Buddy Holly: Biography (66 page)

Read Buddy Holly: Biography Online

Authors: Ellis Amburn

Tags: #Biography & Autobiography, #Composers & Musicians, #Nonfiction, #Retail, #Singer

Petty was gay: Author interview with NS; PN, “Secret BH: Girl Who,” p. 35.

Vi bisexual:
PN, “Secret BH: Honeymoon,” p. 52.

Berry, was a lesbian: PN: “Secret BH: Honeymoon,” p. 52.

“If Norman was gay: Author interview with SC.

However, Niki Sullivan, another: Author interview with NS.

majoring in accounting and: Barnard, “Events Continue Through Weekend,”
Amarillo Globe-News,
9/4/87, p. 1.

asked how he could: Bronson,
Billboard Book of No. 1 Hits,
p. 19.

“behind a haystack”:

where he grew up: Barnard, “Events Continue,”
op. cit.

Buddy Holly and Roy Orbison: Bronson,
Billboard Book of No. 1 Hits,
p. 19.

first singer-songwriter of:

“Could I get you: Quoted in BG, “Bill Pickering Talks About the Picks!” RM, 21, 12/81, p. 5.

“Well, let’s see:

“Yes, Buddy told me:

“Can you do anything: ACOB.

“Yeah. I’ll put you: ACOB.

thousand kids poured: BG, RM 10, 3/79.

cahoots with the musicians: Author interview with TC.

“He was packin’ out: Author interview with LH.

On May 10 Buddy: BG, “Tour Schedules,” p. 2.

The Searchers:
Wayne and Thorleifson,
John Wayne,
p. 116; Gallagher,
John Ford,
p. 332; Magill,
Magill’s Survey of Cinema.

Buddy, Sonny, and Jerry: BG, “JA—Part One,” RM 23, 6/82, p. 10.

compose a song together:

“That’ll be the day,”:

“Yeah. That sounds like:

they couldn’t stop loving: Echo McGuire quoted in G&B, RB, p. 25.

made it clear to Echo:
p. 24.

launched on a musical:
pp. 24–25.

Echo’s religious convictions:
author interviews with LH and TC.

“didn’t have any idea: Quoted in Powers, “Allison Recalls How Music Grew,” MCGG, 2/1/89, p. E-3.

set on going waterskiing: JA quoted in G&B, RB, p. 41.

“a big hassle,”: Quoted in

bass in twenty minutes: JA quoted in

from Lightning Chance: SC quoted in

“it was a real serious … hard: JA quoted 8/26/78 in BG, “JA,” RM 10, p. 8.

getting a country song: Owen Bradley quoted in G&B, RB, p. 36; Beecher, liner notes,
BH: Nashville Sessions,
LP/CDL 8038; JA quoted in BG, “JA—Part One,” RM 23, 6/82, p. 9.

“sing so high, which: JA quoted in BG, “JA,” RM 10, p. 8.

“the worst song I’ve: G&B, RB, p. 42.

“the biggest no-talent:
p. 43.

“Man, I like ‘That’ll Be the Day.’”:
p. 42.

and the Three Tunes: Author interview with SC;
BH: The Nashville Sessions,

“I don’t remember the: Author interview with JA.

Sue Poff, and hanging: Jan Fulton quoted in BG, “Jake Goss: BH’s Barber,” p. 13.

“played on the roof:

previous evening in Amarillo: “LR and Musicians Jailed Following Dispute,” LAJ, 8/24/56, quoted in BG, “I Finally Found It!” RM 35, 3/85, p. 6

“altogether what we thought:

“change his act somewhat”:

Richard was booked on a:

he was carrying $2,669: “LR and Musicians Jailed Following Dispute” quoted in BG, “How’s That Again?” R50, 8/92.

“disrupted an era, broke:
Mystery Train,
p. 4.

“Hey, all right!”
: JA in RBHS.

mixture of five hundred whites: “Rock ’n’ Roll Dance Is Shut Down After Disturbance Here,” LAJ, 8/25/56.

“stopped the blaring beat:

Buddy brought him home: CW,
p. 84.

“They got to be: JA in RBHS.

“wouldn’t let me in,”: CW,
p. 84.

self-described “glaring homosexual.”: Quoted in Timothy White,
Rock Lives,
p. 32; CW,
p. 72, copyright by Richard Wayne Penniman.

“If you don’t let: LR quoted in CW, QOR, p. 84.

“I didn’t want to: Quoted in BG, R 35, p. 5.

“weren’t too happy: p. 84.

“That’s another fictitious”: Author interview with LH.

Richard opened Buddy: CW, QOR, p. 84.

“We had some great: Quoted in BG, “More on LR,” RM 35, p. 7.

drawn to heterosexual males: pp. 71–73, 84.

“a big penis,”: Quoted in CW, QOR, p. 71.

orgies, often involving his:

“Buddy Holly was a wild boy:
p. 84.

routinely seduced such straight:
p. 72–73.

“some big guy”:
p. 73.

invite him to his room:

“Yeah, c’mon. I’d like:

Should the man’s equipment:
p. 71.

a wad of money:

bribe the man to fornicate:

“We always had that: Powers, “Allison Recalls How Music Grew.”

“if you want to live: Quoted in T. White,
Rock Lives,
p. 32.

Richard was disowned:
p. 33.

who sold sourmash whiskey:
Pareles and Romanowski,
RS Encyclopedia of Rock,
p. 332.

Richard was gay: T. White,
Rock Lives,
p. 33.

“The homosexual should be: Bynum, “Bible and the Homosexual,” Tract A-335, Tabernacle Baptist Church.

a showdown between them: Author interview with LH.

“a lot of the singers: Carlisle,
Ragged But Right,
p. 101.

got falling-down drunk: EH quoted in G&B, RB, p. 23.

that he was drunk: EH quoted in G&B, RB, p. 23.

“Mom, I’m sorry”:

“I wasn’t really mad:

“We were against:

“on the sly,”:

“I couldn’t be part:
p. 24.

“it just wasn’t what:
p. 25.

“not to care who:
p. 51.

“He run with some: Author interview with LH.

and carried a chain:

“Any time anybody:

“Buddy liked everybody, but:

“It’s scary if you’re out:

“He was about nineteen at the time:

Buddy’s friends were complaining: G&B, RB, pp. 22, 24.

“Lot of people said: Author interview with LH.

Mrs. Holley scolded Buddy: G&B, RB, p. 22.

“He was pretty snobbish: Author interview with LH.

“Now, Buddy, if you’re going to:

“Another thing,” Larry continued:

“Thank you,” Buddy said:

“I don’t know what you said:

“Buddy was just a:

“Lubbock now has its: Fairbairn, “Lubbock Now Has Its Answer to Elvis,” LAJ, 10/23/56, pp. 1, 5.

at Don Guess’s house: BG, “JN; Story Behind,” p. 4.

thought to be “a ladies lover,”: JN quoted in

unable to pay his: BG, “SC,” RM 17, 12/80, p. 12; G&B, RB, p. 34.

Only Don Guess accompanied: G&B, RB, p. 179.

C&W star Webb Pierce:
p. 36.

“He needed somebody else: ACOB.

Bradley had received his: G&B, RB, p. 36.

simply trying to survive: ACOB.

to keep Paul Cohen happy: G&B, RB, p. 36.

“benefactor” as well as: ACOB.

friendly and cooperative:

“passing fad: BG,
10/92, p. 14.

“We got the best:

“No, I ain’t signing: BG, “JN,” p. 5.

when it was classified: G&B, RB, p. 43.

Decca’s marketing gaffe:

Jack had to interrupt:

“He could be quiet: PN: “Secret BH: Girl Who,” p. 34.

deplored the fact that: Quoted in BG, “Terry Noland,” RM 27, p. 7.

accepted Buddy’s generous donations: Quoted in
author interviews with KJ and TC.

“ulcer-prone people are:
p. 100.

“I really didn’t get: BG, “LW,” RM 45, 11/86, p. 13.

American Legion Hall: BG, “Tour Schedules,” p. 3.

purchase a stand-up: G&B, RB, p. 46.

secondhand hearse: Author interview with TC.

“Well, I’m not cut: Quoted in BG, “JA—Part One,” RM 23, 6/82, p. 12.

fondly dismissive about rock: During the 1993 BH Tribute Dance and Concert in Clear Lake, Iowa, Sonny, during his solo performance, said, at one point, “Oh well, it’s only rock ’n’ roll.”

Sonny was a better guitarist: G&B, RB, p. 47.

“The main thing was: Author interview with SC.

tour with Slim Whitman: BG, “SC,” p. 12.

Philip Morris made him:

didn’t exceed a dollar:

to replenish his depleted:

to contribute … the best.”:

Buddy considered giving up: EH quoted in BG, RM 11, 7/79; G&B, RB, p. 44.

“came darn near: Quoted in BG, RM 11.

“a hillbilly like Buddy”: G&B, RB, p. 46.

“a diamond in the rough,”: JA quoted in BG, “JA—Part One,” RM 23, 6/82, p. 9.

he turned Buddy down: G&B, RB, p. 46.

hit on Roulette: BG, “JA—Part One,” p. 8; G&B, RB, p. 48; BG, “Gary & Ramona Tollet,” RM 30, Spring/84, pp. 4–10; BG, RM, 6/82, p. 10.

“He went out to: Author interview with NS.

Chapter 6

“I’m advising you again: ACOB.

sign over a share: BG, “JN,” p. 6.

“If you can get a hit: Author interview with Billy Stull, who was quoting Vi Petty. The quotation appears in slightly different form in Skip Brooks and Bill Malcolm’s interview with NP, published in RM in three parts in 1985.

“It’s the talent:

temperature hovering around thirty: LAJ, 2/24/57.

to leave until after work.: BG, “Gary & Ramona Tollett,” p. 6.

he frantically put the: BG, “7th BHMS Convention,” RM 33, p. 9.

After stopping on the: G&B, RB, p. 49.

“Norman was a tremendous: Author interview with Billy Stull.

Petty was a first-rate: “JA—Part One,” p. 9.

minimized Petty’s role:
p. 11.

“ramrodded” the entire: BG, “Gary & Ramona Tollett,” p. 6.

They worked until midnight: BG, “Gary & Ramona Tollett,” RM 30, p. 6.

weren’t playing together: JA quoted in BG, “JA—Part One,” p. 11.

never permitted any girl: TBIK.

“I’ll give you the: Author interview with Jerry Coleman. Petty himself, in an article by Helen Betty entitled “Creativity in Clovis” in
New Mexico,
9/60, p. 26, said “a singer is free to pay only the $75 charge per master (plus the union-required fee for extra musicians employed) and sell his own tape.” In the same article, Petty claimed that if he became the agent for one of his singers, “about 10 percent of total sales from each record becomes profit for the Norman Petty Agency.” In yet another scenario, JA told BG in “JA,” RM 10, p. 8, that rather than purchase studio time, they paid NP $15.

“Or,” he added, “I’ll: Author interview with Jerry Coleman.

Jerry was the first: G&B, RB, p. 62.

But Buddy was adamant:

“Colonel Parker knows the: Guralnick,
Last Train to Memphis,
p. 417.

Billy Joel: Marsh and Bernard,
New Book of Rock Lists,
p. 309.

scraggly Van Dyke goatee: MacNeish, “Jim Robinson,” RM, Fall/83, p. 21.

not going to cut it:

“Well, that poor little:

Larry Welborn, the bass: LW told BG, “It would bother you a little bit to know that you played on something and weren’t getting the money for it, or the recognition.”

there was no love lost: NP quoted in BG and Bonner, “NP—Part 2,” RM 38, 9/85, p. 9.

Jerry made Niki feel: In G&B, RB, p. 83., JA says it was “a mutual thing” when Niki said he wanted to leave the Crickets.

share Buddy with anyone: In RBHS, JA said it was “weird” after he and BH got married; they couldn’t communicate as before; in G&B RB, p. 120, JBM voiced a similar complaint, stating he was “jealous” of BH’s wife because she’d divested JA and JBM of BH.

“getting cross”: Quoted in BG, “JA—Part One,” p. 12.

used to cut study hall:
p. 13.

Buddy approached Joe B.:

asked him if he wanted: BG, “Joe Mauldin,” RM 16, 9/80, p. 7.

Joe B. inquired: BHTLL, p. 90.

sixty-two degrees: LAJ, 3/2/57.

Elks Club, for $65: BG, “Tour Schedules,” p. 3. In NS’s memory (BG and Bonner, “NS—Part 1,” p. 4), the first gig was at the VFW hall in Carlsbad.

“I was very basic: BHTLL, p. 90.

They rocked Carlsbad: NS quoted in BG and Bonner, “NS—Part 1,” RM 6, 3/78, p. 4; BG, “1981 BHMS Convention,” RM 21, 12/81, p. 22.

Niki had an educated:

“It brought the house down”:

Buddy attempted to persuade: JBM interview in RBHS; a slightly different version appears in G&B, RB, p. 54.

that kind of bragging:

to end up a shoe salesman: JBM quoted in BG, “Joe Mauldin,” p. 8.

Buddy uttered the magic words: JBM interview in RBHS.

“fingers to the bone”: JBM quoted in G&B, RB, p. 81.

but Cohen refused:
p. 52.

including the Scoundrels: BG, “Buddy’s Notebook”; BG, “Trivial Trivia,” RM 25, Winter/82, p. 25.

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