Blackness Takes Over & Blackness Awaits (16 page)

Read Blackness Takes Over & Blackness Awaits Online

Authors: Norma Jeanne Karlsson

Tags: #romantic suspense, #romance, #romantic thriller

“Me too,” the peanut gallery chimes in together, Kel included. I laugh. I feel bad for whoever dares to take this job.

“All right, well I’m gonna go enjoy my last moments of freedom then.” Frowns all around. “I need to go to the store if you animals wanna be fed.” I roll my eyes.

“I’ll go with you,” Kel says emphatically. I don’t mind some eye candy.

“’Kay, let’s go.” I get up from the table and make my way toward the door but Cally steps in front of me. He reaches down and grabs me around my waist, pulling me half a foot off the floor. I enfold my arms around his neck and look up at him. He’s smiling so wide his dimples almost look painful.

“Thanks for the refill last night.” He wiggles his Callaghan eyebrows. “You really were the most breathtaking woman on Earth last night.” My heart flutters, whose wouldn’t? I pull my legs up wrapping them around his waist and squeeze him tight to me, nuzzling him into my neck.

“Thanks Cally,” I whisper in his hair and press my lips to the side of his head. He starts nuzzling and wiggling his mouth into my neck and his stubble tickles me. I start to giggle and try to pull away which only intensifies his attack. I let go of his shoulders and try to grab his head and push him off.

“Get a room you two,” I hear Finn chide. I’m laughing and snorting (attractive) at this point and losing my grip around his waist. Cally stops, sets me back on my feet and slaps my ass.

“You know I like an audience, Finn,” Cally shoots back at his brother. I turn and head in my original direction to the garage. I pull off my slippers and slide into some comfy lined boots. Kel is just watching me, leaning on the door frame.

“Ready?” I ask chipper in my tone. Apparently a little tickle does a girl good. If only I could get the poke part of that equation, we’d be good to go.

“Yup,” he pops his
opening the door and lets me lead the way.

Kel whistles long and loud. Uncle Mick’s baby, and now mine, the reason for his attention.

“A 1968 Shelby Cobra GT 500KR.” He’s breathy. My car made him cream his jeans. He’s running his hands along the body, studying every curve like he could go blind at this moment a happy man.

“Do you like my Sunday drivin’ car?” I ask with a feigned southern accent. His head snaps up as I break his molestation of Shelby.

“Your car?” he says, testing how those words taste rolling off his tongue. I arch my brow at him and head to the driver’s side, wiggling my keys.

“Stop staring, Kellerman.” I’m in the driver’s seat and he’s still ogling Shelby. “Get in or I’ll leave your ass behind.” He gently pulls the door open and slides into the seat. He shuts the door and starts eye fucking the interior of Shelby. I open the garage and crank the engine. That sound really is special. I don’t know if I’ll ever get used to it. He moans. That sound I could get used to. I snicker and pull out of the garage, heading toward the store. This is a classically restored car, no bells and whistles. Uncle Mick was a purist and I didn’t fuck with that. The AM push button radio still remains on the dash and I never turn it on. I ride in silence in this car every weekend. Cleansing doesn’t begin to describe the effect on me.

“You wanna go on a drive before we hit the store?” I ask. Not knowing if this will be allowed in the coming weeks. I can’t believe I have to get a bodyguard!

“Absolutely,” he coos, “I’ll text Kavanagh and let him know.” I nod. The babysitting has commenced.

“Let the warden know I peed before we left,” I snark at him. He doesn’t respond as he finishes his text and puts his phone back in his pocket.

“I know this is shitty, Kid,” he says matter-of-factly. He called me Kid, only my family calls me that. I like it coming off his lips. I like it more than I should in fact. “Everyone just wants you safe. I want you safe. That’s why I was there today…not the reason Finn gave you.” He doesn’t look at me. He just shakes his head a little and stares out the window.

I head north like I usually do. I like the drive up to Weston. It’s a small town perched up in the hills. The roads and highways leading to it are rolling and winding, perfect for a drive. We ride in companionable silence. I decide to take the scenic route up K-5. It’ll take longer, but like I said this could be the last of these for a while. I’m going to take advantage. It’s the perfect autumn day, crisp cool weather and a bright sunny cloud dotted sky overhead. The trees have all turned amber, golden, rust, and brown. It’s like driving through Keats’
To Autumn
, peaceful and calm. I want some apple cider.

“You like apple cider?” I ask Kel.

He looks over at me with a sweet smile. “Love it.”

I pull into the Red Barn Farm in Weston. I love this place. Uncle Mick used to bring me here to pick apples and pumpkins every autumn. We’d do hayrides and visit the animals, then Uncle Mick would always buy me apple cider, I miss that. I haven’t been back here since I left home the first time.

We hop out of the car and head into the country store. Kel buys us an apple cider each and we walk around sipping in silence for a while, enjoying the gorgeous weather and squealing kids running around.

“Dad brought me here once when I was little I think,” Kel finally breaks the silence. “It’s the perfect weather to be here. Thanks for lettin’ me tag along.”

“No problem,” I grin at him. Like I had a choice. It’s nice to have him here though.

My BlackBerry starts ringing. It’s my warden.

“Yes sir, Warden,” I answer.

“Knock it off, Kid,” he laughs. “We’re all talkin’ about going to The Corner Café for lunch. You and Kellerman wanna meet us?”

“Hang on.”

“Hey, the boys are gonna go eat lunch at The Corner Café. You wanna go?” I ask Kel.

“Sure. Whatever you wanna do I’m good with,” he shrugs. That’s not what you said last night. I’m holding a grudge.

“Yeah Kavy, we’ll meet you. ’Bout an hour, ’kay?”

“That’s good for us. See ya soon.” We hang up.

“Can we sit and talk for a few minutes before me meet the guys?” Kel asks.

“Sure, we’ve got time. What’s up?” I can’t do another safety talk or I will scream.

“I just wanted to clear up some things from last night,” he says softly. I flip up my sunglasses into my hair and look at his face. He’s kind, but somber at the same time.

“’Kay.” I wait.

“I didn’t dismiss you…that’s the word you used, I think…last night.” My eyes bug out. Not where I thought this conversation was going. I suck my eyes back in their rightful places before he notices my reaction.

“What word do you use?” I ask softly, with a hint of snark.

“The hardest fuckin’ thing I’ve had to do in a long time.”

“What?!” I’m lost.

“Kid, I’d be fuckin’ lucky to get even a chance with you, much less an offer,” he winces at his words. “You’re…I don’t even have the words to describe…perfect comes to mind but it seems too small. Whatever the perfect word for perfect is, multiply that by ten and maybe you’ll get close.” I snicker at that. “If I’m ever gonna kiss you…and I doubt you’ll give me the chance after last night…I don’t want it on a club floor to entertain and tease some serial rapist.” We both wince at that one.

I don’t have a response to this. I am out of snark and my logical brain is spinning. What the fuck do I say? A girl would know what to say right now. Something sweet and endearing, all I can think of is some version of “fuck off”. Classy.

“When Finn called me yesterday after you left the hospital I was shocked.” I furrow my brow. Finn did what? “He explained the things goin’ on with Butch’s trial and asked me if I’d feel comfortable helpin’ the guys keep an eye on you. He said you seemed to trust me and that was a huge deal for you and them. When I walked into Flannery’s and saw you my whole world stopped. I’ve never seen any of the wonders of the world, but I’m sure you made them all look like second rate tourist destinations. When Kavanagh asked me to come get you away from your ex, I was already on my way before he asked, I couldn’t wait to be able to touch you. Havin’ my arm around your waist like you were mine, when you’re clearly not, was the sweetest torture of my life.” My mind is fucking reeling. I still haven’t said a word. I’m just listening and staring into his teal pools. His eyes are genuine and soft.

“Then we get to Bar and I get to hold your hand. I could hold your hand every day and it wouldn’t be enough. Then I saw all the eyes on you and it fucked with me. You deserve better than me, so I backed off. When I watched you dance with O’Sullivan it warmed my heart. You were so happy and free. Watching you feel like that, I wanted to be the one to put that smile on your face and that glow on your skin. I didn’t even notice that chick sitting down next to me until you were coming back up to the VIP. I got rid of her as quick as I could, but then Jason was on you. I should have kept my distance when he stepped in.” He closes his eyes and shakes his head like he just got slapped.

“I couldn’t, Kid. I tried, I really did, but I couldn’t let him just have you without givin’ it a shot. When you jumped at the chance to dance with me I thought we were on the same page. Not like you and the other guys, who you obviously love but it has a boundary, I thought we were headed toward something different. You movin’ in my hands…I was undone. When I realized that rapist was watchin’, I wanted to kill him. Not figuratively, literally with my hands around his throat squeezing the life outta him. I’ve known guys like him, they don’t deserve to breathe much less entertain the idea of you. So when you wanted to kiss me for his benefit I couldn’t do it. I didn’t want the best moment of my life tainted by him. That’s what I mean when I say it was the hardest thing I’ve had to do in a long time.”

I stand up from the picnic table and walk around to his side. He follows me with his whole body swinging his legs over the bench and ending up with the table at his back and me standing in front of him. I pause for a moment, then act. Thinking won’t bode well for me now, action is what’s needed. I climb onto his lap straddling my legs around his hips and wrap my arms around his neck tight.

“That’s the sweetest thing anyone has ever said to me,” I whisper in his ear and press my lips into the side of his head. He pulls back from me and looks in my eyes. Desire is pouring out of his like lava from a volcano. Kel grasps my chin and pulls it gently forward to his face. There’s a second’s hesitation and then his mouth is on mine, tender and sweet. His lips are soft and plump, I could sleep on these things. He runs his hand to the nape of my neck and pulls me harder to him, increasing the hunger of the kiss. His other hand slips under my tank and caresses the small of my back. Cue the cheesy soundtrack and fireworks, ladies and gentleman! Never a tongue in play and this is the best kiss I have ever had, hands down. He pulls back and pecks me one time for good measure as I rest my forehead against his to catch my breath.

“Wow,” he whispers.

I agree, “Wow.” We both snicker and sit up.

“We should get goin’ if we’re gonna meet the guys,” I say. Not really giving a shit if I see them or not, as long as that kiss is a teaser of what’s left to come. He nods and I untangle from his lap. We head toward the car and he grabs my hand intertwining our fingers. I look down at our hands and beam. He deserves a reward for that kiss but even more for that story. I reach in my pocket and pull out my keys to dangle them in front of his face. He snaps his head at me and raises his eyebrows.

“You sure?”

“You better take the opportunity while it’s there, I’m almost changing my mind as we speak.” I’ve never let anyone other than my mechanic drive Shelby.

He snatches the keys from me and quickens our pace to the car. I giggle as he drags me behind him. Kel walks me over to the passenger side, lets me in and shuts the door. I reach over and unlock the driver’s door before he gets there.

“You passed the bitch test,” he announces, as he settles in and adjusts the seat.

“Always have and always will. You passed the gentleman test,” I smirk.

“Oh so this is how you test out your dates,” he chides. “You try to distract them with one of the greatest cars ever and see if they still have manners?”

I snicker. “I’ve never let anyone drive Shelby before, Kel,” I grin. “This is my first time, so be gentle.” His eyes bug out of his head and I think he stops breathing. I wait.

He reaches across the car and grabs my neck pulling me to his face and smashes his lips to mine. This kiss is not gentle or sweet, it’s animalistic. His tongue makes its way out of his mouth and he pulls my bottom lip in between his teeth to nibble and suck it. I moan. I smash my mouth back onto his and part my lips, his tongue jumps at the invitation. He massages his tongue against mine hungrily, sensually. Moaning into my mouth he slows down and pulls back, kissing me chastely on my lips, nose, and forehead.

“Thank you,” he says and cranks the engine. As he pulls away I can’t resist.

“If that was my thank you for letting you drive my car, I can’t imagine what you’ll give me after I let you fuck me.” He slams the brakes.

“Don’t,” he snarls with desire, “I don’t wanna crash Shelby. No talkin’ about or alluding to sex with you while I drive. As a matter of fact, no touchin’ either. You stay on your side of the car and I’ll stay on mine until we are safely at our destination.”

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