Read Billionaires Meet Millionaire (A Steamy Romance) Online

Authors: Jason Vasha

Tags: #romance, #beauty, #love, #teen, #rich, #billionaire, #love triangle, #millionaire, #foreign exchange, #billionaire romance

Billionaires Meet Millionaire (A Steamy Romance) (17 page)


yes." Olta started uncertainly. "I'm sorry, I know your faces, but
I can't remember your names."


"That's okay.
It's not like we've been introduced." The girl smiled.


Josie and this is Sam." The girl said, nodding her head back to the
guy behind her dismissively.


Olta replied smiling a small smile at both of them.


"So what
brings you around this early?"


"Oh, I
kind off woke early this morning and decided to roam a little."
Olta said, feeling rather stupid right now.


you could do that all by yourself now, did you?" Sam said eyeing
Olta with even look. Josie only rolled her eyes.


"Pardon?" Olta asked confused and slightly affronted. Why
in the world was he talking to her like she was a


need Niall then, did you?" Sam said by way of an


walk? No, I am perfectly in control of my own legs." Olta retorted.
Some people really should learn to mind their own




"See why he
likes you."


was starting to get really confused now and looked at Josie
questioningly. Josie just shrugged.


Sam is trying to say in is own unique language is that we are
rather surprised to see you around on your own when you've been
tied to Niall' hip all week."


you been watching me or something?" Olta asked, a little harsher
than she intended.


did you think? That a new edition to Niall' group would go by
unnoticed? You're sitting at his table, girl." Josie said, laughing


this is of interest to you, because?" Olta already knew the answer
but she needed it to be spelled out. Even though Niall had
explained the social structure to her Olta had thought herself a
bystander. She really hadn't given any thought to her own status
within the pack. She was a non-entity.


where have you been? NiallFoy allowed you, some new girl to sit at
his table, after knowing you just one day. That gets tongs rolling
around here." Now Josie sounded just a bit exasperated.


quick on the uptake, are you?" Olta glared at Sam. Could he be any
more condescending? He did have a point though. Apparently she was
anything but a non-entity. That was a strange epiphany


"Apparently not, no." Olta shook her head


this roaming. How about we show all the good spots?" Josie asked.
She seemed shy all of a sudden. Sam even gave her a small


Surprised but pleased by the offer Olta smiled.






parked his car in the school parking lot. He took his meds
out of his bag and swallowed them down with some discarded
Gatorade. Then he banged his head very lightly on his steering
wheel. He seemed to be doing that a lot lately. But then again, his
life just wasn't going his way.


The idea
had been simple. Send Olta a text message and pick her up. This
would serve several purposes. It would make clear to Olta that his
cowardly exit the night before had nothing to do with her. Because
after that kiss, which really hadn't been more than a good peck on
her lips, he knew for once and for all that he had it bad, truly
bad. Hopefully the message had been able to convey everything he
felt about her, even if he hadn't said in so many words.


And then
there was the matter of making sure that everybody in school,
Daniel first and foremost, understood that Olta was the truly his
friend and no longer some sort of assignment. And well, that she
was his. Although he figured that was an established fact by


the plan had pretty much been shot out of the water when Olta
hadn't been home.


had clearly been surprised to see him and had informed him
that Olta had already left, on foot. Apparently she had assumed
that he wouldn't able to drive.


Admittedly, forgoing his meds in favour of driving was a
painful affair. Matilda had shaken her head in bemused dismay when
he had declined her offer to give him a ride.


on the windshield brought Niall out of his reverie. Looking up he
saw Bailey grinning at him broadly.


get enough sleep?" Bailey joked, loud enough for Niall to hear him
through the window.As Niall looked up at him, Bailey’s face clouded
over. He had noticed the bruises.


got out of his car slowly. It would a good time for his
meds to start kicking in.


couldn't agree on a movie." Niall said without preamble. Bailey
looked skeptic.


Bailey's tone amplified his incredulity tenfold. Niall knew the
excuse sounded lame but as long as they just went with it, all
would be well.


where is the movie, sorry, Olta then?" Niall winced at the words.
Why was everybody being so fucking difficult about it? And why did
the guy have to choose today off all days to be astute?


walked." Niall snapped. The throbbing pain was incessant, his plan
had been foiled, Bailey wasn't cutting him any slack and he hadn't
even seen Olta or Daniel yet. Today was going to be a bad


Perhaps he
should have taken the good doctors advice and never gotten out of


"And she
wasn't supposed to do that, I take it?" Bailey asked lightly. Niall
groaned inwardly.


kissed her." Again Niall groaned. Now his mouth was committing


stopped dead in his tracks. Niall walked on, trying to
pretend he hadn't said anything.


"Oh no,
you don't. You're going to spill." Bailey smirked, holding out his
arm to prevent Niall from walking along.


looked at his friend wearily. He really didn't want to
discuss this or anything else right now. Had he mentioned the fact
that this was a very bad day?


"Ry, I'm
in no mood to discuss my pathetic attempts at getting a girl." As
briskly as possible Niall moved around Bailey's arm and continued
on his way inside. After a few steps Niall turned around. Bailey
hadn't yet moved.


"Look, Ry,
sorry. But really, not now, okay." He gives his friend a wry


sympathetic nod Bailey gave him were enough to take the edge of his
foul mood. Silently they made their way inside.


hadn't missed the looks he was getting. In his bathroom
mirror he had seen just how bad the bruises on his face still were.
Hell, they were still there, so they were bad. Before lunch
everybody in school would have a theory on how he had gotten them.
Throw Olta and the state of Daniel's face into the mix and all the
gossipers were bound to have a field day. He wondered how many
theories would be close to hitting the nail on its head. Quite a
few, probably.


Peter is hkipping first period again?" Niall smirked as he got his
things out of his locker. Bailey shrugged but matched his smirk.
Right then a girl, who Niall recognized vaguely, walked by and
obviously caught Bailey's eye. She smiled shyly at him and Niall
noticed Bailey's smirk turning into a shy smile as well. Shy and
Bailey weren't usually things that went together. Niall leant into


"It seems that
I'm not the only one who needs to spill." He said with a knowing
smirk of his own.


looked at Niall like he did when he accidentally broken
Niall' favourite Action Man some years ago. It only served to
improve his already rapidly mellowing mood. His meds were kicking
in, no doubt about that. Now if only Olta would turn up at her
locker and life would just be dandy.


nothing." Niall heard Bailey mutter and now it was Niall' turn to
look skeptic.


then the bell rang. Niall patted Bailey's shoulder.


"Sure.Whatever you say,man." And with that Niall took off
for Took, unfortunately without Olta by his side.


As Niall
entered Took's classroom he spotted Olta immediately as she was
chatting amiably with Josie and Alice. It was an odd


seeing Niall enter the classroom both Olta and Alice looked up at
him but they're faces darkened immediately as their gaze moved to
something behind him.


was knocked forward. Daniel.


"Oh, hey
bro, didn't see you there, sorry." Even if Daniel had actually
managed to sound apologetic Niall wouldn't have cared. As he
righted himself he caught his brother's eye and was shocked by what
he saw. Outside of their private encounters, Daniel had never
before looked at him with such blatant hatred . But at least his
face was bruised too. As Daniel walked over to his seat, he looked
from Niall to an unaware Olta and back at Niall again. Niall felt
the hairs in the back rise at the small twisted smirk Daniel gave
him. Well, let the games begin.


gave Olta a small smile as he made his way to his usual
table. Just as he was about to his books on the table Alice slipped
into the seat.


"I think
you should take my seat. Too much light isn't good for eye, slows
the healing process." Alice said in her mothering voice but a wink
contradicted it. Niall looked at her confused until he realized
that it would mean he'd be sitting behind Olta instead of next to


"Why, I
didn't know you cared." He purred with a smile. Alice swatted his
arm lightly.


turned and took his seat behind Olta. She seemed to have
forgotten all about his presence as she was scribbling something on
a piece of paper. Niall followed her movements as Olta took the
note and leant over to Josie.The girl accepted the note with a
grateful smile.


Olta turned around in her seat and cocked her head at him
thoughtfully. Niall only smiled while he regarded her face. A
strand of hair which had fallen forward was particularly


"How are
you?" Olta asked. Her voice was laced with concern but there was
something else too.


okay." Olta smiled at his answer.


"Good. I
thought you might have had a bad night's sleep." Now there wasn't
any concern in her voice. Niall saw a twinkle her eye. She was
teasing him. He wondered just where she was going with


"No, I
slept very well. Very pleasant dreams, it was a pity to have to
wake up, really." Niall said as he took and twirled the loose
strand between his fingers. Olta started to blush but thankfully
she didn't pull away.


"Yeah, I slept
very well too." She said with a coy smile and her blush


"Until some
git thought it funny to send me a wake-up message, that is."


looked up from his fingers and into Olta's eyes. He
couldn't help but notice how green they were today.A slight blush
creep up. Niall was about to say something bordering an apology but
was cut off by their teacher.


Mehmeti and mister NiallFoy, if you two could disentangle
yourselves from each other. I really would like start right


spun around in her chair and Niall knew she was thoroughly
embarrassed right now. Niall wasn't exactly embarrassed, he felt
more proud, relieved and downright giddy. But that was due to the
drugs. Niall didn't do giddy.


He leant back
in his seat and couldn't help but grin widely at the girl in front
of him.


Today was
going to be a very good day.


hapter Fifteen


only felt two sensations going through her body. Actually
it was only one sensation, originating from two places. Her mouth
and cheek tingled and the feeling spread through her entire


had kissed her. He had kissed her. And she stood in doorway
staring after him dumbfounded.


It was
more like a peck on the lips really and actually not all that
different from the pecks Sam and Dean gave her occasionally. But it
was Niall who had done the pecking and between the kiss and the
caress it was a completely new experience.

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