| 48. Nation, Black Earth, Red Star, 233-4.
| 49. Peter Jones and Siâan Kevill, comps., China and the Soviet Union (New York: Facts on File, 1985), 13-14.
| 50. Ambassador Xue Mouhong's speech.
| 51. Jones and Kevill, China and the Soviet Union, 13-14.
| 52. "Ob osnovnykh momentakh vnutrennei zhizni, vneshnei politiki KNR i sovet-sko-kitaiskikh otnoshenii" [On the basic elements of domestic life, foreign policy of the PRC and Soviet-Chinese relations], April 12, 1960, TsKhSD, f. 5, op. 49, d. 340-2, p. 28.
| 53. "Otchet posolstva SSSR v Kitaiskoi Narodnoi respublike za 1962 god" [Annual report of the USSR embassy in the People's Republic of China for 1962], TsKhSD, f. 5, op. 49, d. 536, p. 232.
| 54. "Politicheskoie pismo posolstva SSSR v KNR za II kvartal 1960 g.," TsKhSD, f. 5, op. 49, d. 340-2, pp. 19, 53-4, 56, 59, 69, 70.
| 55. "Otchet . . . 1958," 92.
| 56. "Politicheskoie pismo posolstva SSSR v KNR za II kvartal 1960 g.," TsKhSD, f. 5, op. 49, ed. khr. 134, p. 68.
| 57. "Iz besed s mestnymi sovetskimi i kitaiskimi grazhdanami vo vremya ko-mandirovki v g. Dalny (December 26-31, 1961)" [Concerning conversations with local Soviet and Chinese citizens on a recent official visit to Dalian], TsKhSD, f. 5, op. 49. d. 535, p. 1.
| 58. "Ob usloviyakh raboty sovetskikh uchrezhdeny i sovetskikh predtsavitelei v KNR v 1961 g." [On the working conditions for Soviet institutions and Soviet officials in the PRC in 1961], TsKhSD, f. 5, op. 49, d. 535, p. 3.
| 59. "Politicheskoie pismo posolstva SSSR v KNR za II kvartal 1962 goda" [Political report of the USSR embassy in the PRC for the second quarter of 1962], 37.