BREAKAWAY (The Dartmouth Cobras) (61 page)


“Ah!” Luke flattened himself against the door, bracing himself, his thigh muscles clenching and unclenching to absorb the impact laid across them.

Sebastian waited until Luke’s muscles relaxed. Then struck on the low curve of Luke’s ass. Harder and harder, over, under, finding a rhythm that had Luke letting out a raw, low hum of pleasure.


The weight of the fiberglass cane felt odd in Sebastian’s hand. He had experience with it, but more for punishment than anything else. Usually five stripes across a subs ass and thigh would be enough to have them begging forgiveness for just about anything, but it would never serve as a good punishment for Luke.


! Ah!” Luke ground his dick against the door. “Don’t stop!”

“What?” Sebastian tightened his grip on the handle of the cane, staring at the stark red strip cutting across Luke’s ass cheeks. No blood, but any harder and there would be. A sadist would not concern himself with formalities at this point, but Sebastian needed to know Luke felt more than the pain. That he felt the connection between them. Because without it, those marks meant nothing to Sebastian. He might as well have hauled back and punched Luke in the face. “Who am I, Luke? Do you know?”

“Sir! Master! Seb, please! It’s good. It’s so fucking good.” Luke mumbled something else, a curse, more pleas, tugging so hard at his wrist cuffs one came loose. “No! I didn’t mean to!”

, I know.” Sebastian clipped the cuff, pressing a soft kiss between Luke’s shoulder blades. “Where are you, Luke? Can you remember the colors? Red if it is too much?”

Luke laughed. “Not red. Purple and green and gold. A really fucked up rainbow. Just a little more, Sir? I’ll scream. I’ll do whatever you want.”

Sebastian inhaled deep. Then lifted the cane. He lashed it across Luke’s ass and thighs until blood red stripes covered them. Until he had to stop or cry ‘red’ himself. If Luke needed more, he would arrange a scene with Callahan or Chicklet. He would be there to set the limits, since Luke obviously could not, but this was as far as he could go.

He tugged at Luke’s hair and hissed into his ear. “You swore you'd scream. Do it now. Call her name.”

Luke sobbed. “Jami!”

“Luke!” Jami tripped into the room so quickly it seemed she had been just outside the door all along. She covered her mouth with her hands. “Oh, God! It was a game, Sebastian! Just a game! Why—”

“Do not judge him, mi cielo.” Sebastian knew it wouldn’t be Luke she would judge. He had done this to him. He moved towards her, afraid she would shy away. Then sighed with relief as she leaned against him. “His needs are not yours. Or mine. I . . . I must admit, he has pushed my limits. We may need to find someone else for this, but—”

“No, Sir.” Luke slumped against the door. “Perfect. Holy shit, it was perfect.”

“Mi Rey?” Jami took Sebastian’s face between her hands. “Are you okay? You’re allowed to call red too, you know.”

“I almost did.” Sebastian inhaled roughly. It shamed him to admit it, but he expected honesty from Jami and Luke. He could not give them any less in return. And he refused to ruin the scene with what might have been. With a sinister smile, he latched on to the back of Jami’s neck. “Did you think to escape me,

Jami bit her bottom lip and shook her head.

“You should be naked in my presence. When I look on you again you shall be.” Sebastian made a dismissive gesture towards the bed. “Wait for me there. My
took your punishment for you. I could use him for my pleasure, but I need a hot, wet cunt to fuck. Are you willing to spare him further abuse by giving yourself to me?”

Glancing over at Luke, Jami drew in a sharp breath, then let it out slowly. “Yes, mi Rey.”

Her clothes hit the floor behind him with a soft wisp, but Sebastian kept his focus on Luke, first making sure that he had done no real damage. Every strike had been carefully controlled, but there was no telling how a sub would react when pushed this far. He pressed his hand to Luke’s cheek, kissing him, whispering all the words he knew Luke would want to hear. He was strong. Brave. He had done everything Sebastian had asked of him and more.

“Seb, listen to me.” The far off look in Luke’s eyes faded. “I’m fine. I . . . I don’t have the words to tell you how good I feel. Just let me hang onto it a little longer. Go to Jami. I’ll be with you in a bit. These cuffs are shit.”

Sebastian barked out a laugh. “You amaze me, semental.”

“Hey.” Luke gave him a lopsided smile. “You
’ yet.”

* * * *

Jami squeezed her eyes shut as she stretched out on the bed. If anyone but Sebastian had left those marks on Luke, she would have lost it. Gone after them like a mad woman. But it

And the doubt in his eyes had been more than enough to reassure her. They were both pushing his limits. Her with the party and the other men. Luke with the pain.

“Mi Rey?” Jami held up a hand as Sebastian approached her with a black, silk blindfold. She tongued her bottom lip. “The ‘no sex’ over the past few weeks has been so we can communicate better, right?”

“Yes, mi cielo.” Sebastian sat on the side of the bed, his face lined with concern. “I hope you will tell me if what I have done to Luke disturbs you to the point that you cannot . . . that you do not trust me.”

“I trust you. Damn it, don’t you ever doubt that. I didn’t—fuck, I’m not ruining this by bringing
up.” Her jaw clenched. “The point is, you’ve made it clear that me and Luke can tell you anything. But we need to know you can do the same.”

Sebastian stood up straight, his jaw ticking as he fisted the blindfold in one hand. “I am fine.”

“Right.” Jami frowned at him. Damn it, weren’t subs supposed to be the ones so determined to please their
that they had to be reminded to use a fucking
? "It scares me that you don’t have your own limits.”

Bowing his head, Sebastian nodded slowly. “You are right.
, I find no pleasure in hurting either of you. But I do find pleasure in giving you what you need. The two do not always . . . mesh.”

“Well, we’ve got to work on that. Luke’s not
be happy when he finds out you ignored
triggers for him.”

“So noted.” Sebastian tipped his head back, staring at the ceiling for a long time before he looked at her again. Then he grinned. “You may both come up with a suitable punishment. But until then, I seem to recall you hiding from me.” He combed his fingers through her short hair and her eyes
at the sharp pain in her scalp. “You abandoned my
to the pain I dealt out. No matter what I did, he would not call for you. You said you were willing to serve my pleasure to spare him?”

“I’ll do anything.” Jami sank into the mattress, feeling more at ease since they were playing ‘make-believe’ again. She couldn’t enjoy this if it got all serious. And she’d heard Luke and Sebastian playing just fine without her. Until the
of the cane on Luke’s flesh had become too much for her to stay away. Right now, she was
happy she’d decided to stop hiding. Not because Luke needed her to step in. Because Sebastian did. “I’m sorry I hid from you. I was afraid.”

Sebastian held the blindfold close to her eyes, but didn’t cover them. “Afraid of what?”

“Afraid of the pleasure I feel with you. I was so innocent before you took me for the first time. I’d never experienced anything like that.” She simpered, playing the innocent, virgin sacrifice. “I should save myself for the man my father gives me to. You stole me away and I knew I had to fight you, but . . . I can’t. You make me feel things. Bad things.”

Placing the blindfold over her eyes, Sebastian let out a rough laugh. “You are mine. I care not who your father is. Who you once belonged to. I will make you forget any before me.”

“Oh, oh you mustn’t! I’ll be ruined!”

“You will be mine.” Sebastian flattened his hand between her breasts. “I will kill any man who touches you without my permission.”

“Any man? Even if he is your slave?”

“If he is my slave, and he pleases me . . . .” Sebastian drew her arms over her head, placing the one with the cast on a pillow. “You shall be his reward.”

Jami’s toes curled. She hoped Sebastian would restrain her, because she wasn’t sure how much longer she could keep her hands to herself. “I live for your pleasure, mi Rey.”

“I do not like to damage my property. So I will bind one wrist and your legs. If you fight, I will know you need more time to heal.”

“I would never fight you.”

Sebastian rose from the bed, finding cuffs to bind her from his black bag. The restraints attached to the headboard and footboard freed her in a weird way, because she didn’t have to lie there, fully exposed, of her own will.
She could immerse herself in the game, forget how her arm had been broken, let it lie on the bed as though it was restrained as well. She didn’t have to be the stupid girl who’d made all the wrong choices. She could be here. Now. With no choices to make.

The blindfold covered her eyes. She bit her lip as she sensed Sebastian moving away from her. She could hear Luke nearby, his hoarse breaths coming slow and steady. Wherever Sebastian had taken him, he was coming back.

“I think this has cooled enough,” Sebastian said.

Jami hissed in a breath as thick, hot liquid spilled over her breasts. A rich scent drifted up to her, but she couldn’t identify it at first. She felt Sebastian’s tongue glide over the heat. Another fiery line drizzled over her breasts and her hips arched up off the bed. The heat flowed down, licking her core like sun kissed waves rising with the tide.

Sebastian slowly licked her breasts clean, pressing them together as he
around and around, moving up the sides, under, over, avoiding her nipples. The tender nubs throbbed with anticipation. Sebastian’s weight shifted. His mouth left her.

Hot droplets hit one nipple. Then the other.

“Ah!” Jami tipped her head back, gasping as the nerves in her breasts caught fire. Sebastian’s lips covered hers and the taste of chocolate and caramel filled her mouth. “Oh . . .

“Yes, you are delicious.” Sebastian chuckled, catching her chin and tugging at her bottom lip with his teeth. “Come taste her, Luke.”

A wider spill, spreading too fast to be the caramel, covered her breasts and she
as a hand lifted one breast, slipping as it gently squeezed. Licking and sucking, smearing the still warm melted chocolate, down over her ribs. Another mouth on her other breast. Hot breaths over a neglected nipple. Luke let out a muffled moan. She pictured Sebastian taking his mouth hard, tasting him as they’d tasted her.

Two more hot drops. Then ice cold. She cried out, shaking as the sensations clashed.

“Our own chocolate
,” Sebastian said.

A sweet, juicy fruit, coated in chocolate, pressed against her lips. She bit into it, humming with appreciation as the flavor of a deliciously ripe strawberry filled her mouth.

Heat alternated with cold, from her breasts, down her stomach, filling her belly button before a firm tongue dipped in. Her nipples were sucked clean, then covered again and again. She drifted into a chocolate scented cloud of pleasure, rising higher as the hard nips on her sensitized nipples threaded straight down to her clit, winding around until it throbbed and swelled. The pressure on her nipples increased. A wild currant rode down the thread, shooting off sparks every which way, forcing her inner muscles to contract. The orgasm hit her hard, tearing through her like a wildfire, stealing all the air from the room. She writhed and screamed.

The blindfold fell away. Sebastian leaned over her, smoothing her hair away from her face as she slowly came down. He kissed her, smiling against her lips as Luke used a warm cloth to clean the chocolate from her body. “You are a mess, gatita.”

Her bottom lip trembled. For some reason, even as Luke wiped away the stickiness all over her, she still felt . . . .

Dirty. So fucking dirty.
She choked back a sob. “When is it going to go away?”

Luke lifted his head and frowned. “What?”

Sebastian held her face between his hands and studied her face. Those deep, dark eyes seemed to see straight down to her soul. “It will take time, mi cielo. All those things you feel, those things which others made you ashamed of, are part of the woman I love. When you are wild, and dirty, you are giving me—and Luke—all the purest parts of yourself. And that is precious. Never forget that.”

His words washed over her like a heavy rain breaking through a summer smog. A fresh breeze teased her damp flesh. Crisp.

She hauled in a rough inhale, remembering how often he’d washed her, replacing all that was dirty and nasty with his loving touch. “I’ll never forget.”

“Would you like to stop?”

“No!” Jami shook her head. If he stopped, all those feelings of being ruined, tainted, would come back. They came less and less when she was with him. “I need to feel you. Everywhere. Please, mi Rey.”

Sebastian moved over her, kissing her throat, positioning himself between her thighs as he whispered in her ear. “Then feel me. Si el
de la
, el
de la


In a smooth thrust, he filled her. She cried out into his mouth, barely managing to speak before she lost herself to him completely. “What does that mean?”

He drew almost all the way out. Tenderness filled his eyes. “If the purpose of life is love, the purpose of mine shall be you.”

* * * *

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