Read - Black Gold 2 - Double Black Online

Authors: Clancy Nacht,Thursday Euclid

- Black Gold 2 - Double Black (5 page)

“I missed you today.”

“Missed you too.” Jett stripped and settled into the pillows to gaze at Billy. His fingers explored every inch of skin as Billy bared it. He felt starved for touch, so much so he didn’t miss the dinner he hadn’t eaten. All he wanted was to be inside his boyfriend and whole again in the joining.

It sounded stupid to say things like that, but if he could just be touching Billy, Billy would know what was in Jett’s mind. Billy would understand he was missed, that he was needed.

The more time Jett spent with other people, the more he knew Billy was the only one he could stand to be this close to. The expectations others placed on Jett chafed; Billy’s expectations gave him purpose.

“I love you,” Jett whispered, feeling a rush of pleasure at being able to say it, at knowing it was welcome. He tucked Billy’s hair behind his ears. “Wanted to fuck you since I woke up this morning. Thought about it all day.”

BILLY’S SKIN WARMED at the words. Being with Jett made everything else go away, even the invasion of an illegitimate son.
“Should’ve woken me when you left. I would’ve let you.” Billy winced when Jett’s slick fingers pressed inside him. It still hurt enough to make him bite his lip.
Jett found Billy’s prostate with rough fingertips and began to rub, touching him with urgent precision. He knotted his free hand in Billy’s hair and drew him down to kiss along his jawline, nibbling and sucking little marks into his skin. Jett seemed even more possessive than usual, like he wouldn’t be satisfied until Billy was black-and-blue.

“Looked so peaceful sleeping there, my angel. Didn’t want to ruin your dreams.” Jett sounded melodic and warm, almost purring. It was his bedroom voice, meant to seduce Billy. It sounded nothing like the angry man downstairs yelling at a hapless teenager.

Billy groaned and reached for Jett’s cock. Jett grunted in satisfaction and gave one of those dirty grins that promised all kinds of mischief. He looked happy, a little drunk, and very in need of kissing. He stretched up, straining his neck like a baby bird until Billy pressed their lips together.

He didn’t mind Jett being possessive or needy. What alarmed him was when it seemed like Jett didn’t need him.
“You’re the best dream I’ve ever had, Jett. I’d go places with you, you know. I love you.”

Billy knew what Jett would say, if he even answered. They’d been over it before. Jett insisted Billy didn’t need to bother, but not being around for the business made him feel isolated.

Instead of replying, Jett arched his hips and tongue-fucked Billy’s mouth. He tasted of Scotch and clove cigarettes, reassuringly familiar. Jett never tasted like anything but Jett, whatever they insinuated on those news magazine shows or in the tabloids that kept demanding sound bites from their publicist.

“Oh, let me in, let me in.” Jett pulled his fingers from Billy’s hole. Lean muscles rippled beneath Billy as Jett surged upward, groaning like he’d die if Billy didn’t slide onto his cock that instant.

Reaching back, Billy grabbed its base and squeezed. It was a move he’d read about and seen in movies. He wondered what effect it would have on Jett.
Jett’s sleepy-looking bedroom eyes widened. Lines formed between his dark, silver-studded brows like he might protest, but instead his head fell back against the pillows and his muscles went slack, like he was waiting to see what Billy was up to.
Billy’s pulse raced. He felt heady with the power of stopping Jett’s freight train. Maybe Jett was just too drunk or high to fight, but he seemed game.
Cupping Jett’s cock, Goldie worked it to get him harder again. He imagined Jett with a cock ring on, stuck in that aroused state to tease until he was sobbing for release. But Billy didn’t have one, and he wasn’t sure if he was ready to act on a fantasy like that.
He kissed down Jett’s body and then deep throated his cock, letting it slide in until his lips pressed against the trimmed pubes. The friction would mess up his vocals, but there was plenty going on to prevent Billy from recording.
Billy traced Jett’s opening with a fingertip, reading the tension in his body to see if he’d be up for being fucked. Billy knew beyond doubt that being inside Jett was only for him.
Jett propped himself on an elbow. Their gazes met. Those dark, liquid eyes looked puzzled in a way that made Jett seem defenseless and sweet. He spread his legs, hardmuscled thighs falling open as he anchored his heels behind Billy’s back.
Then Jett reached for the lubricant and passed the bottle to Billy.

Billy had a difficult time breathing. Topping wasn’t something he requested often. Usually Jett overwhelmed him, and the sex fell into place. Billy could come just from Jett fucking him.

Today things were different for reasons Billy hadn’t had time to process. All he knew was that he wanted the security of being inside Jett, knowing that he was the only one who would ever be inside him.

Billy pressed two slicked fingers inside Jett’s body and kissed him deeply, taking him at both ends. Jett felt so hot and solid, yet when they were like this, his vulnerability was unmistakable. It triggered something that made Billy want control.

This close to fucking Jett, Billy couldn’t slow down. Once Jett relaxed enough, Billy lined up and thrust.
Their eyes locked. Billy smiled. The day’s anxiety melted away.
Jett seemed subdued, no dirty talk or wicked smiles. Instead, he kissed Billy in welcome. It felt peaceful, as though Jett shared Billy’s need for something more intimate.
Billy was so grateful he teared up, but he blinked it away and kissed Jett again. This was very different from their wild night before.
“I love you. God, I love you so much.” The tension was already building inside him. He whispered how beautiful Jett was, how much he wanted and needed him.
Billy wanted this to last forever, but he knew it wouldn’t. He was too excited to control himself.
Grunting loudly, Billy grabbed Jett’s cock. He wanted to feel as much of him as he could while he let go.

Slippery precum dribbled over Billy’s fingers, testament to how much Jett was enjoying this.
“Want you to come for me.” Jett’s sinful murmur was punctuated by the irresistible clenching of his ass around Billy’s shaft. He suckled Billy’s earlobe, then tugged it with his teeth as his hips met Billy’s thrusts. “Fill me up, baby.”

The dirty words sounded like the movies Billy had watched when he was single. The movies he had taken to watching again now that Jett was gone so often. Billy grunted at the thought of pumping Jett full of his cum, marking him

completely and indelibly, of his spunk staying inside Jett, keeping him wet and ready whenever Billy wanted to take him.

Jett clenched around him, and Billy shuddered and slickened Jett’s insides with his release.
Jett hugged Billy with his thighs as his spine arched, pushing him all the way onto Billy’s cock. He milked Billy dry as his own cock grew wetter in anticipation.
That pink-cheeked face glistened with sweat amid the dark mass of hair spread across the bed linens. His eyes were closed like he was basking in sunshine, but it was Billy he was basking in. He rode out Billy’s climax like there was nothing he’d rather be doing.
Jett radiated raw sex just as he always had, but there was something more to it now, something private that belonged to Billy.
When his eyelids fluttered open, he gave Billy a smile that seemed as shy as it did sultry. Then Jett tucked his knees against his chest, a move that dislodged Billy. He held that pose so Billy could see the pearly spunk dripping from that winking opening.
Billy stroked the dark pink pucker, still dilated from his invasion. There was something submissive about Jett’s posture, a willingness to surrender everything. It was audacious and crude, uniquely Jett, and so erotic that Billy wished he could come again.
As that was not an immediate possibility, he grabbed Jett’s knees and pushed his legs to the mattress. He slicked up Jett’s cock, already glimmering in the low light of their bedroom, and straddled him.
Sweat dribbled down Billy’s back even before he pressed Jett’s cock against his opening. He hissed at the stretch around Jett’s thickness. Being penetrated was probably always going to hurt, but that was reassuring. He loved the pleasant ache that reminded him who he was with and how much Jett wanted him.
Twining their fingers together, Billy rode Jett, eyeing the beard rash on his chin.
As they moved in languid tandem, Jett’s eyes closed to slits. Their faint glint behind his curly lashes gave away that he was still staring. Jett groaned and sprawled across the bed, squeezing Billy’s hands, but made no move to withdraw from his grip.
For once, he seemed content to let Billy control the flow. The obscene squish and thwack of their bodies colliding and their noisy, exultant breathing were the only sounds.

“Are you still proud to be with me?”
Jett’s question caught Billy off guard. He wasn’t sure why Jett would ask. Was it the illegitimate child? That didn’t matter to Billy. He’d never thought Jett

was a saint.
“I love being with you. Love that you’re mine. Proud to be with you.” Billy kissed
Jett fiercely and squeezed around him, wanting Jett to feel as comforted by him as Jett’s
body had made him feel.
“I am yours. Your pet punk rocker.” Jett smiled into the kiss and rolled them over,
pinning Billy with his weight so they sank into the cushy mattress. Jett was lanky but solid above him, stronger now than when they’d met, back when Jett had lived off
drugs and booze.
Billy had taken care of Jett. He was healthier. His ribs were less prominent and his
hair was silkier, even if it was turning a little gray—neither of them ever mentioned it,
though Billy found the change handsome and intriguing. Jett seemed self-conscious
about aging, but it gave Billy romantic notions of growing old together. Jett growled as he dug his feet into the bed for leverage and thrust deep enough to
make Billy gasp. It was gentle by Jett’s standards, more making love than fucking. The punk star was a wild thing that Billy had tamed, and that made him Billy’s
property now.
As though thinking the same thing, Jett nuzzled Billy’s throat. “My heart’s in your
teeth, baby, whenever you get hungry.”

If even one of the rumors on television were true, Billy would fall apart. As much as Jett was his, Billy belonged to Jett. He’d let Jett too far in to hold him at arm’s length again, and he believed that Jett understood that.



Sometimes he wasn’t sure what Jett knew.

Billy ran his fingers through Jett’s hair and then dragged his nails up his back. They moved together, each thrust filling Billy with more and more confidence that they could get through anything. “You’re mine. I’m yours. Nothing changes that. We belong together.”

“My Billy. All mine. All for me. No sharing.” Jett’s cocky grin made him look like himself again, like he’d absorbed some of Billy’s growing confidence. He buried his face against Billy’s neck and breathed deeply. Then he let out a triumphant groan and dug both arms beneath Billy’s back as he drove inside him with increasing speed.

Joy poured out of Jett as he covered Billy in kisses that would have been innocent if their lower bodies weren’t so X-rated. He rubbed their faces together, squeezed Billy in his arms, and let out a soft laugh.

Then, as swiftly as his mood had changed before, Jett bit Billy’s shoulder and slid both hands down to grip his ass as he pounded him. Jett’s back rose and fell rapidly under Billy’s grip as his breathing became erratic. Jett seized, hips jerking in that distinctive staccato way.

Though he could barely breathe, Billy loved it. It worried him that they didn’t talk as much as they once had, but he felt wrung out, sated, sweaty, and exhausted. Billy sighed with contentment as Jett pulled out. He couldn’t stop kissing Jett or sliding his hands over him. “How was your day?”

Jett beamed as he rolled onto the mattress. He looked radiant despite dark circles under his eyes. “Same old, same old. Schmoozing, drinking so I can keep pretending to care. How about you? Did you get any work done on the album?”

Billy shook his head. “No, I slept until afternoon. Then when I woke up, Cole was here, so I was dealing with him.”
Had he been procrastinating? Maybe a little. The fact that Jett didn’t seem interested in going on tour with him made him less enthused than he normally would have been about a new project.
As if it provided any excuse, Billy added, “
was reporting on your schmoozing skills.”
“Fucking vultures.” Jett sagged like the breath had been knocked out of him. He seemed to shrink inward as if even in their bed he was trying to escape the scrutiny. One tattooed arm shot out to grab a spare pillow. Jett smothered a scream with it. He subsided, but made no move to emerge from his hiding spot.
Billy rolled on top, his back to Jett’s chest, and rested his head on the pillow. He wiggled around like he was making himself comfortable and pulled up the covers.
“Mmm, Jett bed with pillow face. My favorite.”
“Hey!” Jett’s body shook with that ironic-sounding belly laugh of his, vibrating under Billy like one of those magic-fingers beds in a cheap motel.
Jett yanked the pillow off his face and nommed on Billy’s neck. In throaty imitation of a B-movie vampire, he said, “I am paparazzi, and I vant to suck your blood.”
Even though Billy giggled, it was obvious that Jett was avoiding the elephant in the room. He had yet to ask about Cole or why Billy had let him into the house.

Billy rolled over and looked down into Jett’s eyes. It was as good a time as any to ask.

“Who was Linda?” “
.” Jett sounded dazed, like he had trouble thinking of her past tense. His brows furrowed, and he let out a tired-sounding sigh. “She believed in me, early on. She was really pretty and older than me, and she thought I was gonna be something special.”
Jett’s shrug seemed forced. “Then one day she told me she was married and stopped coming around. We were never close or anything. I mean, it wasn’t like she was my girlfriend. She was just some chick at the bars who’d buy me drinks.”

They kissed tenderly. As much of a cad as Jett pretended to be, Billy knew he took losing people to heart. Even though he was still pissed at his old bandmates, that Jett still brought them up told Billy he wasn’t over it. He never would be.

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