away from the bathroom and walk back to our table.

“Everything okay? You were gone for a while,” Des says as I sit down.

“Yeah, they were fighting. I had to break it up,” I lie smoothly.

A minute later, Hazel returns to the table, flushed and breathless. She sits next to Destiny, who sends a sympathetic look. Confused, Hazel turns to me as Roman approaches.

“I told Des I caught you two fighting,” I say, emphasizing the word fighting.

“Oh.” Hazel stares at me, her tongue peeking out to lick her lips. She’s taunting me, I think.

“We’re okay now, though,” Roman comments.

“Yep. We’re right as rain,” Hazel smiles.

It’s like I’m caught in my own personal hell. I want to jump across the table and show Hazel exactly how I feel and what I think about her sexual escapade with Roman, but at the same time, I’m tied to Des, and that means I can’t do a damn thing. Not right now, anyway.



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