Best Friends Forever (2 page)

Read Best Friends Forever Online

Authors: Dawn Pendleton



Dinner is more junk food than health food, but we manage to stay away from the pizza, which actually looks appetizing, despite Audric’s warning. I scarf down a chicken patty and French fries while Cheyanne opts for a cheeseburger. It’s not too bad, either.

The freshmen fifteen are well on their way to my hips by the time we make it back to our dorm room. I collapse on my bed, feeling fuller than I have all summer. Of course, I’ve been dieting like crazy for the last three months to be in the best shape of my life for my first year of college. Even if I do gain the freshmen fifteen, I will still weigh less than I did when I graduated high school.

My phone buzzes in my pocket and I open up a message from an unknown number.


Hey, it’s Audric. Party is at Atlantic Beach, at the end of 29th Avenue S. Be there at 8.


“Got the party details,” I say to Cheyanne, shaking my phone at her.

She smiles. “Where at?”

“Atlantic Beach. I’ve never heard of it,” I tell her.

“It’s a tiny section of Myrtle that’s mostly abandoned. I think there are a total of four houses that are occupied, and they’re all mellow people. It used to be a bad neighborhood, but now the only thing causing trouble are the parties college kids throw there.” Cheyanne laughs. “Guess we’ll be adding to it, tonight.”

“Guess so,” I agree with a forced smile. I lift my phone to type a reply to Audric.

Does Cheyanne have to come? She’s already annoying me.

I press send and wait impatiently while Cheyanne rambles on about what she’s going to wear. It takes all my willpower not to roll my eyes as she pulls out a pair of faded skinny jeans. My phone buzzes.

Yeah, you have to bring C. Roman wants to talk to her, I guess. Invest in earplugs ;)

I laugh out loud and Cheyanne looks at me questioningly. “Uhh, a friend from back home just texted me.”

She seems to accept that and goes on to pick out a tank top. August in Myrtle Beach is hardly jeans weather.

At least I’ll have someone to hang out with tonight…

I reply to Audric and then set my phone down on my bed as I go to my own dresser to figure out what to wear. I’m almost positive a mini-skirt is in order. It’s perfect for the beach, and if anyone decids to go swimming, at least I’ll have less clothes to remove.

I choose my shortest jean skirt and pair it with a faded pale black button-up tank top. I grab my favorite black bra and matching panties and then heft my shower bag over my shoulder, lifting two towels onto my arm.

“I’m hitting the shower,” I tell Cheyanne, who is still trying to decide on a top.

“Sure. I’ll be here when you get back,” she says without looking up.

I do roll my eyes this time, more certain than ever that her getting pregnant was indeed a mistake. Roman would not want to be stuck with her for the rest of his life. He must be the type to enjoy a one-night stand. And with that thought, a plan forms in my head, one that will get Roman over Cheyanne. And maybe, just maybe, get him under me.

The showers are clean, though I doubt they’ll stay that way. I set my clothes and shower bag on a shelf and then strip down to just my underwear. I grab two towels and my bag and go into one of the stalls, closing the door and latching it before I strip completely naked.

I make sure to keep my shower short, as the student handbook requests, washing my long hair as quickly as possible. I wrap the smaller towel around my hair, doing that hair flip thing girls seem to know how to do from the moment they’re born. The larger towel I use to dry off completely. I carry my underwear and shower bag back to the shelf I left my clothes on. The door opens and in walks Roman, looking hot as hell and twice as devilish.

Co-ed bathrooms are getting easier to get used to. Roman nods at me with a smile but says nothing, going straight to a stall to shower. The stalls are only about five-and-a-half feet tall, which means I can see him and he can see me, but he doesn’t look my way. He pulls his shirt over his head and then disappears from view as he removes his jeans. The shower spray turns on and I turn away from him as he throws his jeans and shirt over the stall door.

I look into the mirror above the shelf and pull the towel from my head. I shake my hair loose and notice in the mirror that Roman is looking at me. His eyes trail down my body and when he looks back at me in the mirror, he winks. My heartbeat speeds up and I smile back, thinking that maybe this is my opportunity to get Roman.

Feeling extra sure of myself, especially my body, I undo the towel that covers me and use it to towel off the parts of me that are still wet. I don’t make eye contact with Roman again while I dry off, but I get the sense that he’s watching me. Without looking up into the mirror, I grab my panties and pull them on slowly, letting him see every movement. I pull up my skirt next, the material tight against my still-damp body. I do up the button and tug on the zipper, adjusting the material around my hips so it fits just right.

I can’t stand the suspense anymore and I look into the mirror to see if he’s watching me. My eyes clash with his and he blushes. So cute! I wink at him this time as I put on my bra, taking my time so he gets a good view.

By the time I’m covered up, Roman has turned his attention back to the shower, so I turn around and face him when I pull on my tank top. The fabric is thin enough to show, very clearly, that I’m wearing a black bra and I find it invigorating. When Roman glances at me, he smiles, as though he likes what he sees.

I gather up my stuff, careful not to let my shirt get wet from my towels, and toss the bag over my shoulder.

“Nice seeing you, Roman,” I say as I give my hips an extra shake for him.

“Nice seeing you, too, Hazel,” he says with a chuckle.

And just like that, I know I will have him. Maybe not tonight, maybe not this week, but before the semester is up, I will be sleeping with Roman.





There’s something about a hot August night at the beach that really turns me into someone I never thought I would be.

Cheyanne and I arrive at eight-fifteen, after she assured me that arriving late would be better than getting there early. I have to admit, she was right. We are still among the first people there, but there’s a small crowd. I pick Roman and Audric out immediately, leading Cheyanne to them.

“You didn’t tell me Roman was going to be here,” she whispers harshly in my ear.

“I didn’t know. Chill out,” I whisper back and then turn my attention back to the guys as we approach. “Audric!” I step forward and put my arms around his waist, initiating a hug I’m not sure he wants to reciprocate. He does, though, but I guess it’s because he doesn’t want to be rude.

My goal is to make Roman jealous and out of the corner of my eye, I swear he’s seething. “You didn’t tell me you and Hazel were so close, Audric,” he says to his roommate as we pull apart.

“I didn’t know we were,” I hear Audric mumble.

“Audric and I go way back,” I lie, just to incite Roman’s anger.

“I see.” He’s obviously pissed off and I think I’ve got him right where I want him. “Hazel, nice to see you again.”

“Ditto. Although I wish I’d seen more of you,” I say in a hushed whisper as I move to stand next to him.

Cheyanne shuffles her feet, suddenly uncomfortable, although I can tell she wants to say something to me, probably about my interest in Roman.

Seeing her discomfort, Audric speaks up. “Cheyanne, can I get you something to drink?”

“Sure. Actually, I’ll just go with you,” she says with a glare at me.

She and Audric aren’t gone for more than ten seconds before Roman turns to me. “Are we going to keep playing this little game?”

“Which game is that?” I ask, feigning complete innocence.

“You know which game,” he says, his breath in my ear. Before I have a chance to reply, a group comes up to us.

“Roman! How’s it going, man?” a tall black guy with a shaved head says to Roman. Beside him are two girls, both with that girl next door look with dirty blonde hair. They look like they could be sisters, they’re so alike. Their only difference is their eyes – one has blue and the other has brown eyes.

“Andre, good to see you. I see you brought the entertainment,” he nods at the girls, who both gasp. Hell, even I knew it was a joke.

“He’s kidding, girls. Roman, this is Miranda.” Andre gestures toward brown eyes. “And this is Destiny.” He puts an arm around Destiny’s shoulders, obviously staking a claim. His eyes meet mine and he raises a brow.

“Oh. I’m Hazel,” I introduce myself, as Roman seems to have lost interest in me and is now staring intently at blue eyes.

Andre smiles at me momentarily before glaring at Roman, who hasn’t taken his eyes off Destiny. It’s awkward for a second, eternally awkward until Roman puts an arm around my shoulder. Andre backs off, relieved.

“Let’s get this party started!” a voice yells from behind us.

We all turn to stare at the guy and I have to admit, he’s very attractive. He’s at least a few years older than us, but he’s ruggedly handsome with a few days’ worth of stubble along his jaw. His hair is wildly curly and dark brown, bordering black. His chocolate-brown eyes are deep, intense. I find myself staring into them as he approaches the group with several solo cups of cheap beer.

“Who wants one?” he asks and I raise my hand faster than anyone. He shoves one at me, spilling a little on my skirt, but I don’t mind. “Sorry about that, cutie,” he apologizes with a wink.

Are all the guys at Coastal Carolina built to turn me on?

I smile but don’t say anything. “Roman, glad you could make it,” he says, handing Roman a cup.

“I wouldn’t miss it. Nolan, this is Hazel,” Roman introduces me; apparently he’s snapped out of his stupor and remembers that we are kind of together.

“Hazel, so nice to meet you. Stay away from this one,” he suggests with a laugh.

“I think I can handle him,” I retort, sure of myself.

“Oh, Rome, you’ve got a hot one on your hands,” Nolan laughs. “Andre, man, what’s good? I missed you at initiation.”

Andre looks guilty. “I told you I didn’t want to pledge, Nolan,” he says seriously.

“Easy, man, I’m just kidding. No frats for you. But you’ll still be the best man at my wedding,” Nolan assures him.

“Oh, are you married?” Miranda asks, speaking up for the first time. A slow blush creeps up her neck as soon as she utters the words.

Nolan laughs. “I was speaking metaphorically. Not engaged,” he replies. “They’re about to start the bonfire, let’s go.” Nolan leads us all to the large circle of driftwood and camp wood. It’s hardly a bonfire, but it’s big enough, so I don’t point that out. Not to mention, I don’t want to piss anyone off.

Someone had dragged several logs to the fire, spreading them out around the flames for people to sit. There are six of us and we crowd on two logs, three to a log. I squished between Roman and Nolan, and there’s really no place I’d rather be.

I keep quiet while they all talk about their majors, classes they’ve signed up for, and what they want to do with their lives. I’m entranced by Roman and his assertiveness, his confidence. He knows exactly what he wants and he has no problems telling people exactly how he’s going to get it.

“I’m going to get an engineering degree and do classified civilian work for the government,” he tells the group as Cheyanne and Audric approach. “I’ve got money to make.”

I see Cheyanne roll her eyes, but she doesn’t say anything. Nolan stands to give up his seat for her. She sits and whispers to me. “Who the hell are all these people?”

I laugh. “Everyone,” I address the group. “This is my roommate, Cheyanne. Cheyanne, this is Nolan, Andre, Miranda, and Destiny.” I point out each person to her. Cheyanne and Nolan exchange a look I can’t place, but I ignore it.

Everyone says hello to Cheyanne and I notice Andre is extremely attentive to what she says. Nolan walks away to do a keg stand and I admire his physique when his shirt rides up, revealing his muscled chest. He’s hot, but when he stands upright again, his eyes are on Cheyanne. Frustrated, I get up and walk away from the group, eager to be alone for just a moment. When I feel a hand on my shoulder, I’m surprised to see it’s Roman.

“You okay?”

“Yeah, I just needed some fresh air. I think the bonfire smoke was getting to me.”

“Let’s take a walk,” he suggests and takes my hand. My heart skips a beat. “So, I’m really glad you came.”

“Oh? Because I seem to recall you saying that Cheyanne was your girlfriend,” I mutter, anger building up inside me.

“That was a bad move, I know. And I’m sorry. I honestly thought she and I would get back together. We have a history, you know? And we’ve been on-again, off-again for the last four years. I guess I assumed she would get lonely at college and come back to me again.”

“Wow, there’s so much wrong with everything you just said,” I say, pulling my hand from his and stopping as we neared the water. Large waves crash over the sand. “First, don’t hit on another girl when you’re obviously still pining for your ex. Second, it’s only the first day. If Cheyanne is going to get lonely, it won’t be today. And third, if you aren’t ready to move on, don’t lead me on.” I’m proud of my little speech, although I don’t know how much I actually mean it. Roman is hot, and if he likes me, I’m definitely ready to go all the way. But I don’t want to be his second choice.

He runs a hand through his hair. “I know. I just thought things would be different.” He sits on the sand with his arms on his knees. “I’m sure you heard us fighting earlier. I know you and Audric pretended to be…indisposed, but he told me what he heard outside the door. I don’t care, I just wanted to try to make things work with her.”

I sat beside him. “I get it. Really, I do. But I don’t appreciate being used, if that’s what you’re doing – trying to make her jealous,” I tell him. My gaze drifts to the water, the calming sounds of the waves washing over me.

“I don’t want to use you. I like you. I don’t want you to be just a rebound, either,” he says, and I look at him. Really look at him. He’s hurting; his heart is on his sleeve and I am helpless to the rush of emotions flooding my body.

Without thinking, I lean into him, pulling on his shirt so his head descends on mine. His lips are full and soft and I’m lost when he probes at my lips with his tongue. He deepens the kiss, tipping my head back while pulling me closer. His hands roam freely across my back and my own hands are trapped between us. I clutch his shirt for support as he pushes me down so I’m lying on my back. In the back of my mind, I know I should tell him to stop, to not let it go too far. But he’s warm, and I feel alive under his skillful touch.



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