Read Breaking Shaun Online

Authors: E.M. Abel

Tags: #Contemporary Romance

Breaking Shaun (32 page)

I’d spent most of Saturday working at the shop. Then, that night, I’d gone to my dad’s for one of his barbeques, and we’d finally interrogated him about his new relationship with Samantha.


“So, what’s up with you and Samantha?” Asia asked before taking a bite from her steak.

Dad’s gaze lifted from his plate to find all of us watching him. He chuckled and wiped his mouth with a napkin. “What do you mean?”

Asia was going to respond, but I spoke before she could, “What she means is, since when do you have girlfriends?”

Dad raised his eyebrows and looked at me.

“No, that’s not what I meant,” Asia said, narrowing her eyes at me. “I was just wondering how you guys met. Tell us about her.”

Dad grinned and leaned back in his chair. “She teaches yoga at the gym.”

For the past two years, Dad had been teaching self-defense classes at the gym by his house. That was where he had met most of the women he dated in the past.

Rob and I exchanged glances.

Dad continued, “We’ve actually known each other for a while, but she was going through a pretty nasty divorce when we met. I’ve always been interested in her, but the timing was never right.”

“Until now,” Asia added with a smile.

“Until now,” Dad agreed, smiling back at her.

I turned to give Rob a what-the-fuck look, and he just shrugged and took another bite from his steak.


On Sunday night, I’d found myself smoking weed and playing video games all night at Dank’s apartment. I’d hoped to go out for some drinks, but Dre had been busy with trying to work things out with Jasmine, and Marcus and Asia had just left on a trip to L.A. Marcus had a lot of events going on, so they would be gone for a couple of weeks. I’d thought about tagging along just to go surfing, but I hadn’t. I’d told myself I would go another time because someone needed to keep an eye on the shop, but the truth was, I had been too busy thinking about being inside Natalie again. I was trying hard to keep my mind off of her, but nothing seemed to be working.

I decided to take her to the beach at Marcus’s house since there was usually a good break out there, and I was also eager to get Natalie alone. I was an addict, and her body was quickly becoming my drug of choice.

I watched Natalie as she approached my car. She was wearing flip-flops and a short blue sundress that accentuated her hourglass figure. Her long hair was blowing behind her in the wind. I licked my bottom lip as I felt my body reacting to the sight of her.

“Hey!” she greeted me with a smile as she climbed into the passenger seat.

She tossed her bag in the back, and her smell filled my car. I could feel my dick growing hard already.

Baseball. Baseball. Baseball.

After fastening her seat belt, Natalie turned to look at me, and I grinned.

Her eyes moved down to my crotch and then back to my eyes. “Excited to see me?” she asked with a smirk.

If she was trying to embarrass me, it wasn’t working. I didn’t get embarrassed easily.

Leaning back in my seat to give her a better view, I widened my legs. “Yeah, you wanna feel?”

Natalie smiled, and she peered back down at my shorts before she reached out and ran her hand over my dick. I sucked in a breath, and my muscles stiffened. I hadn’t expected her to call my bluff.

“Mmm…” she hummed as she started stroking me.

“Ah, fuck.” I let my head fall back onto my headrest, and I turned to look at Natalie as she watched the movement of her hand.

“I missed your dick,” she whispered as her eyes came up to meet mine.

Goddamn, she’s fucking hot.

If I didn’t get her hand off of me soon, I would end up fucking her here in my car. That would be great, but I already had plans to fuck her somewhere else. Reaching down, I stopped her hand, and I could see the mischief in her expression as she grinned at me.

“First things first,” I said before adjusting myself and trying to tame the boner in my shorts.

I thought the time apart had only fueled my desire for Shaun. He was so sexy while sitting there with that predatory look in his eyes. I couldn’t wait to see what he had planned.

“Where’s your board?” I asked as I leaned back and settled myself in my seat.

“It’s at Marcus and Asia’s house. That’s where we’re going.” He rubbed the stubble on his chin with his fingers as he watched the road.

Asia had told me that she and Marcus were leaving for L.A.

How convenient that they won’t be there.

“Oh, yeah? Did they give you a key?”

Shaun glanced at me. “Why would I need a key?” he asked with a sly smirk.

“Asia and Marcus went to L.A.”

“I know, but we’re only going surfing. So, why would I need a key?”

Leaning in closer, I gave Shaun a sexy grin “Because your surfboard isn’t the only thing I plan on riding today.”

His eyes met mine, and he bit his bottom lip. The look he was giving me was enough to make me wet. Then, his gaze moved to my chest, which was definitely on display.

“Who says you have to do that inside?”

Surprisingly, that was something I’d never done. My stomach fluttered when I thought about it. I was equally anxious and aroused by the idea.

Shaun turned to face the road again and I conceded, “Good point.”

He grinned and peered over at me. “Don’t worry, Killer. You will be thoroughly fucked by the time I’m done with you.”

A few hours later, Shaun was on the beach, watching me surf. I’d already improved a lot since the last lesson he gave me. He was a great teacher and really patient. I could tell how much he loved surfing, and his enthusiasm was contagious.

“All right, so this time, try to keep your feet a little farther apart and your knees bent. You’re getting it though. You rode the entire wave that time,” Shaun said, as I walked toward him on the beach.

I couldn’t stop my smile from showing if I tried. I was having so much fun surfing that I hadn’t even thought about sex since we started. Well, it hadn’t been as much as usual. It was just every time I looked into his eyes or when my body touched his or I saw him surfing or that tattoo on his back—

Okay, never mind.

I was having a lot of fun, but I was still horny. I was also hungry.

I adjusted my bikini top as I approached Shaun, and he watched.

“You’re really good at this. You should offer surf lessons to people. I bet you could make good money doing it,” I told him as I placed the board I was using down on the sand.

Shaun smirked. “You think so?”

“Yeah, I’m serious.”

He shrugged before motioning toward my board. “You giving up already?”

“No. I’m just hungry.”

“Hungry for what?” Shaun’s eyebrows lifted, and he began wiggling them up and down.

“Food.” I paused to run my eyes down his body before adding, “I’m not opposed to dessert though.” I grinned deviously at Shaun.

A spark of excitement appeared in his eyes as he responded, “Good thing I got a key from Asia.”

Natalie and I went into Marcus and Asia’s kitchen and made some turkey sandwiches for lunch. We’d been in the sun all morning so I suggested we eat inside.

“Are you sure they won’t mind us eating their food?” Natalie asked as she set her plate down on the table.

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