Brock: A Bad Boy Romance (3 page)

Chapter 3

She took out the necessary implements and was quite pleased by how his eyes seemed to show a bit of shock by seeing how long those needles really were.

For 3 hours, she played with his knee, massaging it and using those needles along with pressure points to relieve him of some of the pain that he was in. She could feel the tenderness of his skin and she believed that maybe the pain that he was feeling was a phantom pain from a previous injury.

“I’m not saying that doesn’t feel good, but I would be remiss if I didn’t tell you how good.” He once again flexed that piece of pipe and let her see how aroused he was by having her hands on him. “I’m sure that you’ve seen this reaction before Dr. It can’t be that uncommon for a male patient to get excited around somebody like you. I would never suggest that you do anything about my current condition. It would be wrong… so very wrong of us to do anything that your father is against.” His knee did feel pretty good, but he was sure that most of that was the pain swimming up current against a certain pleasurable release of endorphins.

Stephanie licked her lips. She was sure that it wouldn’t be long before she was sucking that nice long object between her lips. Touching him and feeling those muscles had only made it that much more difficult to keep her hands and the rest of her body to herself. “
I want him and don’t know why, but maybe it has something to do with the forbidden fruit. My father put his foot down and I’ve always wanted to do something that was going to get his ire. I want to have sex with this specimen of man that has been sculpted to be the perfect weapon on the football field.”
Stephanie wanted to give Brock a more personal kind of attention.

She went over to the door and made sure that it was locked with the blinds drawn to make sure that they weren’t going to be interrupted.

“Normally, I would think that you were doing that because you wanted to get busy with me.” He ran his hands over his short cropped dark hair. His dimples made most women look at him and want to give him their panties.

“I’m getting the feeling that you’re trying to seduce me, Brock. Where have your morals gone? My father asked you not to do anything with me and you promised that was the furthest thing from your mind. Was that all a lie, or am I that irresistible that you can’t keep your hands off me.” “
He was the only thing that I

wanted to touch and I had no idea how much. I could see the sexual heat he had brought to life. I was itching to get out of my lab coat off and into something more personal and revealing. I have no idea what he was waiting for, but maybe he was under the impression that I would rebuff his advances. He was the only one that could set my heart on fire like this. I was letting him set the pace. I just wasn’t sure if I could do anything as bold as grab him and take what I wanted.”

“There is a small part of me that doesn’t want to ruin anything with your father. He is after all my coach, but there is another bigger part of me that has a mind of its own.” Brock could see that his condition wasn’t diminishing and that he would either have to convince her to give him some sort of relief or do it himself. His temperature had risen and he had a fever that was induced by the available young woman that was standing right in front of him. He had nothing to hide and everything about him was now laid bare for her to see in vivid color. “I don’t know if I can be the one to cross that line, Stephanie. Believe me it’s very hard and I’m definitely using that as a euphemism.”

Stephanie used his reaction to determine the next course of treatment. The pain threshold of this man was amazing. He grimaced, but he had taken practically everything that she dished out. She did notice that there was a certain quadrant on his knee that made him feel more than a little discomfort. She circled the spot with a washable red ink and knew that she was going to have to concentrate her efforts right there.

“You’re not making it easier for me by lying there completely naked. I don’t know if I can remain professional for very much longer. With that being said, I do need to tell you that this injury is quite severe. I can in theory get you ready for the weekend, but after that you’ll have to continually take my treatment. When the season ends, we can move into a possible surgical solution. I’m not one that usually suggests such a thing, unless I feel that it’s absolutely necessary.” “
I didn’t even know that I was doing it, but I had my hand on his knee. I’m watching my fingers as they creep up the inside of his leg and the way that his cock jerks from the feeling of me getting closer. He has such a magnificent steed and I feel like I need to saddle up and ride it all the way into the sunset.”

“I really don’t want to hear about any kind of surgery. Going under the knife is not an option.” He wanted to make it out alive, but he had seen too many that had gone underneath the knife for similar procedures that were never quite the same again. They barely had five years on their career, before they hung up and retired from

whatever athletic endeavor that they had decided to pursue. “I don’t want to be a second thought. I want to be that star that every kid wants to emulate.” Brock felt her fingers getting closer, until they were grazing his nuts. Her warm hands caused him to almost trip over his own tongue.

“I can’t let you leave here like this. It will be obvious from anybody that is looking that I was not exactly innocent. We need to take care of your problem.” Stephanie looked around for something and then she spied a sink with hand soap. She went over and squirted some into her hand. She walked back while rubbing it around, so that the greasy concoction had now coated her digits. “This is not my first time doing something like this. Let’s just say that there were too many young men that had eager hands. I had to do something and believe me I became quite proficient at giving them pleasure without having to lose my innocence at such an early age.” “
I can see the look of elation on his face and the way that his eyes grow wide when I wrap my hand around him. I stroke him, feeling the length and watching as the product of his arousal came streaming over the top. It was a beautiful site and one that I was ready to push the envelope with. I curled both hands around him and there was still the head remaining. He was on his elbows watching me. I’m sure that he wanted me to give it some oral gratification, but that was going to have to wait.”

“I’ve never had a girl do this to me before. I love the way that you’re letting me fuck your fingers and your fist. I can’t even begin to describe to you how much I want to shoot all over myself. I envision the way that your hand will be dripping and I’m hoping that you’re going to suck it into your mouth.” Talking like this was not helping his condition. That vein along the back was pumping

and his nuts had drawn up, so that he was vividly aware that this was the moment of truth.

“I want you to slow things down, Brock. Show me that you have a bit more respect for me than blowing off after 5 minutes. I don’t think that you are giving yourself enough credit. Hold back and don’t let me ruin this moment by getting you there too soon. I’m not going to stop and it’s going to be up to you to figure this out on your own.” “
My heart had a lot of misery and my past love really didn’t instill confidence that there was anything even close to real love. I had a hard time trusting anyone and was all because of one little prick that made me feel small. There was nothing small about what I’m holding here in my hand. It’s thick and I can’t even wrap my fingers all the way around it.”

“I don’t know if I can do… AHHHH…what you’re asking of me, Stephanie. Because of you, I’m afraid that I’m not going to be able to last for as long as you want me to. This whole thing with us has been a never ending tease. I didn’t think that there was going to be a payoff, but now that I see that you’re willing, I’m practically at the boiling point already.” His hips were coming up off the table and he could feel the way that her fingers were moving forward over the sensitive head and igniting a fire down below that was going to rage out of control. “I hope to god that nobody else comes in here anytime soon. Please… Please tell me that you will allow me to cum.”

“You better stop making that face, or it will freeze that way. If you really want me to get you off, then you need to do something for me.” “
I know that he’s probably thinking that I want something in return, but I’m going to surprise him.” “
Get your mind out of the gutter. I need to monitor your condition. I believe a house call is in order. I’m going to be stopping by with some equipment later tonight and I expect you to follow my orders to the letter.”
“I want him to know that I mean business. That’s the reason why I’m grabbing his balls and squeezing. Seeing that lone tear form on the corner of his eye gives me satisfaction. He’s not moaning in pain, but I know that he’s begging me to stop with his eyes.”

“Whatever you want…whatever you want and it’s all yours. By all means come by later tonight and maybe I will have…oh my god…a glass of wine ready for you.” He was trying to be charismatic and charming, but it was hard when his cock was ballooning and becoming such a force of nature that it looked like it was going to explode in her hands.

“I’m glad that you see things my way. I believe that you need a little time to cool off. I’m telling you that I don’t want you to do anything to ruin this moment. Lie there and breathe deeply and let me please you, until you can’t take it anymore.” “
He was becoming an avid pupil and I didn’t see him trying to rush things. He was lying back and looking at me and I could tell that one more stroke and it would’ve been over. I could’ve allowed that to happen, but for some reason I wanted to prolong this. It was too delicious and something about having him in the palm of my hand and that kind of power was an aphrodisiac that I couldn’t get enough of.”

“I can’t believe that you would be this cruel. I hope that you’re not planning to leave me with a case of blue balls. Walking around with a perpetual hard on all day is not going to look very good in your

father’s eyes. He might assume mistakenly that I tried something with you. We don’t want him to even think that, or the future of this team will be lost without me.” Brock was full of himself, but he knew what exactly he brought to the table. He had several colleges coming to him on bended knee, but Stephanie’s father was the one that convinced him that this was the place to be.

“Are you a man or mouse? Stay quiet, close your eyes and let it happen naturally. I want you to begin by flexing that internal muscle over and over again. Don’t stop. I think that you’ll be surprised by the results.” “
I’ve always wanted to try this and having him that close is the best way to feed on the orgasm that is simmering right there on the surface. I see his cock flexing and the way that his eyes scrunch up with concentration and I can tell that this is not going to take very long.”
Stephanie decided at the last minute to strike a match to the gasoline. She put her hands on his chest and tweaked his nipples making him cry out.

“I’m cumming… I can’t believe I’m cumming like this… AHHHHHHH.” Brock opened his eyes and saw Stephanie smiling. The back of her hand was covered in his stuff. He continued to shoot what was left inside, until he was lying back with an air of contentment. He had to glance at the mess he made. He noticed that the door was wide open. Stephanie had left him after the moment of sweet release. He had to smile at the way that she had easily turned the tables and made it unnecessary for him to jump her bones right here and now.

Stephanie was walking down the hallway with her doctor’s bag with a big smile on her face that she’d never experienced before.

Stephanie had waited all day, but that house call was something that she could not walk away from. Offering that kind of personal attention was not something that she did on a regular basis. There were only a select few that had been deemed necessary to provide that kind of service. It was usually with those that were suffering needlessly and needed her kind of pain management. That was not the case with Brock. She could’ve easily waited for the next day, but for some reason she was hell bent on seeing him again and not necessarily in a professional manner. “
I know that he’s not my type. I’ve got this feeling if I go there tonight that I’m going to have something to confess to my local priest. Why did it feel so good to be around him? I didn’t feel like myself. What is it about this man that has me so tied up in knots that I have this desire to let my fingers do the walking?”
She had a light supper which consisted of a chicken salad. She didn’t want to fill up in case Brock was going to surprise her with some kind of extravagance upon

entering his home. She drove over there with her fingers drumming on the steering wheel. She continually played over what had happened today. She shook her head several times not quite believing that she had done such a thing. It was entirely out of her comfort zone and not something that she would have done if she had any time to think about it. “
My heart is filled with him and the image of his body and the way that he laid there and took my form of abuse was magical. I can’t even see straight and I need to get him out of my system. One look in his direction and I knew he understood that I was a goner. I just couldn’t get enough and I can’t wait for him to fill me up. I’m going to give up and let this man throw me down on the mattress and ravage my body.”

Stephanie heard her phone ringing and touched the pad to announce her father. “You didn’t tell me what you found. You left before you gave me your findings. I need to know where I stand with Brock and if I have to even entertain the idea of not having him on the field this weekend. I know that this is not how you normally work, Steph, but I’m at my wit’s end. I don’t have anybody better than him, but I could probably muddle through without him if I have to. I just don’t think that it would be good for his career to be sidelined on one of the most important games of the season. I promised him that I would whip him into shape and turn him into the kind of player that every team would vie for.”

“I found some internal damage, but I believe that if he were to follow my directions to the letter that he might be able to finish out the season. After that, a regular routine of rehabilitation and a possible surgery might be what is needed. I’ll need more time to evaluate him. I’m on my way there now to see to his recovery personally.”
“I didn’t have to say that, but I think deep down that I wanted him to know. He could assume whatever he wanted, but my tone was of a professional nature. I saw Brock for the first time in that office and I knew that we were bound to be together. I didn’t want him to hold back and I wanted that moment of completes submission.”

“Are you sure that it’s entirely necessary that you have to go to his home at this time of night? I’m not sure that I’m particularly comfortable with you being with him. He has a reputation and there have been stories going around that have made me pity those girls’ parents. I never want to be in that position and I never thought that I would be. You’ve never been interested in that muscular meat head kind of man, but I see something between the two of you that I’m not happy with. Be careful and don’t do anything that is going to ruin your life young lady.”

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