Billionaire’s Quarry: A Billionaire, Bad Boy, Romance (An Alpha Billionaire Romance Boxed Set) (95 page)

With a toss of the phone I catch it and ignore the call. “I don’t feel like talking to anyone from there. So how did you get in?”

“You really don’t remember?” he asks as he comes back to me.

His hand wraps around my wrist as he pulls me back to sit on his lap. “No. the last thing I remember was being on the phone with you.”

“Hmm. Okay. I’m not loving this. But we can deal with this all later. I’d like you to get dressed if you think you’re up to it. I’ve made us reservations at a very nice hotel and spa on the ocean for the rest of this weekend and all next week.”

“You did not,” I whisper.

“I did. So let’s get you packed up. Not too many things though. I’m taking you on a clothes shopping spree while I’m here and I’ll be filling up your closet. Furthermore, I will be buying you a car. You are mine and I want you to have nice things. I’m done taking no for an answer.”

I blink and smile. “Along with that pilot’s license did you get a certification in assertiveness, Mr. Chandler?”

He cups the back of my neck and pulls me in for a kiss. It’s hard and his tongue thrusts into my mouth as he really shows me he means business. I’m panting when he releases me. I leave my hand on his hard chest to steady myself.

“Maybe,” he says. He stands up and places my feet on the floor. A hard slap he gives my ass. “Now go get ready woman. You and I are about to find out how to live like billionaires.”

With eyes wide, I look at the man I have come to love and whisper, “It’s like the Beverly Hillbillies all over again.”

“You betchya,” he says with an over the top southern drawl. “Wee doggies! We might just have to get us a mansion with a cement pond!”

I laugh all the way to the bedroom, but it’s a nervous laugh.

It seems the going slow thing is headed out the window!



The full moon looks a little closer than it normally does as I look out the window on the sixth floor of the hotel. The Pacific Ocean sparkles beneath it and I wonder if Mom is liking where I spread her ashes.

Rachelle comes out of the bathroom, looking like an angel in the hotel robe. Her smile is radiant. “You thinking of anyone in particular as you gaze over that water, baby?” She slips into my arms and I kiss the top of her head.

“How can you tell?” I ask.

“Your eyes are the slightest bit glassy. I’m sure she loves the fact you did what they asked you to. Going from one side of the country to the other to do what they asked, not a lot of people would follow through with that. You did though. You make a promise and you keep it. That is for certain.”

“I can promise you this,” I whisper against her head. “You are about to come nine ways to Sunday.”

“Wow! That’s a big promise. Somehow I do believe you though,” she says and turns her head up to mine. “So when is this going to happen?”

“Right now.” I pull her up into my arms and look around the room. “Where first? Every part of this place is so gorgeous.”

She looks back at the window. “We’re up high enough no one will see us. How about right her on the floor, doggy style so we can both look at the full moon over the ocean?”

“I like the way you think. You know you’re going to make some man a great wife one day.” Just as the words come out of my mouth I wish I could take them back. Rachelle is not one to jump the gun with. She might get scared and run.

To my amazement, she smiles and takes a step back, dropping the robe and standing naked in the moon’s light as the rest of the room is dark. “You think?” she asks as she wiggles her finger at me.

Oh what is this pleasant surprise?



Cuddled up to Blake in this large and extremely comfortable bed, I’m glowing after all the love we made. It’s our last day here at this expensive and ultra-fancy hotel and I’m sorry it’s ending.

It’s been like a fairy tale and to say I don’t want it to stop surprises me. I let Blake do so much for me. He bought me a BMW and we now have personal stylists that helped us both get whole new wardrobes.

We’ve hit every elegant restaurant in this city. I’ve gotten a ton of ideas for a restaurant which I’m actually contemplating letting him get for me. Everything is fitting into place somehow.

Soft, warm lips touch my cheek and I turn my head and look into the sleepy eyes of the man I love. “Mornin’ gorgeous,” he mumbles.

“You are gorgeous and good morning to you.” I kiss his cheek.

I turn to face him and he pulls my body against his. His package is pulsing and growing and I start to get wet. My body reacts to his as if we are two separate parts of one whole.

His voice is rough from sleep as he says, “Last day here, baby. You about ready to make some things a little more permanent? Or should I head back to Lubbock and give you more time and space?”

“I don’t want space. I want you. I want to wake up with you every morning and fall asleep in your arms every night.” The words that have just come out of my mouth I had no forethought about what-so-ever.

Blake’s eyes go wide then he smiles and closes them as his lips touch mine. My body is wrapped in his arms and the warmth I felt turns into heat. I’m not sure what will happen from here with us, but right now I know I’m about to show him what he means to me.

Abandoning any fears, I fall away with him into a deep sea of hope. His hands roam over my back, sending electric currents through me. His kiss deepens and his tongue strokes near the back of my tongue.

I’m beginning to ache for him and I press my sex up against his now completely erect cock. He turns me onto my back and moves his body over mine. His arms go on either side of me, locking me in.

My knees go up and he presses his large cock into me and we both moan like it’s the best thing on Earth, which I think it just might be. It’s odd how I never felt like just a part of a person before, but when he and I connect, I’m a whole new being.

One hand runs over my breast, flicking the nipple. He moves his mouth off mine and looks at me. “You are so beautiful. I can’t believe I’m going to get to wake up to you every day.”

My stomach tightens as he moves in and out of me with slow strokes. “I hope you don’t get bored with me.”

“Never,” he says then runs little kisses over my neck then gives me a little bite.

It sends me into another realm and I arch up to meet him. Faster and harder he moves against me. He takes one leg and hikes it over his shoulder. He’s much deeper and I feel him as he moves in and out with hard thrusts.

I run my hands up and down his muscled arms and groan with how fantastic they feel. I let them rest on his large biceps and look down to watch our bodies connect.

His long, wide cock plunges into me and the sight of it makes me crazy. I’m mesmerized at how something so thick and big can fit into me and create such pleasure.

Tell, tell signs of an impending orgasm start and my legs start to quiver. He looks at me and slows down. “I want this to last.”

“So do I,” I say and I’m not talking about this session of love making. I’m talking about the whole thing. Life with him. I want it to last forever.

He grinds his hips to mine and slows his pace. A sweet, soft kiss he places on my lips. Releasing my leg, he strokes his fingers down my side. Pulling his lips off mine, he looks at me again, his blue, brown eyes sparkling.

“I love you, Rachelle.”

“I love you too, Blake.”

I take his face between my palms and raise my head to kiss him. His lips linger on mine for a moment then I lick his bottom lip and pull it between my teeth. My little bite stirs something in me and I run my fingernails over his corded back.

He growls low in his wide chest. I’m flipped over before I know it and he smacks my ass before plowing into me. Only two strokes in and I’m falling apart.

Groans and shrieks come out of me on their own accord. My body is shaking as I have one, long, continuous orgasm. “Blake! God! Blake!”

He stiffens then I fill with his heated juices. His groan is music to my ears. He’s a little more than satisfied and for some reason that makes me ecstatic.

He releases me and I fall to the bed in a breathless heap. He falls next to me and tries to catch his breath.

All I can hear is our ragged breathing and I love it. I love everything about all of this. My mind flies around with all we could have and do and experience.

I take in a deep breath and finally steady. “Whatever kind of bed this is, I want one. I don’t know how I can ever go back to my crappy bed.”

“You won’t have to. Give that place up today. We can stay here until we find a place.”

“No,” I say and turn over to lay my head on his chest. “Let’s go to another crazy great hotel, a new one each week, until we find a mansion of our very own.”

“Whatever you want, baby. We are going to live it up. I’ve barely spent a dime of my money in this last year. What do you say to a weekend in Vegas?” His hand runs over my shoulder and I shiver with his touch.

“I say yes. But I do think we need to set a spending limit, don’t you? I mean neither of us has ever had money so we could totally fuck up and waste away all your hard won money. Your parents would never want that.”

“We can do that if it makes you feel better. Let’s get a touch more sleep then we’ll get ready and start the day.” He rubs my arm and I settle into his wide chest and close my eyes.

We are really doing this!



If we are really doing this, I want it to be right. I want Rachelle to be a complete part of team Blake.

She agreed to go to Vegas together this weekend. I left her at her apartment packing up things, deciding what she’ll keep and what will get taken to a charity.

I found out she wears a size six ring and am going to surprise her with an engagement ring. I’m going to ask her to marry me tonight and when we get to Vegas we can pick out wedding rings and get married.

I’m not going to risk something happening to me and leaving this world without making sure Rachelle has whatever I leave behind. My money will be her money too and that idea makes me the happiest guy in the world.

Striking while the iron is hot is my tactic here. Rachelle has kept everyone at a distance her whole life and now that she’s letting me in, well, let’s just say I’m going to make sure I stay completely in.

If I give her too much time she could flake and run away again. Her mind or her crazy mother’s influence can change things in a heartbeat. No, I’m taking no chances.

I’m putting a ring on that pretty little finger and making her mine for good.

Damn, I hope she says yes!



“Yeah, Mom, we’re heading out to Vegas later tonight. We’re spending the weekend there then we’ll come back to L.A. and find a nice place to stay. It’s really happening, we’re moving forward and I feel ready for that.”

The way my mother is hesitating has me a little worried. “This is all happening so fast, Shelly. Are you sure about this?”

“It’s not really happening so fast, Mom. For the last two months we haven’t even seen each other. We’ve texted and talked on the phone and learned so much about one another. And after this week together I know he’s got to be the one for me.” I pack away my dishes to give away. I won’t be needing them anymore.

“So, what is the plan then? Are you and he getting married?”

Married? Who said anything about that?

“Whoa! Mom, I never said we were getting married. This is a trial run. I mean I only want to get married one time, and that’s it. We can live together for a few years and if that all works out then we can get married if that’s what we decide we need to do. It’s just a piece of paper really. I don’t need it.”

“Well, that’s smart of you. No reason to get too deep into this thing with him. You barely know the man.”

My mother’s words are starting to annoy the shit out of me. “Mom, I do know the man. I know him better than I’ve ever known anybody. It’s not the fact that I don’t know him that has me saying we don’t need to get married, it’s the idea that I want to marry only one time.”

“I see, sweetie. Well, as long as your living your life on your own terms. That’s what really matters. You have to do you and let him do him. No reason to live your life for anyone else.”

Her advice seems wrong to me and I decide I need to end the call before she gets in my head and makes me second guess my decisions. “Okay, Mom. Love you, but I gotta go now.”

“Okay, bye Shelly. I love you.”

I end the call and toss my phone on the sofa. I look around and there’s so much to do I think maybe Blake and I don’t need to take the trip to Vegas. We should stay here and get this squared away this weekend.

I’ve practically vacationed this whole last week anyway. There will be plenty of time to go to Vegas and gamble. For now, getting out of this little apartment is my top priority. That and beginning our search for a place of our very own.

My phone rings and I see it’s Peyton. “Hey, girl,” I answer.

“What’s this I hear about a trip to Vegas?”

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