BodySnatchers (3 page)

Read BodySnatchers Online

Authors: Myla Jackson

Swearing never to trick an innocent, Yuri knew he couldn’t
make love to this woman. He had to be very careful. Caught up in lust, he might
forget himself and turn her against her will.

In the meantime, he rolled to his back, trying to ignore her
attack on his body. For attack was what it was since he fought to resist with
every fiber of his being. The draw was too strong, and when her hand drifted
over his abdomen, Yuri couldn’t resist her any longer. He’d only let her touch
him, he wouldn’t make love as she begged him to. She wasn’t in her right mind,
still caught in the grip of the trance.

“Please.” She nibbled at his ear, sinking her teeth in a
little harder than a nip, enough to make him jerk against her. Her hand slipped
beneath the waistband of his pants to fondle his cock.

Yuri groaned, his nerve endings titillated, testosterone
flaming downward, filling him to tight, rock-hard proportions. Resistance might
as well be torture. As a vampire, he was even more prone to the call of desire
than the average man and much more likely to move on it. Before he could stop
himself his hips thrust against hers in an uncontrolled spasm. Mind over lust,
he reminded himself, backing away.

When he shifted, her other hand slipped beneath his hip and
pulled him against her, his cock pressing into her belly.

The moist pressure of her mouth moved from his earlobe to
his lips, leaving a trail of fiery kisses along his jawline.

With her hand still in his pants and her tongue delving
between his teeth in the exact rhythm of sex, she had him. Yuri realized this
was going to be harder than he imagined. Feeling his defenses crumbling, he tried
to pull her hand away from his cock.

She bit into his bottom lip and held, her hand remaining
just where she wanted it, stroking, massaging and stirring his fires to flame.

“You’ll regret this in the morning,” he whispered against
her ear. His lips were so close, and her skin had warmed, the peaches-and-cream
texture teasing him until he had to touch his tongue to her neck to judge for
himself if she tasted as good as she looked.

He found her to be a heady combination of sweet and salty,
like a tangy margarita, cool to the lips yet warming the palate as the tequila
works its magic. He could drink her all up if he let himself. And maybe he
would. His heart raced, his teeth elongating, his body taking over where his
mind refused to go.

“Help me, for I can’t resist.”

The door burst open and Tor and Melisande rushed in.

“I’ll hold him, you hold her,” Tor said.

In a wash of red haze, Yuri lunged for Reggie’s throat, the
only thing holding him back were the hands of his friends.

Chapter Three


Reggie writhed against the sheets, her body burning with
need now that the pain was gone. With eyelids too heavy to lift, she gave in to
the desire crumbling her inhibitions to dust.

It was only a flight of the imagination, a wild and sensuous
escape from reality, and she didn’t want to wake up until she’d had her fill.
In her fantasy, she reached out, her hands finding a warm, solid body to skim
across. He was the tall, dark and sexy man she’d run headfirst into in an
alley. Had that been in her dream? Her mind tried to make sense of him. He must
have been part of her fantasy. No human could launch another person into the
air as if he weighed less than a cat.

Settling back, she entwined her hands around his neck and
pulled him close to her, desperate for a kiss to start. And that would only be
the beginning. His muscles were stiff, his hands closing around her arms,
squeezing hard.

“Eager, are we?” she whispered into his neck.

He resisted her overture, and she reached up to press her
mouth to his. She wanted him to make love to her. Did she say it out loud? Had
she begged him? Not caring one way or the other, she looped a leg over him to
prevent his escape. If he wouldn’t come to her, she’d surely go to him.

It was a dream after all, and she could do anything she damn
well pleased.

“Make love to me, dream boy.” Her hands slid down his torso
and into the confines of his trousers.

His hips rocked against her, his cock pressing into her
fingers, hot and hard and larger than any man she’d ever slept with. Ah, the
power of dreams. She could have him any size she wanted. But she wanted him
inside her. Now.

He growled, the sound guttural, primal and sexy.

“Have you got him?” A woman’s soft whisper intruded in
Reggie’s dream. She had thought herself alone. “I’m not sure I can get him to
let go.” The woman’s hands peeled the large, strong fingers from her arms and
replaced them with softer, feminine ones.

“Let go,” Reggie cried, twisting against the woman’s hold,
her grip tightening around the dark one’s member. “I want him.” She landed an
elbow in the woman’s midsection.

The woman grunted and let go. “I can’t hold her.”

“Then don’t.” Another voice responded, the words not
originating from the man she held by the cock.

“Did you come to help or to torment?” The rumble in the
chest beside her vibrated against her breasts and made her more determined to
get down to the skin.

“We came to help,” the other woman said.

Impatient with all the talk, Reggie said, “Either help or be
gone from my head,” she called out to the shadows in her fantasy. “But don’t
try to stop me. This is my dream and I want it all.”

A man’s chuckle sounded behind her. “You heard the woman.
She wants it all.”

“Yuri?” The strange woman’s voice asked, “What do you want?”

A growl was her only answer. The dark man’s body lurched
upward, something holding him back from Reggie.

The shadow woman chuckled. “Okay, okay, just don’t yell at
me when she snaps out of it.” Slender hands circled Reggie’s hips, searching
for the button to her jeans.

Reggie sighed. “Yes, yes. Take them.” She wiggled her way
free of the jeans as the hands tugged them down her legs and past her ankles.
Her panties went next, soft fingers brushing against her skin, her desire
spiking with the intimacy.

“Let go of me,” the man lying against her side muttered. “How
is this helping?”

“You haven’t killed her yet, have you?” the other male

Too caught up in her dream, Reggie refused to open her eyes
until she’d gotten what she came for. The other two people in the shadows were
distracting her from her desire. “You two talk too much.”

Naked, her blood raging through her veins, Reggie rolled
over, her breasts smashing against the dark one’s bare chest, her mouth seeking
his. He tasted sweet and tangy. His lips full and warm beneath hers. Instead of
the kiss satisfying her lust, it made her want even more. She pushed him to his
back and straddled his legs, her eyes still refusing to open even though her
body felt wide awake and flaming. “Too many clothes,” she said against his
mouth as her pussy rubbed against the fabric covering the hard ridge of his

“She’s right.” Soft, delicate hands skimmed down over her
back to her ass, the fingers following the line between her butt cheeks. “She’s
very beautiful and her skin is like silk. If she wants him so badly, maybe we
should let her have him,” the woman said.

As the delicate fingers found the little round opening of
her anus, Reggie’s back arched, pressing her closer to the slim, cool hands.
“You’re in my dream. Don’t tease.”

“As you wish.” The slim fingers traced a line around the
tight opening and dipped in.

Reggie gasped into the dark one’s mouth, her lips skimming
over long incisor teeth. What was this? She pulled back, but only for a moment.

The man beneath her pushed his hips up, grinding his cock
against her cunt. “If you want me, you’ll have to take me,” he said, his voice
strained, unnatural. Then he lifted his head, his tongue sweeping in to capture
hers, swirling it around, redirecting her focus to his mouth while the woman’s
finger gently slid in and out of Reggie’s ass.

“Yes,” Reggie moaned into his mouth. “Yes, must take more.”
She shoved her hands between them, running her fingers across his chest,
sparsely sprinkled with coarse hairs. She traced a path of curls down his torso
to his bellybutton and lower until the curls disappeared into the waistband of
his trousers.

“This will never do,” she grumbled, sliding farther down his
legs, the woman with the magical fingers moving along with her, her fingers,
caressing her ass, moving closer to her heated core. Making quick work of the
trousers’ button, she grasped the zipper and gently slid it downward.
Unencumbered by briefs or boxers, his cock sprang free and into her waiting

She grasped him and held on, willing her eyes to open to see
his magnificence. How could this be a dream when it felt so real? And her usual
fantasies included the visual. What was wrong with her eyes to cheat her out of
the full effect?

The cock she held twitched, pulsing warmly, filling her
palms. He pushed upward, sliding through her fingers.

Her hands slipped upward to the velvety tip and back down to
the base where his balls nestled in a tangle of hair. Her dream guy groaned.
“If you don’t stop now, I won’t be able to stop later. Wake up, pretty lady,”
he said, his voice deep, tight and barely controlled.

“No,” she moaned. “I don’t want to wake up.” Where before
she’d wanted to open her eyes, now she squeezed them shut, afraid if she opened
them her dream would be over and she’d crash to earth into her cold, empty bed.

“Are you sure you have him? He can’t break free?” the other
woman in the room asked urgently.

“I’ve got him. I won’t let go.”

“Let go of him.”

“Honey, he’s more man than you’re used to.”

“I want all of him.”

“If that’s what you want, it’s up to you.”

“Okay then.” Reggie lifted up on her knees over the dark one
and guided his cock to her entrance. “Fuck me hard.” She slid down over him,
sheathing him in her warm, slick wetness.

He was big, his penis stretching her inner channel so
tightly she couldn’t breathe. She didn’t want to breathe any more than she
wanted to open her eyes. It felt so good. She could die and never regret having
had him.

Her thighs tensed and she slid up off his dick, all the way
to the glorious, velvety tip.

His hips rose off the bed, pushing his cock up inside her,
hard and fast.

“Touch me,” she demanded.

The man beneath her groaned. “I can’t. They won’t let my
hands free.”

“For your own good, Yuri. For your own good.” The other man
laughed. “You think it’s easy watching you fuck a beautiful woman while I hold
your arms? I can’t even touch her or I might lose control just like you.”

“I can.” The woman’s hands were there, touching her breasts,
smoothing down her belly to the thatch of hair over her mons.

“Thank heavens. I thought you two would never shut up.”
Reggie’s nipples tightened, her pussy drenched in her juices, aiding the motion
of the man pumping in and out of her.

The gentle fingers parted her folds and stroked the nubbin
of sensitized skin between, swirling around and around.

“Yes. There.” Reggie tensed. The thrusting motion of the
cock inside her and the fingers stroking her clit catapulted her over the edge
of reason and sanity. Tingling started low in her belly and spread outward to
every nerve ending in her body, the pleasure so intense it was almost painful.

The dark one surged upward one last time, shouting out loud,
his voice husky, coarse, animalistic.

Reggie rode him, her muscles bunched, her tummy clenched
until she collapsed, breathing hard, her body completely limp, consciousness
fading fast. “Incredible,” she whispered into his chest, numb, exhausted,

The man jerked out of the hands holding him and sat up,
taking her with him.

“Yuri,” a voice warned.

“I’m okay,” the dark one said. “You two can leave. I won’t
hurt her.”

“Are you sure?” the woman asked.

“I’m sure.” His arms tightened around Reggie.

Why were they talking as if she wasn’t there? Reggie wanted
to shout out loud,
Hello. I’m here, this is my dream, you should at least
act like you’re part of my thoughts.

The shadow woman sighed. “I was having fun.”

“Leave,” was the solid, quick response from the man still
sunk deeply inside her.

Maybe it was better that she was asleep, or she might be
mortified by her state of wanton desire and undress.

“We’ll go.” Two sets of footsteps faded away and a door
closed with a soft snick.

Reggie balanced in the dark one’s lap, her breasts tickled
by the hairs on his chest. Sitting up, lying down…it didn’t matter. She liked
the feel of his skin against hers, his cock inside her, still hard, thick and
filling. The light musky scent of his maleness assaulting her senses. She
wanted to see him, to fill her visual senses as full as all her other senses

A kiss feathered across her lips and then words puffed
against her ear. “You’re beautiful.”

“Are you?” Despite her new determination to keep her eyes
closed and make the dream last all night long, her eyelids flickered open and
she stared into the face of her rescuer from the alley. She definitely was

“Am I dreaming?” she asked, her voice a whisper, tentative
against the silence of the room, praying the answer was yes.

He smiled, the twinkle in his eyes making him even more than
devastatingly handsome. “You’re awake.”

She could fall into those mesmerizing eyes, and she swayed
toward him, the incremental movement enough to establish her nudity, their
intimate connection and the fact that this was not a dream.

His hands splayed across the skin of her lower back, holding
her steady, the texture of his fingers pressing into her flesh, reassuring at
the same time as it was unsettling.

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