Best Friends Forever (11 page)

Read Best Friends Forever Online

Authors: L.A. Thompson

Wait a minute!
What am I
Grant said no touching myself and
no coming until he says so.
Not normally one to take orders, I was
strangely reluctant to ignore his warnings.
I wondered if the suspense would enhance the experience.
I just
hope he doesn’t keep me waiting too long.
Quickly finishing my shower…without playing with myself…I dried my hair
and put on minimal makeup.
Grant has always said he prefers it when I
don’t wear a lot of makeup
realized that the sarong would not allow me to wear much in the way of under
garments and quickly grabbed a sexy black lace thong from my drawer, forgoing a
I don’t bounce around too much.

Slipping on the red and black sarong,
I searched my closet until I found a pair of strappy little black sandals with
do-me heels that would go good with the dress and which added four inches to my
short stature.
Digging further in the
closet, I grabbed the small black clutch purse that matched my shoes.
Glancing at the clock, I realized I had just
enough time to switch out purses before Grant picked me up.
Taking one last look in the full-length
mirror, I was
pleased at my
I actually looked sort of
sexy with my red curls flowing over my bare shoulders and the snug little
sarong that showed a hint of the tops of my large breasts and ended mid-thigh.
I hope
Grant likes it.

Rushing down the hall, I quickly grabbed
my wallet and keys from my other purse and threw them, along with nude lip
gloss, into my clutch when I heard a fast rap on the door.
Throwing open the door, I waited nervously for
his reaction.
His eyes widened and his
jaw dropped as his gaze travelled over me, first down then up before he slowly
met my eyes.
Babe, you look
I’m going to have
to keep a close eye on you tonight to make sure somebody doesn’t steal you

Chapter Eight


I was so nervous as I walked down the hall to Meri’s that I was practically
sweating buckets. 
would be the turning point in our relationship. 
She would
be my best friend and the most
important person in my life, but…
tonight, if
everything goes as plans,
she’ll be…what?
My lover? My
I don’t think
she’s ready to be my wife, or even my fiancé, but soon…soon.
Stopping at her door, I knocked
instead of using my key. 
wanted this to be a
The door opened and
oh my god
, she looked like a
 Baby, you look
Meri blushed the prettiest shade of
“ you really like it?”
I took her small hand in mine and gently spun
her around.
“Like it? 
I’m going to have to keep a close eye
on you tonight to make sure somebody doesn’t steal you away.”

She blushed even
more fiercely and my cock jumped in response.
I leaned in and planted a soft kiss next to the corner of one of her
beautiful eyes.
“Trust me, hon.
Where we’re going, you’ll be turning heads
left and right.”
I grinned down at
“I hope anybody we run into has
whiplash insurance.”
She giggled and
playfully slapped me on the arm.
not looking so bad yourself, baby.”
Wanting to make her feel special, I’d dressed up a bit from my usual
jeans and t-shirts, wearing dark slacks and a white dress shirt with the
sleeves cuffed.
She flicked my tie with
one finger and grinned.
“Nice tie,
I glanced down at the black
tie covered with dancing red she-devils and grinned.
“It was a special gift from a
very naughty

Holding out my arm for her, I grinned down at my naughty librarian.
“Shall we, milady?”
She took my arm, grinning up at me.
“Why yes, milord.”
Closing her door behind us, we made our way
to the elevator.
The doors opened and we
stepped inside, greeting the Brinkmeyers, the elderly couple who lived one
floor above us.
Mrs. Brinkmeyer, always
a sourpuss, simply nodded and looked at Meri’s dress disapprovingly, while her
husband, the friendlier of the two, smiled and said hello.
As the elevator doors closed, I noticed that
the old man’s eyes were trained avidly on Meri’s pert little ass.
And, apparently, I wasn’t the only one who
noticed, for my sweet little minx turned and smiled at the old man.
As we stepped off the elevator, she grinned
at me before giving Mr. Brinkmeyer a saucy little wink.
I swear I could see steam coming out of Mrs.
Brinkmeyer’s ears at that.

We barely made it to the parking lot and out of the Brinkmeyers’
earshot before we both busted up laughing.
“I can’t believe that old pervert, staring at my butt like that.”
I grasped her shoulder and turned her until
her back was to me.
“I don’t know,
Looks to me like the old man has
wonderful taste in women’s bottoms.”
twisted sideways to look at her rear.
“This dress makes it look fat.
Oh!” she yelped when I swatted her firmly on one perfect, round ass cheek.
“What did I say about that, young lady?”
Rubbing the offending body part, she gave me
her pouty face and I melted.
close to her ear, “You have the most delicious ass and I don’t want to hear you
call it fat again.
She looked up
at me through her lashes.
“Yes what?”
Her voice suddenly became breathy and soft.
“Yes, sir.”
My cock immediately stood at attention and ready for duty.
“Good girl.”

In an effort to take my mind off her smoking hot body and my
raging hard-on, I helped her into the car before backing out of my parking
space and pulling on to the road.
teased, “Well, at least the old man didn’t pinch your butt.”
She snickered, “Why do you think I refuse to
ride in the elevator alone with him anymore?”
My head jerked around and I nearly swerved off the road.
“He didn’t.”
She grinned and nodded her head.
“Oh, yes he did.”
“But the old
guy’s got to be in his eighties!”
“Ninety-two last May, in fact.”
couldn’t help but laugh, “Seriously?
Damn, baby, does this mean I have to beat the old lecher up for hitting
on my woman?”
She cocked one shapely
brow at me.

I glared at
“You obviously are forgetting the
rules, woman.”

“Ru…rules?” she squeaked, her eyes wide.
“What are the rules, you naughty little
“Um…no touching myself and…and no
coming without your permission?”
She licked her lips nervously.
“And…I have to obey you.”
The quicker you realize it, the better.
For tonight, I am the master and you are…my student.
Tomorrow, we’ll move on from there.
Can you do that?
Can you obey me and allow me complete control
over you for tonight?
If you can’t do
that, just say the word and I’ll turn the car around.
We’ll…we’ll go back to the way we were before
two nights ago, just friends.
It’s your
Do you want me to turn the car
Please say no.
Please say
She didn’t say anything for a
few moments and my heart nearly failed.
Unable to suppress a small sigh of disappointment, I flipped on the
directional and prepared to make a U-turn.

“No,” she said softly.
I quickly
pulled over to the side of the road and stopped.
Turning, I looked at her questioningly.
“What…what was that?”
She bit her lip nervously before turning to
Lifting her chin, she met my
“I said no, I don’t want you to
turn the car around.”
Lowering her gaze,
she looked up through her lashes at me and gave a small, sweet smile.
Unable to stop myself, I threaded my fingers through her hair and cupped
the back of her neck.
Pulling her face
to mine, I pressed a hard kiss to her sweet lips.
Pulling back, I stared at her a moment.
“Good girl.”
I pulled back on the road and continued on to the restaurant, pretending
I didn’t notice the small, satisfied smile on her lips.


Oh my.
I’ve never seen Grant so forceful.
I have to say…I really like this new dominant
My pussy is so wet right now and
my clit tingles.
If he doesn’t let me
come soon, I think I’ll explode!
that make me a perv?
Grant pulled into the parking lot of a new upscale restaurant a few
miles from home.
“I know we both wanted
to try this place when it first opened.
I thought tonight would be a good time to do so.”
He stopped in front of the valet and a young
man opened my door.
I started to step
out but Grant stopped me with a hand on my arm.
Unsure what he wanted me to do, I waited as he handed the keys to the
valet and then came around the front of the car.
Nodding to the young man who was holding my
door, he reached in and took my hand, helping me from the car.

kept my eyes down, looking at Grant through my lashes, as I took his arm.
As we walked in to the restaurant, I couldn’t
help but notice how the valet and the other young man follow us with their
Are they watching my butt?
I couldn’t help the small shiver
of delight that ran through my body.
Glancing quickly up at Grant, I found him staring down at me, a smug
grin on his face.
He leaned down and
murmured quietly, “I told you that you’d turn heads.”
He opened the restaurant door and held it for
Stepping up to the hostess’ podium,
he told the pretty woman standing there, “We have a reservation under
She smiled at him and I felt a strong
jolt of jealousy.
Stop looking at my man like you want to eat him up, bitch!
“Right this way.”
She smiled again and sashayed through the
dining room.

hand possessively at the small of my back, we followed the young hostess to our
table, where Grant pulled out my chair and seated me before taking his own
The hostess smiled again at Grant
and I wanted to scratch her eyes out.
“The wine steward will be here in a moment.”
She handed him the wine menu before sashaying
A moment later, a nice looking man
in his fifties appeared at our table.
nodded amiably to Grant before turning a bright smile my way. “Good evening,
I am Tomas, your wine
Grant frowned at Tomas before
closing the wine menu.
“We’d like a
bottle of your best cabernet sauvignon.”
“Very good, sir.”
Taking the menu
from Grant, he walked away.

asked quietly.
“Why did you frown at the
poor man like that?
If…if you don’t mind
my asking, sir?”
Grant growled
“I don’t like the way he was
looking at you.”
“But…all he did was
smile at me.”
“Yes, and, after all these
years, I am suddenly finding that I’m a very jealous man when it comes to you,
I ducked my head and tried
to hide a small smile of pleasure.
chuckled and I glanced up at him through my lashes.
“I saw that smile, baby.”
He took my hand and brought it to his lips,
kissing it gently.
“Have I ever told you
how much I love your smile?”
I felt my
face blush a bright pink but I couldn’t help but smile.
“No, sir, I don’t believe you have?”
He looked shocked, “Seriously?
In thirty years, I have never once said how
your smile makes me warm inside?”
I bit
my lip nervously and gave a tiny shake of my head.

softly kissed my fingers.
“Well, from
now on, I’m going to make it a point to tell you what a wonderful smile you
have every day…for the rest of our lives.”
I looked up through my lashes at him and smiled.
“I’d like that.”
We were interrupted by Tomas, who presented a
bottle of wine to Grant for inspection.
While the two of them went through the ritual sniffing and tasting, I
gazed at the handsome man across the table from me.
He is
so handsome.
And this new dominant side
of him makes my insides melt into goo.
Who knew I’d get so turned on being subservient to a man.
No…not just any man…
My man?
I like the sound of that.
Tomas poured my wine and I smiled a thank
After he left the bottle of wine,
Grant picked up his glass and smiled.
“Thank you, sweetheart, for giving me a chance to…”

then we were interrupted by a young waiter who introduced himself as
“Are you ready to order or
would you like more time?”
Grant shook
his head, “No, we’re ready.
The lady
will have the filet mignon, medium, with steamed vegetables.
I’ll have the same.
And we’d also like your house salad.
Bring the lady’s with oil and vinegar on the
side and mine with your house dressing, also on the side.
Thank you.”
Ricardo nodded his head, “Excellent choices, sir.
He left and I looked at Grant.
“Filet mignon?
I…normally I would have had the
He simply looked at me, one
brow raised.
I looked down.
“I’m sorry, sir.
Thank you for ordering for me.”
He took my hand.
“Baby, look at
I looked up and met his eyes,
surprised at the soft smile on his face.

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