Blackness Takes Over & Blackness Awaits (53 page)

Read Blackness Takes Over & Blackness Awaits Online

Authors: Norma Jeanne Karlsson

Tags: #romantic suspense, #romance, #romantic thriller

“Why would you do that, Kid?” Collin asks in a pained tone. “Why would you put yourself in front of him after what he did to you?”

“I don’t know if I can tell you guys that part. It’s complicated,” I say quietly not wanting to offend them.

“It’s okay, Shanny. You can tell ’em,” Nicky’s voice calls from the doorway.

Nicky looks like a different human being. His hair is light blond and cut short like Kavy’s. His eyes are a new (fake) deep almost black brown. His face is clean shaven. I know it’s him though. He’s smiling sheepishly at me.

“Nicky,” I push out in a whisper feeling a lump in my throat.

“Gentleman, I’m agent Nick Cooper you’ll know me as Nick Scarso,” Nicky explains. “She’s had a long day and shouldn’t have to explain the events that have taken place. Any questions you have I’d be happy to answer. Some details still must remain confidential at this point, but I’ll give you what I can,” he states confidently striding toward my bed.

Pappy, Collin and Hugh are dumbstruck that Nicky is in this room.

“I’d offer to shake your hands but mine are in quiet a state at this point,” Nicky says holding up his bandaged hands. I scan the rest of him to see he’s favoring his right arm, but that’s all I can see. He looks good, safe. Pappy stands in front of him before Nicky can get any closer to me.

“Did you do that to her back?” Pappy seethes.

“No, but I blame myself for it,” Nicky admits.

“You motherfucker!” Hugh screams standing up then lunging at Nicky. I squeeze Kel’s hand pulling him hard. His head flies up to meet my gaze sensing my stress he pulls his earbuds out.

“I’ll fuckin’ kill you,” Hugh continues to scream lunging against Collin and Pappy’s grasp. Kel stands up and quickly rounds the bed in a limp jumping in front of Hugh.

“Hugh, man, don’t do whatever you’re doin’ in front of Kid. She’s had enough,” Kel instructs coolly with the right amount of threat in his voice. Nicky is standing still watching Kel intently.

“That motherfucker kidnapped her, let her get beaten to a pulp, and then let her take four bullets for him. He’s lucky I don’t have my goddamn gun!” Hugh bellows. Kel’s expression changes. This is bad. All in one movement Kel pivots, rocks back, and lands a fist to Nicky’s jaw. Nicky stumbles back as Kel advances on him. Collin, Hugh and Pappy are trying to get Kel under control (barely making an effort) but he’s throwing them back so hard they’re not able to. I need this to stop.

“Kel stop, PLEASE!” I yell but he doesn’t hear me. I don’t know what to do. So I do what I’ve always done. “KAVY!!!!” I scream at the top of my lungs as Kel lands another fist to Nicky’s face. Kavy comes tearing into my room shaking and heaving, trying to figure out what the fuck is going on.

“Make him stop, Kavy,” I say in almost a whimper. Kel is continuing to pummel Nicky while Nicky just stands and takes it, never raising a fist. Kavy rushes at them ripping Nicky backward by the shoulder throwing him to the floor then wrapping his python arms around Kel walking him backward toward my bedside. Sully and Cally run in with the same freaked out faces that Kavy had. They stand over Nicky menacingly, obviously identifying him as my threat.

“Kellerman, stop,” Kavy breathes out roughly not letting Kel go.

“He did this,” Kel growls. That stops Kavy dead in his tracks. Kavy looks over at me and I know if I don’t start talking Nicky is going to die in this room with my boys beating him to death.

“Don’t touch him…any of you!” I command. “Nicky are you okay?” I ask since I can’t see him behind Cally and Sully.

“I’m good, Shanny.” Nicky laughs lightly. He’s good.

Kel, Kavy, Sully, Cally, Hugh, Collin and Pappy are staring at me like I’ve sprouted another head. Time to explain.


“What happened in that house is a long story that I don’t have the fuckin’ energy for. But I’ll tell you this. Nicky kept me safe. He saved me from…a lot and I don’t want any of you to do anything to him,” I instruct firmly.

“Kid, we’re fuckin’ strugglin’ here. You’re givin’ Scarso a free pass after what he did to you. What’s goin’ on?!” Kavy’s voice is pained and confused so I figure he needs something to move this along.

“I met Nicky when I was a little girl,” I say softly. “We spent an afternoon playin’ together when I was eight. He was the first kid to play with me and not think I was weird. He was the first boy to hold my hand and tell me everything would be okay. He was my first kiss. Nicky was my first real friend.”

The faces in the room have changed from fury to confusion and a little pain. My boys don’t like to share and Kel doesn’t want to think about anyone kissing me other than him, even if it was a ten-year-old little boy. I smile at their faces and laugh. Nicky takes a few steps toward me, keeping his distance from my boys, but looking right in my face with adoration.

“What?” Kavy starts. “What the fuck? I don’t understand. Somebody give me more than what she just did. You sure she doesn’t have brain damage?” Kavy asks Pappy. I chuckle at that.

“I don’t have brain damage, Kavy. And even if I did, I’d still be smarter than you,” I snark. He glares at me before a ghost of a smile crosses his lips. “You wanna quit huggin’ Kel now? Unless there’s something you two need to tell me.” Oh yeah, the snark is back! That gets me a snort from Kavy and a smirk from Kel. Progress. Kavy unfolds his arms and takes two steps toward me.

“Once you’re back on your feet, I’m kickin’ your ass,” Kavy says softly as he kisses my forehead. I smile. I’d like to see him try and kick my ass. He stands up and moves to a chair at the side of my bed. We’re lucky the rest of the family is out to dinner. This would be difficult to explain to them.

“Kel, you wanna sit down?” I ask softly. He doesn’t respond just makes his way around my bed scooping my hand into his as he takes his chair. His knuckles are bloody and he’s shaking with adrenaline. My beautiful man, protecting me. He does have a fresh new scar under his left eye. Note to self, ask about that later.

“Why doesn’t everybody sit down and we can get this over with so Kid can get some rest,” Pappy instructs. I think Collin, Hugh and Pappy would have been happy to let Kel beat Nicky to a pulp. They weren’t doing a lot to stop it. I get that. I’m a mess and they blame Nicky. I’d want to kill anyone that did this to them too. They all take chairs around my bed. Nicky takes the one across from Kel and picks up my hand looking tenderly into my eyes. Kel squeezes my hand and growls at Nicky. I mean a literal growl like an animal produces.

“Easy there big fella,” Nicky says but doesn’t drop my hand.

“I agree with Kellerman. Get your fuckin’ hands off her,” Kavy warns from the seat next to Kel.

“You got yourself quite the pack here, Shanny,” Nicky says with a smile dropping my hand and turning to face my pack. Nicky explained to me that I needed to get a pack (a wolf pack) of friends when we played that day. He told me that’s how you stayed safe in the world. I guess I listened later in life. It’s strange how that one afternoon playing with a boy affected so much of my life.

“Why does he keep callin’ you that? It’s gettin’ on my fuckin’ nerves,” Kavy growls. He’s jealous and protective right now. It’s cute. I grin down at him.

“My dad called me Shanny and so did Nicky. I called Nick, Nicky. I’m guessin’ that’s why I gave you all the nicknames you have. It’s how I show love,” I say softly. I never really thought about that until now. I just called them those names after Liam’s attack. I didn’t think about it, I just did it. Kavy’s face is soft now just like the other boys’. Kel is still seething, glaring at Nicky. I turn and look at him pulling on his hand to get his attention. He looks at me, his face going a little gentler.

“I love you, Kel,” I whisper. He pulls my hand to his mouth and kisses my palm.

“Oh God, knock it off you two. Nobody wants to watch that shit,” Cally snarks with a giant dimple wielding smile on his face.

“Fuck you, Callaghan,” Kel murmurs into my hand.

“Think Kid might get jealous you try fuckin’ me,” Cally retorts.

“Hey, I might wanna watch,” I say with a huge grin.

“Kid, give us just a day with you back before you start in on us, okay?” Sully pleads. He’s not ready for the snarky me. I smile and nod because I get it. He almost lost me and just wants me safe right now, not mouthy. I’ll give him until tomorrow.


Kellerman is ready to commit murder. The rage seeping from his pores is palatable. I don’t blame him. I’d be pissed too, fuck that, I am pissed too. He’s just raging enough for the whole room right now. I love this dude. Yeah, I know that doesn’t sound like me but it’s true. He’s so dedicated to Kid he’s putting me to shame and that’s saying something. He won’t leave her. We’ve all tried to get him out of this room…not happening. He was so dark when she was gone, it’s good to see some light back in him, but he’s still shaken. We’re all still shaken.

Nick fucking Scarso is here. I didn’t see that coming. Kellerman was going to beat that guy into hamburger meat and then keep going. Again, I don’t blame him. I’m glad I pulled him off though. Kid doesn’t need that shit right now, and Kellerman knows it. It’s the only reason I could stop him.

Now Scarso is here and apparently has some long lost connection to Kid. He’s pissing me off looking at her the way he is. I’m ready to hear what this motherfucker has to say.

“Get talkin’,” I order. No kind requests here.

“As I was explaining earlier, I’m agent Nick Cooper with the DCA. I was undercover in the Mancini Crime Family under my birth name of Nick Scarso. I’m limited with what I can divulge at the moment, but I’m happy to fill you guys in on what I can,” Scarso explains nicely. I stare at him with a look that says get fuckin’ talkin’. Dude is seriously testing my patience.

“As Shanny said we have history, but that wasn’t known before she was taken. I did not know of her abduction until twelve hours after she was grabbed. I was called in to take over an information extraction job. I recognized Shanny upon entering the premises and took over ensuring her safety. I believed Shannon Murphy to be dead. For reasons that are currently being investigated it seems her death was faked at the time her father was killed,” he pauses looking at Kid. Her eyes are bugging the fuck out, but she doesn’t comment.

“About five months ago Vito Mancini had men begin to search for Shannon Murphy. It took them several weeks to locate her. Once they did they spent several more weeks following her and collecting information,” he pauses again to check on Kid. She must already know this part of the story because she looks blank. The rest of us are becoming varying levels of irritated and confused.

“Mancini ordered the grab and had it carried out by a team of his men. The beating and torture she received were not at my hands nor was I present when it occurred. It was carried out by one of Mancini’s soldiers.”

“Where’s the
?” Sully Sr. interjects in a menacing growl.

“He was retired after a later incident that again I’m not at liberty to discuss,” Scarso responds harshly. Kid gasps and we all look her way.

“Kiddo?” Kellerman asks softly.

“I’m okay,” she lies. “Go ahead, Nicky.”

“There was a standing deadline to extract information from Shanny of sixty hours. When that deadline came and went, another crew would be movin’ in to reduce risk. I was in the process of preparin’ to move her when the ambush occurred. That ambush was orchestrated by Andrew Taylor as you all knew him. His birth name was Anthony Tarantino, Mancini’s third cousin.”

“WHAT?!” Kid screams.

“Kid, calm down. You can’t get your blood pressure up,” Cal soothes. Everyone sits quietly waiting for Kid to calm down and to get her shit together. We knew this or at least some of this. Kid’s hearing it for the first time and there is betrayal and pain covering her beautiful face.

“Explain that shit to me,” Kid seethes glaring at Scarso.

Scarso clears his throat and quietly begins to explain, “Tarantino, uh…Taylor was raised by his aunt in Kansas City and then started workin’ for Mancini. His background as a cop is real, though I don’t know the details on all of that. I can only assume he was workin’ for Mancini inside the force. While his men were watchin’ you they reported back to Mancini. From what I’ve learned, when you put out feelers for a bodyguard Mancini sent in Taylor. He was just there to keep close tabs on you and feel out the guys. He was there to keep you alive too. I told you the threats against you were real and not from us,” Fucking shit! Someone else is threatening Kid? I’m locking her in her bedroom when we get home.

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