Billionaires Meet Millionaire (A Steamy Romance) (5 page)

Read Billionaires Meet Millionaire (A Steamy Romance) Online

Authors: Jason Vasha

Tags: #romance, #beauty, #love, #teen, #rich, #billionaire, #love triangle, #millionaire, #foreign exchange, #billionaire romance


It was
just friendly bantering, nothing to get all whirled up about. But
he did look so hot with those eyes and that brownish hair and that
face. She saw his eyes looking deep into hers and the questioning
look they held. She knew no guy had ever looked into eyes like
that. And the way he had held out his hand just now. He seemed like
a nice guy. Granted he had been a bit standoffish at first, but he
had gotten over that. And then there was the rescue from his
brother. She took the last bite from her salad and as she pictured
Daniel's eyes she shuddered remembering the icy shiver it had shot
trough her spine.


Closing the
lid of her lunchbox, she heard a familiar voice.


again, are you, miss Mehmeti, was it?" As she looked up she looked
straight into Daniel's eyes and she felt that same


"Not really, no, Mr.
Foy." She said getting up. With Daniel now
standing in front of her, instead of loitering against a wall, Olta
noticed that he was slightly taller than his brother and bit
broader too it seemed. He was commanding presence, she'd give him
that. He was in the company of the same two friends and a
mischievous smile played on his lips.


The sun
suddenly disappeared, which made half of Daniel’s flawless face in
shade. His lips were out, more than ever.


felt apprehensive as she realized that Daniel probably hung
out under this tree. "Let's drop the formalities shall we. Seeing
as my brother didn't bother to introduce us we might as well do it
ourselves. I'm DanielFoy."


heard the same amusement in his voice as she had heard in
Niall's but it was traced with something else, something far less
amusing. A new born smirk appeared in her face.


She certainly
did not want to get of on the wrong foot with this guy, so she
politely stretched out her hand.


"OltaMehmeti, nice to meet you Mr… I mean Daniel." Well
that didn't come out without a sarcastic undertone, why couldn't
she just hold her tongue. Daniel didn't seem to notice however;
instead he looked down at her outstretched hand. He took, shook it
and looked at Olta as if he was indulging her latest whim. He then
turned to his two friends and introduced them.


Pettles." Daniel said pointing at a tall blonde guy on his right.
"And Chris George." He said pointing at the black haired guy on his
left. Both stepped forward to meet her hand, without any amusement
or pleasure on their faces. After a short shake they both fell back
to the spot where they had been standing.


or Dobermans?" Olta heard herself say jokingly. She slapped herself
mentally. Daniel's expression changed instantly to an icy


He said, his voice devoid of any emotion and now held a true
sinister undertone. The uncomfortable glint in his eyes had now
filled them. It was a cold and truly menacing look. So much for
getting on his good side, Olta thought.


took a step forward and Olta intuitively moved backwards,
only to feel herself back into the tree. Daniel took another step
and leaned forward, putting his left hand next to Olta's face for


"Now I
know Niall is supposed to show around and all, but I assure you
that hanging around with me would be much better for your social
life..and you." He almost whispered into her ear. Olta had to
suppress the urge to bark at him, indicating a fake obedience to
his order. What did expect her to do, follow him around like some
bitch? Ok, she had to stop the canine metaphors.


leaned in a bit further and she felt his hipbone pressing
against her left hand. The cut in her index finger began to throb
heavily. She tried to withdraw her hand but as she did she felt the
pressure of Daniel's hip increasing. He was pinning her against the
tree, she realized, in manner nobody looking at them would notice.
Daniel was seriously starting to freak her out. Turning her head
she saw that his appearance had softened. The amusement was back,
but the malevolence lingered.


sorry, but I assure you I really think that is not such a good idea
and Niall has been doing fine so far, so I think I'll stick with
him for now." She had trouble with keeping her voice steady and
sound cool and collected. Daniel's face slipped back to his icy
demeanour. Olta started to tremble as he moved even closer to say
something else.


But before Daniel
could say anything she heard Niall


"Mehmeti, finally." Looking away from Daniel, Olta saw
Niall coming towards him.


"Fuck girl! I've been looking all over for you. Not the way
I like to spend my lunch break. Understand!" He was speaking loudly
and there was true anger and menace in his voice. But contrary
Niall didn't manage to be truly threatening.


Olta exclaimed almost enthusiastically, but successfully managed to
curb it into a more submissive tone of voice. "Yeah sorry about
that. I got lost. Look I told you I need a map or something." She
jerked herself away from Daniel and walked over to Niall as quickly
as she could without breaking into an actual sprint. When she was a
couple of yards away from Niall he turned away and stalked of
towards the entrance.


talk later Mehmeti." Daniel called after her, with the same icy


you're rightFoy." Olta called back over her shoulder.


quickly followed Niall inside. She knew she had done something very
stupid by turning Daniel down the way she had but she couldn't help
but feel proud of herself. Twice today she had withstood
intimidation. God, if she found anything more to take pride in she
was going to need bigger shoes.


She only
caught up with Niall as she arrived at their lockers. He was busy
getting something out of his so she decided to put her lunch things
back in. She almost bumped her head as she heard and felt Niall
slamming his locker shut. She felt him leaning over her.


the fuck did you think you were doing there Tirana?" She heard the
question, but what caught her attention were the residual anger and
the traces of despair and defeat in his voice. She knew she had
fucked up.


“Alright, you know what… Stop acting like a goddamn dick.”
Olta roared. She couldn't believe she swore on the first day of



leaned back against his locker as Olta slowly closed her
locker. "Fucking bastard." Niall yelled silently at both himself
and his brother. "Why did you have lunch on her own? She knows
nothing, nothing about the way things work in this school. Stupid,
stupid, stupid." Well, Daniel had definitely noticed her


had turned to face him and he looked at her expectantly. As
he looked into her eyes he felt the need to wrap his arms around
her and just to hold her.She had that same deeply insecure look in
her eyes, but there was also insight. It was as if she knew. As if
she knew everything about him, his deepest fears and secrets. He
had to swallow deeply.


She broke
their gaze and leaned back against her locker.


"I just
figured that it be a nice day to lunch outside. I wandered around
for a bit and saw that beautiful spot. No one was there so I just
sat down and ate my lunch. That was the only fucking thing I was
doing there. Ok?" She glanced at Niall, biting her lower


noticed the strain her voice and he thought she looked a
little pale. Olta stared at the clock again.




Again she
turned her eyes to him before lowering them to the ground this


"And as
I had just finished eating my lunch. Which, by the way, was very
good, thank you for asking." She interjected herself. Her
reluctance made Niall suddenly fear for what had played between
Olta and Daniel. Olta picked up again.


"And out
of nowhere there was Daniel, asking me if was lost. So I say no and
get up. He makes a big deal about you not having properly
introduced us so we get that out of way."


looked at her intently as she started to ramble.


"Then I
comment on his friends being Dobermans and he didn't like that. He
backs me into to tree. Or actually I backed myself into tree but he
leans over and whispers that he assures me that it be better for my
social life and me personally if started hanging out with him. He
looks his most charming self as pins me to the tree with his
hipbone. I reply that I assure him that is not such a good idea and
that you'd do just fine. And then you entered with your drama act."
She sighed deeply as she finished her ramblings and looked up at
Niall with that same insecure and knowledgeable look.


fucked up, didn't I?" Niall looked down at her and he felt relieved
that he had stepped in when he did. But that didn't answer her


"Yeah, I'm
afraid so." He said losing himself in her eyes again.


sorry." She said softly and a voice full of guilt. Niall frowned
and shook his head, a minute smile touching his lips.


"Don't you
apologize." He said berating her softly and he really couldn't
restrain himself any longer.


He turned
towards her and traced her jaw line with his hand. He saw the
knowledge leave her eyes and they became filled with insecurity as
she started to tremble. She straightened herself and moved passed


finger." He heard her mutter just as she all but fled to the girl's


He looked
after her in utter confusion. He hadn't meant to scare her; he just
wanted to comfort her.


her?" He heard Peter ask behind him.


"Yeah, she
just went to the bathroom. She'll be right back."


anything happened to your sex salve?" He heard another
familiar voice say. As he turned he looked and nodded at


she was had lunch under the tree." He saw the unpleasantly
surprised looks on his friend's faces. "And Daniel formally invited
her and she declined, not al together respectfully."


friends nodded in understanding of the gravity of the situation.
Alice joined them and before she could say anything Peter whispered
her up to speed. A small "Oh" escaped her lips.


"But I
do make a mean lunch if I do say so myself." Niall almost jumped as
did his friends as they heard Olta's voice behind them. Niall
turned around and tried to catch her eye, as she clearly knew she
had been the topic. Her eyes met his for a fraction of second
before she looked at the others.


"Hi, I'm
Olta." She said stretching her hand out once again.


“Bailey." Bailey said quickly shaking her hand.


For a
moment it was as if nothing had happened and the group dispersed to
their respective classes. Niall and Olta were the only ones in the
same class for the next double period. Even though he still felt an
overwhelming need to take her into his arms Niall decided that it
would probably be better to keep his hands to himself for the time


is Daniel more popular than you?" Olta asked as the walked towards
Geography. Niall looked at her and she met and kept his


"He isn't more
popular per say, but he is more powerful. He likes to wield


"That I
noticed" Olta said with a slight grin.


really do need to explain the power structure here works, before I
make matters worse than already are." Niall nodded.


"Let me
give you a ride home, and I'll start explaining." Olta nodded her
consent as they walked into the geography class.


“Geography, the worst class.” Niall said in


“You'll be
lucky if you find the Pacific Ocean.” Olta said with a smirk on her


hapter Six


first period of Geography left Olta contemplating the latest events
in her new school life; prompted by the fact that Daniel and Jason
were in this class as well.


As Mrs.
Anila had introduced her to the class she had noticed Daniel
looking at her with a look that was meant to convey complete
boredom. Only it didn't.


She knew
she had fucked up alright but she wasn't all too sure of what or
how or why she had fucked up exactly.


on her finger cut she understood she knew she had fucked her new
life in her new school. She knew she had done so by getting on
Daniel's bad side. And she knew she had done that because she had
disliked him from the moment she laid eyes on him. What bothered
her was that she didn't understand Daniel's motives.

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