Blue Love (38 page)

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Authors: MJ Fields

I will, if that’s what you want,” Luke answered.

More than you know,” she smiled.

He took her hand and she froze and he said,
“Tessa are you okay?”

I will be fine,” she looked down at their hands, “But please Lucas,” she said swallowing down tears she felt coming up, “I can’t, I can’t touch you.”

Oh, okay, I’m sorry,” he said as he was processing what she had just said, “But we are friends right Tessa?”

Always,” she said and started to walk.

So friends hug right,” he asked.

Sure,” she said.

Can I hug you, I mean sometime?” he asked.

Someday just not right now,” she said.

I need you now Tessa.” he said.

I need you too Luke, just please let this heal a bit first,” she said swallowing again.

Okay baby,” he said as he saw her trying to do everything in her power to hold back tears.

She turned to him,
“Thank You.”


The boys were there to shoot and he joined them. When they were done she had already gone to bed.

John, I am sorry but I can’t do this to her, I can’t be here and see her hurting,” Luke said.

Son you don’t have a choice,” he said.

Alright then. I need to run home and grab some stuff ok?” Luke asked.

Sure just hurry back and drive careful,” John said.

Luke walked in his house and went and grabbed his trusty bowl and smoked until he passed out.

Sadi saw his car at home and pulled in, she walked through the door and upstairs, she undressed and lay next to him. She woke him up and kissed him. “Sadi get out,” he said.

What are you afraid you’ll get me pregnant,” she asked. He glared at her, “It’s been almost three months since I have had sex. I have needs Luke, you put out or I will go find someone else to poke this baby of yours in the head.”

He stood up to walk away and she followed and pulled his pants down. He turned around and pushed her on the bed
, she stood up and grabbed him, she went down and then bent over his bed, he took her hard and fast, she screamed out and he kept on going until he was finished. She lay on his bed and smiled.

I have missed you,” Sadi smiled.

He walked in and showered
, when he came out he looked at her, “Don’t fucking come here again Sadi.”

I don’t think that’s going to happen, me, you and a baby Luke,” she said rubbing her belly. She got up and dressed. See you at school tomorrow,” she said as she walked out.

Luke dressed and felt like shit, what had he just done?
Guess it doesn’t matter it was sex not love.
He called his Dad and told him what had happened, he was calmer than expected.

You’re still staying with the Ross’?” Landon asked.

Yes,” Luke said sadly.

Do they know?” Landon asked.

Yes and John insisted,” Luke told him.

How’s Tessa taking it?” Landon asked.

Luke felt a lump forming and cleared his throat.
“She is amazing Dad, strongest person I have ever met, we are going to try to be friends. And I certainly don’t deserve that.”

Don’t sell yourself short son, you’re pretty damn strong,” Landon said with conviction.

Luke heard a wom
an’s voice calling him, “Who’s that Dad?” he asked.

Audrianna, she and the girls are here for the day,” Landon said with a smile in his voice.

Taking it slow Dad?” Luke asked with a laugh.

Yes very, she is pretty insistent on it, we actually are going to counseling tomorrow,” Landon said laughing.

Good, well I have to get back before John wonders what happened to me, I will see you Friday night at the State Championship right?” Luke asked.

Yes hopefully all four of us will be there,” Landon said.

Good, I want to see the girls. Goodnight Dad,” Luke said,

Goodnight Lucas, I love you,” he said and hung up wishing there was something he could do.

Wow Luke thought, he loves me, interesting


He pulled into the farm and Alex was getting out of his truck. “Where did you go?” Alex asked.

Home to grab some things,” Luke said holding up his bag.

Cool, I just dropped Phoebe off, we went to dinner,” Alex said as they walked in.

John was asleep on the couch.
“Alex, thanks for everything, I am sorry man,” Luke said as he headed up to bed.

They woke up for school the next day and like usual Tessa was up and had breakfast on the table and the clothes ironed. Luke watched her as she tried to avoid his stare.
“Good morning Tessa,” he said quietly.

Good morning Luke,” she said and smiled.

Did you sleep well,” he asked.

I did and you?” she asked. He looked at her and saw her eyes sadden.

Yep,” Luke said. She smelled his cologne and turned away from him as she breathed it in deeply. “State finals tomorrow right?”

Yes,” Tessa answered trying to keep it together.

You nervous?” Luke asked. She shook her head no, “Is it alright if I come?” he asked.

Her heart sank,
“Sure,” Tessa said, “that would be great.”

Good, are you going to Alex’s game?” Luke asked.

Yes Lucas, and yours,” she said and turned around and smiled.

Can I hug you yet?” he asked. She looked down and walked towards him.

Yes,” she said.

He stood and grabbed her; she gasped, and wrapped her arms around his neck as he kissed her head. She didn
’t want to let go. She took deep breathes and smelled him. He always smelled so good. She looked up at him and his eyes were closed, he looked so amazing. He opened his eyes and bent down and kissed her lips lightly, tears started falling down her cheeks. “Tessa don’t cry, baby please I’m sorry,” Luke said wiping her tear away.

She let go of his neck and took one last deep breath and walked into the bathroom. She sat on the floor and quietly cried, he walked in.
“Tessa please,” he said and his eyes filled, “God I am so fucking stupid,” he said.

She took a deep breath as he wiped her tears away,
“You can’t kiss me Lucas, okay?’ she asked.

I won’t,” he said, “I won’t do it again, I’m sorry,” he said and hugged her.

Alex yelled in,
“Time to go”.


They pulled into the school and Sadi sat in her car and watched as Tessa got out of the back seat and Luke out of the front, she smirked.

She yelled for Luke and Tessa turned around
, Alex grabbed her and wrapped his arm around her and walked her in. Luke looked at her and glared.

What no kiss?” she asked as she caught up to him, “Did you tell her you and I had sex last night?”

He grabbed her arm and squeezed it,
“You better keep your mouth shut Sadi, her and I are through. But you need to know I love her, not a damn thing you do to me will stop that. I am working through some stuff here hoping that I can be a good father and we can parent together, that’s all Tessa’s doing. I promised her I would try, last night was a big blurry mistake, leave her alone and thank God she made me promise to try,” Luke warned her.

Sadi yanked her arm away from him,
“Fine as long as you don’t keep fucking her,” she said.

It was never that with her Sadi, it was all here, don’t you get it? I love her,” he said sounding defeated.

She scowled,
“You loved me once too and before this baby is born you will again,” Sadi stormed away.


Tessa avoided everyone she could today; she went to practice and took every bit of frustration out on the ball. She went home and cooked dinner and did her homework. She did some cleaning and got on the computer, something she hadn’t done in months. She signed on Facebook and tried to catch up.


Luke and Alex walked in the door, “Tessa,” Alex yelled, “I started the hot tub for you, Phoebe says you may need it, you practiced pretty hard today.”

Thanks Alex, dinners in the oven maybe after that I will go out,” Tessa yelled back.

Luke walked in and bent over her shoulder and looked at the computer
, she felt his breath on her neck, “How are you Luke?” she asked.

Lots of friend requests,” he reached over and clicked on them, “Wow lots of guys, that one’s good looking,” he said flatly and kissed her head.

She laughed,
“Sit down Luke you seem interested, why haven’t you friend requested me?” Tessa asked.

Seriously Tessa me on Facebook, that would be interesting,” they both laughed.

Oh,” he said pointing, “There’s GI Joe, better accept that one,” he said biting on an apple as he pressed accept.

Well thank you,” she laughed, “Oh and there’s your baby momma, requesting me as a friend, shall I accept that one?” she asked.

Is there a fuck off button?” He said and hit deny and frowned at her.

They went through the list and he denied all the guys. She rolled her eyes and laughed. Next the girls, she accepted Phoebe and he went through and denied the three B
’s, “Seriously? What is wrong with people? This is the dumbest crap I have ever seen,” Tessa pointed to Audrianna and he hit accept. She clicked on her page and he saw pictures Audrianna had taken at his game with the girls, and some of Luke and Tessa.

Still think it’s dumb?” Tessa asked.

No that’s pretty cool,” Luke admitted. “Look at you, all fine looking…. and pissed off as hell at me, you should be an actress Tessa,” Luke said and leaned over and kissed her cheek.

Lips off Links,” she said quietly.

Sorry baby,” he said.

The timer went off and she jumped up and got dinner out of the oven. He walked out behind her,
“We okay?” he asked, she smiled and shook her head yes. “What’s for dinner?”

Chicken shit,” Tessa said.

Excuse me” Luke asked.

Alex laughed,
“Look at it man, looks just like it.”

John and the kids came in and they ate.
“You kids hitting the hot tub after dinner?”

Yes, Phoebe said Tessa over did it today,” Alex said.


Dinner was cleaned up and Tessa was upstairs changing. She ran downstairs and grabbed a towel. Luke watched her as she went out the door,
smoking hot he thought
and shook his head.

You going in?” Alex asked.

Are you,” Luke asked.

Yep,” Alex answered.

Ok then,” Luke said and he went up and threw on some trunks.

They walked out and Tessa had in ear plugs and was singing with a towel over her eyes. Luke stood and looked at her as Alex got in. She had flown by him in blue bottom boy shorts and a matching halter top. Luke watched as she breathed. Alex got in and she jumped. She took the towel
off her eyes and looked at him.

“Hey Alex, good of you to join me,” she laughed.

She looked over and saw Luke standing there, his trunks hanging on his hips and he had no shirt on, she closed her eyes and said,
“Luke you getting in or do you need an invitation?” Luke got in.

They sat quietly;
your eyes closed Tessa told herself
, she swore she could feel his eyes burning through her. Alex’s phone rang and he got out and answered it and walked into the house. Tessa opened her eyes and she was right. She quickly closed them. She felt him move beside her. She took a deep breath and he took her hand. She sat frozen.

This is awful, I miss you,” he said.

Tessa kept her eyes closed and asked,
“How can you miss me Luke? I’m right here” she said knowing full well what he meant, she missed him too.

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