Brock: A Bad Boy Romance (4 page)

Stephanie listened to her father and it gave her a moment of pause. She had brought protection, but she wasn’t sure she was going to use it. In the moment, you forget these things and Brock had a tendency to make her think one thing and do another. “
I remember what I had with another man and how easily it was taken away. I want him, but I’ve made too many sacrifices in my life to end up with someone that doesn’t really respect what I do for a living.”

She walked up to the palatial estate that must have cost millions of dollars and she was in complete awe. She knocked on the door and it opened a crack. She pushed it with her hand and stepped into a foyer with a long winding staircase going up to the second level. This place had been renovated down to the studs and had the look of someone that had more money than brains.

Through the intercom, she heard a voice that sounded like it was right there in the room with her. “I’m upstairs taking a shower. I’ll be down in a few minutes and you can certainly make yourself comfortable and pour yourself a drink. I’ve given the staff the night off. I believe that we need this time to get to know each other as patient and Dr.” Brock was smiling the entire time that he was making his spiel. He was underneath the water and the intercom system was waterproof. “It wouldn’t be out of the question for you to come up here to join me. I’m just pointing it out there. I’m just raising the flag and seeing if you are ready to salute it.” The obvious innuendo was very much prevalent.

Stephanie stood there at the bottom of the stairs looking up and before she knew it her feet were taken the journey all the way up to the top. She followed the sound of water and then to an open door that had a billow of steam coming from within. “
I can’t stand this any longer. I’m not naïve to think that he didn’t mention that out of the blue for no reason. I want him to see the better part of me, but there’s also another part of him that I have yet to experience with my mouth or any other part of my body. I know what he feels like in my hand, but that is nothing compared to a more physical examination. I have this need to fall on my knees and to worship the man.”

Brock heard her coming and decided to showcase his many other attributes by standing like some kind of super hero in a movie.

Stephanie turned the corner and her hand literally went to her mouth with her eyes staring at this man with droplets of water dancing on his skin. She was stunned into silence and her knees almost buckled out from underneath her. “
I was hoping to get a

sneak peek, but maybe I knew that this was going to happen all along. He was obviously daring me to across some sort of line. Now that I have I don’t know if I want to walk away.”

Brock walked over and took her hand and placed it on his chest. She stared at him and he felt a certain problem that had swelled to a mammoth proportion. If anything, he could swear that he had grown an extra inch if that was possible. All the blood from the rest of his body had now accumulated in one spot and her eyes were now directed right at it.

“Stephanie, I know that this is a game for two and I don’t think that I need to be a rocket scientist to see the signals on the play.” Brock lifted her into his arms and carried her clothed body into the master bedroom. He had already arranged several candles and a sprinkling of rose petals that would hopefully get her to see that he was not the kind of man that would take something like this lightly. “I didn’t think that this was a foregone conclusion, but I have always been somebody that is prepared for just about anything.” He easily lowered her onto the mattress and stood back, so that he could give her a twirl to inspect the merchandise. He heard the telltale clapping and the look of jubilant glee on her face had him ready to get down to business.

“I feel like there’s something that you should know. I’ve been burned in the past and I don’t want to experience that again in my lifetime. If you can’t promise me more than a good time, then you may as well tell me, so that I am prepared. I just don’t want you to give me false hope for a future that’s not going to happen. I’m a big girl and I can handle what you’re going to say next.”
“I want him to say that he wants to be here with me forever and for all time, but that’s wishful thinking. I think that I have put him on the spot and I certainly didn’t want to put a gun to his head. He was going to have to answer this carefully and hopefully he will do it in a truthful way that I will believe.”

“I think the only thing I can promise you is that I’ve never met a woman like you before. You see through my false bravado. You’re not easily swayed by my muscles. I like that you have been playing hard to get, but I think we both knew that this was going to happen. I don’t know if this is anything long term, but I would like to think that I’m capable of something like that.” He climbed up on the bed and watched as she playfully moved up with their hands around her knees.

He smiled and used his masculine hands to pry her knees apart. The long skirt was hiding her lovely and long legs. He easily moved

his hands up along her thighs and brought her skirt along for the ride. He saw the red panties and he felt like a bull ready to fight a matador. He pulled the frilly material to the side and blew warm air on her clit to make it dance to his tune.

“I don’t know if what you say is enough, but at least I can say that you are honest. You’re not just saying anything to get into my panties, although it probably wouldn’t have taken all that much. I appreciate that you can be open and not just tell me what I want to hear. My god… I thought sex was overrated, but I’m happy to report that I was mistaken.” “
I want more of what he has to offer. I want this to be a moment that I will always carry with me in my dreams. The way he licks my wet pussy and pulls at the lips with his teeth is making things stir down below that hasn’t happened in quite some time. I feel like I’m a firecracker ready to go off. It’s not going to take much of his manly persuasion to get me there.”

Brock worked his tongue in between her legs, splitting her down the middle and opening her up to an oral invasion. He had his fingers prying her open and the slick lips called to him like he had no control over his own libido. He was losing his composure and soon he was devouring her like a man possessed. Her legs were quivering and he was aware that this meant that she was going to lose herself in the moment.

“I can’t believe that you’re doing that with your tongue. I never had… Yes… Oh fuck…that’s it… I’m going to cum…going to cum for you, Brock.” Stephanie flailed her arms and legs like a fish out of water. She thrashed and turned and was lucky that he was there to hold her down or she probably would have gone flying right off the bed. “
I didn’t know that it could be like this. I was under the impression that sex was for a man’s pleasure and that a woman’s was secondary. This is the kind of sex and I’ve been looking for and never thought that I would find.”

Stephanie was just coming out of a post orgasmic trance when she flitted her eyes open to see the product of his lust dangling in front of her like bait. She grabbed it and pulled it into her mouth to taste the sweetness of his syrup leaking from the top. It was sticky and sweet and she wanted more and knew exactly how to get it. She grabbed onto his ass cheeks and pulled him to her making sure that not even a single inch was left uncontained by her hot and demanding mouth.

“I don’t know…if I can do this.” Brock had no choice. He pulled free and left her looking at him pouting for some kind of explanation. “Don’t get me wrong, that felt absolutely amazing, but I want to

fuck you.” He had to be careful with he damaged knee, but he was able to balance with his legs being held up by his muscular thighs. He spread her open and looked at the inviting target with the sheen of wetness as a bull’s eye. He pushed up against her, letting gravity and the suction within do most of the work. He planted his flag in one long stroke that took both of their breath away.

“My god…I don’t think that I’ve ever had it this good, Brock. I want you to treat me like one of your many groupies. I want you to show me that feeling of being overwhelmed. I want you… Ahh… Ahhh… Ahhhhhh.” Stephanie lost her train of thought, as he started to work his hips in a circular motion. He leaned into it and was soon rubbing up against her in a way that ignited a certain tiny little bud that had gone unnoticed.

Brock could feel her body respond, as she lifted herself and grinded against him to get that deeper penetration. They were slamming up against each other with insistence and with a need that only they could satiate. The feeling was undeniable. The rippling motion of her muscles sliding along every inch was making it impossible to stay still for long. It was a very nice tight fit and it took a lot of effort to pull himself loose and then plow forward.

“Fuck me… Fuck me… Fuck me.” It was a litany of profanity that was escaping her lips. Her entire life was predicated on pleasing someone else and this was the first time that she felt like she was truly lost in the eyes of a man. In the back of her mind, she knew that she should reach for the condom in her purse, but those thoughts were there one second and gone the next. “
This is better than I’ve ever had with someone else. I think I feel that this is more than just a one night stand. The look in his eyes is not just from pleasure, but also from something that he wasn’t expecting.”

The bed was rocking and they were screaming into each other’s faces with sweat dripping off their bodies. He rammed deep and then his face contorted into a mask of bliss that was soon made apparent by the sharp thrust of his hips. He went off and he shot what felt like a gallon inside her. He finally had to lay back holding his chest and feeling his heart beating faster than seemed normal.


The next day, Stephanie found out that she was pregnant. She called Brock and told him that they needed to talk immediately if not sooner. She waited patiently in her office, pacing the floor and wondering what he was going to say to this latest turn of events. “
I know that I want him to say one thing, but what if he says something else entirely. I’m not sure that I can do this without

him, but I’m damned and determined to give this kid the life that it deserves. It might’ve been stupid to do that with him, but I don’t regret one thing.”

The door flung open and Brock stepped in breathless and holding his knees with his face flushed and about to pass out. “What’s the emergency? You sounded very strange on the phone. I came over as soon as I could.” Brock saw the angst on her face and could tell that something momentous was a going to happen. “Oh god, did you find something in my scans? Am I never going to be able to play football again?” It didn’t even dawn on him that this had nothing to do with him, or at least not about his injury.

“I’m glad that you said that. It makes what I have to say a little easier to swallow. I’m pregnant and before you ask, it is yours. I haven’t been with anybody besides you and I swear that to the man above.” “
I want him to say something, but I can see the shock has taken its toll. All I can do is wait, until he snaps out of it.”

“I don’t know what you want me to say. I’ve never considered myself to be father material, but maybe with you it will be different. I want to keep the child, but I’m not really ready for marriage. We’re definitely going to have to keep this from your father, until after the season ends. I know that’s not going to be easy, but maybe it would be easier if you didn’t come around so often. We can continue these treatments at my home or at your office. I want to be a man and tell your father that what we have between us is not just physical. I’m going to pave the way slowly over the next couple of days.”

Stephanie ran into his arms and held him close. “I wasn’t expecting this. I was hoping for it, but I really didn’t know where your head would be. I’m glad that you have decided that I’m worthy of carrying your prodigy. I know that we both have feelings for one another and I hope that over time they will grow even stronger than what they are already.”
“I didn’t like keeping this from my father, but he had a lot on his mind. I don’t want this new information to take away from the huge mountain in front of him.

They both saw that her father was suspicious, but they held true to their word, until the championship slipped through their fingers by one touchdown. It was still a contested game and Brock had several NFL teams coming to him. He chose to stay close to Stephanie. They sat down and broke the good news to her father.

Her father was first concerned that Brock was not the type of man that should be held down, but then he realized that his daughter was happy and that was all that mattered to him.

They were going to be about 100 miles apart, but Brock’s lucrative contract had afforded him the kind of wealth that made it easier to go back and forth. They married a month before the child was born. They named it after her father and even though what they had were separated by him being on the road, didn’t mean that they weren’t happy. The ring on her finger sealed the deal and made her feel that anything that was worth having was worth waiting for. They both had their own careers, but they would always know that the one place that they were safe were in each other’s arms.





I am his gift


Chapter One


Where is Gemma Darlings? Gemma rolled her eyes and dropped the magazine in disgust. Someone had slipped it under her door late last night or early this morning. It was obviously at attempt to rattle her, but Gemma was better than that. She was far more resilient than the public wanted to believe.

Still, curiosity got the best of her, and she bent down to pick it up again. Flipping through its pages until she found her story, she leaned against the counter and skimmed over the first few sentences.

Six months have passed since American Sweetheart Gemma Darlings was caught in the arms of married photographer Spencer Harkers. Since the announced divorce of the Harkers couple, the model has since disappeared. Rumor has it that the make-up giant Flawless and clothing designer Stephan Tolstov had both broken their contracts with her. Will Gemma Darlings rise again?

“Rubbish,” Gemma muttered as she tossed the magazine on the counter. Of course, none of it was actual rubbish. There were pictures of her in the arms of her favorite photographer, Spencer was in the middle of a divorce, and she’d been fired from all of her contracts. The public might love a scandal, but no one wanted to be associated with the home wrecker. Spencer and his wife were a beloved duo in the photography world, and people couldn’t believe that Spencer would cheat on her.

All it had taken was one picture for Gemma to go from beloved role model to the woman in red. And the hits had just kept on coming. Piled next to her on the counter were the bills with past-due notices. Her phone and her electricity would be cut off within days. If she didn’t find a way to make some money soon, they’d repossess her car and kick her out of her apartment.

Her beloved apartment. Nestled on the California coast, it overlooked the majestic Pacific Ocean. She made a point to be home as much as possible so she could sit out on her deck and watch the sun set. The golds and reds across the horizon would shimmy and glitter across the cascading waves of the water. Growing up, she’d always wanted a beach view home, and this place was her crowning success. It was the trophy of all that she had accomplished, and she was going to lose it.

“How the mighty do fall,” she murmured as she swept her hand across the counter angrily. The bills fluttered to the floor, and she had to fight back her tears. She blamed Spencer for this. It was all his fault.

The phone rang, and she lunged for it. Normally it was only collection agencies calling for their money, but she never gave up hope that someone would want to work with her again. The name Elizabeth Towney danced across the screen. For a moment, she almost ignored it. Lizzie used to be one of her oldest friends, but they’d drifted apart with Gemma’s success. But this wasn’t the time to be ignoring contacts.

“Lizzie,” she said in what she hoped was a delighted tone. “How are you?”

“Hi Gemma,” she said cautiously. “I’m good. It’s been awhile. I’ve actually been in France for the past couple of months, and I just got back. My mailbox and voicemail is flooded with invites to do interviews about you. What the hell is going on?”

Gemma narrowed her eyes. Lizzie wouldn’t actually agree to do those interviews, would she? They hadn’t talked in months, but surely she wouldn’t betray her like that. “Just a little scandal,” she said breezily. “Nothing to be concerned about.”

“I read the article in Celebrity magazine. It seems like more than just a little scandal. Gemma, I know we’ve been a part for awhile, but I still love you, and now I’m concerned about you.”

Feeling the tears prick her eyes, Gemma took a deep breath. She and Lizzie had been roommates back before Gemma had gotten famous. Together they’d waded through the life that was the scum of Los Angeles. Now she had no idea what Lizzie was doing with her life. What kind of friend was she?

“I’m broke,” she admitted softly. “God, Lizzie, I’m about to lose everything. And I really don’t know what to do. Absolutely no one will hire me. I worked so hard, and now it’s all reduced to one stupid picture in a tabloid.”

“Oh Gemma,” her friend exclaimed. “Come over. We’ll open up a bottle of wine and talk all about it.”

Gemma sniffled and took a deep breath. “You don’t have to do that. I know I’ve been a shitty friend.”

“Nonsense. You need someone, and I’m here for you. And that’s all that matters right now. I’d come there, but I’m up to my elbows in pasta. I’ll text you the address, and you can come sit and chat. Together, we’ll figure something out.”

Up to her elbows in pasta? Lizzie always did like to cook. “Thank you,” Gemma said tearfully, and she meant it. All of her model friends had ditched her as soon as the scandal broke. When Gemma refused to talk about it, they put as much distance between them and her as possible. She’d almost forgotten what it was like to have a friend.

She was resilient. She reminded herself of that over and over again as she grabbed her coat. She’d make it through, even if she did it with a friend by her side.


*                            *                            *


Charlie Connor lounged on his couch and stared at the ceiling. He had three hours before he was supposed to make an appearance at his birthday bash across town, but he was still wearing only his silk boxers.

His thirty-fifth birthday party was the talk of the city. More than five hundred people were invited, and when Charlie glanced over the list, he realized that he didn’t really know even half of them. Those that he was closest to weren’t even on the list. Instead it was all about the A-list. Actors, politicians, models, and singers could celebrate his life with him, but his best friend wasn’t allowed in. Shawn Silva was hardly A-list. He was just an employee at Connor Industries. Apparently twenty years of friendship didn’t land a man an invitation.

The party was supposed to be spectacular. The Victoria secret models would be there. They were flying in the greatest mixologists from all over the world to come up with brand new cocktails, and some well-known blonde singer was supposed to debut her newest song.

There was also a talk of a floating pool. And Charlie didn’t give a damn about it. He had far more on his mind on his thirty-fifth birthday than attending yet another public function. He didn’t want to see the press. He didn’t want to schmooze investors. He just wanted to turn on the television and lose him in mindless dribble for the night.

Most would say that he’d accomplished quite a bit at the age of thirty-five. Connor Industries was thriving. It was one of the biggest corporations in the country, and he had his hand in countless pies. But Connor Industries had been his father’s brainchild. It had been great when Charlie inherited it. He’d made it better, but for Charlie, that just didn’t seem to be enough.

Something was missing. He’d been feeling it for a while now. But he just couldn’t figure out what it was.

Instead of reaching for the remote, he grabbed his phone instead. Shawn picked up on the first ring. “Happy birthday old man.”

“Old man? You turn thirty-five next month,” Charlie grumbled.

“Yup. And that still makes you older than me. Why aren’t you drunk by now? It’s three in the afternoon. Last weekend you said that if you remember anything from your party, you weren’t celebrating correctly.”

“What happens if I just skip the party? You can come over here, and we’ll order pizza and play on the Xbox all night.”

Shawn chuckled. “That sounds awesome, but I’m fairly certain your PR representative would have me assassinated if you skipped your party to be with me. And I have plans to live to see my thirty-fifth birthday. Besides, I’m in New York right now.”

“Why are you in New York?” Charlie frowned.

“Jesus Charlie, you are in a mood. I’m here for the investors meeting. Remember?”

“Ah, shit. That’s right.” Charlie closed his eyes and sighed. So much for hanging out with Shawn all night. “How’s that going?”

“It’s how you think it’s going. A bunch of white men with white hair trying to outdo each other with numbers and figures. I’m ready for a drink, and I haven’t even had lunch.”

“Guess I should get ready for my party,” Charlie grumbled.

“Dude, you are one of the richest men in the city. Barring that, you are a fucking adult. It’s your birthday. If you don’t want to go to your own damn party, don’t go. So it might be a PR nightmare. It’s not like your company is at risk of going under if you don’t make an appearance. Quit trying to make the important people happy. For once, do something that makes you happy. And by that, I don’t mean try your hand at banging all of the Victoria Secret models again.”

“There are still two holding out on me,” Charlie murmured as he grinned at the memory. The press had a field day with those photos.

“If you want to stay in watching television, do that. If you want to go skinny-dipping in the ocean alone, do that. If you want to join your best friend in a series of mind-numbing meetings in New York, I’m not going to stop you,” Shawn joked.

“Well, you’ve made it sound so fun,” Charlie said dryly. “But you’re not wrong. I should be able to say how I spend my birthday. And it shouldn’t be with a ton of people I barely know.”

“Whatever you decide to do, be careful. The paparazzi will eat you alive if they discover that you’re not at your party. Where are you?”

“Condo on Pierce Drive.”

“That’s good. No one has caught on that you own that place. Damn. Perkins is giving me the death stare. I’d better get going. Call me later.”

Charlie was about to say something else, but Shawn hung up. With a shrug, Charlie tossed the phone on the table and pursed his lips. Making a decision, he jolted up and ran into the kitchen. Opening up one of the drawers, he started pulling out to-go menus. As one slid out of his reach, he bent down to pick it up.

Towney Catering.

Someone had given it to him a few weeks ago and mentioned that it was new and hip. Just the two things he hated the most. But when he opened it up, he couldn’t help but see a few things that sounded good.

Vaulting over the couch back, he landed hard on the cushions and leaned his head back. He was going to spend the night with good food, good movies, and possibly good porn.

With a wicked smile, he picked up the phone and dialed his public relations agent. “Johnson,” he said brightly. “I’m really not feeling all that well.”

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