Read Best Friends Forever Online

Authors: L.A. Thompson

Best Friends Forever (13 page)

As we followed Mina down a long hall past a beautiful staircase,
I watched Meri out of the corner of my eye.
I couldn’t help but grin at how wide her eyes were as she gazed around
at the elaborate and decadent décor.
Nude statuary on marble pedestals could be seen around the large entry
and hall, while elaborate tapestries and oil paintings depicted men and women
in various stages of undress and sensual poses.
One oriental statue, in particular, seemed to have captured her
A large jade replica of an
ancient Chinese statue depicted a loving couple with their clothing in
It was apparent from the looks
on their faces that the husband had just completed
his sated and very satisfied wife.
Meri stared at the statue, her breathing
My slacks suddenly became
tighter when I realized just how turned on she was at the mere sight of such

“It’s a beautiful statue, isn’t it?” I murmured in her ear.
Starting, her wide eyes flew to my face.
I chuckled when her face turned a pretty shade
of bright pink.
Oh, yes.
She is most definitely
turned on.
I suddenly realized that
Mina had stopped at a door at the end of the hallway and was waiting, her eyes
downcast submissively.
As I remembered,
it led to Malcolm’s office.
As we caught
up with her, Mina tapped lightly on the door.
Mina opened the door and
we stepped inside.
The tall blonde, her
eyes still downcast, stepped quietly to where Malcolm was seated in a large
wingback chair in front of a beautiful fireplace.
She knelt at the side of the chair, resting
her hands on her knees.
“Master Malcolm,
your guests have arrived.”

“Thank you, love.”
Malcolm stood.
“Grant, my boy,
it’s good to see you.”
He held out his
hand and I shook it before he pulled me in for a hug.
We hadn’t seen one another in several years
but at one time, Malcolm was my mentor and my friend.
He grinned and looked at Meri.
“Malcolm, I’d like you to meet Meredith
Malcolm laughed, a hearty,
deep laugh that seemed to come from somewhere outside his tall, slender
“Ah, Grant, I see you’ve brought
me a bonny, wee, Irish lass to play with.”
Meri started and edged closer to me, her eyes big.
I chuckled and wrapped my arm around
“Don’t mind him, hon.
He likes to joke around.
Remember what we talked about outside?”
Her eyes downcast, she nodded and whispered,
“Yes sir.”
Malcolm smiled and reached to
touch her face, stopping within an inch of her chin.
Glancing at me, he asked, “May I?”

At my terse nod, Malcolm lifted Meri’s chin until she met his
“Oh, she is a beauty, my boy.
And those gorgeous eyes!
I can see why you’re so attached to her.
It’s a pleasure to meet you lass.
If you ever tire of this boy, I’d be glad to
show you what a
can do for
Her face and upper chest flushed
Raising one brow, she jerked her
chin from his hand and stared at him.
“Not bloody likely.”
Oh crap.
I don’t think a woman has ever talked back to Malcolm without receiving
a healthy dose of discipline for doing so.
Grabbing Meri’s arm, I pulled her close before giving her a hard swat on
her sweet little ass.
As she gasped, I
turned her to face me.
you’ve forgotten yourself, Meri, and are in need of a lesson in decorum.
I suggest you apologize to
Malcolm for your impertinence.”

Meri’s mouth dropped open and I braced myself.
Her redheaded temper was legendary in both
our families.
Suddenly, she closed her
mouth and bent her head submissively.
“Yes sir,” she whispered.
to face Malcolm but keeping her head down, “I apologize profusely for my
impertinence, Master Malcolm.
forgive me.”
Malcolm, grinning, glanced
from Meri to me.
“Well done, Grant.
I must say, she’s got a fire in her that
makes me wish she were mine to break.
You’ve got your work cut out for you.”
I grinned over Meri’s head at him.
“Oh, I’m not interested in breaking her...not completely.
Her fire is what made me fall in love with
I pretended not to notice her gasp
at that.

“Breaking a woman completely
would be a disservice, especially one with such fire in her.
A really good submissive retains just enough
spunk to keep things interesting.
fact, my boy, I would even say a good submissive is also a dominant in other
aspects of her life…or his life if you wish.”
I grinned.
“You mean like
He chuckled, “Mina proves my
point perfectly.”
He smiled down at
“Tell me, lass, have you been
introduced to Mina?”
She looked up at me
through her lashes.
I nodded, “You may
She turned to Malcolm, her head
“No Master Malcolm, I have not had
the pleasure to be introduced to Mina.”
“Very well.
Mina stood and hurried to Malcolm’s
Her head bent submissively, she
responded, “Yes, Master Malcolm?”

“Mina, be a good lass and tell Meri
what you do during the day.” 
raised her head and met Meri’s eyes. 
smiled slightly. 
“I am a
corporate attorney, Meri.” 
Malcolm laughed, “Yes,
During the day, Mina
is an aggressive corporate attorney but at night, she is my regular submissive
and hostess to our

Thank you, Mina.
You may return to your duties.” 
“Thank you, Master Malcolm.” We
watched as Mina left the room, closing the door behind her. 
“So you see, Meri, a good submissive
can have a life outside her submissive relationship. 
In fact, I’ve known some who are
submissive to a dominant while also acting as a dominant to another
Those are rare
He clapped his
hands together. 
“Well, if
you’re ready, my boy, I’ll show the two of you to your room.”
This is it. 
No going back now.
I nodded and grabbed Meri’s
“Lead the way,
Still holding
hands, Meri and I followed the tall Irishman down the hallway and up the
beautiful staircase.

It had been several years since I’d
been to Malcolm’s private club but it appeared not much had changed.
The elaborate and decadent décor from the
entry hall was duplicated upstairs.
grinned at the stunned look on Meri’s face as she stared around at the artwork
decorating the large second floor hallway.
As we reached the top of the stairs and continued down the hall, past
several closed doors, Malcolm explained to Meri, “We have an extensive
clientele from around the state and even some that visit us occasionally from
other states or countries.
All our rooms
are sound-proofed so as to afford all our guests a modicum of privacy.
However, for the safety of our submissives,
each room has a panic button.
One push
of the panic button and our security and medical personnel respond to that room
Meri gasped.
Whispering, she asked, “Permission to ask a
question, Master Malcolm?”
Smiling down
at her, he responded, “Permission granted, lass.”
smile at her, asshole.
I found
myself wanting to punch my old friend for smiling at my woman.

“Is...has any submissive ever been
injured here?”
Malcolm chuckled, “No
lass, all our submissives are cherished, as they should be.
However,” he grinned.
“One of our dominants was forced to seek
medical attention a few years ago.”
eyes grew round.
“He brought in an
outside...toy…that malfunctioned.”
she gasped, Malcolm laughed out loud.
“His butt plug got stuck.
Apparently, the dominant had a bit of the submissive in him.”
Meri murmured quietly, “Oh my...”
I chuckled and pressed a quick kiss to her
We stopped at a closed door
and Malcolm produced a key card.
the card to me, he raised one brow.
trust you’ll find everything satisfactory.”
“And my specific requests?
I heard Meri gasp,
Malcolm chuckled, “Many of
our clientele like a memento of their time here.
Thus we have cameras set up in each
Unfortunately, your dominant has
requested all cameras to be shut off.”

“And the mirror?” I asked.
“You’ll find the mirror has been covered with
You and your lass shall have
the privacy you requested.
A pity...” he
murmured as he gazed down at Meri’s downcast head.
“I find myself almost spellbound at the
thought of observing your little submissive’s introduction to the
a fiery beauty.”
I growled
lightly, “Not happening, Malcolm.”
grinned cheekily.
“A pity.
However, as a friend, I’ve honored your
He turned to leave but suddenly
turned back.
“If you change your mind,
the controls for the cameras are on the bedside table.”
With that, he bowed to Meri and walked back
down the hall toward the stairs.
I turned
to Meri and asked, “Well, baby, are you ready?”
Her beautiful eyes hidden by her lashes, she nodded slightly.
“Yes…Master Grant.”
And my cock immediately leapt to attention.

My hands shook as I shoved the key
card in the slot, unlocking the door.
Pushing the door open, I allowed Meri to precede me into the large
Yes, it’s almost exactly as I remember it
At one side of the room was a large fireplace
framed by a pair of wing-back chairs and matching loveseat.
Dominating the other side of the room was a
huge four-poster bed.
As Malcolm
promised, the large mirror on the wall to the side of the bed was covered by
thick drapes.
I locked the door behind us and, placing my
hand at the small of her back, guided Meri to the sitting area in front of the
I felt myself once again slipping
into the natural role of dominant.
I sat
in one of the wing-back chairs and told her, “Kneel.”
As if she’d been doing it for years, Meri
knelt at my feet and assumed the pose of submissive that Mina had displayed
earlier, head bent and hands resting quietly on her knees.

I was amazed at her grace.
She’s a
natural submissive.
If only I had known,
we could have been together years ago.
I slowly ran my hand through her curls.
“Look at me,” I commanded gently.
Meri raised her head but kept her eyes downcast, looking up through her
lashes at me.
I could see a small
uplifting of the corners of her mouth as if she was pleased to be here.
never ceases to amaze me.
I cleared
my throat nervously.
“This is your last
chance to back out, sweetheart.
Are you
sure that you want to be my sub?
Say the
word and we will go home right now, never speaking of this again.”
I saw a shiver run through her small
Her voice quiet but firm, she
responded, “Please, Master Grant.
I have
been very naughty and should be disciplined.
to be
I couldn’t help the groan
that escaped my throat.
“Oh, baby, you
make me crazy. you know about
safe words?”
I saw the confusion on her
“No, sir.
I’m not familiar with what that means.”

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