Read Breaking Shaun Online

Authors: E.M. Abel

Tags: #Contemporary Romance

Breaking Shaun (42 page)

“Fine. If you enroll in school, I’ll show Marcus my designs.”

Her face brightened with a smile, and I couldn’t help but grin back. I’d do almost anything to see that smile.

“Well, a deal’s a deal. So, what are we doing tomorrow?” I asked her as we unfastened our seat belts.

“We’re going on a photo shoot.”

“We are?”

“Yep. And you’re going to be my model.” She gave me her sexy smile. “Make sure you’re here bright and early. We don’t want to miss the good light,” she told me as she opened her door.

She got out of the car, and I followed.

“Oh, and you can help me look for a new apartment!” she said, her face lighting up with excitement.

That didn’t sound like much fun. “Don’t you want Nick or someone else to go with you? I have surf lessons, remember?”

Natalie put her hand on her hip. “No. Nick has to work, and you said you’d do anything I want, so you’re coming. I can go to the surf lesson with you.”

I let my head fall back as I groaned. “Fine.”

She laughed before coming to stand in front of me. I tilted my head down to look at her, and she got up on her toes before wrapping her arms around the back of my neck, our faces only inches apart.

“Don’t worry. I’ll make it worth your while,” she whispered before leaning forward and taking my mouth with hers.

Her warm, soft lips pressed against mine, and I let my hands slide into her hair as I opened my mouth and slipped my tongue inside. Natalie pulled me in closer, pressing her tits against me, and I could feel my dick responding. Our kiss grew more passionate, and I turned her so that her back was on the side of her car while I was pressed to her front. She moaned into my mouth when I moved my hips forward, so she could feel how aroused I was.

Natalie broke our kiss and smiled up at me. “Tomorrow,” she whispered.

Then, she pushed me back and left me standing there.

I woke up the next morning, excited to start the day. Pulling out my old camera, I put it down beside my purse and went searching for rolls of film. I guessed I’d better invest in a digital one soon if I was going to start taking classes.

Just the thought of attempting to chase my dream had my heart beating faster in my chest. It was like being on a roller coaster all over again.

Shaun came to pick me up at seven, and we went straight to the beach. I spent the entire morning surfing with him and then taking pictures. I made him pose for me with his surfboard. I also got a few of him in the water, the bright sun above him making his wet skin glisten in its light. His eyes looked so captivating and seductive. He could easily work as a model if he wanted to. When I told him that, he just gave me one of his sexy grins and winked.

After the surf lessons, we decided to grab some lunch and shower before looking for an apartment.

“You could move into my building. That way, we wouldn’t have to drive anywhere when we wanted a booty call,” Shaun said, teasing me, as we threw away our trash from lunch.

“Hmm…” I moved my hand to my chin and pretended to think about it. “You might have to show me your apartment again, so I can check it out.”

Shaun aimed his sunglasses in my direction, and I saw his brows rise above them.

“I can do that.”

Shaun and I showered together in his bathroom. I used his manly smelling soap on my body and cheap two-in-one shampoo in my hair. We laughed and joked around as we tried washing ourselves, and we fought over our spot in the water.

It wasn’t until I began rinsing off that the mood changed. I felt Shaun move in behind me as I stood under the stream, rinsing my hair. His hands came around to cup my breasts, and his hard dick pressed against my back. He took his time, letting his hands glide over my wet skin, like he was exploring me for the first time. Shaun used his fingers to make me come, staying silent the entire time. My heavy breathing, moaning, and whimpers were the only sounds.

Something was different. There was no rush or urgency. It felt like Shaun was savoring every second. After I came down from my orgasm, he turned off the water and took my hand, pulling me out of the bathtub. I laughed when he took a towel, tossed it over my head, and started drying my hair. When he was done, he took my hand again and led me into his room.

My heart was beating faster in my chest. I was nervous. I could feel myself falling, and I was afraid of what might break when I did.

Shaun pulled me to his bed where he told me to lie back. I watched as he moved to his nightstand, pulled the drawer open, and took out a condom. I knew it was irrational, but I found myself wishing that he didn’t want to use one. I wanted him inside me with nothing between us, and I wished he wanted the same. I wanted him to trust me enough to treat me differently than the rest. Seeing him open the package and roll it onto his length just reminded me that as much as I wanted to be more to him, I wasn’t.

I tried to separate myself from my body. I had to take my heart out of the equation. It didn’t belong there.

Shaun crawled on top of me, and I shut my eyes when his lips touched mine. I kissed him back, letting my tongue slide against his, as I pretended that it meant nothing. My body was what he wanted. It was the only thing that kept him coming back.

“Open your eyes,” I whispered as I slid inside of Natalie.

She was always so wet and warm. I wished I could bury myself deep inside her and never leave. When her eyes opened, I saw something there that I hadn’t seen before—fear. I stopped moving and waited to see if she’d say anything.

“Fuck me,” she muttered, wrapping her legs around me.

I began moving my hips. My body was under her control. As much as I’d tried to fight it, I knew things between us were changing. I buried my face into her neck as I began fucking her. The sound of my heartbeat in my ears, our labored breaths, and the slap of our skin was all I heard.

Natalie’s nails dug into my back, and I felt her pussy starting to quiver as she came. I slowed down, feeling every pulse of her walls as they tightened around me. Groaning, I kept my slow rhythm until her body relaxed and her grip on my back loosened. Her come was all over us, but I didn’t stop. I began moving again, fucking her harder and faster than I had before, and I heard Natalie whimper when I circled my hips each time.

Everything felt so good—her body under mine, her hands on me, her tight pussy squeezing my dick. I wanted all of her. I wanted to be the first man she gave everything to, but I knew I didn’t deserve it. I could only take what she was offering. So, I did. I took all of it.

When I finally came, it felt so good that it hurt. I held on to Natalie so tightly that no space was between us, just our sweaty bodies pressed so close that it felt like we were one. I could hardly tell where I ended and she began.

I pulled out of her gently, and we both gasped when we felt the separation. Rolling onto my back, I was still panting when Natalie sat up. I turned to look at her, and she gave me a small smile, but it didn’t reach her eyes.

“I’m gonna go clean up,” she said before scooting to the end of the bed and walking out of the room.

I took a deep breath and released it from my lungs.
What are you doing? This isn’t what you wanted, remember? This isn’t what she wants.

I pushed my fingers through my hair as I stared at my bedroom ceiling and listened to the water running in my bathroom. I needed to get my shit together before things went too far, before I could say or do something to scare her off.

Sitting up, I took the condom off and tossed it into the trash before going to the bathroom. I stood in the doorway and watched as Natalie cleaned herself up.

“You okay?” I asked.

She began drying herself off as she gave me a forced smile. “Yeah, I’m great.”

I studied her face for a second, and I could see she was lying, but for the first time, I was too scared to call her on it.

“Good,” I said as I stepped closer to the sink and turned the water back on.

“Um…would you mind if I cut the day short? I forgot I told Nick I’d cover dinner tonight, and I don’t have anything ready.”

I stopped what I was doing and looked at her over my shoulder. Natalie was standing in the doorway now, looking nervous, as she waited for my response. We both knew she was full of shit, and I was sure she was expecting me to call her on it.

“Okay. Yeah,” I muttered before turning back around and cutting the water off. “Just let me get dressed, and I’ll take you home,” I told her as I stared at the bathroom sink.


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