Read Branded By a Warrior Online

Authors: Sunny Andrews

Branded By a Warrior (20 page)

Chuckling at his brother’s question, “My reply shall be the announcement of my wedding to the beautiful warrior queen. I’d die a million deaths be
fore letting that man touch her

“When shall the glorious occasion take place my brother, the clan is most excited to celebrate your wedding?”

“Tomorrow, we cannot afford to wait any longer. I want her safe and married to me by tomorrow night. I cannot wai
t to send that bastard my reply

“Perfect, the clan needs a good celebration. Tomorrow it is, I’ll see that the priest is notified and the kitchens prepped for the celebration. I’ll see you later B
rother, I’ll go
let Rhona know.”

Standing up to join Kendrix, “I suppose I should go inform the bride of her
wedding, eh?” H
e joked as they
walked out of the armory and into the keep.
with his brother they talked of security measures that would need to be taken. Splitting at the keep, they went in different directions.

Taking the stairs two at a time Broderick reached the top of the stairs
to find his dogs laying in
the hallway outside their
. He was
unsure if she was in their bedroom or her solar
, he chose their bedroom first due to his dogs lying directly in front of that door. Stepping over the hounds he walked in to see her broadsword hung on the fireplace just below where his normally was held.
The sight made him smile.

Casting his eyes over the room he saw her dress discarded on the
bed but
didn’t see her, looking around the chair before the fireplace, he spied her bare feet and l
egs lying before the warm fire, a
n even bigger
smile crept over his face.

Locking the door behind him, he pulled his plaid off his shoulders along with his linen shirt and tossed
them next to her dress on the bed. Removing his weapons he rounded the fireplace to see her lying naked upon his black sable fur. Propped up on her elbow she bit her lip as she watched him hang up his sword next to hers.
Her body was perfection, even her battle scars added to her allure. Her long red hair fell all around her, her perfect ivory skin beckoned him.




Elisabeth smiled up at Broderick; h
is dark hair was disheveled from their ride earlier, his muscular chest made her want to come undone. He didn’t have an ounce of fat on him; every section was chiseled to perfection.
The man before her had quickly become her entire world; he had been everything she was convinced husbands would not be. He had yet to tell her no, he had given her everything she could ever want, including his heart- in his own way. She may have fallen in love with him years ago at the border festival, but what she felt now for the man standing above her consumed her.
Locking eyes with her beloved she crooked her finger at him, she watched a slight grin form on his face as his eyes raked down her with satisfaction.



Pulling off his huntsman boots he removed his leather kilt belt letting it all fall at his feet as he saw her watching him with wanting desire in her beautiful lucid eyes.

Dropping to the floor between her ivory legs, he ran his hands up her exquisite body and asked, “Marry me tomorrow Elisabeth?”

“I’ll marry you whenever you
want as long as you
fuck me now



Chapter 8


The wedding
of laird Broderick MacMillan and
Rosslyn Drummond took place
the following eve.
The winter clouds had broke, the moon shined brightly upon the castle as all prepared for the wedding of the century.

Broderick Ian MacMillan, Laird of Clan MacMillan was finally going to marry.
The entire clan was
invited to c
elebrate and attend the wedding; word had spread quickly t
hroughout the
and afternoon
The entire clan was busy helping prepare for the momentous occasion.

Kendrix and Rhona had arranged the entire thing within hours. Rhona of course had been secretly planning the entire thing as soon as Broderick had captured the lass’s hand weeks
ago. The smell coming from the kitchen had everyone drooling. Tonight they would feast well! The large
chapel was beautiful
lowing with bright pill
ar candles,
rose water was used to scent the
, giving it a wonderful romantic touch. Isobel helped Rhona place bundles of dried lavender along the pews in the chapel. Everything was perfect.

Elisabeth had awoken that morning to
ck and his hounds already gone.
Looking across the room she spied the sable fur they had made love on, a glint of gold caught her eye.
Smiling, she got out of bed and walked over to the crackling fire and saw what he had left her.

A note
along with
a few precious gifts, a
gold circlet sat upon the lush fur next to a pair of beautiful gold dangling earrings, and a matching necklace that was
breathtaking. Shaking her head at his generosity she knelt down and picked up the parchment.


To my heart and soul,


There is no boundary I wouldn’t cross for you, no obstacle that will ever stand between you and I.
I will spend the rest of my life making you happy and keeping you safe.
Please wear these
as you become my wife,
they once belonged to my mother. She would have loved you Elisabeth, and
she would have been honored to pass them down to you. I know our parents are looking down on us
today with pride in their hearts
. Although you might never hear it from my lips, I love you Elisabeth. I love you more than anything in this world. I cannot wait to become your husband before God and our people.


Forever yours,



Tears streamed down her face as she read the letter over and over
. Her heart burst with love for that man, he had torn down all of her walls and claimed her heart so effortlessly. Clinging the lette
r to her chest she thanked the G
od above for delivering her such a fine man. She had never known such love like this before.

An hour later Rhona had arrived with a fresh bath for her as well as a new gown. Elisabeth clapped her hands as she viewed the creation Rhona had brought with her, it was simply marvelous, Rhona knew her style
and had created such a masterpiece.

Slipping into the bath she and Rhona talked about all the activity that was happening downstairs.
Seeing the circlet,
earrings and necklace, Rhona grew misty eyed.

Noticing her react
ion to the beautiful gold items,
Elisabeth smiled at the elder as she
soaked in
the large copper tub
, “He s
aid they belonged to his mother

Rhona nodded
and dabbing her eyes, “Aye my love, they did. She was such a wonderful woman. So humble and loving to those boys and her husband, she was intelligent and giving, so ve
ry much like you my dear

Later that afternoon
Kendrix dropped off Isobel around lunch; he knocked on the door and was given permission to come in. Isobel dashed into the room to find Elisabeth donned in a plain tunic for the afternoon while Rhona worked on her long hair.

“Aunt Elisabeth! I’m so excited for your wedding to Uncle Broderick, Rhona is making me wear
a fancy dress. D
o you ha
ve to wear a fancy dress too?” S
he asked as she climbed up into

Chuckling at Isobel’s dramatics,
“Aye my dear, Rhona is making me wear
a fancy dress as well. You will look lovely, I cannot wait to see you look like the little Scottish princess you are my love,” swinging her gaze over the child’s father she asked, “Kendr
ix, I have a question for you? Please, sit
.” S
he motioned to the chair beside her.

Kendrix as usual was dressed in his kilt and fully armed, smiling he crossed the room and sat down
, “What can I do for you my S
He grinned.

“Without my Da or Brother alive,
I was hoping you
would you walk me
down the aisle to Broderick?” S
he asked
, tears starting to b
rim in her eyes.

From behind them
they heard
Rhona sniffle, both Kendrix and Elisabeth looked back to see the old maid
silently crying happy tears.
“Oh you children, you make me proud,” waving her hand in front of her face trying to dry her eyes.

Kendrix looked back at Elisabeth
and placed his
nd over his heart,
“I would be honored El
, you will be the only sister I shall ever have.

eaching down he squeezed her hand

Both Elisabeth and Kendrix once again smiled as Rhona sniffled behind them, and
told them both how much she loved them. Isobel rolled her eyes and skipped over to pet the wolfhounds by the fire.

x eventually left
the ladies
, leaving Isobel behind to get prepared with Elisabeth. He bid them a graceful goodbye
as he went in search of his brother, with the wedding only hours away
he had much to oversee, and do.
He had many security measures to put into
he wanted nothing to go wrong tonight.

Rhona and Elisabeth helped Isobel get ready for the evening first, with a fresh bath and a beautiful crown of blonde curls Isobel slipped into her new dress. The beautiful green silk gown with golden embroidery looked elegant against her ivory skin.

Looking down at the little blonde haired Scottish lass, “You look like a young lady now Isobel. You would make your Ma very proud, chin up my girl, there are worse things than wearing beautiful dresses
.” W
inking down at her, Elisabeth smiled brightly as she saw the lass light up at the mention of her mother.

her heart ached for Isobel, the poor thing
had never got the chance to know her mother, to feel her hug and mem
orize her face. Kneeling down she wrapped her arms around the wee lass and brought her close, “I love you Isobel, thank you for wearing such a beautiful dress today for me. I’m so proud to becoming your Aunt today,” kissing Isobel’s temple she squeezed the lass.
“I love you too Aunt Elisabeth, to be fair, you should put your gown o
n too so we can suffer together.
” Isobel replied in her usual humor.

Chuckling and standing up, “Very well my dear




As the evening fell, hundreds and hundreds of MacMillan people left their homes and joyfully made their way to the castle chapel.
women and children d
ressed in their best clothing, they flocked to get a seat in the large chapel.

Broderick watched as his people filled the massive chapel, everyone was invited, from his warriors to the kitchen staff; his people had waited a long time to see him married.
It was clear to him that h
is people had fallen i
n love with Elisabeth; the entire day he was bombarded with well wishes for the ceremony.

Broderick stood
at the front of the chapel donned in his cere
monial kilt and tartan; he had never felt more nervous in his life as he awaited his bride. H
wolfhounds sat off to his side.
Concerned over the absence of his brother, the prie
st assured him that Kendrix
was here and to not ruin the surprise.

g on the alta
r he thought of his bride, h
e hadn’t seen her since he left their bed earlier this morning
It had been a long time since he had went all day without seeing the vixen, she had enchanted him, captured his heart.
He hoped she liked the items he left her this morning.
He wondered what she was feeling right this very moment; he could not wait to be bound to her for all eternity. There was no doubt in his mind that she was the mate he had been seeking his entire life, even after he had sworn off marriage. Elisabeth had changed everything for him.

Hearing the harp play, all present stood up as the music lifted thr
ough the cathedral like chapel,
soft candles i
minated the beautiful chapel as all
eyes watched Isobel walk in first.

The crowd smiled as
they watched
their Laird’s beloved niece
walk down the
aisle tossing dried rose petals.
andful after handful she smiled back upon the familiar faces of her clan. O
nce at the end
Broderick watched his swe
et niece blow him a kiss and stand
beside Old Rhona at the very front pew.

The crowd
swung their gaze
back towards the stained glass
as they
were pulled wide
one final time
. Before
every member of the MacMillan clan,
Elisabeth stood glowing as she entered the chapel escorted by Kendrix.

The moment he laid eyes on them his heart burst with pride, a wave of emotions
him as he watched his beloved
warrior q
ueen walk towards him on the arm of his brother.
He hadn’t give one thought about who would walk her down the aisle, with her father and brother gone, Kendrix had seen to the honor.

Broderick’s eyes swept over her as she and Ke
ndrix walked down the candleli
t aisle towards him.
Dressed in an embroidered
gold silk gown
, it
gracefully f
ell off her shoulders baring her scar for all to see.
The broach he had given her was pinned above her heart
with his tartan folded over her shoulder as it fell
down her back
like a royal cape. The priceless
gold cuffs adorned each wrist beautifully
, hi
s mother’s necklace and earrings dazzl
ed in the candlelight as she

She was glowing
, simply radiant, t
circlet was entwined in her
crown of red curls
She was the personification of royalty and grace, and she was all his.
His heart burst with pride as he watched her finally reach the end of the aisle.

Stepping down the alta
r, he
shook his brother’s hand
pulled him in for a hug before
Elisabeth’s arm
. Placing her hand upon his arm,
he felt the connection as
soon as they touched.
Looking into her liquid emerald eyes, he winked at the stunning vision on his arm and
walked her u
p the stone alta
r to the priest.

priest, God and their people, they took
their vows together
women in the crowd shed tear
s of joy as they watched their l
aird pledge his life to the woman who had captured his heart.
There was no doubt in anyone’s mind that this was anything other than a love match, just like
their parents had
in their marriages

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