Between a Rock and a Hard Place (51 page)

Tommy laughed at the memory.  “I couldn’t think straight.  My head was always spinning with fantasies about you.  Whenever we were alone and you got too close to me, I had to get away because I couldn’t trust myself, and I still wasn’t sure what to do about us.  You drove me crazy.”

It was Angel’s turn to laugh.  “I drove
crazy?” It was the longest stint of celibacy I had in my life.  I couldn’t wait to get you in my arms.” He pulled Tommy closer and he lowered his voice to a whisper.  “I still can’t.”

Jessi walked into the room just as Angel kissed Tommy.  They both heard her, but neither one of them broke the lusty kiss.

Tommy felt her presence next to him, even though his eyes were still closed and his lips were still on Angel’s.

“Do you two do this the second I leave the room?” Her tone was light and playful.  “I’m always walking in on you two.”

Tommy tugged her hand and she toppled into his lap.  He loved the musical laugh that flowed from her lips.

“Tommy wrote a song for me,” Angel was quick to announce, with childlike excitement.

“Really?” She turned to Tommy.  “Am I allowed to hear it, or is it just between you two?”

“If it’s OK, I’d like to share the songs I write for each of you, with both of you.  Nothing should be kept private between the three of us.”

Jessi and Angel gazed at each other with a smile.

“No more secrets.”

“No more secrets.”


Chapter Forty-Eight

Besides Milan, Paris was the city Jessi most looked forward to visiting.  From the moment the bus rolled into the City of Love, she longed to visit the Eiffel Tower, the Louvre and Notre Dame, but there wasn’t time to sightsee yet.  She had an interview with
Vogue Paris
.  It was the second half of a spread that featured her promising career as a leading fashion designer.  The first half of the interview was done when she left the tour and went back to New York to get her store in order.  The magazine’s German and Paris publications were showcasing both sides of her life – the budding entrepreneur and the rock star wife.

The black stretch limousine took them to
Vogue Paris’
headquarters for a photo shoot.  Jessi was scheduled to appear on the cover of next month’s issue, with Tommy and Angel wearing her designs.  Two assistants escorted them to a dressing room, where she unzipped the travel bags that housed her garments and hung them on the clothing rack.

She had to stop to absorb the reality that she was in Paris, at one of the most influential fashion publications in the world.  It would introduce her name and her work to the international market.  Her store was only open a short time, and now her brand could potentially expand worldwide.

She needed to sit down.  She wiped her damp, clammy hands on her jeans and took a deep breath.

“Take it easy, hon.” Tommy handed her a bottle of Evian water.  “Everything’s going to be fine.”

Angel squatted in front of her and rested his hands on her knees.  “I know it’s a lot happening all at once.  Just enjoy it.”

“I don’t know how I got here.  One minute I was struggling to get funding to open a little boutique in Brooklyn, the next I’m going to be on the cover of
Vogue Paris
!”  She jumped to her feet and spread her arms out to the side.  “
!  I never dreamed this would happen.”

Angel was almost as excited as she was.  He took one of the jackets off of its hanger and tried it on.  “Look what I get to wear!”

“Be careful,” she warned.  “Don’t get it wrinkled or dirty. Angel loved the jacket.  It wasn’t his usual stage attire.  It was the red carpet piece she made for her fall collection, but she decided to debut it on the cover of
instead.  Black sequins covered the lapel, and there were additional sequined embellishments on the tails. It was refined and elegant, but it captured the flair of Angel Garcia.  Jessi watched Angel as he admired the jacket in the tri-fold wardrobe mirror.  He ran his hands over the front of the starched cotton and turned a quarter of the way to the side to watch the reflection of the sequins bounce off the wall.  “This is magnificent, sweetheart.”

Tommy gazed at Angel through the mirror.  “That jacket looks a lot nicer than some of the spiked things you wear on stage.”

“You’re only saying that because you’re tired of getting skewered every time you get close to me.  Get dressed.  I want to see you in that luxurious suit.  I want to see my prince.”

The classically-tailored suit that Jessi made for Tommy was from a rich, Italian silk/wool blend that she purchased while they were in Milan.  She chose the deep navy because of the way it fueled the color of his eyes.  She helped him with the buttons of the light gray cotton shirt and Angel helped him with his tie.  Tommy slipped into the jacket, pulled his mane of blond hair free and buttoned the center button.

When he turned toward her, she was stunned.  Elegance and sophistication replaced the worn out jeans and rock and roll T-shirts that were his staple attire.  Tommy was transformed into a fashion model that could have easily been showcased on the cover of any magazine.  He looked more handsome than the day they were married.

Their upcoming wedding anniversary hit her with surprise.  She was so preoccupied that it slipped her mind.  Their anniversary was next week and she had nothing planned, not even a gift in mind.  Normally they talked about it for weeks ahead of time.  It didn’t need to be an elaborate celebration, but they always did something special.  She internalized her horror at forgetting such an important moment in their life.  She watched Tommy admiring his reflection in the mirror, and she realized that he forgot it, too.


Chapter Forty-Nine

The conclusion of Immortal Angel’s world tour was another milestone achievement in Angel’s life that he thought was only a dream.  His life soared, professionally and personally, higher than he ever imagined and there was one man behind it all – Tommy Blade.  To say that one person had a profound impact on your life was an understatement.  Tommy transformed Angel into a superstar.  Tommy brought purpose and true happiness to his life.  Tommy brought Jessi into his life.  Sharing his life with a woman was another scenario that Angel never imagined.  Never say never.  Anything is possible.

It was show time at the Palais Omnisport de Paris-Bercy, more commonly known as Bercy.  Everyone was at the side of the stage, including Marissa and Angus.  Audra chose to watch the show as a member of the audience, with a long-awaited visit from her sister, Kira.  Angel peeked out and saw them standing center stage waiting for the show to begin, just like they did back when it all started.

There wasn’t much time left before the show and Angel was still waiting for Jessi.  She was putting the finishing touches on a cape he was supposed to wear during the opening number.  If she didn’t arrive soon, he would be forced to go on stage without it.  He walked halfway down the corridor that led to the stage to wait for her.  He checked the time on his phone again and was about to walk back, when he saw her racing toward him.

She was out of breath.  “I’m sorry.  I couldn’t find the right thread.”  She shook out the cape to fluff up the faux fur and it doubled in size.  She draped it over his shoulders and tied it at the neck.  It was red faux fur and fell to the floor.  He felt like a matador.

He held his head high and fanned the cape open with one hand.  “Your clothes propel the wearer into a fantasy.  I could get lost in another world with this magnificent piece on my shoulders.”

Jessi threw her head back and laughed.  “I love your drama, Angel.”

He snapped the cape closed.  “All your clients should feel this way about your designs.”

“I hope they do.”  She took his arm and led him down the corridor.  “Come on, you’re going to be late.”

It wasn’t her responsibility to make sure he was on time anymore, but she still took the initiative.  Her obligation to the band was probably something she would never relinquish.

“It’s not slipping off your shoulders anymore, is it?”  Jessi peeked at him as they walked briskly toward the stage.

“No, sweetheart.  It’s perfect.”

Tommy was just ahead at the curtain, Les Paul in hand.  Angel joined him and they gazed out into the audience together.  The crowd chanted for Immortal Angel in an alluring French accent.

“That sounds kinds of sexy, doesn’t it, my prince?”

Tommy turned to say something to Angel, but he stopped.  His open mouth turned into a wide teasing smile.  “What the hell are you wearing?”

Angel closed the furry cape in front of him like a vampire.  “Isn’t it gorgeous?”

Tommy clamped his lips together and tried to hide his smile.  “Isn’t it a little . . . floofy?”

“Floofy?”  Angel raised his brow.  “Is that a real word?”

“It’s a word that describes that cape.”

“Are you teasing me, Tommy Blade?” He feigned a scowl.  “Because I know the designer personally and I have a good mind to tell her you’re making fun of her work.”

“Don’t you dare.”

Angel grinned with satisfaction.  “Or, I could bend you over my knee and spank that white hot ass until its flaming red, to match my cape.”

“I’ll take the latter.”  Tommy slid his guitar around to his back and circled Angel’s waist with his arms.  The pick he held between his fingers scraped Angel’s bare skin and sent chills up his spine.

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