Read Breaking Shaun Online

Authors: E.M. Abel

Tags: #Contemporary Romance

Breaking Shaun (22 page)

I woke up to the sound of my toilet flushing in my bathroom. Prying my eyes open, I realized I was on my couch and still fully dressed. My bathroom door opened, and Natalie walked out. She was still dressed in that sexy black dress she had worn to my birthday party. She walked into the living room with her black heels hanging from her fingers. Her long hair looked a little ruffled, but I preferred it that way. The thought of her sleeping in my bed brought my attention to my dick where I was sporting some major morning wood, and seeing her like that in my apartment wasn’t helping.

“Good morning,” she muttered as she went into my kitchen and got a glass of water.

“Morning,” I said, watching her move around my apartment like she’d done it a million times before.

I never brought women to my place, so it wasn’t something I was used to seeing. Sitting on the edge of the couch, I rested my elbows on my knees and ran my hands through my newly cut hair. A lot of things were feeling unfamiliar.

Natalie came to stand next to the couch, and I turned to look at her.

“Are you still drunk? Or are you okay to drive me to Asia’s, so I can get my car?”

“I’m still drunk,” I lied.

I wasn’t stupid. I might never get an opportunity like this again.

“I gotta take a piss,” I told her. I made my way to my bathroom.

She sighed, clearly aggravated. Getting her to give in to me would be a lot harder now than it would have been last night. I’d seen the way she was looking at me at the party. I’d had her in the palm of my hand, but I’d gone and fucked it up by getting too drunk.

After using the bathroom, I brushed my teeth and washed my face. My hair looked a little crazy, but just like last night, it looked like I’d styled it that way. At least this haircut would be easy to maintain.

I made my way to my bedroom, kicked off my shoes, and pulled my shirt over my head before falling onto my back on my bed. I could smell Natalie on my sheets and my pillow. They smelled fucking amazing, and I let out a moan when I sniffed my pillow again.

God, my cock is fucking rock-hard, and the woman causing it isn’t even in the same room.
I closed my eyes and pressed the palm of my hand against the front of my jeans. I hissed, and my muscles tightened when I made contact with my dick.


I needed to calm down before Natalie saw me. The last thing I wanted was for her to know the power she had over my dick and me.

“You’re not going to sleep, are you?” Natalie asked as she approached my bedroom door.

I stopped moving my hand and opened my eyes. She was standing in the threshold of my room with her eyes on my dick. They slowly moved up my abs and chest before they met mine. I saw the devious grin playing on her lips. She knew. She knew she had me. I decided to just go with it. I’d seduced many women in the past. What made her any different?

I pressed my hand against my cock through my jeans, and I held her gaze as I stroked it one more time. I was breathing harder now, and her lips parted when her eyes moved down to watch my hand.

Oh. My. God.

My body was vibrating. Seeing Shaun on his bed with his shirt off, his muscles flexed, and his hand on his dick was one of the best things I’d ever seen. I unconsciously pressed my thighs together as I felt myself getting wet. I wanted to go kiss him and run my hands all over his body, but I didn’t move. I just watched.

“Goddamn. You’ve got my dick so hard, Natalie,” Shaun groaned as he pressed his hand against himself again.

I bit my bottom lip as I continued watching, and my eyes moved back up to meet his. They were smoldering and glazed with lust. They were exactly like I had imagined them the other night when I fucked Brad—another man I’d used and thrown away because that was what I did.

“Have you ever been with someone like me?” I asked Shaun.

He watched me, his hand still stroking his dick through his jeans, but he didn’t respond.

“Women like me don’t fall for guys like you. We don’t come when you call, we don’t beg for your attention, and we don’t confuse sex with love. Women like me break men like you,” I told him as I took two steps closer.

His green eyes made a trail down my body, and I could feel it. He licked his bottom lip before meeting my gaze again. Slowly, he stood up and came to stand in front of me. He was only inches away. I could feel his breath on my face, I could see the flecks of green and gold in his irises, and I could feel the heat from his body warming mine.

“You can’t break me,” he whispered as our eyes searched each other’s.

I wasn’t sure if it was the challenge he’d presented or if I actually believed him, but those four words were enough.

Reaching out my hand, I pressed my palm to his jeans and held his cock in my hand. He hadn’t been lying. He was really fucking hard, and it only fueled the fire building inside me.
God, I want him.

His breath hissed through his teeth as he clenched his jaw, and he moved his hands to my hips. He guided me backward until my ass was against his dresser, and he pressed his hips forward, trapping my hand on him.

“Let go, Natalie. Stop fucking thinking. When you’re in my bed, I call the shots,” he growled as he pressed his dick into my hand, and he moved one of his hands to trail his fingers up the inside of my thigh.

His fingers lightly skimmed the edge of my pussy, and I gasped.

“Mmm…no panties again,” he whispered into my ear.

I was panting, and his fingers kept torturing me, touching me just enough to tease but not enough to satisfy. I wasn’t sure if I’d ever be satisfied, if I’d ever get enough.

He finally slid one finger inside me but only about an inch, and it was driving me crazy.

“Your pussy is so wet and warm, Natalie. I can’t wait to slide my dick in here,” he said as he slowly pressed his finger in a little deeper.

I moaned and reached up, gripping his hair in my hand.

This was it. I was going against my better judgment and following my instincts. I just prayed I wouldn’t regret it.

I pulled his face toward mine and kissed him hard. He kissed me back even harder. It was a mix of sliding tongues, nipping lips, and labored breaths. When he slid his finger all the way in, I swore that it almost made me come. I shuddered against him as I felt his palm press against my clit.

I was lost in the moment. I had finally let go.

God, she’s so ready.
Natalie’s pussy was sopping wet, and her body shuddered with every movement of my hand. My dick was throbbing, and I pressed it against her as I continued sliding my finger in and out, making sure to press my palm against her clit each time. She sucked my bottom lip into her mouth, and I groaned as I felt her pussy tighten. I needed to be inside her.

When our kiss broke, I took my hand away and turned her around, so her ass was against me. We were both facing the mirror above my dresser. She was so fucking sexy with her swollen lips and hooded eyes watching me. Her tits looked like they were ready to bust out of her dress each time she took a breath. I slid my hands up her sides and to her back where I slowly unzipped her dress, exposing her black lace bra. Sweeping her hair aside, I licked and kissed the back of her neck as I unclasped her bra. Then, I guided it and her dress off. They landed in a pile at her feet, and I stared at her in the mirror as I reached around and took her breasts in my hands. They were perfect, soft and heavy, and her rosy pink nipples were hard. I lightly ran my fingers over them, and she arched her back, wanting more.

“God, you’re fucking gorgeous,” I murmured into her ear. I rubbed my cock against her ass and kneaded her breasts in my hands.

She pressed her ass against me, and it took everything I had not to rip off my jeans. I wanted to feel her skin against mine, but I wanted to make her come first. I wanted to watch it.

Sliding my hand down her stomach, I stopped when my finger touched her clit, and I began lightly circling it. We stared at each other in the mirror, and she began panting again as I pinched her nipple with my other hand. My finger on her pussy kept rubbing against her clit—sometimes hard, sometimes featherlight. Her eyes slid closed, and her legs began to weaken beneath her. I used my arm around her chest to help hold her, and I continued playing with her clit. Her body shook with each stroke of my finger.

“Tell me what you want,” I whispered against her neck. I continued playing with her nipple as I pressed my finger harder against her clit.

“Oh God,” she moaned as she leaned her head back against my chest. “I want you to make me come, Shaun. Please, God, make me come.”

“Open your eyes,” I told her as I began circling her clit with more pressure.

She lifted her head and met my gaze in the mirror as I slid my middle finger into her. Her mouth went slack, and she arched her back as I fucked her with my hand, nice and slow. She was the sexiest fucking thing I’d ever seen in my life. She began grinding her hips against my hand with each thrust of my finger, and I could feel her pussy starting to tighten around me. I cursed as I imagined how good it would feel around my cock. Her entire body tensed as her orgasm approached, and I pressed my finger in as far as it would go. I curled it against her G-spot as I used my thumb to keep playing with her clit.

Her eyebrows drew together, and her body started shaking.

“Fuck. Come for me, Natalie. That’s right. Come all over my hand.”

Her pussy convulsed around my fingers as her orgasm took over, and she whimpered and moaned in my arms. I watched her in the mirror the entire time as my hands drew her orgasm out of her. By this time, my dick was so hard that it felt like it might rip through my jeans.

I slid my finger out of her and used my hand to grip her chin as I turned her to kiss me. Her kiss drove me crazy. She tasted so fucking good, and her mouth was so warm, just like her pussy. I couldn’t wait any longer.

Reaching down, I unbuttoned my jeans and unzipped them before pushing them down my legs and kicking them aside. Natalie instantly curled her hand around my length, and I sucked in a breath as I felt her soft skin touching mine.

“Do you have a condom?” she asked as she started stroking me.

I couldn’t think with her hand on my cock, so it took me a minute to respond. “Yeah.”

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