Book of Luke (Book 2) (8 page)

Read Book of Luke (Book 2) Online

Authors: Chrissy Favreau

Tags: #romantic comedy, #high school romance, #young adult romance, #book of luke, #best friend romance, #best friends brother, #romance and comedy, #chrissy favreau, #my best friends brother, #ya with sex

“She’s going to live with me,” Luke said,
matter-of-factly. “She’s going to do whatever
wants to
do, and I’m going to pamper her, and love her, and cheer her

The sincerity in his words took my breath

Luke smirked. “And other things, too.”

I giggled.

Burke looked thoughtful for a moment. “Ah,
but, does Paul know you are not going?”

I laughed. “No.”

Luke ate a fry. “Now that she’s not going to
college, I suspect that will be my influence.”

Actually, he’s right. It will definitely be
Luke’s fault. It won’t be that I told the chancellor I’d had sex
and was probably grounded…

No, it must be Luke’s fault.

“You know,” Burke said, looking at the
ceiling, clearly searching for words. “If I had a daughter that was
not Lukasz’s sister, I would not have a problem with her being with
Lukasz. He is ah… honest… and kind, and determined and
hard-working, yes?” Burke nodded. “It could be much worse for your

I smiled. “You should tell him that.”

Burke threw his head back and laughed. “Ah,
yes, but I am—what is the word?—
, yes?”

“Yup,” Luke confirmed. “Your opinion doesn’t

We finished eating and headed to the
terminal. It wasn’t long before we were boarding the next plane.
Again we were seated first class, though this time there were rows
of three, and Burke got the aisle seat.

I sat by the window and buckled my belt.
Luke sat beside me. He smelled so good, I wanted to kiss him then
and there.

Right after asking who was on the phone.

The next thing I knew, Luke was staring at

“What?” I asked, confused.

“I said, are you okay? You seemed upset back
there, when you were ordering. Are you sure nothing’s wrong?”

I hesitated for a moment, and he saw it. But
I shook my head no. “Nothing’s wrong.”

He leaned in, and his cologne clouded what
remained of my active mind. “You know you can tell me anything, and
I’ll do the same for you.”

?” I purred.

He grinned. “Except that one time. But I
think that was socially acceptable.”

I laughed. He cupped my face and kissed me.
Our tongues mingled. My arms wrapped around his neck and pulled him
close. It was so incredibly

On a plane, no less.

“Lukasz,” Burke breathed. “Perhaps you can
save this for the hotel room, yes?”

Luke pulled away and I covered my smile. My
cheeks grew rosy. “Thought I’d get a head start,” Luke mumbled.

“Yes, but you are the only passenger left
without a seat belt. They are waiting for you,” Burke said,
pointing toward the cockpit.

We looked to the front of the plane, where
the seat belt light was still on and the flight attendant waited,

“Oh,” Luke mumbled—his face reddening—and
snapped it on.

The light went off, and within a minute, the
plane started moving.

Luke set his hand on the armrest, above my
own. As he rubbed the top of my hand, I could see that look in his
eyes; those large black pupils in those icy blues.

The texts he’s hiding can’t be that bad,
because I can tell he still loves me.



Turbulence woke me. I rubbed my eyes and
looked out the window, in time to see what was Iceland below

Burke strained to see outside. “Beautiful,

I nodded. “It’s amazing.”

Luke’s hand still covered mine, and he was
asleep. I watched him sleep a while. His eyes were moving; his
eyebrows were shifting, and hints of facial expressions left me
staring. He seemed to be dreaming about something nice.

Pretty sure I know what.

“Would you like a drink?” a flight attendant
asked quietly, as to not wake Luke.

“I will have some coffee, please.” Burke
looked at me. “Adonia, what would you like, young lady?”

“Orange juice?” I requested.

She nodded and poured our drinks. “Anything
for the…” Her eyes rolled down his arms. “…Young man?”

“More sleep,” Burke said with a fresh

She laughed and moved on to the next

I set my head down on Luke’s shoulder. He
shifted, wrapped an arm around me and rested his chin on my head.
It felt so amazing, I started dozing off again.

When I woke up, we were landing. I pulled
out my camera, looking for the Tower Bridge, the London Eye, or Big
Ben, but all I saw were mountains and a cityscape in the

Luke squeezed me tight. “Like it?”

“London?!” I asked, looking out the

Luke laughed. “That’s Zurich.”

“I thought we’re landing in London first?” I
said, thoroughly confused.

“We did, but you were asleep. It was just to
refuel, we didn’t switch planes, obviously.” He grinned. “Nice

I was kind of disappointed to have missed
London, but the view outside the window was probably more amazing.
“I don’t even remember it,” I admitted. “It felt like I
fell asleep.” I looked to him. “And you?”

He winked and looked out my window. “Looks
kind of like Alaska,” he breathed. “It’s like we got on a plane and
nineteen hours later we still didn’t actually go anywhere.”

I laughed. “It’s a bit different.”

“Skiing is great in Crans-Montana—lots of
alpine skiing championships.”

“And how far is that from Zurich?” I asked,
peering down at the snow-capped peaks below.

“About a three hour drive.”

And—aside from the scenery—three uneventful
hours it was.

We were driven by one of Burke’s friends, a
very hairy man who didn’t speak a word of English. He seemed nice
enough, though.

“It’s on a cliff?!” I shrieked, staring out
the window at the hotel in disbelief. It wasn’t just terrifying—it
was also quite stunning.

Luke chuckled. “Oh yeah, I forgot you’re not
fond of cliffs.” He wrapped an arm around me and kissed the top of
my head. “Don’t worry, it’s stable.”

I nuzzled his chest. He’s good at making my
heart flutter.

The tiny car stopped up front. Burke got out
and retrieved our bags from the trunk.

Luke opened my door and I stepped out.

in the Alps—it was like
twenty-eight degrees!

I looked at the log hotel with the zig-zag
shaped roof. It was practically covered in windows.

“Like it?” Luke breathed in my ear, sending
shivers down my spine.

“It’s amazing!”

“It’s okay…” he breathed. “
what’s amazing.”

I was getting giddy. “Can we

Luke took my bags from Burke and grinned.

I looked over the landscape again. You’d
think after living in
, I wouldn’t be so amazed by it.
But I was. We were surrounded by purple mountain peaks and a
darkening, star-filled sky.

I giggled. “My dad would freak.”

Burke waved goodbye to his friend and we
entered the hotel. It was stylishly decorated, dimly-lit, warm,
peaceful and welcoming inside. A fire roared in the fireplace.
There weren’t many people around—just the receptionist and a few
people reading in the lounge.

We went up to the counter. “We have two
reservations,” Burke said, holding up two fingers.

“Names?” the receptionist typed into her

“Burke Jacobson and Miss Adonia

The receptionist gave Burke our key cards,
gave us directions to our rooms, and asked if we had any questions.
We didn’t.

“I would like to get something to eat,”
Burke said as we looked for my room on the fifth floor. “Adonia,
are you hungry?”

“Not really,” I said anxiously. “Your room’s
on the same floor, right?”

He pointed to the end of the long hall. “It
is on the right. Are you scared to be this far?”

“A bit anxious,” I admitted.

“Burke,” Luke breathed. “Can you take this
room tonight?”

Burke stared at him, amused for a moment.
Then he raised an eyebrow. “Why, young man?”

But you can
he knew why. I

“Please?” Luke breathed, barely audible.
“I’d hate for her to be all the way over here alone.”

Burke swiped the key card and opened the
door. We walked into the large room, which had a marble floor, a
king-size bed, a red leather couch, a kitchenette, a fireplace and
an amazing view.

I could only imagine what this cost my
insanely paranoid father.

“I promised the girl’s father I would look
after her, yes?” Burke said, setting his bags down. “Letting her
sleep in your room is not looking after her…?” He crossed his arms
and smiled at Luke.

“I can look after her!” Luke offered. He put
an arm around me and pulled me close.

Burke shook his head and laughed, looking
conflicted. He took out his cell phone and started looking through
it. “Don’t
trouble, young man,” he said with a

Luke stared for a minute. “Is that a

Burke looked at me. “Are you okay with me
staying here, Adonia?”

I nodded shyly, wondering what he’d tell my
dad if he called the room.

“Okay,” Burke said. “But only because I’m
too tired to walk all the way there, yes?” He threw Luke the entry
card, sat himself on the bed and held the phone up to his ear. It
was quite obvious that his wife was on the other line seconds

Luke gave him a thumbs-up. “Thanks,

Burke looked to me. “If there is a problem,
call me, young lady. Any time.”

I nodded. “Sure.”

We walked out and down the hall. “Wow,” I
breathed. “He’s cool with this?”

Luke laughed. “He already knows we—” His
eyes twinkled. Then he scanned the card and the door opened. “I’m
sure he figures it doesn’t matter.”

The room was even larger than the last, with
windows practically covering two of the walls. The moonlit view
outside was beyond stunning. There was a double king bed, a black
love seat, a huge television, a balcony, and a stone wall
surrounding the fireplace.

“Oh my God.” I looked around in

“The suites are at the end of the halls,”
Luke breathed, tossing our luggage on the love seat. “Welcome to
the suite!” He shut the door behind us.

“Well now I feel bad,” I admitted, “making
Burke sleep in there while we use this room he must’ve paid a
fortune for!”

Luke laughed. “I paid for this room,
Beautiful. Burke even gets paid to stay here; the university’s
reimbursing him and he didn’t pay anything out of pocket. So don’t
worry about it. If it makes you feel any better, though, we can
sleep in your room starting tomorrow.”

“You paid for this?”

Luke nodded. “My dad funds my travel,

I wrapped my arms around his neck. “That’s
convenient,” I purred.

His hands settled on my waist. “Well, he
offered, and it’s the least he can do.”

I grinned. “Don’t like him much?”

Luke glanced up for a moment. “He’s
annoying, with his womanizing lifestyle and whatnot. But you know
what, he doesn’t completely hate me, and I figure the money he
spends on me would just be spent on women otherwise, so I ask for
it. In some superficial way it gets back at him for what he did to
my mom.” He shrugged.

We fell silent for a moment.

“It’s really weird with the time zone
changes and everything, it doesn’t feel very late,” I breathed.

“Yeah,” he said. “It feels odd.”

“Not tired,” I said faintly.

He grinned. “That’s a good thing.” He
caressed my neck and gazed into my eyes. “I love you.”

I embraced him. “I love you too, Luke.”

“So,” he said in a low, sexy voice. “What do
you want to do?”

I giggled and pulled him toward the enormous
bed, where he fell on top of me.

My body trembled as his hand slid up my
shirt. His eyes were dark as night, and I loved the sensual way he
looked at me.

My heart raced as he unbuckled his belt. I
could see the anticipation in his eyes—he was
thirsty for

I pulled his shirt off, and he pulled off
mine. He really did have the body of a god, and his silver chain
just added to the level of hot.

“It’s been a while,” he breathed, sucking my

“Six weeks,” I said with an anxious nod.

He turned his head toward my ear and
grinned. “That’s five weeks and six days too many.”

I giggled and our mouths met.

He pressed himself against me, driving me
crazy. My heart fluttered, and I closed my eyes, concentrating on
the feel of him against me. His hand glided beneath my bra. “You
like this?” he whispered.

I nodded, my breaths strained. My eyes were
still closed as I heard his jeans unzip.

“I love you.” He breathed heavily in my ear,
nibbling my earlobe. Our mouths met. He bit my lip playfully.

“Tell me what you’re feeling,” he breathed
between kisses on my neck. “Tell me what you’re thinking.”

“I’m thinking about the dildo in the
doctor’s office!”

My eyes shot open when he laughed.

He sat up on the bed and grinned at me. “Am
I missing something?”

I covered my face. “My mom took me to see a
gynecologist. That’s all.” I peeked at him.

“What for?”

I bit my lip. “For a check-up, and to get on
the pill.”

His eyes sparked. “Really!”

I sat up. “He had this ‘wand’ shaped like a
dildo that he thought I was nervous about…” I started, biting my
tongue so I don’t finish.

Luke laughed. “And?”

I shrugged bashfully. “You know, I got

“Why do I get the feeling there’s more to
this story?” he asked between his teeth.

I laughed. Our eyes met, and his smiled at
me. It’s hard to believe someone could feel about me the way he so
obviously does. The look in his eyes said it all.

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