Bound to the Past (Starville Series Book 1) (19 page)

Sara couldnʼt help grinning at that. “You will if you come to the Fourth of July Fair.”

“I wouldnʼt miss it for the world.”

“Good. I miss you, big oaf.”

“Me too, kid. See ya there.”

She was still smiling when she hung up. Talking to Carson always made her feel so much better about everything.

“Who was that?”

Sara jumped and turned toward the door, a hand pressed against her racing heart. “Jack! I didnʼt see you.”

“Sorry. I freaked you out again, didnʼt I?”

“Yes,” she admitted. Darn him, why did he always have to creep up on her like that? And how the heck could a man as big as him move so quietly, anyway? “How long have you been here?”

As soon as she asked, she realized that he might have heard everything sheʼd told Carson about her feelings for him…how sheʼd fallen for him…and everything else.
Oh, no
Please, no
. She would die of embarrassment. Just thinking about it made her sick to her stomach.

Jack gave her a strange look. “I wasnʼt eavesdropping on your private conversation, if thatʼs what youʼre worried about,” he said drily, as if reading her mind. “I only got here a few seconds ago.”

Thank goodness

“So, who was it?”

“Carson Cooke. Heʼs a good friend of mine.”

His eyes narrowed. “Youʼve never mentioned him before.”

“I havenʼt seen him much lately. He owns a ranch a few miles from Starville and only comes to town once or twice a month for supplies. Itʼs a very nice ranch, you know. I go there every time I need to, uh, recharge my batteries.” Sara caught herself right before she blurted out the truth about her books.
Shut up, shut up!
Why was she volunteering so much information? If only heʼd stop looking at her so suspiciously! His accusing gaze was making her defensive.

Jack leaned against the doorjamb, arms folded over his chest. “How old is this guy?”

“About your age, I guess.”


“Divorced. He has an adorable five-year-old son, but he lives in Philadelphia with his mom.”

“Is he fat? Ugly?” he asked as she kept shaking her head.

“No, none of that.” In fact, it was so far from the truth that a chuckle rippled through her. “By the way, heʼs coming to the fair, so youʼll probably meet him there.”


Saraʼs smile faded at his sarcasm. “All right. Whatʼs wrong? Youʼve been in a horrible mood since you got here. Somethingʼs obviously bothering you, and—” Her mouth snapped shut as another sudden thought slammed through her. A crazy thought. A thought so wonderful that it made her heart race and a huge smile spread again across her face. “Jack, youʼre not
of Carson…are you?

Jack stared at her as if sheʼd just grown three heads. Then he burst out laughing. “Come on! Jealousy is for pathetic, insecure fools.”

His tone was so disgusted that she could have sworn she heard the sound of her foolish hopes shattering and crashing miserably onto the ground. Of course, it didnʼt help that both adjectives heʼd listed fit her perfectly.

Sara jumped to her feet and started reorganizing the various papers scattered on her desk. A few seconds later, she had created a half a dozen different stacks, perfectly aligned and arranged by decreasing order of height.

Jack studied her with curious fascination but didnʼt comment. “Anyhow, I came to tell you that Iʼd like to take Lance out for a walk.”

She forced a smile as she walked to the fax machine to collect some more papers, then back to her desk, where she sorted them out and added them to the different piles where they belonged. “Thatʼs sweet of you. Is your knee going to be okay, though?”

“Yeah. Iʼve been working on my bike all day and itʼs a little stiff right now, so a walk will only help. I thought I might take him to the lake, since itʼs practically around the corner.”

“Heʼll be happy. He loves the lake.”

“I know. The little brat dragged me there twice already.”

Chuckling, Sara placed pens and pencils in their respective holders, arranged by colors. When everything seemed to be in the proper order, she gave the whole desk a critical look. Then she re-grabbed one of the piles of paper sheʼd just finished arranging.



“I need to ask you something.”

She raised her head, still smiling. As their gazes locked, she was surprised to notice that Jackʼs eyes showed no trace of the amusement she was expecting to see. Instead, they bored into her with so much intensity that she nearly dropped all the papers in her hands. She quickly put them down before making an even bigger fool of herself.

He started walking toward her, and―
oh boy
―Carson was right. She did have it bad when the poor guy couldnʼt even enter a room without her going all lovesick over him!

Jack stopped in front of her, so close that she had to tilt her head back to keep looking at his face. Her pulse took off in a gallop. As he took her hand, she wondered whether he could feel it slamming against her wrist.

“Sara, I know we agreed to be friends. But if things were different,” he said, his voice a shade huskier than usual, “if they werenʼt the gigantic mess they are…would you go out with a pathetic and insecure fool?”

In her dazed state, it took her a while to register his words and the implication in them. But the instant she did, her heart started hammering hard against her ribs. Jack was practically admitting he was jealous of Carson!

She swallowed but barely managed to choke out a tiny, “Absolutely.”

A hint of a smile turned up the corner of Jackʼs lips. Tension quivered through her as he cupped his hands around her face. Her stomach knotted as he bent his head. Her eyes closed.

He brushed a soft kiss on her forehead. “Gotta go. Iʼll be back in an hour or so.”

Sara blinked at him, stunned, as he turned around and walked out of the den. She was still staring at the doorframe when she heard him whistle for Lance, then the front door opened and closed.

With a resigned sigh, she walked back to her desk and got ready to re-reorganize every darn single piece of paper in every darn single pile.

Chapter 16

As much as Saraʼd been looking forward to it, the night of the Fourth of July Fair seemed to come along so fast that she felt totally unprepared as she stood in front of her closet trying to decide what to wear.

Not to mention that she was nervous about what might happen and how everybody would take Jackʼs presence there, and she couldnʼt stop worrying about how he would react to the affront he would surely receive. And then… Then she was edgy about the simple fact that she was going to go there with Jack. There was something special in knowing she was getting ready to go out with him. And no matter how pathetic she knew it sounded, this was in fact the first time she’d gone anywhere in public with him. It almost felt like a date.

Sure, a date with hundreds of people around, including beautiful women like Charlene and Layla. A date heʼs only going on because he wants to look around and try to talk to somebody in the hope of remembering something.

With a huff, Sara grabbed the first dress she saw in the closet and slipped into it unceremoniously. After applying a touch of mascara and a light swipe of lipstick on her lips, she quickly brushed her hair and left the room. As she reached downstairs, she saw Jack coming out of the kitchen, drinking from a bottle of water.

He stopped in his tracks and nearly choked when he saw her.
Hot damn!
She was stunning. The light makeup around her eyes made them look darker and deeper. Her long hair was loose, and it flowed down to her shoulders in soft waves, gently framing her face. The top of the blue sundress she was wearing clung tight to her generous breasts, while the knee-length skirt swirled around her lean legs.

“Youʼre…beautiful.” He swallowed hard and took another big gulp of water.

Sara blushed with a timid, “Thank you.”

“We can go if youʼre ready.”

She nodded and followed him out the door. She might look pretty tonight, but he was simply breathtaking, she thought, letting her eyes roam over the dark jeans that hugged his strong thighs in an all-too-sexy way. The sleeves of his black shirt were rolled up to the elbows, revealing his muscled arms. It gave him an even darker, more dangerous look. Lord help her, he exuded sex.

“I was going to take the Harley, but I donʼt think it suits what youʼre wearing.”

Jackʼs deep voice snapped her from her lovesick state, and she stared at the motorcycle with fascination. Tonight it looked especially wild, dangerous, and exciting. Just like its owner.

“I want to take the bike,” she said, her eyes beaming as she turned to look at him. “Iʼve always wanted to get on one of these things.”

“Itʼll mess up your hair. And your makeup.”

“Yeah, right.” She wrinkled her nose. He tried not to smirk but failed miserably.

“Here, youʼll need this.”

Before she knew it, Sara found herself wearing his big leather jacket.
Yay. Now Iʼm really sexy
she groused to herself. Not that she cared. She was too excited about riding with Jack to worry about the way she looked. Besides, she loved wearing his jacket. She could feel his warmth, smell that wonderful, musky scent of him. It almost felt as if his arms were wrapped around her.

“Donʼt you need the jacket yourself?” she asked him reluctantly.

“Iʼm far from cold.” He gave her a strange look and popped his helmet on her head.

Meet the frogwoman.


Sara forced a nod as he straddled the bike. She slid a leg cautiously around the seat and took her place behind him. Sheʼd never felt so self-conscious in her entire life. First of all, that darn thing was even bigger than it looked; and now that she was sitting on it, her skirt had ridden up in a very unladylike way, showing way too much of her thighs. After trying in vain to tug it down a little, Sara admitted defeat and fixed her eyes on her bare legs adhering perfectly to Jackʼs muscular ones. The sensuality of that sight made her shudder. Maybe they should take her car, after all.

It was too late. Before she could make the suggestion, Jack started the engine, and the Harley vibrated underneath her with a loud rumble. Her hands instinctively squeezed the back of his shirt.

“Hold on to me and try to lean with the bike during turns,” he said over his shoulder, taking her hands and wrapping her arms around his waist. “Got it?”

Sara nodded, swallowing hard. Great, now she was completely frightened. “Just…go slow.”

Jack grinned. “I will. Promise.”


The ride only took a few minutes, but it felt like an eternity to Sara. At first, she was so afraid of the gigantic beast vibrating beneath her that she held tightly on to Jack out of sheer fear. Mile after mile, though, something changed. She started to relax and grew more and more at ease with his smooth and expert riding. Started appreciating the gentle wind blowing through her hair. And she found herself becoming all too aware of Jackʼs strong body against hers, his muscular legs pressing against her naked skin.

It seemed too soon when he slowed the motorcycle down, and Sara realized theyʼd reached their destination. She was not at all surprised when he rode past the big, crowded parking lot and pulled over in a quiet, smaller lot away from the main square. After he killed the engine, Jack stepped off the Harley and helped her do the same. She wobbled a little when her feet touched the ground.

“You all right?”

Sara took her helmet off and shook her head, letting her long black hair fall back on her shoulders. She giggled as she ran her fingers through the disheveled mess. “Iʼm a disaster, but it was awesome. Thank you so much!”

“Youʼre welcome,” Jack said, trying hard not to stare at those thick, shiny strands as she slipped out of the leather jacket. He grabbed it and tossed it carelessly onto the seat, his eyes fixed on hers.

Somehow Sara managed not to drop her eyes under his heated gaze. Her hair was all over the place, and her face felt flushed, but she didnʼt care. The way Jack was looking at her right now, she felt like the most beautiful woman ever.

He slowly brushed a stray tendril from her forehead.

She didnʼt even try to protest. All her senses seemed to leap at once as he leaned into her and took her mouth. Her heart rocketed. Her eyes closed. Her hands seemed to slip up to his chest of their own accord. Her already wobbly knees buckled. Sara hissed a sharp breath and pressed against him, letting his big frame support her, relishing the feel of her body molding into his. She loved that Jack was so big and strong compared to her. He made her feel so tiny. He made her feel…like a woman. She trembled against him as he slipped a hand up to cup her breast and slowly brushed a thumb over the sensitive tip. He deepened the kiss, exploring, tasting, teasing—plunging in and out of her mouth in an exquisite promise of what was to come. And she drank from him like a parched woman, wishing his kiss would never end, aching to melt into him.

A deep groan rumbled in his chest when she yanked the hems of his shirt from his jeans and slipped her hands underneath it to stroke his muscled back. He felt so good! His skin was so smooth, and so incredibly hot that the heat coming off of him made her own body temperature spike out of control.

Out of nowhere, Jack broke the kiss. Before Sara could protest the loss of his mouth, he backed her against a wall and pushed a knee between her legs to nudge them apart. Her breath hitched as she felt the full extent of his arousal pressing against her belly, stirring her senses into such a frenzy that her head started spinning. Her insides turned liquid as he trailed his tongue down her neck, nibbled at her throat, sending delicious jolts of sensation across her skin.

Jack reclaimed her mouth as he slowly ran a hand up her bare thigh and slid it between her parted legs, pressing it through the soft fabric of her panties.
Oh, God.
It burned like a fiery brand. He was marking her as his, and it felt…right. So right that she automatically ground against it. She nearly cried out when his thumb brushed softly across her clit. It was almost too much, and yet, she wanted more. She craved more.

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