Broken Wings (A Romantic Suspense) (18 page)

She doesn’t turn away when I brush her scars with my lips. I know she can feel it more on the undamaged skin, so when I have my fill of tasting her lips—for now—I lick and kiss and nip at the soft skin of her throat until little moans bubble out of her.

Even with layers of sweatshirts between us I can feel her nipples against my chest. I move my hands up her sides and toy with them through her clothes, pressing hard. Ellie’s legs lift up and wrap around me and squeeze. I can feel the heat of her through her clothes.

My hand works into her underwear and slides under her. She’s so fucking wet. I need to taste her. I tug her pants down in sharp jerks, my knuckles scraping the skin of her legs. I feel the shudder pass through her, and look up to see a tremor of embarrassment and excitement on her face as I expose her. I keep my eyes locked on her, watching her expression as I take my first taste, lightly, breathing in her scent as my tongue hints at her soft, wet lips before I pull away.

I love the way she stifles a little gasp, the way her hips buck and she reaches for my mouth with her pussy, begging me for it, her inhibitions fading. I can feel the need in her as I put my hands on her hips and hold her down. No, I’m not going to give in to her so quickly. I’m going to savor her.

Ellie bunches her fingers in my hair, pulling it, trying to jerk me this way and that. I know what she likes. I can feel it in the way it shocks through her whole body when my tongue feels the right spot, but I take my time. I’m shaking with excitement myself, my cock hard and throbbing and screaming at me,
fuck her, fuck her now,
and the furious lust burning in my veins grows hotter when I lick her clit and she stifles a moan with her hand.

She’s so tight around my finger, I can’t wait to sheathe my cock in her body and feel her heat. I can barely stand it, but I can taste her pleasure as my finger works inside her and my tongue drags delights out of her flesh.

I’m a little rough with her at first, enjoying the way she squirms and wriggles under me, her legs pinned down by my weight. She twists and writhes on the bed, and covers her face with her hands when it feels especially good, like she’s still embarrassed by it.

She grows closer by the minute. I can feel her quivering, her tight pussy gripping my finger. I want to be inside her, to stare into her eyes as I fill her. I could fuck her for hours, come into her over and over again until I can’t take it anymore.

She jerks and whimpers,
“Right there,”
and that’s when I stop.

When she realizes what I’m doing she grabs the box of condoms from the nightstand and shoves it in my hand. I rip the it open and tear apart the wrapper and shimmy out of my pants. I kneel on the bed and she watches intently as I peel the condom down my shaft, staring at my cock like it’s made of magic. When it’s on she throws herself back on the bed and spreads her legs, raising her hips to thrust her waiting body at me.

I take one quick look down as I guide myself inside her and then enter Ellie’s body slowly, savoring the expression on her face. It starts as shock and slowly melts into a contended, slack look before turning needy again as I press against her, burying my cock in her to the root.

I don’t move yet. I savor the feeling of her heat and body around me, sheathing my cock. My instincts scream at me to thrust but the way she curls up under me and hugs my hips with her thighs makes me gentle, tempering my urgency.

There’s no fear in her eye, only trust. She rests her hands on my neck and gives me a hint of a squeeze and a tug with her legs, and I roll my hips. The flickering change in her expression as I start to fuck her sends a shock through me and I almost laugh, filled with triumphant excitement as she stares at me with a silent plea,
more, harder, faster.

I ramp up slowly, so I don’t forget myself and lose it. Ellie moves with me, rolling her hips in time with my motion, squeezing herself around me like she wants me to absorb her body into mine. As I draw nearer I feel clenches in her body and start to grind, pushing her down until I find the angle where my body rubs against her and my cock fills her just right.

Then I cut loose. It doesn’t take long. Ellie cries out, a little squeak escaping her before she silences herself, swallowing her own cry of pleasure as she bucks and arches under me, her nails raking my back. Her legs shake like leaves and I feel the way she binds up and suddenly lets go, then does it again, each time harder, more intense.

“I’m coming, come in me,” she whimpers in my ear.

I lose it. Completely. I thrust into her so hard the bed bucks, and hold on
as I explode inside her. It feels like my soul is being ripped out from between my legs and shooting through her body. It’s so strong it hurts and I just collapse on top of her, covered in sweat and feeling swallowed by the heat between her legs.

I almost forget I’m wearing a condom. I can’t just lie here and keep my cock in her until it goes soft. I roll over and Ellie gasps when she sees the rather impressive wad of cum hanging in the end of the condom. She covers her mouth and stares.

“Holy crap, you did that inside me the other night.”


“Is there always that much?”

I need to peel it off but I just lie there, spent. “Only for you, babe.”

Ellie breaks out laughing before she silences herself. I look over her and catch a glimpse of her as she really is, so fucking beautiful it makes my soul ache. When she smiles, really smiles in joy, it’s like there are no scars at all. I want to keep her forever.

“There’s two more in the box,” she says.

“Let me rest for a minute.”

Ellie lies there shaking for a while, for all her horny bravado. It takes a moment before she can even stand holding my hand. When she’s finally ready to move she peels the covers down and takes off her sweatshirt. We pile our clothes up at the foot of the bed and crawl under the covers, and she tucks herself up in my arms.

“If there were nine more in the box you could do that to me nine more times.”

I’m not sure if I actually could. Then she rakes her nails down my chest and my cock goes rigid again. Ellie reaches over me to grab the box and I seize her by the waist and take her nipple in my mouth. She falls on top of me and purrs, lying there as I tickle her ribs and suck her nipple, making her giggle and moan in turns. She wiggles, taking her nipple away from me, so I turn to the other one until it stiffens against my tongue and she goes quiet, hugging my head to her chest as she lies on top of me.

Ellie swings her legs together and catches my cock gently between them.

“It’s all sticky,” she whispers. “You’re hard, too.”

I suck her nipple hard, until she squeaks, then let go. “I’m going to fuck you again. I want to save number three for the morning, before we leave.”

Her whole body quivers.

I roll on my back.

Ellie pulls herself on top of me and flops down on my chest. She doesn’t say anything, she just slips her arms under me and rests her head on my shoulder. I reach down and pull the covers up over us. My knuckles brush her body as I do.

I touch her behind the neck first, kneading the muscle. She makes a little sound almost like a purr and I feel her teeth on my neck, and then she goes still. I can feel the tension in her muscles, it’s like wires pulled too tight by a huge machine. She starts to soften under my touch.

It’s a little awkward massaging her shoulders with her lying on top of me, but she likes it. She looks up at me and smiles when I push my fingers into her muscles.

“That hurt?”

“Yeah, but it’s a good hurt. Keep doing it.”

“Lay on your stomach.”

She slides off me, and I sit up. Sprawled out on the bed with the covers pulled up to her knees, she almost seems to glow. I sit beside her and work her shoulders with my hands, feeling her soften under my touch.

As I start to work down her back, I can feel her relax. Her whole body goes soft. There are some scars on her back—not burns, marks from deep cuts that left puckered, raking lines down her left side. I avoid those as I massage, running my palms hard up and down her spine.

She doesn’t move until I grab her ass and squeeze. Her legs quiver, and I can see her feet moving under the blankets. Her toes are curling. I almost slide my hand between her legs but it seems to excite her more when I don’t, and run them down her thigh instead, squeezing the tension out of the muscle.

Feeling her relax under my hands is oddly peaceful, almost meditative. It’s like her calm is absorbing my worry. I peel the covers down and massage her calves. She jerks when I set her foot in my lap and start kneading the sole with my thumbs. I can see her stifling a laugh at first until a contented look takes over her face. The same thing happens when I do the other foot. She squirms, ticklish, and then relaxes, a slack look of pleasure on her face.

Ellie stares with her one eye heavy and lidded, and the way she smiles finishes the job of hardening my cock again. She doesn’t get up, she just slides her legs apart.

I roll the condom down my cock then lie on her legs. My chest rubs over her ass and back as I slide up her body. She tenses just a little as I enter her, but I only put myself inside her just a bit. When she relaxes I slowly lower myself onto her back and work my way fully inside her, straddling her. Her ass feels magnificent against my hips. Her skin is so soft, so warm. The scars scratch my chest and stomach a little.

I kiss her cheek and start to pump, slowly. The urgency is still there but it’s different. I savor her. Each slow thrust is a first taste, and her gasps and tiny movements are like the finish on a fine wine. After a while I lie back and Ellie rolls her hips, grinding on my cock.

In time we start to move together. I want her to come with me. I slip my hand under her, down between her legs. She’s so wet, it’s all over her thighs, and my hand is quickly slick. I move my finger over her lips, swollen from my cock spreading them apart, and listen to her soft groans. She gasps when I touch her clit, the needy look in her eye and the tiny sounds she permits to escape from her throat signaling me. There, slower, faster.

Ellie grasps my wrist, guiding my hand. I can feel her pleasure building up, swelling inside her. Her body chokes my cock, wringing pleasure out of me. It feels so good I don’t want to come, but I do, I want to fill her up,
her, make her mine. When I brush her cheek with my other hand she nips my fingers and grins her lopsided grin then nips at my fingers again.

Then she starts to suck them. I almost lose it, and thrust a little harder before I make myself slow. No, not yet. Not until she does. When she tries to
me go faster, I slow. When she tries to furiously pump her hips against me and steal the climax from me before I’m ready, I use my weight to pin her down and make her take it slow.

Ellie gurgles a choked noise and stuffs the sheet in her mouth. She’s loud anyway. Her whole body quivers and clenches around me, and I know it’s
, and all I have to do is thrust as deep inside her as I can go and as I explode I feel her fading through me as her climax hits in the same moment as mine, like my body is melting into hers. I clench up like a fist as I explode inside her.

I draw out and roll onto my side. Ellie rolls over too, her back falling against me.

I kiss her cheek and wrap my arms around her until we fall asleep.


When I wake up, Jack is still asleep. He should be. He should be exhausted.

I feel
. Tingly all over. I can’t stop grinning. Jack gets hot when he’s sleeping. He’s pushed all the covers off, so he’s just lying there buck-ass naked. I can’t stop staring at his dick.

It hits me that I’m just as naked as he is, and the covers are down at my waist. I’m just lying here, exposed. I don’t even like to be naked when I’m by myself, and yet here I am, totally nude. Jack turned toward me a little in his sleep and his hand is resting on my leg, right over the scar where they took tissue for my skin grafts.

There’s an alarm clock on the nightstand, an ancient clock radio with very fake wood sides and red, angry digits. It’s seven in the morning. I think I slept straight through from our last, ah, session. I must have been asleep for twelve hours.

I gingerly lift Jack’s hand from my leg and roll on my side. When he feels me fall against his arms he stirs, mumbles something, but doesn’t wake. He moves, though, and grabs me, pulling me against him.

He’s still not awake.

He shifts and his stomach tenses. God, I could watch that all day. He’s
. I run my nails over the ridges of muscle, wondering if it’ll wake him. It doesn’t. He keeps snoring into my hair. Neither does running my hand down his thigh. It’s strange how his muscles are so firm but his skin is so soft.

He snorts and makes a noise and
I think this is it, he’s waking up
, but he doesn’t.

Well, he does and doesn’t. I stare, fascinated, as he gets hard. It’s not instant. His dick doesn’t just shoot up to full attention. It’s like it thickens and stands a little more with every beat of his heart. I can feel the heat and pulse of him when I take it in my hand.

When it’s fully hard, curved a little, and so thick I can’t fully close my fingers around it, his eyes flick open.

“Hey there, gorgeous.”

There’s a little flutter in my chest as I realize I believe him. He’s not patronizing me or tricking me or telling me what I want to hear so I’ll let him fuck me. He means it.

“What’s wrong?”

I stifle a little sob.

“Nothing, I’m not sad right now.”


He starts to move but falls on his back when I press on his shoulder. He grabs me and I have to wriggle loose as I reach over him to snatch the last condom on the nightstand.

My hands tremble as I tear open the wrapper. I can barely get it. Jack rubs my back with his hand as I do. He doesn’t stop me. He knows I want to do this. It means something to me.

God, he’s huge. I can’t believe this is about to go inside me. I roll it down and he jerks when I gently hold his balls in my hand. I press his cock down against his stomach and quickly dip down and lick the spot where his shaft meets his balls, and pull back as his whole body shudders. He likes that.

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