Read Breaking Shaun Online

Authors: E.M. Abel

Tags: #Contemporary Romance

Breaking Shaun (28 page)

His gaze finally broke away from mine, and his eyes moved down to my lips as he glided his thumb across my hard nipple. I could smell the soap on him, and I could feel his wet, warm skin pressing against me. My eyes fluttered closed, and I let my head fall against the wall behind me as lust took over.

Shaun moved his hips forward, making me very aware of his arousal, before lowering his head and slowly dragging his tongue across my bottom lip. I was panting now, and my entire body was tingling. I didn’t know how he’d done it, but Shaun had completely turned the tables on me. I’d come over to assert myself and show him a side of me he hadn’t seen, yet here I was, getting pressed against a wall and turning into putty in his hands.

Opening my eyes, I lifted my head and wound my arms around Shaun’s waist before gripping his firm ass in my hands. The side of his mouth lifted into a grin, but I didn’t stop there. Sliding my hands up a little farther, I hooked my thumbs into the towel around his hips and pulled. It came off easily, and I smirked at Shaun before flicking my wrist and tossing the towel through his apartment door behind him. Being naked in the middle of the hallway didn’t faze him, so I moved one of my hands to his front and wrapped it around his length. He stopped grinning and bit his bottom lip as he groaned. His eyes searched mine as I slowly stroked him.

I squealed when he suddenly picked me up and tossed me over his shoulder.

“You wanna play dirty? I’ll show you dirty,” Shaun said as he walked us into his apartment. He kicked the door closed behind him.

I was laughing when he tossed me down onto my back on his black couch. He stood naked over me. His dick was hard as a rock, and his green eyes looked hungry, savage even.

“Take your clothes off,” he demanded as he stroked his cock with his big hand.

It was by far the sexiest thing I’d ever seen. When I didn’t move fast enough, Shaun took another step closer, and my eyes finally stopped watching his hand. I moved my gaze upward to meet his.

“I said, take your clothes off.”

I’d never had a man boss me around as much as Shaun did, and it surprised me how much I liked it. But I had come here to take some power back, and that was exactly what I was going to do.

Sitting up on the edge of the couch, I positioned my knees on either side of his legs. I saw his eyes flare when I slid my hands up my sides and slowly cupped my breasts, pressing them together. Shaun stood still, his dick exactly in my line of sight. I took the hem of my top in my hands and lifted my arms, revealing my sheer red bra. I saw his cock twitch when I tossed my shirt down on the floor by his feet, and when I met his eyes again, they were so intense that I felt a shiver run over my spine. I was so ready for him, but I was just getting started.

I reached behind me to unclasp my bra.

“God, your tits are gorgeous,” Shaun growled.

I didn’t respond. I just watched him as I dropped my bra next to my top. Reaching out, I took one of his hands in both of mine and brought it toward my mouth. His hand was rough, warm, and a lot bigger than mine. I could see Shaun’s chest moving faster with his breath as I kept our eyes locked. I ran his thumb across my lower lip, letting my tongue dart out and slide across it.

Shaun groaned, and his eyelashes fluttered closed.

There it is.
This was what I’d wanted—Shaun at my mercy.

I slowly slid my tongue against the pad of his thumb before wrapping my lips around it and sucking it into my mouth.

Shaun opened his eyes to watch. They were hooded, glazed with lust and anticipation, and it only encouraged me. I seductively pulled his thumb from my mouth, sucking on it until it slid completely out. I flicked it with the tip of my tongue.

“What do you want, Shaun?” I asked in a sultry tone.

He moved his hand and watched as he ran that same thumb across my bottom lip. “I want my cock buried deep inside your mouth,” he answered without hesitation.

My entire body heated with his words, and I was aching to feel him everywhere. I was so turned-on that I would have done anything he wanted. Leaning forward, I placed my hands on his strong thighs and kept my eyes on his as I licked the head of his dick. His abs contracted, and he hissed out a breath when I pulled away and softly blew air on the spot where I’d licked.

He moved one of his hands and ran his fingers through my hair at the scalp before cradling the back of my head. He didn’t apply any pressure or try to rush me. He just held me. Our eyes connected in a heated gaze as I moved forward again and wrapped my lips around him.

Shaun’s tongue came out to lick his bottom lip, and I let him sink deeper into my mouth until there was nowhere left to go. His fingers in my hair tightened, and his head fell back.

“Oh God, yeah,” he breathed.

I pulled away slowly, keeping my lips wrapped tightly around him. I flicked my tongue against the head of his cock, and he groaned. I took him into my throat again, and I began rocking my hips slightly to create friction between my legs. The movement alone could make me come. I wasn’t thinking anymore. My body, my need, had taken over.

Shaun took his hand out of my hair. “Stand up.”

I let his dick pop out of my mouth, and I wiped my lips with the back of my hand before straightening my legs to stand in front of him. Shaun’s hands slid into my hair again before he pulled me forward and pressed his lips onto mine. I let my hands slide onto his warm, smooth back as his tongue glided across mine. We were both breathing hard against each other’s mouths, the sense of urgency building with each second we kissed. He started unbuttoning my jeans and then pushed them down my legs, and I helped by lifting one leg at time until I could kick them off my feet. I was wearing a pair of red thongs, and he left them on.

Shaun turned me around and pressed one hand to the middle of my back to urge me forward until I was bent over at the waist with my hands holding on to the back of his couch. I could feel the air against my wet panties. I was so wet that I was sure he could see it.

He got on his knees behind me, and I sucked my bottom lip into my mouth when I felt his warm breath against me. My knees were feeling weak, and I wasn’t sure if I’d be able to hold myself up much longer. Shaun must have known because he told me to put my knees on the edge of the couch. I leaned forward, pressing my weight against the back cushions. I felt his big hand run up my thigh and stop on my ass to squeeze it.

“You’re so fuckin’ wet, Natalie. You’re a dirty girl, aren’t you?” he asked right before slapping my ass with that same hand.

I moaned and turned my head to lock eyes with him. He cocked an eyebrow at me when I didn’t answer, and he spanked me again.

“Yes,” I breathed.

A sly grin curled onto his lips. “Good. I like you dirty.”

I dug my nails into the couch cushions when his face moved closer, and he licked the wet fabric of my panties, directly over my opening. I gasped, and my insides tightened in anticipation.

“Mmm…so sweet,” he murmured against my thigh.

His fingers slid against my cleft and moved my panties aside, and I moaned when I felt one slide against my wet skin.

“God, so fuckin’ sexy,” he said in a low voice before lowering his head farther and flicking his tongue lightly against my clit.

My mouth fell open, and I started panting when he didn’t stop. He moved his tongue so fast and so lightly against my clit, and it felt beyond amazing. My entire body flushed, and I arched my back further to give him better access. No one had ever licked me like that before, and I felt light-headed from the sensation. My pussy was begging to be filled, but he only touched my clit, building my orgasm so high that I knew I’d explode as soon as he entered me.

My eyes were squeezed shut, my hands wrapped tight around his couch, and my toes were curled when he finally stopped licking and slid two fingers inside me. My hips automatically began rocking against them, and I cursed as I came all over them. Shaun fucked me with his fingers until my entire orgasm had been drained from me, and my body felt fluid.

Standing up, he pulled me off the couch and easily lifted me into his arms, cradling me in front of his chest as he carried me toward his bedroom. I squealed when he tossed me down onto his bed, and he smirked. Shaun walked over to his nightstand and took a condom out of the drawer before ripping it open. The entire time, I observed each muscle as it flexed, and I watched as his hand wrapped the condom around his dick before sliding it onto his length. I was still so wet and swollen from my orgasm that just imagining his dick inside me made me shudder in pleasure.

When my eyes followed Shaun as he moved to the foot of the bed, I realized I could see myself in the mirror over his dresser. His bed was the perfect height to see everything. My skin was flushed and covered in a sheen of sweat. My lips were swollen, and my eyes were glazed with lust.

“Roll onto your stomach,” Shaun said.

I turned to look at him. When I didn’t do it, he lifted an eyebrow in warning, and I couldn’t help but smile. Giving in, I rolled onto my stomach with my legs slightly apart. I turned my head, so I could see myself in the mirror, and I watched as Shaun slowly crawled over me. His fingers slid into the waistband of my panties, and he tugged them down my legs before he positioned himself on top of me. His head turned, and his eyes met mine in the mirror before flicking down to look at our bodies. His was hard and tan, and mine was soft and light. It was like watching the sexiest porn ever, and it was only for us.

Shaun hovered above me, his triceps bulging beneath his skin. His gaze came back to mine when he flexed his hips and ran his dick through the wetness between my legs. I gasped, and he groaned. He slid himself back and forth against me a few times before moving to his elbows, so the entire length of his body was pressing onto mine. I could feel his heartbeat against my back and his breath against my hair before he tilted his head down and kissed my shoulder. I watched us in the mirror the entire time. I was in awe of the scene we were making.

“You want to watch me fuck you, don’t you?” Shaun murmured as his head turned again to meet my gaze.

He adjusted his hips, and the head of his dick slid inside me. My eyelids lowered, and I bit my bottom lip as our eyes stayed connected. He slid in deeper and buried his face in my neck as he let out a few curse words.

When he finally pressed himself all the way inside, I felt so full that I thought I might overflow. Every nerve in my body was tingling. Every touch of his hands and the feel of his breath against my skin sent another wave of pleasure through me. Shaun began a rhythm with his hips, sliding in and out, his weight pressing me into his mattress. The pressure from my legs being only slightly open made each movement that much more potent.

Shaun’s hips began moving faster and harder, my ass bouncing against each thrust. When I came, I screamed his name—or God’s. I wasn’t sure. All I knew was I screamed loud and came harder than ever before, but Shaun didn’t stop. He started fucking me slow again.

“There’s my dirty girl. I love it when you come on my dick.”

Shaun kept whispering things like that into my ear as he continued thrusting himself in and out of my wet pussy. I listened to the rough edge in his voice and felt the warmth of his chest against my back. I eventually let my eyes close, and I just concentrated on the slide and pull as his body moved through mine.

I came again before Shaun finally let go. He pumped himself harder and harder into me until he gripped my hip in his hand, and he came. I felt his dick throbbing inside me as the shudders of my last orgasm continued to roll through my body.

I never knew sex could be that good, and now that I’d had it, I knew I’d always want more.

I was breathing hard and lying on my back next to Natalie, feeling happier and more satisfied than I had in months. Not only had she shown up unexpectedly at my door to have sex, but also the sex we’d had was even better than the time before. I’d seriously come so hard that I thought my brain might explode. This girl had some tricks up her sleeve, and I couldn’t wait to find more.

Turning my head to look at her, I let my eyes roam over her naked body before finally landing on her face. She was smiling at my ceiling like I had been, but there was something different about it this time. Her smile looked easy and effortless, and it warmed my heart. I knew my heart had no business being involved, and it wasn’t…really. It was just nice to see her happy. Any friend would feel the same.

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