Buddy Holly: Biography (65 page)

Read Buddy Holly: Biography Online

Authors: Ellis Amburn

Tags: #Biography & Autobiography, #Composers & Musicians, #Nonfiction, #Retail, #Singer

“I saw the Spirit:
Gospel of John, Holy Bible,
p. 130.

“you are dead to [and subsequent KJ quotations]: Author interview with KJ.

Buddy often rose:

“Just as I am: Elliott and Bradbury,
Soul-Stirring Songs & Hymns,
p. 282.

“He didn’t talk a [and subsequent dialogue BH/EH]: BG, “Mrs. Holley,” p. 4.

Chapter 2

“My son plays the: Quoted in BG, “JN: Story Behind the ‘Buddy and Jack’ Show on KDAV Radio,” RM 44, 9/86, p. 4.

“We liked the toe-tapping:

“I played rhythm: “Secret BH: Girl Who Broke Young Buddy’s Heart,” LDM, 8/31/94, p. 34.

temperature regularly hit: LAJ, 9/2/52.

In a theme he wrote: Quoted in G&B, RB, p. 27.

waving the Westerner banner: “Westerner Alma Mater Song,”
Vol. 31, 1954.

“He was still just: Author interview with LK.

The winter of Buddy’s: LAJ, 2/2/53.

girl named Joyce Howard: “Westerner Roundup Day at Lubbock High School,”
p. 1.

professional C&W singer: Quoted in G&B, p. 27.

him perform during lunch: BG, RM 5, 12/77.

wearing tight pants: BG, “LH,” RM 14, 3/80, p. 9.

“Buddy sidled along the: Author interview with Arlene Burleson.

smart-aleck persona: Author interview with SC.

who carried a chain: Author interview with LH.

“He sat in the fourth: Author interview with LK.

he was expelled from: Buddy’s theme, G&B, RB, p. 27.

destroyed the front:

electrical engineering as a: EH quoted in BG, “Mrs. Holley,” p. 3.

last two years of:

enough of a realist:

wanted to see Ben Hall: BG, “Ben Hall,” RM 22, 3/82, p. 4.

Weldon Myrick:
p. 5.

Hi Pockets auditioned them: Hi Pockets Duncan quoted in ACOB; “BH, the Musician,” IC.

“with a little … a star.”: Quoted in ACOB.

fan mail almost immediately: JN quoted in BG, “An Interview With JN,” p. 4.

“a beautiful professional job.”: TBIK.

too small for the: HPD quoted in BG, RM 10, 3/79.

“This is Hi Pocket:

His Texas Hot Shots: “Labor Day Dance,” LAJ, 9/7/53.

recorded the duo on: G&B, RB, p. 178.

“The ‘Sunday Parties’ were: Quoted in BG, “SC,” RM 17, 12/80, p. 11.

“real hot steel-guitar:

“Sonny started performing: Pete Curtis letter to author, 5/1/95.

Adair Music Store: Author interview with SC.

“where we’d spend the:

until they fell asleep: BHTLL, p. 78.

drank beer and chased: SC song, “The Real Buddy Holly Story.”

“Sonny Curtis was very helpful: TBIK.

he and Bob Montgomery: BG and Larry Byers, “‘Pappy’ Dave Stone,” RM 34, 1/85, p. 7.

radiating sincerity and deference:
pp. 7–8.

“very good,”:
p. 7.

their own 2:30
p. 8.

“I had an ulterior motive,”:
p. 7.

“They were hits almost:

Chapter 3

If this guy wears:
Author interview with Orbie Lee Harris.

“I would go to: Greg Mitchell, “The History of Rock ’n’ Roll,”
December 1974.

helped Roy with lead: Author interview with Tinker Carlen.

“That ol’ party boy [and subsequent dialogue]: ACOB.

“I feel that I: BG, “18 Interviews (all at once),” RM 20, 9/81, p. 3.

“Montgomery remembers him as: “Secret BH: Girl Who Broke,” p. 34.

dry-cleaning stores in:
p. 35.

more than twenty-six years: BG letter to author, 11/7/94.

“Buddy never said a word: Author interview with SC.

“I went with a Church: Author interview with LH.

“If Buddy had a: Author interview with BG.

Brodszky’s “I Walk With God”:
Commencement Exercises,
Lubbock Senior High School, May 27, 1955, Fair Park Coliseum.

Christmas carols: 1955

“had hair all over: Author interview with TC.

“Echo was not a: Author interview with SC.

“I was playing a [and subsequent dialogue]: Author interview with LW.

“I’m going to draw: ACOB.

remote broadcasts:

at the Lindsey Theater: BG, RM 15, 6/80.

“If we played thirty: ACOB.

“It’s going to be: G&B, RB, p. 20.

pronounced it: “School Days,”
New Yorker,
7/8/91, p. 29.

“You’ll do anything to get: Denisoff,
p. 36.

A high-school dropout at fourteen:
p. 42.

“always into some damn: Quoted in
p. 39.

burned down a government:

promise as a place kicker:
p. 42.

He’d won first prize:
p. 40.

“He came from a poor: Quoted in
p. 44.

Waylon met Buddy, at seventeen:
p. 47.

“deep brown eyes and:
p. 83.

written when he was fifteen:
p. 42.

“the cowboy Warren Beatty.”: Riese,
Nashville Babylon,
p. 56.

“honestly crude … man, baby’”: Des Barres,
I’m With the Band: Confessions of a Groupie,
p. 166.

“Sometimes the same band:
Lost Highway,
p. 208.

Buddy frequently lent his: TGBH, p. 86.

“Who’s got a quarter? [and subsequent dialogue]: Flippo, “
Interview: WJEN,” 9/81, pp. 108–112, 142–143; slightly different version, Dan Pietromonaco, “Interview With WJEN,”
’s TWA Airline Service, 1976.

appealed equally to hillbillies: Malone,
Country Music U.S.A.,
p. 260.

a representative of Columbia: G&B, RB, p. 30.

“embarrassing,”: the full quote—“It’s kind of embarrassing to listen to those old tapes of me and Buddy, but I wouldn’t trade those memories for anything in the world”—occurs in BHTLL, p. 76.

“Of course we couldn’t: Author interview with LW.

“Well, less go back:

“He was ready to:

“Though in appearance Buddy: Author interview with SC.

“Scared me half to: PN, “Secret BH: Girl Who,” p. 34.

“I had to grab: Author interview with RK.

“Buddy was cocky, but:

not brawny—nor particularly: Author interview with LH.

Buddy took a job: Author interview with RK.

“unusually thoughtful, especially:

“Buddy started playing rock:

wore it around her neck: Echo wears Buddy’s ring around her neck in photo on p. 9, BG,

if the car was actually Buddy’s: BG, “Buddy’s New Oldsmobile,” RM 35, 3/85, p. 9.

Buddy wrecked the car: LH quoted in BH, “Buddy Wrecked the Car!” R50, 4/92.

Buddy Holley was not asked:
Commencement Exercises,
Lubbock Senior High School,
op. cit.

atop the Dunlap Store: Author interview with Robert Knight.

“Buddy brought her over: Author interview with LH.

Chapter 4

“When Elvis came to: Author interview with LH.

“Elvis could get pussy: Author interview with SC.

“Without Elvis,”… “none of: Worth and Tamerius,
Elvis: His Life From A to Z,
p. 89.

several times in 1955:
pp. 333–34: 6/3, 10/15, and 10/16/55.

group opened for him: Author interview with SC.

Hi Pockets once said: ACOB.

Winfield Scott Moore III: Worth and Tamerius,
p. 133.

Elvis was terribly late: ACOB.

“Elvis looked like a: Author interview with SC.

Buddy and Elvis intrigued: Bob Montgomery quoted in ACOB.

Hi Pockets hobnobbed: Hi Pockets Duncan quoted in

“But as far as:

To Bob Montgomery, who: ACOB.

“We opened for Elvis: Author interview with SC.

“Somebody was wantin’ to: Author interview with LW.

“Buddy and Elvis got: Author interview with LH.

“I wish he had done: TGBH, p. 82.

Mrs. Holley loved Buddy’s: BH, “Mrs. Holley,” p. 4.

“I wish I could: Author interview with MEH.

“Let me tell you:

Waylon remembers that Buddy: WJRBH, p. 72.

“changed Buddy,” Waylon later:
Lost Highway,
p. 208.

“We got a drummer: Baker, “Roy Orbison, the Life of a Legend,” Interview Picture Disk; Ashton, “Last Testament, Blue Angel,”

Buddy said he’d show them; JA quoted in RBHS.

Jerry’s whole-hearted:

Bob Montgomery and Sonny Curtis were: TGBH, p. 84.

“We’d both play: BHTLL, p. 82.

he offered to help: BG, “BG Talks to LW,” R 45, 11/86, p. 15.

driving the ’55 Olds:

“Elvis was supposed to:

Known for his bluegrass: Denisoff,
p. 25.

King was as good: G&B, RB, p. 30.

Buddy was virtually:

“idolized” Elvis, he told:

“Pappy” Dave Stone arranged: BG and Byers, “‘Pappy,’” p. 7.

“what it takes.”: G&B, RB, p. 32.

“Every young songwriter and singer: Tillis,
Stutterin’ Boy,
p. 87.

“as soon as possible: Quoted in G&B, RB, p. 32.

on acetate at KDAV: Quoted in BG and Byers, “‘Pappy,’” p. 7.

Paul Cohen, prestigious director: Malone,
Country Music U.S.A.,
p. 95.

“I don’t care how: WJEN on “The Dick Cavett Show.”

“asked to have the: Quoted in BG and Byers, “‘Pappy,’” p. 7.

“Well, you can bring: ROA, p. 115.

When Bob Montgomery realized: G&B, RB, p. 32.

“I wasn’t able to: Quoted in BG,
Who’s Who.

Buddy had attracted Thompson’s: G&B, RB, p. 30.

from the Lubbock public school: JA in BG, “JA—Part One,” RM 23, 6/82, p. 12.

for $6 a year: G&B, RB, p. 41.

bumped into a blond: Author interview with PS.

scribbled her initials: BG, “Buddy’s Notebook,” RM 5, 12/77, p. 8.

boys who were fun-loving: BG in “PS,”
PS: Souvenir Program,
11th Annual BHMS Convention and Rock ’n’ Roll Concert, 9/8–10/88, Clovis, New Mexico, p. 2.

and had entertaining personalities:

stood in the band room:

“I thought he was:

“Buddy’s first crush:
p. 7.

“Our relationship: Author interview with PS.

They threatened to send:
Who’s Who.

“It was probably lupus: Author interview with PS.

standing beside his car:

“a lot of time: BG, “PS,” p. 11.

“When the boys didn’t: Author interview with PS.

Maxine Carrol Lawrence, pregnant: Denisoff,
p. 43; Toepfer, “I’m Not Gonna Put Up With Anything From Anybody,”
2/74, p. 100.

that she wasn’t pregnant: Denisoff,
p. 44; Windeler, “Couples,”
9/75, p. 46; Stoop, “WJ: Big Country Singer Hits the Big City,”
After Dark,
4/73, p. 51.

Anita Shipley, started dating:
p. 47.

They found a shady: Ben Hall in RBHS.

Buddy appealed to his: G&B, RB, p. 34.

he asked for $1,000: TBIK.

“Why don’t you just:

“or bust a gut,”:

“He blew six hundred:

$249.50: Bacon and Day,
Fender Book,
p. 15.

Harrod Music: TGBH, p. 84.

on Avenue Q in Lubbock: LH quoted in BG, “1981 BHMS Convention,” RM 21, 12/81, p. 23.

Buddy made it famous: BHTLL, p. 82.

named Clarence Leo Fender: Bacon and Day,
Fender Book,
p. 9.

a red sport coat: BHIK.

Lansky Brothers: Goldman,
p. 81.

“That’s how we ended: Author interview with SC.

bought a Pro Amp: BHTLL, p. 81.

A collection agency was: G&B, RB, p. 34.

“Just go on doing: Quoted in Guralnick,
Last Train to Memphis,
p. 237.

Chapter 5

hard-drinking C&W recording: Carlisle,
Ragged but Right,
p. 101; Malone,
Country Music U.S.A.,
p. 186; Riese,
Nashville Babylon,
p. 183; Emery and Carter,
p. 184.

if he were capable: G&B, RB, p. 39.

“You don’t have the:
p. 43.

restraining a volatile and combative:

“chased chicks,”:
p. 36.

Rosa Parks: Daniel,
Chronicle of the 20th Century,
p. 777.

“If the public will: Cited in G&B, RB, p. 38.

“Whatever you do, don’t: ACOB.

showering twenty times a: Author interview with Jerry Coleman.

Speedy, a Mexican Chihuahua: Freeman Hoover interview with BH, 11/1/57, Denver, Colorado.

“We feel our studio: Quoted in Berry, “NP Recordings Put Clovis on Map,”
Clovis News-Journal,
12/20/59, p. 6.

“We have perhaps the:

hit record, “Mood Indigo,”:

Nor Va Jak, Petty’s: Bernard, “Dual Celebration Tunes in to Cultivation of ‘Clovis Sound,’”
Amarillo Globe-News,
9/4/87, p. 1.

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