Building Faith (Long Beach Series Book 2) (32 page)

My eyes open, and I find him leaning over me, eyes serious. “Do you want to stop?”

“What? No,” I say immediately.

“I just needed to make sure, Faith.”

“I'm sure.”

He moves to my right arm, and I hear the sound of Velcro as he pulls apart the cuff and then eases it around my wrist. He Velcro's it shut and looks at me. “Comfortable?”

I nod.

He walks around the bed to my other wrist and does the same. When he moves down to my legs, I once again close my eyes with embarrassment. I know he's seen me before, but having my legs wide open like this is totally different. At least I only have the lamp on, and the room is shadowed slightly. I feel his warm hand wrap around my ankle, right above my foot. He lifts it slightly and fastens the restraint. He does the same with my left. After a brief moment, I hear him move to the head of the bed. “Ready for the blindfold?”

I nod, not opening my eyes.

“Lift your head slightly.” After I comply, he eases the blindfold over my eyes, and I feel a pillow being tucked under my head. “Are you comfortable?”


I hear him walk away, then comes the distinct sound of my bedroom light being turned on. My immediate reaction is to jerk against the restraints that hold me to the bed. “Ace! I don't want the light on.”

“I do. Now that I've got you where I want you, I want to see every inch. Or we can stop,” he casually adds.

My lips press together tightly. “Is it an ultimatum? Light stays on or we quit?”


Dang him.

“I warned you that you may not like this side of me,” he says simply, but I can still hear a hint of amusement in his tone.

I can't help but huff out a sigh. “I like this side of you just fine. But I'm warning you, I will find a way to pay you back for everything you make me do that I wouldn't have otherwise.”

“That's not much of a threat, Angel.”

“Keep taunting me, and I'll see if Daisy still has any litter mates available. Is that enough of a threat?” I dare to ask.

“You wanted me, you're getting me. Take it out on me later, but for now, just try to enjoy the experience,” he admonishes lightly.

“Yes, sir,” I say with a little bit of sass that I didn't know I had.

Ace groans. “I kind of like it when you call me that.”

I realize I have no idea where he's at now, and he's not touching me. There's been no sound of clothing being removed, so I have a feeling he's just standing there, staring at my girly bits. “You're staring, aren't you?” I ask with resignation.

“Like I said, prettiest little pussy I've ever seen.”

I can feel my face heating up beneath the blindfold. There's another long moment of silence and no movement. After what feels like forever, I hear a slight sound, and I feel his hand on my ankle. I wasn't expecting the touch, and I start badly.

“Easy,” he murmurs as I feel his hand slide down to my foot. Much to my surprise, he begins to massage it.

“What are you doing?” I blurt out.

“I'm lovin' this body,” he says as he presses his thumbs into the arch of my foot, causing me to moan. “Feel good?”


I'd expected a massage of different sorts, not a foot massage. He's good at it though, and I feel myself slipping into a comfortable, relaxed state as he continues to massage my right foot. When he moves again and gives my left foot the same treatment, I barely even twitch.

When his hands slowly work their way up my ankle, still massaging, I lie completely still. Those wonderful hands of his make my legs turn to jelly as he runs them all over my legs and up to mid-thigh. I can't help but tense slightly as I wait to see if he'll take things further. I badly want him to touch me.

Instead, his hands disappear, and I feel the mattress dip slightly to the left of me. “I'm going to savor every inch of you,” he tells me.

I swallow hard as my body reacts to his comment. My nipples are already pebbled, and I'm sure he's noticed that I'm wet between my legs. I feel him move closer and something just barely brushes my lower lip. His thumb I'm guessing, and I can't resist parting my lips and stroking it with my tongue.

Ace groans and suddenly I can feel his still clothed body carefully easing on top of mine, his arms on either side of my head causing the pillow to dip on both sides. His lips claim mine in a demanding but seductive kiss, and I find myself drowning in the taste of him. As he devours my mouth, I can feel the texture of his shirt pressing against my bare breasts. He's also aligned his hips with mine, and his erection is pressing snuggly between my legs. Being naked with a completely clothed Ace is incredibly arousing.

He gently moves his hips once, causing the textured denim to brush against my ever increasing sensitive bud. I moan into his mouth, trying to push my hips up into his, wanting more. He doesn't give me what I want. In fact, he pushes his body off mine, and as the cool air brushes against my most intimate place, I shiver slightly.

His lips leave mine, and I feel his weight settle on my left side again. Something brushes my left nipple, and I suck in a sharp breath.  “Do you like what I'm doing so far?”

“Yes,” I say breathlessly.

“Mm,” he says noncommittally. “Maybe I need a little proof.” With that said, I feel his hand settle flat on my stomach for a moment until it slowly trails down to the swollen flesh between my legs. A whimper escapes as I feel him slide a finger down my slit. “You're soaked,” he says approvingly, and I shift restlessly on the mattress when his finger slides away. He's killing me here, and we've barely begun.

Something wet touches my left nipple, and I'm confused until I realize it's Ace's finger. As his finger coats my nipple, I realize it's my own moisture from between my legs. This causes my face to go beat red behind the blindfold, and I hear Ace chuckle lowly. His finger continues to manipulate the tip of my breast, and my embarrassment fades as my back arches, wanting more. So much more. “Please,” I whisper.

“What do you want, Angel?”


I feel him move, then he's rolling both my nipples between his fingers at the same time. I gasp and moan, writhing slightly even though I'm restrained. It feels amazing. Not being able to see what he's doing is erotic. I lose myself to the intense sensations as he determinedly plays with my breasts until he releases my nipples, and his mouth claims the left one. His tongue teases it before he sucks hard, causing me to gasp. What really gets a reaction out of me is when he slowly and deliberately grazes his teeth along the sensitive skin from the base to the tip.

I arch beneath him, and I feel a drop of liquid heat slide down my folds. “Ace! Please!”

He sucks hard on my nipple while he manipulates the other one with his fingers. When he grazes it with his teeth, he lightly pinches my right one.

“I want you right now. Ace!” I demand in a breathless voice. He's got me wet and panting, and all he's done is play with my breasts. I can't take any more of this delicious torture.

Ace chuckles against my nipple and bites it lightly, causing me to jerk with surprise. “Patience, Angel.”

“What do you mean? I'm ready. Please...”

“Who's in charge?” he asks ruthlessly.

I groan. “You.”

“I'll give you what you want when I'm good and ready.” He moves away from my breasts, and I feel the mattress stiffen up again beside me. He's no longer on the bed.

I wait impatiently, my heart thudding erratically. I'm so swollen that I ache down there. Oh, hell. He's down there staring at me again. I swear I can feel his gaze burning into my slick heat. Since I'm restrained, I can't do anything but wait for the next touch, the next caress. This is what he wants, he wants to build up the anticipation. I realize that he wants me to want his touch so badly that I’ll beg for it. Which I have already. I should be mortified, but I'm not. I just want to relieve this feverish arousal I am experiencing.

The mattress dips between my spread legs, and I'm instantly relieved. Yes! He's going to—Disappointment sweeps through me when I feel him tenderly caress my inner thigh and not the aching flesh between my thighs. No, no. I want him to
me or slide himself inside me. 

Another chuckle reaches my ears. “Your face is still expressive, even with that blind fold.”

I lick my dry lips. “Ace, you're driving me nuts.”

“That's the point. I want you so wound up that when you finally experience your orgasm, it'll be off the charts.” He rubs the skin on my upper thigh. “I'm not touching your pussy with my fingers tonight, sweetheart. I want your permission to taste it.”

I go completely still. I'm turned on by the idea but still nervous about it.

“I want to drive you over the edge with my tongue. You want your release badly, well I'm offering it to you in the only way I'm willing to give it. For now.”

“Okay,” I whisper, giving in.

I feel both his warm hands slide up my thighs, and I can tell he's shifting on the mattress. When I feel him press a kiss against my inner thigh, I go so still I quit breathing. He kisses the other thigh, and then I feel his tongue swipe down my entire slit. I flinch slightly at the unexpected touch and instantly feel his hand flatten on my lower stomach, holding me in place.

“Easy,” he murmurs. I feel a soft flick against the small, swollen knot of tissue, and the pleasure it causes has me crying out. That felt... Oh yes, do it again! His tongue gently flicks over it repeatedly, and I begin to pant and writhe. If I thought that felt good, it's nothing compared to when he draws that bundle of tissue into his mouth and sucks. The things he's doing to me with his mouth and tongue... It's driving me crazy! I'm near tears as I moan and gasp, my body seeking what it wants so badly.

Ace is meticulous as he continues his manipulation, bringing me higher and higher until I'm losing all control. One more firm suck, and I'm gone. I cry out his name while my lower body shudders and spasms as I ride out the intense sensations. The entire time, I'm aware of Ace still lapping and teasing me down there.

When I come down from the orgasm, I feel limp.

His lips finally leave me, and I feel him move off the mattress. “Still conscious there, Angel?”

“Barely,” I murmur in a throaty voice I don't recognize.

“Do you have any idea how gorgeous you look right now, bound and sated, your cheeks flushed with your orgasm? This image is forever burned into my mind,” he tells me as I hear the rustle of clothing.

“I'm glad you like it.”

“I don't like it. I fucking love it.” I hear the tearing sound of a wrapper. My body instantly perks up at what will happen next. I expect him to ease himself between my legs, but instead, I feel his finger brushing my sensitive nub that's still overly swollen.

I gasp, because his touch is almost painful. Ace's fingers are gentle as he rubs it, easing the pain and bringing pleasure instead. I try to move my hips in time to his touch as I feel that familiar feverish desperation rising again.

“That's it. You want more, right?” he asks, and I can hear the grin in his voice.

I nod, incapable of speaking. The pressure of his finger shifts as he presses harder in little circles, and I find myself yanking on the restraints with a need that should be frightening, but it's not. This is Ace. He's bringing me to heights I've never experienced before.

“I'm going to...I'm so close!” My head thrashes on the pillow.

“Not yet you’re not,” he says as his hand leaves my flesh.

Wait—what? No... I was so close. I make a distressed sound until I feel his smooth chest press against mine and the thick head of his erection pressing against my folds. He smoothly eases into my moist center, and we both groan once he's fully inside me. Ace's chest shudders, and I love being able to feel every single inch of him.

“Take off the blindfold,” I tell him.

The blindfold is gently eased off my head, and I blink a couple times as I grow accustomed to the brightness of the room. Ace's face slowly comes into focus as he watches me, his body not moving. My eyes connect with his, and I smile. “That's better.”

His eyes darken as he nods. “I want to see you come.” He almost pulls out of me, then he slides back in, his eyes focused on mine as he begins to set a rhythm that has me meeting each thrust with the arch of my hips. I was already close to shattering a few minutes ago, so it's no surprise when I can feel it building quickly.

I jerk on the restraints, writhing beneath him as I meet each thrust. I'm so close... “More!” I demand.

His eyes stare into mine as he thrusts into me with a determination that glints in his eyes. “Come, Faith.”

All it takes is those two words, and I'm exploding. My lips part, and I can't hold back my cries of pleasure. Ace quickly covers my mouth with his as the tempo of his hips quickens even more. He's breathing harshly against me, and as I slowly begin to grow limp with satisfaction, his lips leave mine. I watch as his eyes grow heavy-lidded, his breath catching as he thrusts hard. Not once does he look away as he loses himself in my body. 

When he goes over the edge, I watch as his eyes darken into an intense gray, then they seem to glaze over slightly as he lets out a low, muffled shout of release. After his last thrust, he stills against me for a moment. The only sound in the room is our ragged breathing.

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