Read Bonds of Desire Online

Authors: Lynda Aicher

Bonds of Desire (13 page)

There was no way in hell Seth was sharing this with anybody. “No problem.”

“‘Red,’ ‘yellow,’ ‘green’ are my safe words.” The toe stopped. Tyler held out his hand. “Come here, Allie.”

She took his hand and shuffled forward until her knees touched the couch and her face was inches from his.

Seth bit back a groan. They were so close and damn, but he wanted this threesome to work. He wasn’t exactly sure why or how it would succeed or if he wanted two subs, but he wouldn’t let this slip away. Allie seemed to give something to Tyler that Seth couldn’t, and he wanted Tyler to have that. The man needed to know that he was more than his occupation. That there were people in the world who wanted him for who he was. And Allie stirred something in Seth that he wanted to claim just as much as Tyler.

“Kiss me.”

Allie wet her lips, the nervous sign her only tell before she leaned into Tyler. It was the first kiss she’d initiated. She could have backed away or said no. Instead, she dipped her head and pressed her lips to Tyler’s.

They were beautiful together. Her wide, open features next to Tyler’s more chiseled, harden ones was perfect. How Tyler got her to give so easily made Seth’s own controlling impulse sputter. Where she bristled with him, she softened with Tyler.

Seth didn’t want to jump in and take over. He didn’t want to direct or appease or be in between them. It was so incredibly freeing to finally
be in the middle.

The small sounds from the kiss were intimate and low. Allie’s eyes were closed and her hair tumbled forward to sweep over Seth’s hand, where it still rested on Tyler’s nape. She moaned, a low, humming noise buried deep in her throat.

This close he could catch the faint scent of flowers that was Allie. One day he was going to define exactly what flower it was, but not now. It was light to Tyler’s darker, natural scent. He smelled of soap and man in a way that made Seth hard for the pure, gritty maleness of it.

He lifted Allie’s hair away from where it’d fallen forward to block his view. The two of them kissing in his lap was an exquisite torture. Blood filled his dick, each soft suck and smack an aphrodisiac that made him burn.

Allie braced a hand on Seth’s thigh, her nails digging into his jeans. He eased his hand under hers and lifted it to his lips. He placed slow, deliberate kisses on the tip of each knuckle. She pulled back from Tyler, her mouth parted in a small gasp. She was absolutely decadent. Her lips were red from Tyler’s kiss, her cheeks flushed with desire, her eyes so dark brown they seemed black.

He tugged on her arm, and she came willingly. She leaned over Tyler to reach Seth’s mouth. Her lips were warmed from Tyler and so very yielding. He cupped the back of her head and pushed into her mouth, seeking the heat that tasted of Tyler and her.

Tyler shifted, the back of his head rubbing against the long ridge of Seth’s erection. Seth’s growl was absorbed by Allie right before she released a high, sweet whimper. They both stopped and looked down to see Tyler lapping lazy paths over Allie’s abdomen. He held her sweater up just enough to expose the sensitive skin. Each lick moved his head over Seth’s hard cock, a motion that was more tease than anything else.

Allie leaned her head on Seth’s chest, her eyes glued to Tyler. “What am I doing?” The breathy question was spoken more to herself than either of the men. There was still doubt in her voice, but there was also wonder.

“What feels good,” Seth answered anyway. He swept her hair back, gaining access to the delicate shell of her ear. “What you need.” He whispered the last into her ear before sucking her lobe into his mouth.

“No.” She shook her head slightly. “I don’t need this.”

Seth grinned against her neck. “Maybe not now, but one day you will.”

Her low sound could have been denial or simply consent as she gave herself over to them. It didn’t matter. She was here and not running.

And there was so much they were all going to do together. Whether Allie admitted it to herself or not, she needed this. They all did for one reason or another.

Chapter Fifteen

“Why don’t you two go to my room,” Seth said, interrupting Tyler’s exploration of Allie’s belly button. It was an outie and deserved the extra attention for being as unique as the woman.

Tyler hummed his agreement as he ran his tongue over the small bump once again. Her salty skin was like a craving. He needed to keep finding more areas to lick and taste.

He groaned in frustration when Allie moved out of his reach. He grabbed her hip to pull her back. The squeeze on his nape was all it took for him to let her go. The warmth that radiated outward from his neck was more imaginary that actual, but it opened something in Tyler that left him both exposed and content.

Many clients had grabbed him there, swung him around or held him down. But Seth was the first person to hold him there. It was a trigger he hadn’t even known he’d had. One that now belonged to Seth alone.

Allie was standing now, watching them with hesitant eyes. So out of his league. They’d both realize that soon.

“Tyler.” Seth gave another squeeze, which motivated him to slide off the couch and stand.

His back didn’t bug him that much anymore. It was tight, his skin still knitting back together where the bastard had sliced it open. But most of the sting was gone. He assumed the ointment Seth put on ritually was helping to accelerate the healing a bit. He’d never had that magical-healing shit in the past. If he was lucky, there’d be some left in the tube for the next time.

His asshole was another matter. It still burned like a motherfucker whenever he forgot and moved to quickly or, worse, clenched. Seth still took care of that, too. Somehow though, it’d become intimate over the last few days. It was something Tyler would
allow anyone else to do for him. No one.

He looked to Seth. “You coming?” Tyler’s gaze drifted down to the erection clearly outlined behind Seth’s jeans. Seth was nicely built from what he’d felt through the man’s pants. Not that Tyler had been allowed to do anything with it. Seth had made no sexual advances on Tyler since that one fantastic blowjob, and he respected the man for it.

The desire to drop to his knees and suck Seth blind was suddenly front and center. The urge stole the breath from him. Sucking cock had been a street-survival skill that had kept him from starving. But sucking for pleasure was about the same as fucking for pleasure. A rarity.

“No,” Seth said as if he’d read Tyler’s mind. Tyler’s eyes shot from Seth’s crotch to meet his. “You two go. I’ll lock up and be there in a minute.”

Tyler was confused for a second until he yanked his mind out of Seth’s pants. Allie. Like he could forget her. He turned and took her hand. She had long, elegant fingers topped with manicured nails painted a deep plum color. Her palms were soft and a little damp.

She was nervous. Not surprising. So was he, and he fucked for a living.

But this wasn’t just fucking, at least for him. He wasn’t admitting that, though. Seth already had too much of him. It was that vulnerability he felt in himself that touched him about Allie. She might be smarter and more sophisticated than him, but sex was his thing.

“Come on, Allie.” His chest constricted when she came without question, resistance or even hesitation.

She faltered only a step when they entered Seth’s bedroom. He flicked on the light and made his way to the bed. He hadn’t slept in the guest room since that first night, and Seth had a king-sized bed. They’d need the room. The covers were still rumbled from last night, and one glance at Allie showed that she was putting the facts together.

“So you’ve been...” She glanced away from the bed and tried to tug her hand away. He wouldn’t let her. She had to accept that Seth and he were intimate, or this wouldn’t work.

He faced her and lifted her chin until she had to look at him. “Say it, Allie. If you can’t say it, can’t accept it, then this is done.” Not that he wanted her to go.

Her deep brown eyes were filled with more questions and emotions than he’d ever seen in one person. Most of the time, there was one or two emotions in the eyes of his clients. Lust, anger, fear, need, desperation—those were the common ones. But questions weren’t the norm.

She bit her lip then immediately released. “I don’t have a problem with it. With you two...being together.” She glanced down, her eyes holding on his mouth before looking back up.

“No?” He brushed his thumb over her lip, unable to resist now that she’d brought his attention to it. It was full and plump from kissing. “Then what’s the problem?”

She blew out a little breath, her lips pursing just a touch. “That it turns me on when I watch you kiss. That it shouldn’t, but does. That I don’t want to be on the outside of you two, but I can’t stay away.”

He heard Seth enter the room, his soft footsteps moving across the hardwood. The man came up behind him and laid his hands on Tyler’s shoulders. “This turns you on?” he asked before he kissed up Tyler’s neck. Slow, wet nips that made Tyler tilt his head to give Seth better access.

“Yes,” she breathed. The admission sounded a lot like permission.

Tyler brought her in and kissed her hard and deep, playing with her tongue before letting her go. “You’re not on the outside.” He waited until she gave a small nod of acceptance. “I want you naked, Allie. Naked and spread in the middle of the bed. Can you do that for me?”

Seth groaned against his neck, the sharp bite on his ear an act of approval. Somehow, Tyler knew that. Why Seth was letting him lead with Allie, he didn’t know. But it felt right all the way around.

He didn’t wait for her to respond. The chance that she would flee when it got real was still very possible. He slid his hands under her sweater and shoved it up until she lifted her arms, and it was off.

“Beautiful,” Seth murmured, and Tyler could only agree.

He slid a finger under the burgundy bra strap and followed it down until he could flick his finger under the cup and over her nipple. She gasped, a small, sharp inhale that thrust her chest out and pressed her hardening bud closer to his touch.

“Take this off.” He tugged on the bra in case she was confused. It was delicate and lacy, and he’d bet money that her panties matched.

She hesitated for just a second, and he tugged her in to kiss her, commanding but gentle. He’d learned that from Seth. The man was an expert at reassuring without words. Tyler wanted to do the same with Allie. He needed to do it.

She moved her arms behind her back when he pulled back, the bra loosening to slide down her arms in a slow reveal of the full breasts beneath. They weren’t overly large, but were round and tipped with pert, dark nipples.

“Pants too,” he said, his voice a bit gruff. It’d been a long time since he’d had the opportunity to just look at a naked woman. Years, in fact. He’d learned fast that there was more money in whoring for men than woman. There weren’t many women patrolling street corners for a quick lay. Even after he’d started with the agency, his clients had all been male.

He liked fucking men. But the novelty of having a woman again was making his cock harder than it’d been in years. Or maybe it was really just the thought of having Allie that made him burn so badly.

The rip of her zipper was low but loud in the quiet room. She wiggled her hips, the move both sexy and somehow innocent as she slid the material down her shapely legs. Her breasts bobbed and swayed with the motion, and Seth’s small curse near Tyler’s ear told him that the man admired the view as much as he did.

She straightened, and damn if he hadn’t guessed right. Her panties were those sexy, boy-cut-brief style. They were hot as hell on her, lacy and modest in a way that suited her. And he wanted them gone.

He reached out to touch her breasts, but Seth ran his hand down Tyler’s arms, halting him. Seth stroked his other palm over Tyler’s chest in a slow caress that stopped at Tyler’s nipple for a hard pinch. Tyler’s aching cock bobbed against his cotton pants in an obscene way.

Tyler caught Allie’s smile at his low moan through his half-closed eyes. She surprised him when she stepped up, placed her hands on his hips and dipped to lick over the now-aching nipple. Another low hum crawled out of his chest, and he arched his hips forward, seeking a place to grind his dick. But Seth held him back.

Tyler wanted to touch her and he growled his frustration at his Dom. He probably shouldn’t, but this was confusing as hell. He wanted to please Seth, yet he also wanted to please Allie.

“On the bed, Allie,” Seth said, the authority in his voice rippling through Tyler like a wave of pure lust. “On your back in the middle.”

Her lips compressed for a second before she let the trapped breath out. “Yes...sir? Is that what I’m supposed to say?” She looked to Seth for the answer first then scanned between the two of them.

“Our names are fine, Allie.” Seth leaned around Tyler and pulled her in for a brief kiss that had her shoulders easing down from their hunched hold and her breasts rubbing over Tyler’s chest in a teasing temptation. Seth released her. “This isn’t the Dungeon. Formalities don’t belong between us.”

“I like that.” She glanced at the bed, nodded and crawled on. The fine display of her ass as she moved to the middle was enough to make Tyler bite his cheek to withhold another groan.

She scooted around to lie down in the middle of the large mattress. She hugged her arms around her middle before letting them slide to settle at her sides. Her hair was spread out in a fan of dark brown curls around her head, and her breasts rose with each breath in a tempting offering.

“Christ,” Tyler breathed. “You’re incredible.”

She turned her head to watch them. A slow smile that bordered on taunting curled over her lips. “Are you going to join me or just stand there staring?” She ran her hands up her belly to cup her breasts until her nipples pointed high and proud.

holy fuck
. He did growl this time, sounding just like the animal Seth had accused him of being the other night. But damn, there was the bold confidence he remembered from the first night. And he wanted it.

Seth’s soft chuckle rumbled behind Tyler, jerking him from his frozen awe. Seth circled his hand around Tyler’s erection, on blatant display beneath the lounge pants. His knees weakened and almost buckled when the Dom stroked him through the material. Seth’s grip was firm and sure as he rubbed his thumb over the tip before pumping down.

Having his dick stroked while the gorgeous Allie was spread out, offering herself to them, was almost too much. He was going to lose it and come like a rookie if Seth didn’t stop.

“I think you’d better join her, Tyler.” Seth released his hold on Tyler’s dick and stepped back, much to Tyler’s relief and regret. Seth hooked his thumbs on the waistband of Tyler’s pants. “But these need to go.”

“Yes, please.” Tyler focused on staying upright as his pants were eased over his shaft and down his legs to the floor. The hum of appreciation that came from both of his partners made all kinds of hot things happen inside him.

Seth dropped a kiss to Tyler’s hip before nudging him forward. “Go. Give her pleasure. But be careful of your back.”

Allie’s eyes went wide and she lifted up to brace herself on an elbow. “Are you okay to do this? I don’t want to hurt you.”

Tyler kneeled on the bed and slowly crawled toward her. He stalked her through the low swoop of his bangs, a devious smile forming. “I’m fine. Great. Just don’t touch my back or ass. Can you do that?”

She lay back down as he got closer. “Yes, Tyler.”

Those words shot a jolt of pure power through him. It was intoxicating to hear them spoken to him. He could get used to those two words from her. There were precious few he trusted and even fewer who trusted him. Not to this level.

He kissed her with all of the need and passion bursting inside of him. He wasn’t gentle now. He plundered her mouth with the hard urgency that pushed him take her and all that she offered. Her hands tangled in his hair and she met each thrust of his tongue as he devoured her mouth.

He could kiss these two all day. Over and over until his lips were chapped and his tongue raw. Kissing was another thing he didn’t do much. Johns seemed to think it was too personal, like shoving their dick in a stranger’s mouth or ass wasn’t personal.

But this, this was very personal, and he didn’t want to stop. Only there was so much more to explore. Things he wanted to touch and do to Allie.

He ran a hand over her, absorbing every inch of skin as he smoothed up her thigh and across her abdomen to reach her plump breasts. She was soft, curvy and so completely different from what he was used to.

There wasn’t any hair or bulge or overworked muscles that he normally adjusted to. Most of the time, Tyler had to check out when he was fucking. His mind creating visions that he could get off to instead of focusing on the guy who was doing him. He wasn’t paid to have an opinion about his johns. And generally, men who paid for sex weren’t the cream of the crop in masculine physique.

But Allie, she was perfect. Just like Seth was. And there was no way he was checking out of this.

He focused on the woman beneath him, determined to remember every second, just like he had with Seth. Tyler plucked at her nipple, played with it until it was a hard, pointed nub beneath his fingers. He dipped his head and sucked the ready tip into his mouth. Her groan rumbled through the room, and he sucked harder as he readied the other nipple with his fingers.

His craving for the taste of her skin returned after a single lick. He wanted to discover every inch of her, find what made her squirm and what made her giggle. She arched her back, her breast pushing into his mouth in a silent cry for more. He left a line of wet moisture as he moved to her other nipple, the bud hard and waiting for him.

“God, Tyler,” she panted, her hands tangling in his hair to hold his head tight to her breast. He bit down, not hard but enough to get her attention. She yelped, a little cry that was filled with more passion than pain.

He left one more gentle suckle before pulling back to meet her heavy-lidded eyes. “Let go. Give yourself to me.” She stared at him, swallowed then slowly slid her hands from his hair. God, the power. It was heady and so different from the calm that came when he submitted to Seth. “Grab the bars, Allie. Over your head and don’t let go.”

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