Buddy Holly: Biography (76 page)

Read Buddy Holly: Biography Online

Authors: Ellis Amburn

Tags: #Biography & Autobiography, #Composers & Musicians, #Nonfiction, #Retail, #Singer

“if he could get those: BG, “Bob Hale,” RM 9, 12/78, p. 7.

“the star of that show”: WJ, “CA,” RM 4, 9/77, p. 4.

“just a high-class:

“really clicking good,”: BG, “TA,” p. 13.

stop using the name: Author interview with BG.

same wretched GAC bus: “Death of Singers,” CLMR, 2/5/59, p. 1; G&B, RB, p. 141.

replacement engine for: BG, “Spotlight on 2/3/59,” p. 7.

“something happened”: TA in ACOB.


to arrive at four
: CA quoted in Oestreicher and Kennedy, “CA,” p. 10.

they ditched the bus: TA in ACOB.

rented school bus:

“did stay warm:

“Buddy called from the tour: Author interview with MEH.

“Why don’t you: “Chicago Scene,” CT, 6/24/88.

audit of one of Petty’s: TA quoted in G&B, RB, p. 138.


Ritchie was as fed up: BM, RV, p. 108.

“skip out,”:

talking about chartering a:

concerned that his fatigue:

another long bus ride: Bob Hale quoted in “Chicago Scene,” CT, 6/24/88.

at 7:30 or 7:45: Quoted in Oestreicher and Kennedy, “CA,” p. 10.

the end of the sidewalk:
p. 12.

he’d take their dirty laundry: BG, “TA,” p. 13.

“didn’t want to take a chance: 2/5/59, p. 1.

Witke’s Restaurant: CA quoted in WJ, “CA,” RM 4, 9/77, p. 2.

joined by: Fuson, “‘La Bamba’ Recalls Day Music Died Here in Iowa,”
Des Moines Sunday Register,
7/26/87, p. 1–8A.

“feel as if that was: Oestreicher and Kennedy, “CA,” p. 10.

eighteen degrees: G&B, RB, p. 144.

“they talked about coming: “‘La Bamba’ Recalls Day,” p. 1-8A.

Anderson agreed to book the stars: Bob Hale in BG, RM 9, 12/78, p. 7.

Bob Hale hastened to invite:

6,300-square-foot rock-hard: “Enjoy the Convention at the Surf!”—promotional brochure.

drifting clouds: Gault, “Iowa’s Surf Ballroom Features Drifting Clouds on Ceiling,”
Dancing USA,
2/84-3/84, p. 16.

twenty-two hundred patrons: “Enjoy the Convention at the Surf!”

pay telephone inside the lobby:

the promoters had fulfilled: RB, p. 144.

“There’s nobody else:

As Ritchie telephoned: “Enjoy the Convention at the Surf!”

Buddy went into Anderson’s: CA quoted in WJ, “CA,” 9/77, p. 2.

“Will you find out: Quoted in Oestreicher and Kennedy, “CA,” p. 10.

The Bopper joined them: Quoted in WJ, “CA,” p. 2.

“It was the Big Bopper:

they wanted to reach the Fargo airport:

“a good night’s rest:

“How far is the: Quoted in Oestreicher and Kennedy, “CA,” p. 10.

“encouraged Valens: CA quoted in WJ, “CA,” p. 2.

Anderson attempted to reach: BG and BW, “RP Story,” RM 18, 3/81, p. 6; G&B, RB, p. 142.

Jerry Dwyer, the owner:

Someone at Dwyer’s Flying: CA quoted in Oestreicher and Kennedy, “CA,” p. 11.

$108 for a four-seat: BG, “Spotlight on 2/3/59,” p. 7.

said they’d call back:

the past seventeen hours: Van R. O’Brien, Washington, D.C., assistant chief of the Hearing and Reports Division, Civil Aeronautics Board, official investigation into the crash that killed Buddy Holly, quoted in “Study Plane Mishap: Testimony Leaves Cause of Crash ‘Up In Clouds,’” MCGG, 2/19/59, p. 13.

following day, February 3, off: G&B, RB, p. 142; BG and BW, “RP Story,” p. 6.

bride of four months: AP, “Pilot’s Parents Can’t Forget ‘Day Music Died,’” MCGG, 2/5/88.

until 12:30
, following: G&B, RB, p. 142.

Peterson was a Buddy Holly fan: “RP Story,” p. 6.

“The young man was: Author interview with MEH.

“wanted to take these: “Investigator Offers Theory on Fatal Crash,” 2/1/89, p. E-5.

“in the middle … could.”: Quoted in AP (dateline: Alta, Ohio), “Pilot’s Parents Can’t Forget ‘Day Music Died,’” MCGG, 2/5/88.

not qualified to fly: “Study Plane Mishap,” MCGG, 2/19/59, p. 13.

His steady date at: BG and BW, “RP Story,” p. 6.

“very popular” … “good Christian,”: “RP Story,” p. 6.

“A thoughtful, considerate: AP, “Pilot’s Parents.”

Art Peterson, Roger’s father: BG and BW, “RP Story,” p. 6.

pilot for Gate City Steel:

cakes were “superb.”: Quoted in

Ross Aviation … Graham Flying:

hardly control … and less,”: Quoted in official testimony, CAB investigation into crash cited in “Study Plane Mishap,” MCGG, 2/19/59, p. 13.

to cope with vertigo:

Peterson had failed his:

went into a dive:

“a proper holding procedure.”:

“holder does not meet”: BG, “Spotlight on 2/3/59,” p. 13; Frederick, “Fourth Star,” Griggs, RM 4; “Instant Recall.”

hired by Jerry Dwyer: BG and BW, “RP Story,” p. 6.

accounting department of KGLO-TV: CA quoted in WJ, “CA,” p. 3; “Four Killed in Clear Lake Plane Crash,” MCGG, 2/3/59, p. 1.

made him a flying instructor: MCGG, 2/3/59.

711 flying hours: Frederick, “Fourth Star,” RM 4, 9/77, p. 4.

Jerry Dwyer didn’t learn: G&B, RB, p. 144.

to help prepare the plane:

three-and-a-half hour flight: FM quoted in WJ, “FM,” p. 4.

eighteen degrees with snow flurries: “Crash Hearing Slated,” unidentified newspaper clipping on file at Mason City Municipal Airport.

“a gathering Midwest snow: “Singing Star’s Body Due Here Today,” 2/4/59, unpaged clipping.

Chapter 14

It was after eight
: CA quoted in Oestreicher and Kennedy, “CA,” p. 10.

“Backstage Band Room,”: “Enjoy the Convention at the Surf!”

“said he was worried:

125 to 150 parents:

gas turbine heaters: Author interview with Sue Christensen.

“catch a cold,”: FM quoted in WJ, “FM,” p. 4.

“three or four:

Buddy leased the plane: WJEN quoted in BG, “18 Interviews (all at once),” p. 3.

the Bopper was on the list: CA quoted in WJ, “CA,” p. 2; FM quoted in
p. 4.

Though Tommy Allsup stated: BG, “TA,” p. 13.

Milano told Wayne Jones: “FM,” p. 4.

more people to share the charter fee: TW, p. 89.

cost him the equivalent of a month’s rent”

“Holly rounded up Ritchie,”:

Rod Lucier was still hopeful: “Singing Star’s Body,” LAJ.

“filled to the rafters.”: Quoted in BG, “Bob Hale,” RM 9, 12/78, p. 7.

Half a dozen floorwalkers: CA quoted in WJ, “CA,” p. 3.

“dancing and listening”: Quoted in Oestreicher and Kennedy, “CA,” p. 10.

“I had my jeans: Author interview with Karen Lein.

“he can’t help it if it’s: AC,
No. 1, p. 43.

“It had the perfect: Ward, “Fifties,” ROA, p. 193.

“Everybody was out on: Quoted in Hines, “Fans Got Last Glimpse of Holly: Concert-Goers Waved Goodbye at Airport,” MCGG, 2/1/89, p. E-7.

gold record for “Donna”: BM, RV, p. 108.

met at an Igniters:
p. 37.

gang dance:
p. 27. Louis “Skip” Raring, a classmate who lived near Ritchie, explained that “car clubs” such as the all-Anglo Igniters and Drifters and the all-Chicano club Lobos were “essentially … just gangs.”

“Hi, blondie!”:
p. 37.

They danced together:

necked whenever they ran: DLF quoted in
p. 56.

her father disapproved of: Freddie Aguilera in
p. 56; DLF quoted in
p. 115.

Donna sneaked out to: DLF quoted in
p. 56.

too much of a “hassle”:

“You flirt too much,”: “Girl Ritchie Left Behind,” reprinted in AC,
No. 2, p. 45.

they split up: BM, RV, p. 56.

Ritchie dated Donna’s girlfriend:

wrote the song to get her back:
Doug Macchia, RV’s classmate, quoted in
p. 41.

In September 1958: Hoffman, “We Belong Together,” p. 34.

“Donnie … Listen: “Life and Death of RV,”
Modern Screen,
5/59, p. 38.

“Well, he began to: Hoffman, “We Belong Together,” p. 34.

“We’d broken up about: “They Still Hear RV,”
p. 46.

“walking Donna Ludwig to: “Girl Ritchie Left Behind,”
7/59, p. 45.

“I remember the Bopper,”: Author interview with JW.

“The Bopper was really: Author interview with Karen Lein.

“screaming.”: Quoted in Oestreicher and Kennedy, “CA,” p. 10.

“almost blew the roof:

fell at 10:30

“and we came right:

near as:

“guy with the glasses: Quoted in BG, “Bob Hale,” p. 7.

“My name is Mr. Holly:

and told Hale that Buddy:

“full of pep: “Death of Singers,” p. 1.

“Let’s confirm that,”: Quoted in Oestreicher and Kennedy, “CA,” p. 11.

plane would be ready:

“but something happened,”: TA quoted in BG, “TA,” p. 13.

Buddy sang “Gotta Travel On,”: IC.

“We drank beer … booze for you.”: Author interview with JW.

wipe out tour packagers: BBH, pp. 252, 332; Ward, “Fifties,” ROA, p. 245.

“It is a measure: Palmer, “Fifties,” 4/19/90, p. 48.

“fantastic … just”: Quoted in BG, “Bob Hale,” p. 7.

“He’d made it this far: TW, p. 89.

“I dunno—I was just out: Author interview with JW.

“Thank God they never: Quoted in “Bob Hale,” p. 7.

“There would never again: “Fifties,” ROA, p. 245.

the final number performed: CA quoted in Oestreicher and Kennedy, “CA,” p. 10.

ended at 11:55

$250, thanks to: Quoted in Oestreicher and Kennedy, “CA,” p. 11.

sixty percent of:

“I’m down to only:

“just rolled … up:

Anderson offered Buddy: CA quoted in WJ, “CA,” p. 2.

suffering from the flu: WJEN quoted in BG, “18 Interviews (all at once),” p. 3; BG, “TA,” p. 13.

“He was a big man,”:

visit a doctor: RBHS.

his new sleeping: BG, “TA,” p. 13.

if he could take: WJEN quoted in “18 Interviews (all at once),” p. 3.

“It’s all right with: Quoted in Denisoff,
p. 66; slightly different version in BG, “18 Interviews (all at once),” p. 3.

Waylon was relieved to be: Quoted in ACOB.

the fun and the camaraderie: G&B, RB, p. 142.

driving Waylon “to drugs,”:

cold but again hesitated to: WJEN quoted in BM, RV, p. 108.

to have his hair cut: Quoted in “We Belong Together,” p. 35.

remained ambivalent: BM, RV, pp. 25–26.

Guardian Angels church:
p. 104.

“What’d you do if you:

a premonition … of his career.”: “We’ll Remember Ritchie,” p. 30.

“he wished he didn’t have: “We Belong Together,” p. 35.

“was starting to freeze: BG, “TA,” p. 13.

“I’ve never been on a: BM, RV, p. 108; TA in RBHS.

Tommy shook his head and: TA quoted in “TA,” p. 13. RV had asked TA two or three times; in RBHS TA said RV had been bugging him all night for the seat and TA had repeatedly refused.

dumped their belongings: TA quoted in BG, “TA”, p. 13.

Anderson’s wife Lucille: WJ, “CA,” p. 2.

“go back” and make: Quoted in BG, “TA,”, p. 13.

Ritchie, who was surrounded:

accommodatingly signed their hands: Quoted in BG, “Spotlight on 2/3/59,” p. 9.

“You going to let me: RBHS.

50-cent piece: BG, “TA,” p. 13.

“Let’s flip a coin,”: TA in RBHS.

“if you want to:

he wanted to use the Bopper’s: G&B, RB, p. 142.

“and no more was: BG, “TA,” p. 13.

coin came up heads: TA in RBHS.

“You won the toss”:

Tommy asked Buddy to pick:

“Here, take my wallet,”:

his nineteenth birthday: Helander,
Rock Who’s Who,
p. 129.

At 12:05
Anderson”: CA quoted in Oestreicher and Kennedy, “CA,” p. 11.

frosted windows at the snow:
author interview with JW.

a carload of fans: Author interview with Douglas Hines; Hines, “Fans Got Last Glimpse of Holly,” p. E7.

driving on the highway dicey: Author interview with JW.

“it was spitting a trace: “CA,” p. 3.

snowing “like mad,”: BG, “Bob Hale,” p. 7.

“We were on our way: Author interview with JW.

Mason City, which the stars: Stewart:
Plains States: Smithsonian Guide to Historic America,
p. 332.

“‘We had as much: Sheridan, “Death Cuts Short Meteoric Career for Lubbock Youth,” 2/4/59.

deposited them at Dwyer’s: CA quoted in JW, “CA,” p. 2.

it was 12:15: Quoted in Oestreicher and Kennedy, “CA,” p. 11.

mood was “jubilant”: “BH Tribute: Fans Recall Day Music Died,” undated clipping in Mason City Municipal Airport files; CA quoted in Oestreicher and Kennedy, “CA,” p. 11.

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