Brothers Black: Wyatt the Heartbreaker (23 page)

I know from the fight back at the house that I have lost speed with my baby bump weighing me down. No, I have to get us all out safely. That is the only way Wyatt will forgive me for this one. I touch my swollen belly protectively.

The big one that spoke in our little cell snorts as he looks down at me. His eyes roll over my half naked body stopping on my breasts and he licks his lips. I almost gag. I’ll cut his tongue out first.

“I will enjoy breaking you,” he says harshly through his accent. I’m tempted to spit in his face, but Lulu whimpers reminding me I am not alone.

We are shoved into chairs in the center of the space, facing a large table. I scan the place again quickly taking in the table, a video camera, on a tripod and men around us. There lust filled eyes are trained on us as smirks and scowls cover their faces, all but one.

I know he must be the leader. He is not as tall as the one that led us here. He is thinner too. His hair is jet black and he has a faded looking scar running from one side of his face to the other. His face is not as hard as some of the others so the scar doesn’t make him look as scary as it may have on one of the others faces.

I still don’t underestimate him. His lip is curled in a smug sneer as he glares at us. I assume this must be Iosif. He points to me. “Her, bring her here,” he barks.

One of the others comes to grab me by my arm. When the one that barked the order sees me lift from the chair something changes in his face and he grabs himself. I panic for the first time. The look in his eyes says a lot and none of it is good for me.

My instinct to fight kicks in without thought. I have to protect my baby. I reach for the hunting knife at the hip of the one holding my arm. I slash behind his knee before I lift the knife to plunge it into his gut. He releases me stumbling back with a howl. I kick out as hard as I can, making the knife plunge deeper.

The leader starts to yell in Russian. “I told you all to watch this one. You fucking idiots. I will just do it myself,” he bellows.

He storms me, reaching for my hair, but I duck out of the way. Like I said I am not as fast with my bump. His hand shoots out coming across my face hard. Stars burst behind my lids and I stagger back and instinctively cover my belly.

He grabs a hold of my hair and drags me roughly over to the table. He snaps my head back so I look him in the face. A smug grin touches his lips. My face is throbbing and I know a bruise is already forming.

“I will make you well worth your trouble,” he sneers hotly into my face.

“Let me go now and my husband will just kick your ass,” I growl back at him.

He barks a laugh and lifts a brow at me. “You will fetch me a good price once broken. When I find out which one is your husband I will be sure to send him pictures of his little whore,” he hisses. He switches to Russian and barks orders to his men. “Start the camera and hook up the live feed.”














Chapter Thirty Eight


I have never been this furious in my life. In my anger, I forgot that Nate’s wedding was today. For business reasons, we weren’t invited. My family was not offended. It has just been a sort of silent agreement that our relationship should remain inconspicuous.

So when I tell you that I have total respect for Nathan Briggs and the Briggs family, I have total respect for them. In the middle of his wedding, he not only had his father call to find out what is going on here, but he then sent a team.

Not just any team either. He sent his family, the best team he has. Jasper Briggs, Earl Briggs, Kelly Briggs – Fecteau, Rita Briggs-Mairettie, and their Greek family team, it didn’t get better than that unless Nathan and Thomas Briggs themselves arrived. That means a lot to me because I know they all left the wedding to be here for my family.

They will have my respect for life. Out of respect, I am going to clean this up not just for my family, but because this will not touch another’s door on my watch. Toby fucked up, but it’s on me. I knew something was wrong back then and I should have dug until I found the problem.

Those motherfuckers got too close. Yeah, I think they just got lucky, but it should never have happened. When Noah and I arrived at my place, there was a box waiting for us. My heart stopped in my chest wondering what was inside.

Noah had the same sick look on his face. I know what he was thinking because he pulled his phone out right away to text Bean for an update. I couldn’t wait for a reply. I secured the box and opened it.

Inside was a tablet device with a sticky note that read,
We’ll be in touch.
Noah had to grab my shoulder to keep me from slamming the thing into a wall. There is a reason Noah and I are the closest. He is the only one that can reel me in and vice versa. He understands what Nellie means to me and what levels I’ll go to for her.

The rest of the family may think they understand, but Noah has seen the worst of me. Something my other brothers have never seen. Even now as we wait for these pricks to contact us and make our way to destroy them, Noah’s presence is keeping me calm.

He is driving the truck we are in with Dad, Brax, and John in the back. Rob and Steve are in a truck following us. There was no way we were keeping Steve from this mission.

Toby and Ryan are airborne. Felix and Heather are grounded at my parents’ house. That stubborn Bean is still watching the girls. I can’t be mad at her. They actually did transport them to a different location. I just know Noah is going to kill her.

I would be worried about her too if Rob hadn’t been training her since she started at the firm full time. I know she’ll be fine. She’s smart and if she were there to help Nellie none of this would be happening. The two of them would have ended this before it began, but I can’t keep going over what ifs.

Everyone is pissed that they were just moments too late. There is nothing we can do now, but go get our family. My chest tightens. My family, I’m going to be a father. I can barely breathe every time that thought occurs.

The device in my lap lights up pulling me from my thoughts. I start to shake with rage as soon as the live feed starts. I don’t realize I am growling until my dad places a hand on my head and Noah places one on my shoulder.

“Showtime everyone, I’m patching you all into the feed,” I vaguely hear Felix say in my earpiece.

My eyes narrow as I look at the love of my life. There is a purple bruise forming on her right cheek. Her lips are trembling and unshed tears are shining in her eyes, but the defiant look in her eyes tells me she won’t let them slip free. The camera zooms out and my shaking turns violent.

“Where the fuck are her clothes,” I bark to no one in particular.

Nellie’s full body comes into view and I swear I almost break right there. This is my first look at her baby bump and I have to swallow back so much anger because she has a purple bruise along her left side by her ribs. This is not what my first time seeing her swollen with my child should be like. Her standing in her bra and panties bruised and battered.

I feel sick to my stomach. There is a coward standing behind her tugging at her hair, forcing her to look into the camera. He bends and whispers something in her ear and I see rage consume her face.

“Calm down, Baby,” I whisper. “I’m coming.”

The asshole laughs then looks in the camera. “I want you to see your women,” he nods to the side and I see Kamara cradling a small child to her chest. Their clothes are missing as well.

“They’re dead,” my father roars from the back seat.

“You took something from me, so I plan to get my money’s worth from you. This little one,” he looks down at Nellie before grabbing one of her breasts and squeezing. “Better bring in a good price when I finish with her. She has already cost me, three men.”

I notice howling in the background and my eyes narrow. The asshat talking growls pulling his gun and fires a shot behind him. I hear Kamara yelp and the baby starts to cry, but Nellie doesn’t even flinch.
That’s my Badass.

“Make that four,” he snarls. He puts the gun away and reaches for Nellies belly, “but I am sure the baby in her will make up for the loss. This is just the beginning. You owe me twenty million. I will come for your women, one by one until you have paid this debt. You’re lucky. I can get double for the little girl.”

“You son of a bitch,” Nellie snaps.

He laughs. “She is so feisty, I like. Little Bitch.”

We are almost there, but I see the look in her eyes. It is what makes me love her so much. She would put up with this pig’s hands on her, but she is not going to let him harm our baby or our family. I know what she is going to do before she does it.

“No baby, no, don’t do it,” I plead as if she can hear me.

Nellie lifts her arm bringing back her elbow and smashes it into the prick’s nose. Blood explodes everywhere, but he doesn’t release his hold on Nellie. Instead, he grabs his face with his free hand and slams her face into the table.

A strangled cry escapes my throat as I watch her body crumble to the floor. The prick starts yelling in Russian telling his men to cut the feed. I roar in anguish

“Wyatt, I’m so sorry,” Toby sobs into my earpiece.

“Don’t! Your family needs you,” that is all I can say. I don’t have words for him right now.

“Wyatt, this is Jas. We just saw that, man. I want you to know my team is already here and in place. We’re ready to move on your word. I have given specific instructions for them to save that piece of shit for you. We won’t let him get away, but he is yours,” Jasper’s voice comes through.

“We’re here,” I reply with a deceptive calm.









Chapter Thirty Nine


Our teams are in place within minutes. Felix already has eyes on the place. He flipped their camera system to be a one-sided mirror. We can see all of their actions and the layout of the place.

“I’m ready to rock,” Felix announces to everyone. “There is a total of thirty-five men. There are five surrounding the warehouse.”

“Jas, your team got that,” I murmur.

“We’re already on it,” he replies.

“Toby and Rob just took down the two on the roof. Snipers get in position,” Felix informs.

I know Rita, Kelly, and Ryan are in motion. I check our surroundings as we move in. We pause waiting for the go ahead from the sniper team.

“In place,” Ryan is the first to respond.

“Ready,” Rita’s voice comes through.

“Locked and loaded,” Kelly responds seconds later.

“Okay, you’re all clear, move in. He just ordered them to move our girls they’re doubling back for them in the main room,” Felix informs us. “There is one still with them.”

I’m already on the move. I grab the first guard I come across and snap his neck. It does nothing for the rage coursing through me. We need to move quick before the first shot announces our arrival. Our shooters are all working with silencers for now. They won’t see or hear us coming as long as we don’t allow one of their men to get off a warning shot.

We make our way to the center of the warehouse. I can see Nellie’s limp body lying on the concrete floor. Kamara is still sitting in the same seat, but Lulu is now seated on the table top above Nellie. She is no longer wailing aloud, but tears are soaking her cheeks as her lip is poked out and she looks for safety.

One of those bastards is standing over Kamara caressing her cheek and touching himself. I can see her shaking like a leaf from here. I take aim at the bastard, but his head explodes before I pull the trigger. My eyes shift and I see my little brother, Toby looking the way I feel.

Kamara’s screams pierce the air and all hell breaks loose. Bullets start to fly from every direction. I get down and Noah is doing the same at my side.

“I’ve got my niece,” Braxton’s voice comes through the earpiece. “Toby, get your girl.”

“Cover me,” I say to Noah before I take off for Nellie.

I let off a few rounds, but the path to Nellie is too open. I watch as Braxton flies through the air letting off shots before throwing his body over Lulu and wrapping around her before sliding over the table to the ground, a foot away from Nellie.

He closes the gap covering both Nellie and Lulu with his body. “She’s still breathing, but her pulse is slow,” Brax’s voice comes through answering my unspoken question.

“Wyatt, I have eyes on your target on the north side of the building. He’s trying to make a run for it,” Rita comes through in my ear.

“Go,” Noah comes in. “I’ll get Nellie out. Make that motherfucker pay.”

Everything in me wants to go to my wife, but I know I need to finish what she started. He’ll wish a busted nose was all he got from this when I am done. I rush to the north side and find the fucker dragging a young girl beside him trying to make his way to the back exit. I smile because I know that even if he does make it my dad is on that exit with a semi waiting to pump him full of lead.

However, his life is mine. I aim at his ankle and pull the trigger. He releases the girl, collapsing to the floor. The girl looks like she can’t be more than sixteen years old. I hate these slime balls.

“Dad I’m sending a package your way,” I say as I move toward the girl that is now curled into a ball. I squat before her. “Run for that door, honey. There’s a man there that will get you to safety.

She stares up at me trembling and blinks a few times. I realize English is not her first language and switch into Russian repeating the same thing. “You are safe now.”

She nods and crawls toward the door. I stand and step over to where the piece of shit that thought putting his hands on my wife was a good idea. He has tried to drag himself away. I step on his wounded ankle and he howls.

I kick him in his ribs making him turn over. I point my gun at his head, narrowing my eyes at him. I almost laugh when I see the tissue stuffed up his nose. I know this prick is not the head of this operation from working on the case, but I do have some other questions for him.

“Who else knows you found the picture,” I ask.

He grits his teeth, but doesn’t say a word. I lower my gun and shoot at his knee cap on the opposite leg. He growls; spit flying from his mouth as he writhes in pain.

“I said who else knows,” I bellow.

“No one… the family now has…. room to move up. I found the picture… a year and a half ago. I didn’t think… I’d get lucky to find anyone,” he pants out. “Called in favor… about six months ago… got hit on picture. We find guy in picture… and watch him. Girl and children became… opportunity about a month ago. I take a chance… to show boss… I deserve to move up.”

“Who did you call in the favor with,” I growl.

He glares at me, playing mute again. I put another bullet in the other knee. He bellows out in pain.

“New York connection...,” he starts, but Felix talks in my ear.

“Time to go, Wyatt, I have what you need. Handle this and get moving,” he says.

“Gladly,” I mutter and lift my steel to put a bullet right between this piece of garbage’s eyes.

I run out of the warehouse and see Noah by the truck with Nellie still unconscious in his arms while Bean stands next to him wringing her hands. I rush over and lift Nellie into my arms. Noah opens the back door and I slide in placing her gently on my lap.

I brush her hair away from her face and bury mine in her curls. “Hold on for me Nellie. I need you, Baby. Just hold on,” I whisper. I look over her body and that’s when I see the blood between her legs. “Noah, get us to a hospital

I say a silent prayer because I know I will lose it if I lose either one of them.
Don’t stop fighting now, Baby. We have a family to raise.





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