Billionaires, Bad Boys, and Alpha Males (36 page)

Read Billionaires, Bad Boys, and Alpha Males Online

Authors: Kelly Favor,Locklyn Marx

“She told you that?”

Katie shook her head and took the baby from Adam, holding her new son in
her arms and smiling down at him.
“But it was pretty damn obvious.
The poor girl didn’t even date anyone for two years after you left!”

“Anna’s a big girl,” Jaxon said.
“She can take care of herself.
Now let me hold my nephew.”

Jaxon spent the next hour holding Tyler.
The baby slept most of the time, only
stopping to open his dark eyes and blink a few times, or to give a big yawn,
like he was already exhausted from the wonders of the world.

Jaxon chatted with Katie and Adam, talking
about when Katie and the baby would be coming home, and about how exciting it
was that Tyler was finally here.

But the whole time, Jaxon’s mind was somewhere
He was thinking of Anna, and
what Katie had said about her heart being broken.
Was there any chance it could be
He thought back to last
night, to the two of them sitting at the table over Thai food, when he’d
apologized for standing her up that summer.

There’d been a moment where he’d been sure she
was going to tell him that her feelings were still there, that she loved him
now just as much as she’d loved him all those years ago.
He’d waited, holding his breath, not
saying anything.
Anna had been
quiet for a moment, and in that second it had suddenly occurred to him that
maybe he’d read the situation wrong.
That Anna hadn’t cared.
thought had sent a shard of fear through him, cutting into his soul sharp and

And then a second later his fear had been
confirmed, as Anna told him that he didn’t have to apologize, that they’d just
been kids.

He’d pushed down his true feelings, had pushed
down the fact that now that she’d come back into his life, he couldn’t imagine
ever letting her go.

thinking about her,
told himself.
You’re flying to California tomorrow for your meeting with Cuban.
And by the time you get back, Anna will
be gone.
And you’ll never have to
see her again.

The minutes turned into hours, and before long,
Jaxon realized it was noon.

“I should go,” he said, standing up. He handed
the baby back to Adam, who took Tyler and stared down at him like the proud
papa that he was.

“Will we see you again before you leave?” Katie

“Of course,” he said.
“I’ll stop by tomorrow morning on my way
to the airport.”

“Oh,” a nervous voice said from the
“Sorry, the nurse said I
could come in, she didn’t… I mean, she didn’t tell me you already had a

Jaxon turned.
Anna was standing there, her face
flushed. She was wearing a navy blue halter top that showed off her toned
shoulders, and a tight jean skirt that ended just above her knees.

If she’d wanted to keep it a secret, what had
happened between them, it wasn’t going to work. The way she was looking at him,
her face a mix of embarrassment and feigned nonchalance, made it clear to
everyone in the room that she and Jaxon had slept together.

I’ve had
, Jaxon thought, his resolve
to stay away from her crumbling.
And before I go, I’m going to have you




Anna hadn’t expected Jaxon to be at the
She’d thought that by the
time she got there, he’d be gone.

She didn’t want to see him, didn’t want to have
to be in the same room with him and Katie and Adam, pretending everything was
okay, when all she wanted to do was go home and curl up under the covers and
cry herself to sleep, the same way she’d done when she was a teenager.

“Hey, Anna,” Jaxon said.
He was looking at her like the cat that
ate the canary.

She took a deep breath and tried to calm her
beating heart.
She knew she looked
guilty – the way she’d come in here and said she was sorry, that the
nurse had told her there hadn’t been any visitors.
Could she have made it any more
The nurse had told her
there were no visitors in Katie’s room, which was obviously a lie.
She made a mental note to yell at a
supervisor or something later.

“Hi, Jaxon,” Anna said curtly
Then she realized that was the wrong
tact to take.
Act normal.
Be friendly.
“How are you?”

“I’m good.”

Katie looked between the two of them and
She opened her mouth like
maybe she was about to say something, then changed her mind.
“Whatever,” she said.
“Jaxon was just leaving.”

Jaxon nodded and stood up.

“I’m going back to Los Angeles tomorrow,” he
“So I thought I’d better make
my visit last.”

Anna nodded, trying not to show her
Why was he leaving
She thought he had
planned to stay for the rest of the week.
She realized she’d been hoping that they would have more time
To what?
she asked herself.
Make him fall in love with you?
The thought was laughable, the kind of
thing that only happened in sappy romantic comedies.

“You want to walk me out?” Jaxon asked.

Anna knew she should say no.
But she couldn’t.
This might be the last time she saw him,
the last time she was around him. His presence was a need that was built into
her, a pulsing desire that was taking over her body and affecting her mind,
making it impossible to think clearly.
And damn it, she wanted it to last.

“Sure,” she said.

They ignored the knowing looks Katie was giving
them, and walked down the hallway and into the elevator.

“So,” he said, as he reached over and pushed
the button.

“So,” she said.

“I thought we should have a chance to say
goodbye,” he said.
“You know, since
I’m leaving tomorrow.”

She wanted to ask him why he hadn’t told her before that he was leaving,
but she didn’t want to sound like a nagging girlfriend, or like she thought he
owed her anything.
Because he

The elevator dinged open at the parking garage,
and they stepped off and began walking to his car.
As soon as they got there, he grabbed
her shoulders and pushed her up against the driver’s side door.

Anna’s body tensed.
She knew it was wrong, letting him kiss
her like this.
She shouldn’t be
doing this, shouldn’t be letting him have her whenever he demanded it.
But she was powerless.
It was a force as great as a tidal wave,
a force like nothing she’d ever experienced before. She was like putty in his
hands, and as he continued to kiss her, her heart sped up and her resistance

He stroked her bare shoulders, sending
delicious shivers through her body, causing her to lean back against the car,
giving him better access to her neck, her breasts, her soul.

He slid his hands up the back of her shirt,
pulling her close, his hands holding her firmly against him.
He stroked her bare skin, and Anna
sighed in pleasure.

When he opened the car door and slid into the
backseat, she didn’t hesitate before following him.
He pulled her down on top of him, their
bodies fusing together with the heat of the moment.

Her shirt came off, then his shirt, and he
reached around and unhooked her strapless bra, letting the material rest
against her skin before finally tugging it down, revealing the firm rosebuds of
her nipples.
His fingertips flicked
against them, hardening them even more, and he pulled her down, sucking the
swollen nubs into his mouth, moving back and forth between her breasts.

The whole time she could feel his cock through
his jeans and she rubbed against it, riding him while he sucked her nipples.

“God damn, Princess,” Jaxon said as he leaned
her back.
“Why are you always
teasing me by wearing these short little skirts?”

Her back was against the opposite side of the
car now, and Jaxon slid his fingers over the outside of her thighs and then
pulled her panties off, giving him access to her mound. He stroked with his
finger, rubbing her clit before finally, he lowered his head and pulled her
toward his mouth.

The moment his tongue touched her, Anna felt
like she was going to combust. Jaxon’s hands rested on her hips, holding her,
guiding her movements as his tongue licked and stroked between her legs,
sending waves of pleasure through her whole body.

“Oh my God,” she moaned.
Bliss ebbed through her body, and she
gripped the seat underneath her.
She didn’t care if anyone saw, didn’t care about anything except the
searing heat that was overtaking her every cell.

She was sure he wouldn’t let her come, was sure
he would tease her, but as she started to get close, he sensed it, and his
tongue moved faster.
He slid one
hand off her hip, down over her belly and onto her clit, teasing the swollen
nub as her orgasm hit like a wave.

“Jaxon,” she cried as he took her over the
edge. “Oh, Jaxon.”

When it was over, he reached for her, hooking
his arms under her shoulders, and sliding her toward his body until she was
laying down on top of him.
grinned at her, pleased with himself.

She reached down and undid his pants, letting
his hard cock out.
She wrapped her
hand around it, moving up and down slowly, the look of pleasure on his face
getting her turned on again.
started to get wet, and when he slipped inside her, she moaned.

“God, Anna, you feel amazing,” he said.
His lips were on hers again, submerging
her in his kiss.

She rocked her hips, faster and faster,
enjoying the fact that she was in charge of the pace.
But her control didn’t last long.
Jaxon grabbed the back of her shoulders,
pulling her down onto him, flattening her breasts out against the strong planes
of his chest.

He held her there, moving her body up and down
on his, pumping into her.
She could
feel his hardness inside her, felt her clit rubbing against his body.
The dual sensations sent her over the
edge again.

She felt Jaxon coming inside of her as her own
orgasm built to its crest.

A moment later, she collapsed on top of
His hands played with her
hair, his fingers tangling themselves in the golden waves.
They lay there for a while, Anna’s head
on his chest, listening to his heartbeat.

She closed her eyes.

this moment,
she told herself,
because this is what total contentment feels















Jaxon knew he shouldn’t have done that.
Making love to Anna in the back of his
What if someone had caught
But he hadn’t been able to
help it.
As soon as he’d seen her
standing in front of him, wearing that short little skirt, he was like an
He had to have her.
And it had been exquisite.

Now they were dressed, standing outside his

“So you’re leaving tomorrow?” she asked.

He nodded.
“I have a
business meeting.”

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