Brock: A Bad Boy Romance (76 page)

to give back twice or even three times the amount that I gave them to start with. They actually think that I’m going to change my mind. Money has never been the thing that drives me. The thing that drives me is the art of negotiation.” Caleb saw that one of the dots on her chest had been extinguished.

He really didn’t think anything of it, but then another one went off like a light bulb. He had a feeling that Nicole was not the only one playing her own game. There had to be another player and that in itself was causing him to show a bit of a chink in his armor. There was a bead of sweat rolling down his forehead, but he was usually calm and collected. The unknown had always been his Achilles heel. He always had to be the one that knew what was going on three steps ahead. This was different and something was out there that he had not accounted for.

“All of this is some sort of legacy that you want to leave behind for a child. That’s more than enough reason to make sure that you never procreate. If I could, I would cut off your balls and feed them to you.” She could tell that her words had shocked him. Caleb was not expecting her to say that. This made Nicole abundantly happy by this latest turn of events. “You make it very easy to hate you. You make it even easier to want to put that final nail in your coffin.” “
I’m trying to put on a brave face. I’m showing courage where I feel only weakness. I want to run in the other direction, but if I do that will only give him license to pull me back. He would have no problem doing that by threatening to kill the one man that had turned out to be the best thing in my life. He needs to change his ways, but I don’t think that Caleb has the ability to do that. He doesn’t know this, but it’s his need to make people suffer that will be his undoing.”

Caleb knew that there was no way that Nicole had any knowledge that anything was amiss. He had to keep things civil and prevent her from learning that the fate of her own life was not still in his hands. The one lone red dot was now playing haphazardly over her back from behind. He looked into the distance, but he could make out nothing of what was happening that far away. It was not steady and looked like somebody had decided to intervene.

“That’s pretty harsh words coming from a potty mouth like yours. You should be careful what you say next. It might be the last thing you say. I’m not usually one for violence and I like to leave that in the hands of others. I do have the money to make violence a part of my life, but nothing that ever sticks to me legally or otherwise. I am giving you food for thought and maybe now it’s the right time to initiate negotiations. I’m not married to the contract and you can set your own conditions. With that being said, I would be careful about making an enemy of me. I don’t mind minor inconveniences, but if you take things too far, then I will make sure that you regret it.” That red dot was moving and there was no rhythm. This was a panic from someone that was holding the gun and most likely somebody was fighting him for control.

“It’s very interesting that you would say something like that. Let’s sit back down and discuss things and see if we can’t come up with something that pleases the both of us. I’m guessing that those five years is the one thing that’s nonnegotiable. I’m also guessing that what happens after those five years cannot be changed. I’m going to have to give this some thought, but I think that the walk back to the table will help me to clear the cobwebs.” “
I don’t want to deal with him in any way, but taking things slow will infuriate him.

He might make a mistake and that will be when I capitalize on it. I have to think outside the box and not get caught up into any kind of trap that is going to make him smile all over again.”

Nicole noticed that his cool exterior have now vanished. There was something obviously worrying him, but she had no idea what it might be. She had no idea that the last of his leverage had now been taken away. That last red dot had been extinguished and with it came an audible gasp of surprise from an otherwise unshakable man. He tried to hide it. Nicole cocked an eyebrow and began to wonder if maybe she wasn’t alone after all. “
I don’t think I recognize this man for being who I thought he was. He is lethal, but only with his words and only when he has others to back him up. Something has rattled his cage and that in itself gives me a bit of hope that wasn’t there before.”

“This place is my fortress and I have several other properties almost exactly like it. I conduct these business transactions once a month and you can imagine how many I have after five years. I will say that Randal was my first and you know what they say about your first. You never forget that one that got you started. He holds a soft spot in my heart, even though I really don’t believe myself to have anything pertaining to a heart.” Caleb walked amongst the grounds, looking at what his money had afforded him over the years and it meant absolutely nothing. These were the trappings of society and those finer things that he found that he couldn’t do without. He loved a good bottle of champagne and a very willing woman that was able to take his mind off of his predilections.

“You’ve been the thorn in the side of many and I have no idea how to stop you. I stand here and look at you with no remorse and no redemption and it makes me wish that I could get my hands on that gun. It sits there on the table mocking me. It’s the only way that this will end.” “
He doesn’t want me to see that something is wrong. Most people have a tell, but I’ve never seen one in him, until right about this moment. There’s no way that Randal could be here, but that doesn’t mean that an enemy hasn’t decided to come calling.”
Nicole found herself at the table looking at the gun and wondering if maybe she could pick it up fast enough to use it. She noticed that Caleb was pulling at his collar and undoing the red tie like it was choking him of the air that he needed to breathe. She saw him staring at the gun and when he swallowed, that made her smile by the very idea that he didn’t have those sharpshooters like he had mentioned before.

“I’m a reasonable man. Take the deal and we can discuss this in five years. I don’t know if I will change my mind, but at least I’m giving you that hope. I’ve never given that to anyone before. You should take that as a compliment. I do request one thing. I hope that it’s not too much to ask, but I would really like one night with you. I want to feel your flesh quiver at my touch and to see your eyes go wide with surprise as I fuck you into that mattress. I want to push my hard cock into you and make you want it. I want you to fight me and make me believe that you don’t want this. It will thrill me to know that you’re willing to give up that piece of yourself. I want you to be disgusted by your own behavior and to be constantly chastising yourself. The guilt will swallow you whole. Anytime that you’re with Randal, you will remember the time that I made you scream my name.”

Caleb saw no reason to take any chances. Somebody was out there and he had no recourse. He saw Nicole and her beautiful body and the idea of fucking her was too much of a temptation.

“I don’t know if I should be insulted or complimented. You’re disgusting, but you do raise a valid point. You haven’t left me with many options. I can sleep with you for one night and let you use my body for your own pleasures and then I will have those five years. You’ll come back after that time elapses and we can discuss on whether or not you will fulfill that last part of the contract. I don’t see why you would change your mind, but I don’t think that I’m in a position to look a gift horse in the mouth.” “
Sleeping with him is not going to be one of my finest moments. I can probably fake it better than some prostitutes. They get paid for their service and I can only pretend that he’s doing the same thing to me.”

What Nicole didn’t realize was that Caleb wanted to get out from being a sitting duck in the open. He would rather lose himself in between her supple thighs than to stand here and wait for that inevitable bullet to come sailing across the expanse between where the sharpshooter was and where he was standing.

“I don’t see a reason why we should wait. I want you and you’re more than willing to shed your dignity for the chance at renegotiating after the five years. I don’t know what this is going to accomplish, but maybe you’ll make me see you, as something different than the others. I don’t feel that same desperation coming off of you in waves. You never came to me and I never came to you. You’re only doing this for Randal and for the chance to make a life for the both of you. Treat this like it’s that movie indecent proposal.”

Chapter 6

He made sure to keep her in a position where she was basically his shield from any harm that might be fell him. He was not above letting her take the bullet. Whoever was out there wasn’t about to take the chance of hitting her by accident.

“The one thing that you have going for you is that you don’t have a bad body. In fact, I would hazard to guess that you are pretty strict on your regiment in the morning. You probably have your own personal trainer that puts you through your paces. I get this feeling that maybe stamina is not a problem for you. You look healthy and alive. I doubt that you need a blue pill to give you that extra little something.” “
I think that it’s possible that I can sleep with him and put a different face to the name. Randal will always be the one for me. It’s his humor and his desire to see me smile that makes me think that life has more to offer than misery. I can handle one night with Caleb for the chance at something real and lasting with Randal. I’d rather slit his throat, but I think that he would be too fast for me to do something like that. He needs to be taken by surprise.”

“You’re definitely not like all the others. I find you intriguing enough that I would like to extend this olive branch, as a sign of good faith.” He stepped up to her and made a big gesture of delicately unveiling her body, until she was only wearing her unmentionables. He kissed her shoulder blade and the salt on her skin made him anxious to get started. He wanted this to last, but it was going to be up to her how far this went and what exactly happened between them. “We never discussed duration or even if anything is off limits. I would like to think that if I’m giving you this chance to negotiate that you would offer me a no holds barred situation.” He was at least going to put it out there and see if she was willing to pick it up.

“I think that duration is up for grabs. You don’t look like a man that would be satisfied with just one orgasm. You look like the type of man that needs to feed on that pleasure for, as long as possible. The one thing that you haven’t found in this life is someone that can match you in the bedroom. I’ve already shown you that your money and this deal mean absolutely nothing to me. I could easily walk away, but you have already stated that our lives would be forfeited. As for what is off limits, I would like to leave that up to your imagination. I will tell you if something doesn’t feel right and I will expect that you won’t push it any further. We can treat this like a business transaction.” “
I don’t know why he’s even giving me a choice. We could’ve gone into the bedroom and he could’ve taken me this way to Sunday. I would be practically his prisoner in the sheets. I don’t like this, but he’s not exactly Quasimodo. I can see underneath his suit that he’s pretty put together. I don’t know if Randal will look at me the same way after doing something like this, but it’s a risk that I’m willing to take.”

The feel of his lips on her skin made her want to push his face away. It was not the act that made her cringe, but it was the person that was performing it. She felt vulnerable standing there like his personal sex robot. He took her hand and she allowed him to drag her up the staircase, until they were entering into a boudoir that was made for lovers.

“This is where the magic happens. Let me light a few candles and turn down the bed.” He extinguished the light overhead and the candlelight was now giving off this romantic glow. He pulled the drapes to prevent any unwanted visitors, especially in the variety of a bullet with his name on it.

He stood in front of her admiring her body and the swell of her breasts. The cups of her bra were barely able to contain what she had to offer. He plucked the button on the back and with it came the revelation of her wonderful tits. Those nipples topped the mountain and were large enough that they made him hunger for the chance to inhale each one. He clicked his tongue to the top of his mouth and very quickly disrobed her of the underwear. It was the last obstacle in his way and now it was around her ankles. He circled her and upraised the property.

Slapping her ass made her jump almost out of her skin. She did squeal a little bit, but then she held her tongue. She found that her need to stay in control was the one thing that he wanted to take away.

He grabbed one of his silk ties, a fluorescent yellow one and grabbed her hands and pulled them around her body.

The blindfold was next and she was essentially blind and unable to see what he was going to do. She didn’t like putting that kind of control in his hands. It looked like he was ready to unmask the kinky perversions in his mind.

She was guided by his hand, until she was bending over the bed with her screams for mercy now echoing in the room. He was slapping her ass and making it red and hot to the touch. The pain was unbearable, but she endured and tried to think of anything that would help her to float above her own body.

“I can’t see how it’s much of a surprise that I’m a bit sadistic in the bedroom. I’ve always liked to make a woman my bitch and to give them that memory that they would never be able to wipe from their minds.” Caleb had his cock in his hand and he was stroking it in the same rhythm of the sound of those slaps hitting her bare skin. Having her naked like this and willing to take whatever she was going to get was better than paying for it any day. There were those that made it look like it was no big deal and that was not what he was looking for in a partner.

“I hope you know that you are a bastard and that you deserve to rot in hell for everything that you are doing to me and to all those people that had the misfortune of meeting you. Fuck…you know that hurts… Jesus Christ… I don’t know how much more I can take of this.” “
The last time that I had seen Randal was when I pushed him into the closet and left him there. I have no idea if he was able to get out, or if he was still in there getting angrier by the second. I really didn’t want to be in front of anybody that came in front of his path after he was released from that prison. Caleb is sadistic and he has a real mean streak that I find is testing my patience.”

“You don’t know what it does to me to hear you say these things to me. I don’t think that I’ve ever had my cock this hard before. I should’ve been trying something like this a long time ago. I won’t make that mistake again.” He lined his cock up against her hole and found that he wanted to do this with nothing to help her to take the 8 inch hammer between his legs.

Nicole could feel that hardness pressed up against her and she braced herself for what was to come. There was something behind her and then there was this loud thud. That soft and pliable top had now been replaced by a very agile

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