Blackness Takes Over & Blackness Awaits (24 page)

Read Blackness Takes Over & Blackness Awaits Online

Authors: Norma Jeanne Karlsson

Tags: #romantic suspense, #romance, #romantic thriller

“Mia’s important to me. I don’t wanna let her down today,” I mumble to Taylor. “I just need this to be okay.” He puts his hand on mine. We sit there hand on hand in silence for a few minutes. I shouldn’t be comforted by this, but I am. He’s here to keep me safe and his hand on mine makes me feel safe right now. I still feel like Kel wouldn’t like it…I’m not going to over think this. I’m not doing anything wrong. Feeling better, I stand up and Taylor guides me to Mia’s room, his hand on my lower back the whole time.

I get to Mia’s room and talk to Beth (Mia’s social worker) and the police officer guarding Mia. A few moments later Butch and Reed walk in, Butch’s eyes locked on Mia. He hasn’t seen her since that night; he looks to be in shock. His breath is hitched and his eyes are glistening. This is not the reaction I’d anticipated. I approach him, carefully extending my hand.

“Mr. Rossi, I’m Shannon Kelly, we haven’t officially met. I’m Mia’s guardian ad litem.” I’m firm, but civil. He brings his eyes to mine, looks down at my hand and grasps it gently. He shakes it, bringing his gaze back up to study my face.

“You’re the one who takes care of my Mia?” It sounds like a question, but it’s really a statement. His voice is rough and gravelly, but his face is soft and kind.

“Well, Mr. Rossi, I’m a small part of Mia’s care—”

Irene, Mia’s nurse interrupts. “Don’t let her fool you,” she beams, “Miss Kelly is the reason Mia does so well. She sees to all her needs. Don’t be shy child,” she scolds me. I smile at Irene, but wish she’d shut up. I drop Butch’s hand which has been gripping mine this whole time.

“This is Beth Green, Mia’s social worker.” He shakes her hand briefly.

“Can I sit with her?” Butch asks me softly.

“Mr. Rossi—”

“Butch, please.”

“Butch, this is your visit with Mia. You can do whatever you want during this time, so long as it doesn’t endanger her wellbeing.” I motion at Mia and take a seat in the chair near the end of her bed next to Beth. Taylor and Officer “I can’t remember his name” are standing just outside the door. Reed sits down next to me, making my skin crawl.

“Well,” he breathes out.

“Nope,” I stop him, “I’m not talkin’ shop or anything else with you while we’re in Mia’s room. This is a place of calm, so keep it buttoned up,” I hiss under my breath. He nods but slights his eyes at me. What a prick!

Butch is sitting in a chair next to Mia’s bed holding her hand, rubbing it, kissing it, tears pricking his eyes. He looks broken. Is that guilt for what he’s done to her? I was expecting this to be a show for the court. He comes in pretending to be a loving father to build his case. Unless the Missouri Department of Corrections is offering acting classes, this is genuine emotion. I take notes on what he does and how he behaves. At some point he starts to talk to her in a whisper but I can’t understand him. Mia’s heart rate has been higher since he’s been here. I’m worried this is stressing her, I’ll ask Irene later.

Butch’s visit is over quickly. He kisses Mia for the hundredth time and tells her he’ll be back real soon. I walk over to her and tell her I’ll come do her hair on Saturday and read her some magazines. Butch watches this and quirks an eyebrow at me.

“We have girl time together,” I explain nicely. “I do her hair and we gossip about all the latest celebrity drama.” He watches me for a moment.

“Thank you,” he says sincerely. “I feel better knowing she’s been taken care of.” He turns and leaves.

“That is not what I expected, Shannon,” Beth murmurs.

“Me neither.” I shrug.

Irene walks in after everyone has left.

“Hey Irene?” I question.


“Mia’s heart rate seemed elevated while Butch was here. What do you think that’s about?” I ask with a concerned tone.

“It happens when you’re here too sometimes, Miss Kelly. We can’t say for sure why those changes occur in coma patients but with our girl, I think it happens when she’s happy,” Irene explains sincerely. I hope she’s right. I want Mia to be happy almost as much as I want her awake. Butch made her happy? This visit has been full of surprises. I can only imagine what lies ahead with this case.

I walk out of the locker room onto the basketball court ready for a good game of 3-on-3. After the visitation with Butch, the rest of the work day flew. Karl and I closed a few cases we’d been working on and gossiped for half an hour before our day was done. Now I’m ready to let off some steam.

“Ready to get your ass pounded?” Kavy goads me as I approach the group.

“Why?” I blink long and slow at him. “You feelin’ the need for a little ass action? Pussy not gettin’ the job done for ya anymore?” Taylor, Sully, Cally, and Finn all fall into deep chuckles as I snatch the ball from Kavy and throw up a three-pointer, sinking it.


Kavy unleashes a hard crack on my ass as he runs down the ball.

“I love your ass anyway I can get it,” Kavy calls over his shoulder. “Now get it movin’ so we can play some ball.”

“Me, you, and Taylor,” Cally instructs, “against Finn, O’Sullivan, and Kav. I think that’s even, Kid.”

“Good for me,” I shrug. I’m pretty good at basketball and Cally is better than all the boys. Taylor should be able to hold his own. If not, it’s something to give him shit about. Cally checks the ball to Kavy and we get underway. We’re competitive at most things we do. I think Taylor is a little caught off guard at first when Kavy fouls me hard and I take a tumble to the court. I don’t call a foul; I’ll get him back later. Taylor raises an eyebrow at me as I hop up.

“You all right?” he askes, approaching me with concern.

“Fine.” I brush down my shorts and look up into his caramel eyes. I smile and place my hand on his chest, patting twice. “Playing with us, means you get beat up a little. I’m used to it.” He smiles, but it doesn’t reach his eyes.

“She gives as good as she gets, Taylor,” Sully interjects from behind us. “Don’t fuss over her.”

A wide smile cracks Taylor’s face. “Kinda my job O’Sullivan.” I smile back up at him and turn to join the group.


Taylor’s hand makes swift contact with my ass cheek.

“Go give ’em hell,” he whispers as he runs past me. It’s not different from any of the other boys smacking my ass, or me theirs, yet I have a warm tingle in my stomach after Taylor does it. Kel…I have a boyfriend. Deep breath.

We play for a long time before my turn to get Kavy presents itself. He beats me off the dribble and slashes to the basket, extending his arm for a layup. I come at him from behind to block, jumping and swiping my hand down hard making “accidental” contact with his head on my way down.

“Game off,” Kavy moans.

“I’m sorry, Kavy. I was really trying for the ball,” I feign innocence with my apology.

“Uh huh,” Kavy murmurs while rubbing his head. I know I pack quite a wallop from my volleyball days. He got the brunt of my swing right on the crown of his head. Maybe I went at him a little too hard. I wrap my arms around his thick neck, pulling his head down to my face. I kiss his hair where he’s been rubbing.

“Sorry, Kavy,” I whisper in his ear and kiss his cheek.

“You’re too strong for your own good, Kid.” He wraps his sweaty python arms around my waist picking me up off the court. I squeal trying to push him off, but it’s no use. Once he’s used my body like a towel he releases me and gives me a sportsman like ass tap moving back to the boys.

“Told you she can hold her own,” Sully says to Taylor.

“I’m getting that,” Taylor replies staring at me…hungry. Just like Kel said. My stomach flips as I try to push the heat from my cheeks.

“Next shot wins,” Cally yells across the court to me, with a wink. I know he means his next shot will win us the game…and it does. My teams always win.

In the shower after the game I try to figure out this Taylor thing. He’s gorgeous, yes. He’s also my employee. I have to keep this professional. I have Kel. I want Kel. It’s only been five days, but I know I want Kel. If Kel hadn’t been in the picture when Taylor showed up there is no doubt that I would be all over the officer, but that’s not the case. I’ve been keeping men at bay my whole life; I’ll just have to do the same with Taylor. Resigned to put some boundaries up between us, I stroll out of the locker room.

Taylor’s the only one waiting for me. Shit! So much for using the guys as a barrier.

“The guys headed out to grab some Chinese,” Taylor informs me. I nod and move past him to the doors. “You okay, Shannon?” His tone is concerned. I don’t blame him because I’m acting weird. Thirty seconds in and I realize this plan isn’t going to work. I can’t keep him at bay when he’s around me all the time. It will be exhausting and stressful. I just have to maintain my own composure. No more heat and stomach flips.

“Just worn out,” I huff. He puts his hand on the small of my back and directs me out the doors to Rodger and our waiting S-Class.

“Good game, Shannon?” Rodger asks as he takes me from Taylor, leading me into the backseat.

“Yeah, my team won!” I brag.

“I never doubted that would be the case,” he says smiling as he shuts me in. I get the same feeling that I used to when Uncle Mick would congratulate me after I won a game. I glow a little at the feeling. Taylor and Rodger climb in front, in their typical synchronous fashion. A comfortable silence fills the car as we ride home.

After pigging out on Chinese I roll myself into bed. This day has been exhausting and my long night of talking to Kel is catching up with me.

Ring, ring


“Hey, Kiddo,” Kel purrs.

“Hey,” I coo in return. Yeah, I want Kel.

“How was the game?”

“Good, I won of course.”

“Of course.”

“Hey!” I feign offense at his snarky retort.

“Oh come on. You know I’m just givin’ you shit. Maybe next time you guys play I can join you. I’m sure havin’ an odd number made it less fun for you all.”

“We weren’t odd numbers.”

“Who played?”

“The six of us.”


“Me, Kavy, Sully, Cally, Finn, and Taylor,” I explain. Silence is the only thing that follows. “Kel? You still there?”

“Uh huh,” he sounds distracted.

“You okay?”

“Yeah,” he says curtly.

“You don’t sound okay.”

“Not liking this,” he responds with a terse tone.

“Huh?” I’m so lost.


“Kel, you’re gonna have to speak in actual sentences if you want me to understand what the hell you’re saying.” I hear a woman’s voice in the background before it’s muffled by Kel covering up the phone. He says something to the person talking, but I can’t understand anything being said. I know he’s staying with friends so it could be anybody.

“Hello?” I question, trying to bring his attention back to our discussion. I hear him end the conversation with whoever and move his hand.

“Sorry ’bout that,” he apologizes.


“I’m jealous,” he states matter-of-factly.

“Of?” I stretch the word as long as it can go.

“Taylor. He’s gettin’ the time with you that I want. He’s spendin’ every wakin’ moment with my girlfriend. I’ve never in my life been jealous and I’m not dealin’ well. Taylor’s just doin’ his job and you’re livin’ your life, tryin’ to be safe. I know this…but I’m still so jealous that I’m beyond a green eyed monster.”

“That wasn’t so hard was it?” I ask softly, relieved by his honesty.


“Talkin’ to me.”

“Depends…are you pissed at me?”

“No. We’re new and across the country from each other. This isn’t easy for me either. Honesty is the only way this will work. I don’t know how to make a relationship work necessarily, but the truth is the best place to start. Don’t you think?”


“Taylor may want me, but I want you, Kel. That’s what matters. Focus on that until you’re back here with me. I’m yours,” I coo.

“You’re mine,” Kel breathes, sounding relieved. “Okay, tell me about Butch.”

We talk for a long while about Butch and Mia. It’s really nice to have someone to talk to that knew Mia before. He shares stories about her that set light to my heart. Kel’s just as confused about Butch as I am. He says that’s how Butch always was with Mia, but obviously that changed when he attacked her. I hate that I can’t figure out his play. Only time will tell as his case moves forward. Kel doesn’t bring up Taylor or our relationship again as we talk. I think we both feel better about where we stand and how we’re moving forward together. I’ve never been “together” before. It brings me such comfort and peace, that I fall into an easy sleep; cuddling Kel’s pillow to my face, breathing him in.

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