Read Breaking Shaun Online

Authors: E.M. Abel

Tags: #Contemporary Romance

Breaking Shaun (23 page)

I gasped when she reached down and cupped my balls in her hand.

“In my wallet,” I told her between breaths.

I wasn’t sure how I’d managed to put words together with her hand wrapped around my dick, but I had.

“I want you to fuck me, Shaun.”

That was all I needed to hear. Within a few seconds, I had a condom on, and even those seconds had felt like an eternity.

Gripping her hips in my hands, I pulled them back, forcing her to bend over in front of me. She held on to the edge of my dresser and watched me in the mirror as I rubbed the head of my dick against her wet pussy. She bit her bottom lip as I guided it to her opening before slowly sliding in a few inches.

“Fuck. Your pussy is so wet, so fucking tight,” I said between breaths as I slid in a little farther.

Natalie pressed her ass back and took me a little deeper. She was panting, and I had her ass in my hands, squeezing, as I pressed farther inside her. I finally thrust my hips forward, and she took all of me.

“Oh fuck!” she yelled.

I stayed there for a few seconds, letting her body adjust, as I reached around her to hold her tits in my hands. I pinched her nipples between my fingers, and I felt her pussy tighten around me. I had to move. Straightening my back, I looked down to watch as my dick slid out of her, covered in her juices.

“So fucking gorgeous,” I said to myself. I pulled back even more and then thrust myself back inside.

“Oh God,” she breathed.

I started moving faster, and she began meeting my thrusts with her own. It only made me want to fuck her harder. Reaching up, I grabbed her hair by the roots, and her mouth fell open as we continued fucking each other.

“Oh God, yes. Fuck me. Harder.” She slammed her ass against me with each thrust.

Keeping one hand in her hair, I used my other to hold her hip, and I started slamming my dick harder inside her. She screamed, and I felt her body tightening again.

Letting go of her hip, I smacked her ass. “Come on my dick. That’s right, baby. Come all over my dick.” I pulled her hair and started fucking her faster.

I slowed down as I felt her coming. I savored every pulse as her insides clamped around my cock. My balls were pulled tight, and I knew I was about to come, too, but I wasn’t ready yet. After pulling out of her, I walked over to my bed and lay on my back, my dick still at full attention.

“My turn,” I said, moving my arms above my head and tucking my hands under it.

Natalie smirked as she turned and walked toward the edge of the bed. I admired her naked body as she stood next to me. I’d been imagining it for days, and it was even better than I’d thought.

Moving closer, Natalie put her right knee on the bed beside my hip, and then she swung her other leg over to straddle me. I raked my teeth across my bottom lip as I tried to keep my hands still. I wanted to grab her, roll on top of her, and fuck her, but it was her turn to fuck me. I couldn’t wait to watch her ride my dick.

Natalie’s eyes held mine as she moved her hips, sliding her wet pussy up and down my length, teasing me. It took all my self-control not to grab her hips and press myself inside her, and she knew it. She smiled down at me and bit her bottom lip, trying to hide it.

“Fuck me, Killer.”

Natalie wrapped her fingers around my cock and guided it toward her opening before slowly sliding down onto it. I felt my eyes roll back as I let out a groan. She felt amazing. When I was buried deep inside her, Natalie circled her hips and straightened her back, giving me a perfect view of her tits. Moving my arms from behind my head, I cupped them in my hands. Natalie used her legs to lift herself up and back down. My jaw clenched, and my eyebrows drew together as the sensations took over.

Everything she did felt so fucking good. Natalie definitely knew what she was doing. Leaning forward and pressing her chest against mine, she kissed me as she began fucking me faster, her ass bouncing with each thrust of her hips. She began whimpering and moaning as our tongues invaded each other’s mouths.

I moved my hands down to her ass and squeezed it as I started meeting her thrusts with my own. As soon as I felt her pussy starting to milk my dick, I lost it. I let go of her ass, grabbed her shoulders, and began fucking her harder and faster. A guttural roar came out of my throat as I started coming inside her, her pussy pulling every last drop out of me. I came, long and hard, like I hadn’t had sex in years. I wasn’t sure if I’d ever come that hard in my life.

Natalie’s body shook on top of me as we came down from our orgasms. My dick was still deep inside her, and every pulse sent another shiver down my spine. My body felt like Jell-O, and I eventually pulled out of her, both of us gasping as we separated.

Natalie rolled off and landed on her back beside me. “Wow,” she said between breaths, a smile lighting up her beautiful face.

Wow is right.

I had just had the best orgasms of my life, and Shaun had given them to me. I didn’t expect him to be that good.

No, he wasn’t just good. He was fucking unbelievable. God, that was amazing.

I’d never given a man so much control over me in bed before, and I had to admit that it was exactly what I’d been craving.

I was in new territory now.
Should I be thinking of a reason to leave? Or stay and hang out, like nothing happened? Will he still want to be friends? Or will he want to keep his distance now that he’s had me?

I started to freak out a little when I realized just how vulnerable I’d made myself. I needed to get a grip. Taking a deep breath, I turned my head to look at Shaun. He was staring at his ceiling as he worked to catch his breath.

“We can’t tell anyone,” I told him.

He turned, and his green eyes searched mine. “They’ll figure it out.”

“I know, but they don’t have to know yet.”

Before he could respond, his cell phone started ringing in his jeans.

“Ugh,” he groaned and sat up to retrieve it off the floor. “It’s Asia,” he told me before answering.

I sat up and covered myself with his sheets as if she could see me through the phone.

“What?” He paused and looked over at me.

He seemed unsure about what to say next, and I waited for him to speak.

“She didn’t? Well, I don’t know. You just woke me up. Maybe she crashed here.”

He ran his fingers through his hair. I got up and started picking up my clothes and putting them on.

“No, I don’t know, Asia. I was fucking drunk, remember? Oh wait, here she is. She just walked out. Yeah, she’s here. Okay. Bye.”

I could hear Asia still talking to him as he hung up.

“Asia said she called Nick, but he said you hadn’t come home last night, so she was worried,” he told me as he stood up.

I had my dress on, but I couldn’t reach the zipper. “Will you do this for me?” I asked, turning so that my back was facing him.

He reached out and held one of my hips in his hand while the other took my zipper and slowly lifted it. Shaun dressing me was just as sexy as him undressing me.

God, I’m in serious trouble.

“Well, I guess you’d better take me to get my car.” I straightened my dress and checked my face in the mirror to see if I looked any different.

I felt different. Everything did.

“Hey. You okay?” Shaun asked. He slipped a T-shirt over his head and came to stand behind me like he had been earlier.

We looked at each other in the mirror and smiled.

Why am I so worried? Everything is fine. Nothing has to change.

“Yeah, I’m good. I just don’t want everyone getting involved in our business, that’s all. People always seem to blow things out of proportion.”

“Yeah.” Shaun gave me a lopsided grin before rubbing his hand through his hair.

When I turned to face him, I was met with his beautiful green eyes. Reaching up, I arranged some strands of hair out of his face.

“It looks really good, even sexier than before,” I said before stretching onto my toes and kissing him on the cheek.

“Was that a compliment I just heard come out of your mouth?”

I smacked Shaun on the chest. “Shut up.”

“No, seriously. Are you sure you meant for that to come out?”

Shaun was grinning at me, and I smiled back, but I had to take a step away from him. He was getting too close. Shaun must have sensed the change in my mood.

He continued getting dressed as he changed the subject. “So, what now?” he asked, peering up at me as he buttoned his jeans.

“Now, we’re friends…who fuck occasionally.”

“I’ve done that before. It always ends ugly.”

“Well, you’ve never done it with me,” I said.

Shaun sat down to tie his shoes.

God, he’s so sexy.

“And why are you so different?” he asked, his eyes moving back to mine.

I shrugged. “I just am.”

I felt myself getting more nervous as we got closer to Asia’s house. I was afraid she would take one look at us and know what we had done.

“So, when will I see you again?” Shaun asked as he turned onto Asia’s street.

I shrugged. Although I wanted to make a date to see him again, I knew it wasn’t smart. I had to make sure I kept a handle on this.

Shaun chuckled when I didn’t say anything. “Okay, I get it.”

Turning in my seat, I faced him as he pulled up to a stop sign. “Look, you want to call the shots in bed, right?”

Shaun turned to look at me, the sun lighting up the side of his beautiful face.

“Well, I’m willing to give you that, but you’re gonna have to let me call the shots out here.”

Shaun studied my face. I could see him contemplating my words.

“You got it, Killer.”

I sighed and turned to face the front again. “Really? That’s all you have to say?”

Shaun smiled as he let off the brake, and the car started moving again.

“Hey, I’m not stupid.”

I was trying to have a serious conversation with him, so I tried to fight it, but I couldn’t help but laugh. He seemed to always have that effect on me.

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