Blackness Takes Over & Blackness Awaits (26 page)

Read Blackness Takes Over & Blackness Awaits Online

Authors: Norma Jeanne Karlsson

Tags: #romantic suspense, #romance, #romantic thriller

Dinner is fantastic and my dress is well received, although I could sense some disappointment from the group at the apparent demureness of it. Suckers! We finish up the meal with gifts. Kavy gets mostly whiskey and gift cards from his brothers and friends. They are guys after all, not a lot of thought put in, but a little effort made. Pop got him a Blackhawks executive suite for the end of December when we’ll be home for Christmas. It’s really a gift for all of us! Now it’s my turn. I hand Kavy the wrapped box…there’s an idea. He tears at it like a child would, that’s Kavy thirty-two going on six. When he opens the box he gasps and shoots his eyes to mine.

“Kid,” he whispers looking back down, studying the box, “this is amazing. Thank you so much.” He stands up and wraps me tightly in his python arms, squeezing the breath out of me while my feet dangle off the floor. He sets me down and kisses my cheek.

“What is it?” his brother Ryan asks. Kavy picks up the framed picture and shows it around the table. It’s a picture I found of Kavy, Ryan and Adam with their mom. She died when they were teenagers. It’s the reason Kavy doesn’t sleep well, I’m sure of it. The photo is a candid shot where they had been playing in piles of leaves and were all cuddled up and laughing with each other. They were little, all under four I would guess. It was pure joy captured in that moment. I had it blown up and professionally framed. A memory like that should be cherished.

“Shannon,” Pop clears his throat, tears in the back of his eyes, “thank you.”

Ryan and Adam come around the table and give me big hugs and thank yous.

“All right boys,” I bellow at my rowdy bunch, “let’s get outta here.”

We all make it to Flannery’s with Rodger and a couple of his colleagues driving us for the evening. Drinking will be on the menu for the rest of the night. We roll up buzzing with excitement. I’m so wound up to see Kel, I could burst. Taylor has been close by me all night. I’m guessing being in the pub will make his job harder, but I’m not worried with all my boys here. Someone would have to be completely insane to try something with me tonight.

Once in Flannery’s it’s a crazy Saturday night. Friends we know from quiz nights are here and the rest of the place is jam packed with people. Jack had only been able to save us two tables, so there aren’t enough chairs to go around. Some of the guys stand and some mingle at the bar so it’s fine. It’s time for the big reveal. The guys are all out of their jackets, either left in the cars or on the back of chairs. I nonchalantly peel off my cardigan and walk over to Kavy.

“Happy Birthday!” I scream and throw my arms up striking a pose just for him. His jaw drops and so do Ryan, Adam, Hugh, and Collin’s. Sully, Finn, and Cally wolf whistle and catcall me. Aidan curses. Pop just shakes his head at them, and winks at me. Point Kid.

“Yes. It. Is.” Kavy bellows and scoops me up by my waist spinning me around. I’m giddy. Shots all around. Four shots of tequila later and I’m nice a relaxed. I’m sitting in Aidan’s lap talking about his last year of residency when his eyes start to stare past me.

“Aidan,” I chide, “pay attention.” His hand tightens around my waist protectively.

“You know him, Kid?” he yells over the music, nodding his head behind me. I turn to look over my shoulder. Kellerman.

Kel is in a navy suit with a pale pink pinstriped shirt. I love a man in pink. His hair is perfectly swept to the side and his teal eyes are intense. I hop out of Aidan’s lap and wrap my arms around Kel’s neck, gripping him tightly. He slowly wraps his arms around my waist and lifts my feet from the ground. I want to wrap my legs around his waist…not so classy in a pub wearing a dress, so I dangle.

“Hi,” I whisper into his neck.

“Hey,” he whispers, tipping his head down and smashing his lips against mine. Oh I have missed this mouth. I slide my tongue and taste him like I may never have the chance again. Before this became an all-out porn scene, I hear whistles and jeers. Ah, right, we have an audience. We pull back and beam at each other. He sets me down and grabs my hand, spinning me around.

“Wow, Kiddo,” his eyes shine, “you are breathtaking. I’m a lucky man.” I smile and curtsy. I snatch his hand and bring him over to meet the young ones. Aidan is watching us like we’re the main attraction at the carnival. I’ve never been like this with a man. No PDA, no labels, no attachments, I haven’t brought a guy around the whole family…this is new for all of us.

“Kel,” I say all business, “this is Aidan Callaghan, my baby brother. Aidan this is my boyfriend, Dylan Kellerman.” A hush falls over the group at that admission. I’ve never said that word before, and it shows. I hadn’t told the guys about Kellerman and me yet, because frankly I didn’t know how… “Hey guys. Kellerman’s my boyfriend” that felt weird. So this was the route I chose. I know how to stun a crowd.

Kel is beaming at the introduction and sticks his hand out to Aidan. After Aidan gets his brain working again he tentatively shakes Kel’s hand. They both say something about nice to meet you, blah, blah. I make the rounds of introductions with the young ones which go similarly to Aidan’s and now it’s Pop’s turn. I’m fucking anxious. He’s meeting one of my dads after two weeks together, ten of those days we’ve been separated…I should have thought this through a little better.

“Kel,” I say softly, showing my anxiety, “this is my pop, Michael Kavanagh. Pop, this is my boyfriend, Dylan Kellerman.” They shake hands and study each other. I had told Kel how important all of these people are to me. He’s doing an amazing job of respecting the stares and once-overs.

“Dylan, it’s a pleasure to meet you.” Pop is in attorney mode. “What exactly are your intentions with my daughter?” Holy shit! I was not expecting that. My eyeballs are bugged out of my head at Kel. He snickers at me before responding to Pop.

“I have every intention with her sir.” He looks Pop right in the eye and squeezes the arm that’s around my waist. “Whatever she’ll allow me…I’ll give her, every day, until she tells me otherwise.” He kisses my hair.

Pop rolls this idea over in his head for a few moments before he claps Kel on the shoulder. “Why don’t you buy me a drink?” Pop smiles at me while talking to Kel. “I’ll get to know ya.” They turn toward the bar and off they go to bond.

Sully snakes his arms around my waist and pulls me to the dance floor. I love dancing with him, he really does make me shine. The other O’Sullivan men are good dancers too. After a dance with each of them Aidan sweeps in. He’s so tall and I have sky high heels on so we look like a normal, albeit equally giant, couple.

“You’re glowin’, Kid,” he whispers in my ear as we sway to a power ballad. I beam up at him. I feel like I’m glowing.

“I’m happy Aidan. Really happy.”

“Because of Kellerman?”

“He’s part of it,” I lie. He’s most of it plus after Butch’s visitation on Thursday I don’t think I’m in danger anymore. Butch has been the same at every visitation as he was at the first. He’s caring and loving with Mia, concerned about her wellbeing. I don’t think he wants her, and therefore me, out of the picture. I’m going to talk to Finn and the guys about it tomorrow, I think I can let Taylor go, and get back to a normal life.

“Can I cut in?” I hear his deep smooth voice raising the hairs on the back of my neck.

“Sure,” Aidan smiles at me and kisses my cheek, before handing me off to Kel.

“Your dance card has been quite full this evening, Miss Kelly,” he speaks very properly and bows his head. “I was not sure if I would get the pleasure of escorting you around the dance floor before the night drew to a close.” He grasps my hand, pulling it to his mouth and places a chaste kiss in the palm. I wrap my other arm around his shoulder as his snakes around my waist. I lay my head on his shoulder and nuzzle into his neck. I’m home. He smells like musky cologne, beer, man, and spearmint, I inhale deep and sigh loud.

“You okay, Kiddo?” he whispers in my ear.

“I’m better than okay.” I lift my mouth and kiss his neck. “I’m perfect.” I can feel his face split into a wide grin and he sways a little harder with me.

It’s short lived because the somewhat (quite) drunk birthday boy steals me away and swings me around like a ragdoll. The group laughs, drinks, sings happy birthday (horribly), dances, and all in all have an amazing night. After we’re done at Flannery’s it’s time to get the heavily intoxicated men home. A few of the guys pick up randoms and Kavy got himself a birthday present (threesome). He’ll be trying to crawl into my bed once that’s over…note to self, lock bedroom door.

No one pukes, so I say the ride home is a success. There are already moans and groans rolling through the house by the time Kel and I get to my room…door locked. It sounds like a brothel in here. I lean against the door after I lock it and listen to the audio porn and giggle, this feels like college all over again and I love it.

“What’re you giggling at?” Kel asks from across the room as he peels his shirt off.

“Nothing. Just good memories and a good night.” I can’t wipe the smile off my face. I go into the bathroom and take off my makeup. Once it’s off, I enter my bedroom to find a boxer brief clad Kel sitting on my bed reading something on his phone.

“Can you unzip me please?” I purr. His head shoots up from his phone. He looks at me with hooded eyes and motions for me with a come-hither finger. I oblige and stand in front of him with my back only inches from his face. He sweeps my hair to the side rubbing my shoulders, his hands continue over to my exposed sides and slowly down my hips and back up to my zipper. He pulls the zip down and pushes the dress off my shoulders, letting it pool at my feet. I don’t have on anything other than my Agent Provocateur thong which gives him an amazing view of the delicate scalloped lace that fades away between my cheeks at the back. He hisses when he gets a full view, running his hands along my hips leaning his forehead into the small of my back. His lips press gently onto the lace and I shiver.

I turn slowly, climb onto his lap and he captures my mouth with fervor. I move against him until the need for our underwear separating us is no longer there. Once we’re naked and I’m beneath him, I become nervous. He senses my nerves and starts slowly with me. He trails kisses down my neck, across my collarbone, stopping to pay special attention to my breasts. Kel pinches and rolls one nipple while nibbling and sucking the other, before switching. Once both tits are thoroughly taken care of he begins moving lower. He nips, suckles, and kisses his way down my navel. My breath hitches as I moan in anticipation of his final destination. He moves his broad sculpted shoulders between my thighs and pushes my knees up near my chest against the mattress with his giant hands. His tongue makes one long slow lick between my folds and I scream out in ecstasy. He quickens his strokes against my clit making me quiver and rock my hips. Sliding his hand down the back of my thigh, I keep my knee pressed to the mattress where he wants it. I feel his hand disappear from my thigh only to experience the rapture of one large rough finger sliding inside me as he continues to devour my clit with his mouth. Moments later I come, gripping his hair with force, while moaning and cursing.

His mouth follows the trail it blazed on the way south, back up to my mouth. Capturing his plush bottom lip with my teeth I suck it into my mouth, causing Kel to growl deep in his throat. He kisses me deeply with passion. The taste of me on his lips drives my want even more. His tongue massages against mine as his hand reaches between us to guide him into me. The pain is breath stopping. Kel recognizes my discomfort and inches in slowly, kissing me ardently. Once he’s all the way to the hilt he stops and pulls his face from mine to gaze into my eyes.

“You okay, Kiddo?” he whispers. The concern and sincerity pouring from his teal orbs renders me speechless. The pain is unreal, but I’m more than okay. I nod. Minutely, he begins to move. As his deliberately languid movements increase the pain fades and pleasure takes over. I wrap my legs around his waist and my arms around his shoulders as he nestles into my neck. As his pace and intensity speed up I feel another orgasm building. Moaning and mewling, I dig my nails into his skin and my ankles into his hips. This unleashes a new level of thrusting, tipping me over the edge. As my orgasm sweeps over me, blurring my vision, I feel Kel bracing for his. He grunts and shakes emptying himself inside me. Our sweat glistening bodies move slower against each other until Kel collapses on top of me. He’s heavy but I don’t want to break our connection so I say nothing.

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