Burning Attraction (6 page)

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Authors: Ashley Beale

"Cassandra." I shake his hand and feel myself dampen.

"Nice to meet you Cassandra. Sorry about that." He points to the blood on my sweatshirt and I laugh at him.

"I don't care about that, that was a good fight. Oh, um, well, um." I am at a loss for words. What do you say to someone who loses their title as a champion to your friend?

Pierce laughs, and although it isn't nearly as nice as Avery's laugh, it still sounds delicious leaving his mouth. He has such a dark, husky voice and laugh, that it almost seems unnatural. "Don't worry about it, I got too cocky. There will be another fight in a few months, I'll get my title back." He winks and I bite down on my lip. I'm still not sure what I'm supposed to say so I just nod my head. He laughs again, "he your boyfriend?"

Since his eyes don't leave me I'm not sure who he is talking about. It could be Mason or Avery, but either way, since I don't have a boyfriend I shake my head. "No." My voice sounds so weak, making me feel like an idiot.

"Good," he states with a handsome yet bloody smile.

Mason finally chirps in, "no, she ain't got a boyfriend but don't even think about it Pierce. She is off limits. So why don't you get your ass to Mouse and figure out what fight you can lose again."

The smile on Pierce's face doesn't leave him as his eyes flicker to Mason. "Good one Mase. When you're ready to get in the ring, give Mouse a call. Until then, I'd shut the fuck up." He looks back at me. "Good night Cassandra, I'll be seeing you around." Then he turns and walks away without allowing either of us to answer. See me around? What? How? I've never seen him before in my life. I don't think he goes to school with me, or does he? Is he going to find me? Oh shit. Shit, shit, shit!

Mason nudges my shoulder. "Don't mess with him. You'll get Avery killed trying to fight for you. Just a warning."

I nod before answering, "I wasn't planning on it, don't worry about me. I am just all nerves from this fight, it's the first one I've ever seen."

He smiles sincerely at me, "how'd you like it?"

"I freakin' loved it!" I squeal out.

"Good, now let's go wait out there for Avery, he should be coming along any time now."

I follow Mason out of the basement to the same small room that Avery waited in before the fight. In less than four minutes Avery is in there, changed up and a wad of cash in his hand. He hands a few bills over to Mason, and I see that they are hundred dollar bills, so I cannot imagine how much money Avery just made. We all leave the warehouse together, then Mason takes off his own way as Avery and I make it over to his bike.

This time on the way back to my parent's house I actually open my eyes. My adrenaline is still pumping full force, so it feels right to take everything in as I'm on the back of his bike. When we arrive at my parent's house I step off and hand the helmet back over to Avery. "Thanks for bringing me, I had an amazing time. When is your next fight?"

He smiles largely at me, showing me he appreciates my words. "I don't know, they're done at random. I'll give you a call next time there is one and I can pick you up if you want. I'm glad you came out tonight, you're the reason I won."

I bite down on my lip to suppress the smile his words caused. "I'd like that a lot. And there is no way I caused you to win, you were amazing."

"Come here." He puts out his arms so I walk into them, hugging him tightly. "Angel, you don't know what you're doing to me," he whispers in my ear, sending shivers down my spine.

I pull away and give him a questioning look. "What does that mean?"

He starts the bike up and smiles, "it's a good thing." His eyes go from mine, down to my toes and back up again. Then before I can get in another word he straps on his helmet that I was wearing, and takes off on the bike. I'm standing in the driveway, just watching after him until he disappears. I don't know what that was supposed to mean, and I'm not sure if I am supposed to be happy or not. But I am.





























Chapter 4:

Wednesday rolls around and I haven't talked to Avery since he dropped me off after his fight. Carson on the other hand has talked to me every day, and makes me feel more and more special. I'm really starting like to Carson so much, I just make myself nervous because what I feel for Avery isn't just lust, I know it's more. I'm so infatuated with him, it causes me to warm up all over just thinking of his name. Carson I have lust for. I love spending time with him, I love talking with him, he makes me happier than I've ever been before, and he also turns me on very well. Most of the time without even trying. If there was no Avery even around, I would be falling head over heels for Carson. It makes me feel guilty in some ways, but in others, I know I'm just an eighteen year old girl.

Carson asked me out on another date for tonight. There was no mention as to where we were going or what we are doing. I'm not sure how to dress, so I keep it simple in jeans, sandals and a blue tee shirt. I wear my hair down and put on just a little bit of mascara since Aubrey isn't around tonight. A knock on the door indicates that Carson is here just as I'm finishing up. I open the door and he has a bouquet of tulips, which are my favorite flower, and they're in an assortment of beautiful colors.

"Oh my God, they're beautiful," I tell Carson as he holds them up in front of him.

"No more beautiful than you," he says in return. I take the flowers from him and walk into the kitchen, placing them in a vase of water. Carson follows behind me and watches without saying another word.

When I'm done I walk over and give him a hug. "Thank you."

"You're welcome. Now come on, I'm starving," he says.

We end up at my favorite restaurant, and I realize that Carson has been paying attention to all my words. All my favorites. It's so incredibly sweet, and I've become the happiest girl on the planet. After finishing up the most delicious lobster stew and shrimp scampi, we head out to the shore line. Carson holds my hand as we walk along the water, watching the sunset and talking about our week at school. It's odd that we talk every single day, yet find millions of things to discuss. I've never been able to keep up a conversation so well with a guy before like this.

"What's that?" Carson says, pointing his finger towards the ocean.

I look over to where he is indicating but I don't see anything. "Um, I don't see what you're pointing at."

"Right there. It looks like a shark."

My eyes widen in fear even though I'm on the beach. I keep looking, but I don't see anything. Just then Carson nudges me forward, and like a little girl, I scream so loud you would think I was going to get murdered. Carson pulls me into his embrace, laughing hysterically as a tear fall down his face.

"I'm so sorry baby, I didn't mean to scare you. I was just trying to make a joke."

I smack his chest but start laughing too. It is kind of funny and I do love how adorable he is. I don't miss the fact he called me baby either, but say nothing about it. "It's fine, jerk." I smile to let him know I'm joking too.

"I'm thinking ice cream," he says changing the subject. He leans forward and kisses my nose, allowing me out of his tight hold.

I smile, "that sounds perfect. I know the best place too!"

We get back to Carson's black Audi, and make our way to my favorite ice cream place. The two of us sit down together on the benches outside the shop since it’s still warm outside. I get goosbumps all over when I hear a familiar voice behind my back say my name.

I slowly turn my head around to see Pierce, the fighter from over the weekend, looking at me with a huge smile on his face. "I thought that was you. You look different without your hair all fancy and no blood splattered on you," he says to me.

I'm not sure how Carson is going to react, especially since I didn't tell him that I attended that fight. I don't bring up any conversation that includes Avery at all, so he doesn't even know that we're friends with one another. I did, however, mention that I was at a banquet for my parents on Saturday, and there was never a mention of fights or blood, so I know right now he is probably shooting daggers through the back of my head, as I still face Pierce with a wide eyed expression.

"Yeah, well, I clean up well I guess," I say, not knowing what else I can say in answer.

He laughs, "yes, that you do." He checks me out before looking over my shoulder, smirk still in place as he sees Carson.

I look at Carson and smile bright, trying to get him not to be jealous or worried. He looks confused as ever, starring back and forth between Pierce and I. "Oh, um, Carson, this is Pierce, Pierce, this is Carson." I try to make introductions, in hopes to help the tension I can feel building around me. Pierce makes his way over to the table and extends a hand to Carson, which he accepts. They say they hellos to one another then both look directly at me. Shit. What the hell am I supposed to say now? I think it'd be best if Pierce just left, but I would feel so rude to tell him that.

"So will I see you at more fights?" Pierce asks me.

I shrug, "I don't know, maybe."

"Good, I'd enjoy that," he says with a smug look on his face.

I look over at Carson then back up to Pierce. "Cool. Well, I'll see you later." I smile to show that I'm not trying to be rude, but he really needs to leave before this gets any more uncomfortable. I think Pierce likes things uncomfortable, which scares me, a lot.

"Yeah, I gotcha," he states as he looks at Carson for a minute. "You keep a tight rein on this girl, there is a lot of guys trying to make their mark." I can see the anger flare in Carson, which I've never seen in him before. I haven't known him long, but he doesn't seem like the jealous or angry kind of guy. I can't blame him for being either right now, because that was highly uncalled for on Pierce's part. I'm even angry.

I'll give Carson credit though, he just smiles at me for a moment before looking back up to Pierce. "Trust me dude, I ain't worried. Thanks for the heads up though." Then he looks back at me and reaches across the table, taking my hand in his.

I smile sweetly back at him and look towards Peirce. "See you."

He nods, "yes, you will." Then he winks and walks away. My face tickles pink, and I'm not sure if it's from desire, embarrassment, or being pissed. Probably a combination of all three.

"Well, that was awkward," I mumble. I bite into my ice cream because I need something to cool me off, but all of a sudden, I'm really not hungry.

Carson gives my hand a small squeeze, almost in saying he understands. "So, what fight did you go to?"

My stomach is in my throat, unsure of how he is going to react. "Oh, well, I sort of didn't mention it to you because I wasn't sure if you'd be angry. I have a friend who does underground fighting and I went with him on Saturday after my parents’ party. His parents and my parents are friends, so we were raised together. He had to fight Peirce and won, and Peirce's blood splattered on my shirt. Then he got cocky and came over and talked to me, but it was nothing. It's the only time I've ever met him and that was just seriously weird." I ramble on, nervous. He only asked what fight I went to, yet I explained everything I could, so he would know that I'm not sneaky or a liar. Although right now, I feel like both.

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