Burning Attraction (3 page)

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Authors: Ashley Beale

When realization sinks in, I wonder why he didn't say hi to me last week. It should not have taken him nine days to come say hi to me, and he sure as hell shouldn't have been hanging out with Stella on the first day of school. As happy as I am to see him, my stubbornness sinks in and I can't help but be a little too rude. "What the fuck were you doing with Stella?" I'm sure I have a few on lookers since I raised my voice a little louder than I meant to. And now I probably look jealous as all hell, well, that is probably because I am. She doesn't deserve him, and he knows how much I always hated her.

Avery throws his head back in laughter, shaking it back and forth in amusement. "She came on to me the first day of school, I am not with her. I walked her to the lunch room and we ate together. The idiot didn't even know who I was."

"Oh, sorry." I bite down on my lip and take him in again. How did I not recognize him? He has the same black hair, the same green eyes. But when I knew him he was only inches above me, now he is seriously a foot taller than me, all muscles and tattoos. The scruff on his strong jaw line makes him look years older, not months. I don't know what more to say to this man. I cannot believe he came back to San Diego. Did he really come back for me? Has he been waiting for me? I gave up on my wild dreams when I turned fifteen and started dating.

"I'm not getting a hug?" he asks. Without thinking twice about it, I run up and throw my arms around his waist. My head immediately resting on his hard chest, which causes me to breathe in his scent. He smells like sex, in a good way, like musky oak and sweat. "It's good to see you again Angel."

I pull back and look up at him, still in shock. "I like when you call me Angel."

He chuckles again, "well it still suits you. I'm hungry, let’s go eat, we can catch up." He rubs his belly and looks over at Aubrey with a nod of the head. "Hey Ducky."

She scolds his arm, which means she obviously still hates that nick name. Avery used to call her
because he said she followed me around like a small duckling. "You better shut that pie hole of yours before I kick your ass," we all laugh. Looking at Avery, I doubt anyone could kick his ass.

We get into the lunch room, and three of us catch up a little before I have to rush to my next class. Avery said he moved back down the weekend before school started. His parents were mad at him for leaving, but he said he keeps all his promises, which has my heart pounding a mile a minute. He tells me about his high school girlfriend a little bit, telling me they were serious for three years until she cheated, so now he doesn't do the whole relationship thing. I don't blame him, I wouldn't either, but deep down it saddens me. Aubrey and I tell him that we lived the basic high school life; dating a few people, going to parties, having fun. Nothing was ever serious, besides my school work of course.

I'm sad when I have to say bye, but we switched numbers and I told him I'd catch up with him again. It's weird that I haven't seen him in six years but all my feelings of lust come rushing back in. I know I don't love him, not sure if I ever really did because I was twelve, but there is defiantly an undeniable connection between us. The thing is, he doesn't do relationships, so I know not to push it. I'll just keep things going with Carson the way they are, and be friends with Avery like I always was when we were young. This time, no kissing.

Later that evening my phone rings while I'm doing yoga with Aubrey. I glance at the caller ID and see it's my mom, and if I don't pick up, she'll panic. "Hi mom."

"Hey, you busy?"

I exhale and take a break from my yoga. "Just doing yoga, but I can take a break. What's going on?"

"Oh, sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt. I'm just curious if you're busy this Saturday evening?"

I have to think on it but I can't recall having plans. "Er, I don't think so. Why?"

"Good. Dad has been working on a merger with his company, and as of today everything has been finalized. He is getting new clients, which means more money. Saturday night we were going to have a small banquet with friends, family and a few of dad's co-workers. And of course I would love if you could please come. It would mean a lot to your father."

Small banquets at my parents’ house are never small, they're boring and formal, and I hate them so much. "Can I bring someone?" I ask her, looking at Aubrey with a devilish look on my face.

"Of course! Is that someone Aubrey?" My mom laughs, knowing I take her everywhere with me.

I mouth "
will you come to banquet with me Saturday at my parents?"
to Aubrey. She shakes her head no, eyes wide. Shit! She knows how horrible those things are. I don't dare ask Carson yet, since we've only hung out twice, I don't want to scare him off. "Never mind," I sigh out, "it'll just be me." I give Aubrey the worse glare I can manage which just causes her to laugh.

"Oh, well, that's okay. I have a surprise for you anyway. Dress nicely, it's formal. Starts at seven, see you there." She blurts everything out so fast, that it takes me a second to hear that she has a surprise for me, but she hangs up before I can ask what.

She can be as sneaky as the next person, but it always causes me to laugh. Like the week before I turned sixteen, she said she wanted a day at the salon, then pulled into a Ferrari dealership and told me the bright red one with a giant bow on it was mine. Or at the beginning of summer, she wanted to get me school clothes then surprises me with this apartment, telling me Aubrey can live here rent free too. They're always wonderful surprises and she never lets me in on them. I guess you could call me spoiled, but I'm not rotten, I appreciate everything I get. Now I'm extra curious what this surprise is, since she actually hinted towards something.

I put my phone back down next to my yoga mat and grab my bottle of water, tossing it Aubrey. "You're such a bitch!"

She laughs while rubbing the arm I hit. "You're the one who just threw a half filled bottle of water at me!"

"Yeah, well, now I have to go to a stupid banquet alone, ugh." She laughs even more at me.

"So Friday, we going back to the frat house right?" Aubrey asks with a gleam in her eye.

I smile knowingly at her, "yes we are. Interested in someone by chance?"

"It's possible I might." We continue on about her newest crush. Aubrey is not into one night stands like I am, but instead dates a guy for a couple weeks, and when the honey moon stage is done, so is she.


When Friday finally rolls around, I feel as though each and every class drags by. As soon as the last class lets out I head home with an extra bounce in my step. Carson and I talked for three hours on the phone last night and everything between us just seems to fit perfectly. We're still not official, and although I didn't really want to be right off, I feel like it's going to happen soon. I really hadn't expected to take to someone so fast, I was actually hoping to have a few one night standers to start my year off. You know, experience what college is supposed to be about, before starting a serious relationship. With Carson, I just know that it's not going to be a one night thing. I have a feeling we're in it for the long haul, not forever, but not just a casual fling either.

Aubrey helps me get ready and I end up in a mini-skirt dress. It's beige underneath with a black lace over, almost making me look naked under it. It fits well, making my C-cup look extra perky. She also decides to curl my hair, which is something I haven't done since I was probably eleven, but I allow her. Once she finishes my makeup, I look in the mirror and am shocked by what she has created with me. I look hot! I'm normally confident, not cocky, but right now, I'm an awesome mixture of both. Carson is going to be drooling.

And I was right. Less than five minutes of walking through the frat house doors, Carson spots me and his mouth drops open just a bit, his eyes as wide as saucers. "Cassie, you look amazing," he says in his rightfully seductive voice. I smile at him and do a little twirl, showing him all of me. I notice him swallow hard, as his Adam’s apple bobs up and down. He clears his throat before speaking again, "let's get you a drink."

I wrap my arm into his extended elbow as we walk to one of the pledges. Aubrey has her eyes set on a different frat brother and is already deep into conversation with him, so I don't feel bad walking away. An hour and three drinks later, I'm feeling awesome. Carson and I have danced, talked to each other, talked with others around the house, and even played a round of beer pong together. He wants to play another round, so I excuse myself to go get us each a drink.

I'm waiting patiently behind someone when I feel a tingle go up my spine. I turn around to see no other than Avery standing across the room, looking directly at me with his boyish smirk. Pressing my lips together to stop me from smiling too wide, I give a quick wave and look away. The pledge gives me two drinks and as I turn back around, Avery has made his way to me. "Need help with those?" he asks, pointing to the cups.

"No, thanks though," I say, smiling up at him.

He nods, "'kay. You look nice." His glowing green eyes travel from my face down to my feet and back up again, causing my stomach to turn into molten lava.

I swallow before answering, "er, thanks. You too." I don't even check him out, because I know no matter what he is wearing, he looks sexy. There is no denying that. "I, uh, gotta," I don't finish my sentence, I just nod my head to the other room where Carson is, and hold up my drinks to show him I gotta go in there.

"Oh, yeah, of course. Don't let me stop you." He checks me out once more before winking and turning around. Oh that boy should not wink those beautiful green eyes, it's a death sentence. I have to blink a few times before I get a grip and walk back into the room where Carson is playing his beer pong. He is almost done and I'm thankful, I want to get out of here. I can't be around both Carson and Avery at the same time, I'm pretty sure I'd combust into thin air.

When he finishes, he takes the drink from me, sipping it before he says his thanks. "So, anything special you want to do now?"

"Honestly, I'd rather just go up to your room and talk. If that is okay with you?" His eyes light right up, answering my question. I really didn't suggest it so that we can do anything, I just don't want to run into Avery while I'm with Carson. We go up the stairs together and he shows me which room is his. There is two beds in here, so I know he has a roommate. For two guys living in the same room, this place is awfully clean. The beds aren't made and there is some clothes on the floor, but it's cleaner than my room for certain.

"Which bed is yours?" I ask him, setting my drink down on an end table. He points to one that has blue and green stripes on the comforter. I sit on it and give it a little bounce, it's really comfortable. I smile at him, "I like it."

"Good," he says, making his way towards me. He kisses my lips so hard it causes me to fall backwards on his bed. He climbs over me, straddling my waist as he pushes his tongue into my mouth. We've only kissed a total of three times, all soft pecks to the lips, so this takes me a little off guard. I like it though, I like it a lot. I moan into his mouth as his hand makes its way around the back of my neck, pushing us a little closer together.

He backs away from my face and looks me intently in my eyes, his burning the darkest blue I've seen. He looks ready to plow right into me, and I'm willing to let him. I rub my hand along his cheek, feeling the silkiness of his tanned skin, then I run it down his neck, his hard chest and to the hem of his shirt, still starring back into his desire filled eyes. My other hand meets at the hem of his shirt and I lift up. He leans away from me, just enough to let me pull it over his head, and I toss it on the floor. He climbs off me, taking the all of me in with his eyes before he drops to his knees.

Carson separates my legs with his elbows, placing light kisses from my knee, up my inner thigh on one leg, then the other. He slips his fingers under my dress and pushes up until it shows my underwear. I hear a small growl in his throat before looking up to my face again. I'm leaning back on my elbows so I can see everything he is doing to me, wondering where this is going to lead. He places a finger in his mouth, then slides over my underwear, right where it's throbbing for him. It causes me to moan and Carson smiles mischievously before he leans down, running his tongue over the same area. I can feel the warmth wetness through my underwear and I moan again.

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