Read Call of the Dragon (Return to Avalore Book 1) Online

Authors: Elianne Adams

Tags: #Paranormal Erotic Romance

Call of the Dragon (Return to Avalore Book 1) (26 page)

“I’m sorry, Chantelle, I’m feeling a little tired all of a sudden.” She stood to leave. “Maybe we could arrange something for tomorrow. I’d love to get out of the palace for a few hours.” Searing pain stabbed through her head, then was gone, leaving Rhia wondering if she’d imagined it.

“Yes, of course, Queen Rhiannon.” Chantelle beamed. “Maybe we could take a picnic lunch by the waterfall? I’m sure Katie would love to come.”

“Please, call me Rhia. If we’re going to be friends, you can’t keep calling me that.” She took a slow deep breath, scanning the area around them for anything amiss. “A picnic sounds wonderful.” Drake came to stand beside her, his brow furrowed.

“Is everything okay?” His deep voice slid over her like silk.

“I’m just a little tired.” She was lying through her teeth, and she had the sinking suspicion he knew it, but she couldn’t very well tell him what had upset her.

“I’ll see you tomorrow then.” Chantelle smiled at Drake before leaving to join Katie where she sat talking with Max.

“What’s wrong?”

Nope, he hadn’t bought it. “I’m fine. I just have a lot on my mind.” What would he say if she told him just the thought of him being with another woman made her want to hurl?

“Anything I can help you with?”

Pain burst through her head again and then disappeared.
“Do you feel anything odd? My head. It hurts.”

“I’m taking you inside.”
His hand at the small of her back urged her into the direction of the castle.

“I’d like to have a picnic by the waterfall tomorrow.” Keeping the pretense of the conversation going, she scanned the area just as she knew Drake was doing.

“That’s not a good idea.” Did he even know he was growling?

“It’s just a picnic. It’s not like I’m asking to go unescorted, you can come and bring all the troops if you want to. I’ll have the cook prepare enough food to feed…” She stumbled, her legs weak all of a sudden. “Drake…” Her head began to spin. Pain fractured her thoughts.

“What is it, what’s wrong?”

The fine hairs on her arms stood on end.
“I don’t know. It’s weird.”
She shook off the dizziness.
“I don’t feel any Erritrols, but something isn’t right. I’m being attacked somehow.”

He didn’t wait to hear more, grabbing her hand, he turned to take her inside.

What the hell is going on? Tell me what you’re feeling.”
He scanned the area.

“Pain. In my head, and I’m weak.”
Her stomach lurched.

“Inside. Now.”

Wait, if they’re here, wouldn’t it make sense to stay and try to figure out who it is?”
She wasn’t a big fan of pain, but it wasn’t intolerable. They still weren’t any closer to finding their traitor today than they had been two weeks ago. This could be the break they needed to figure it out.

Another low growl rumbled in his chest.
“Damn it. Stay close to me. If I say we go, we go.”

Evan appeared from the front of the building, striding straight to them. His furious energy hit her like a brick wall as he approached.
“What’s going on?”
His jaw clenched as Drake filled him in.

Rhia shuddered. Whoever ended up on the wrong side of Evan’s anger wouldn’t fare well. Even though they’d not known each other for long, he’d taken the role of overprotective big brother to a whole new level.

When Drake attempted to release her hand, she held on tight, refusing to relinquish it, and if he assumed it was because she was afraid, then so be it. She wasn’t ready to give up the only skin on skin contact she’d had with him since they’d come to the castle.

“Just concentrate on the source. Try to pinpoint its location, and let us do the rest.”
Evan fell into place on her left side as all three started to walk around the garden.

The energy was faint, but it was there. She turned towards the front of the castle grounds.
“That way.”

“Stay with her, I’m going to check it out.” The moment she let go of Drake’s hand, he shot through the air in the direction she’d pointed, leaving her staring at his retreating figure.

“I guess I should go back inside.” Bile rose in her throat and her head spun, blurring everything and everyone around her.

“Rhiannon, Queen of Avalore. You think to come here and reclaim what is mine. You will not succeed.”
A woman’s shrill voice intruded in her mind.

“Who are you? Why are you doing this?”
Rhia tried to open her mind to Drake and Evan, but met nothing but pain.

She stumbled again. Had it not been for Evan’s quick reflexes, she would have fallen to the ground.

“Soon, all of Avalore will know my name. They will bow to me instead of cowering in their homes craving your light.”

“Rhia, the energy’s not right. I need to get you back to your suite. Will you let me take you there?” His eyes widened when he looked at her. He didn’t have to hear the words to know something was wrong.

Unable to speak, she’d nodded once, then before she could register his intention, Evan swung her into his arms and shot straight up into the air.

A bright flash of red exploded where they’d been standing. The impact rattled the windows and had everyone in the garden scurrying to get away.

“You can’t hide forever,
My Queen.
We shall meet again, and when we do, you will die.”

How had she garnered the woman’s hatred? She didn’t even know her.

Evan took her through the castle so fast everything was a blur. She didn’t have time to think about objecting. She hadn’t realized they were already at her door until her feet touched the floor.

Markus and Aiken came running just as Evan opened the door and ushered her in.

“I’m going out there to find the bastard.” Evan didn’t raise his voice but his fury crackled in the air. “Markus, you stay here with Rhiannon. Aiken, you come with me. Drake’s already out there, tracking.”

Finally able to speak again, Rhia blurted, “Wesken was right. It was a woman’s voice that came into my mind.” Another stabbing pain had her hands flying to her temples.

Evan stopped dead in his tracks. “What do you mean?” His cheeks flushed deep red. “Why did you allow her in at all?”

She stifled her groan and raised her eyes to meet his. “She didn’t give me an option. I didn’t let her in, yet she was able to speak to me.”

Pale blue flames licked up his arms so fast, had she blinked, she would have missed it. “What did she say?”

Aiken led her to a winged chair and helped her sit.

She rubbed at her arms to ward off a sudden chill. Had Evan not sensed the danger, they would have taken a direct hit, and either one of them, if not both, could have been killed.

“She wouldn’t tell me who she was, but she said she wanted me dead.” She took a steadying breath. “It’s done now. The pain is gone.” Okay, so it wasn’t gone, but it was ebbing.

Evan’s fists clenched at his sides. “You’ll be safe here in your suite. Markus will stay with you.”

Aiken placed his fingertips on her temples. “I’ll just give you a little relief from the headache before I go.”

“I’ll be fine. I just need rest. Be careful out there.”

Ignoring her words, Aiken shook his head. “You know I can’t allow you to suffer when taking your pain is such an easy task.” Soothing heat seeped from his fingers to her head, easing her pain almost immediately.

“Thanks.” She smiled at him before shooing both he and Evan out the door. “Go find her.”

Markus locked the door behind them. “Are you alright?”

“Just a little scared.” She went to the window to look into the gardens. Drake was directing the men as they conducted their search when Evan joined them. “I wouldn’t want to be the one at the other end of the blast when they find out who it is. They both look like they’d want nothing more than to kill with their bare hands.”

“They would. We all would.” She’d never heard so much acrimony in Markus’ voice. Of all her brothers, he was the most even-tempered, even more so than Aiken was, and that was saying a lot. “If anyone tries to take you from us again, or harm you, we’ll do what needs to be done.” He was just as furious as the others. “You don’t know what it was like living here after mother was killed. How hard it was to live without her, without her light—without
light. We can never go back.” He sighed and rolled his shoulders a few times. “Let’s work on strengthening your mind shields while we wait.”

The sun had begun to set before she heard a knock on her door. When Drake entered, she had to fight the urge to go to him and give him energy where he stood. His shoulders slumped enough to know their search hadn’t gone well.

“Evan will be holding a meeting in the library in just a few minutes and has asked you attend.” He addressed Markus, and then waited until he left before speaking again.

“You were right. The attack today wasn’t from an Erritrol.” A muscle ticked in his jaw. “It was from one of our own people.”

“This just proves what you’ve already suspected, so why are you so upset?”

He paced between the window and the door. His fury and frustration rippled in the air between them. “We weren’t able to find her.” His fists clenched. “The trail led us away from the city, but then disappeared as though it had never been. It’s like chasing a shadow.” He sank into one of the chairs and ran both hands through his hair.

Coming up behind him, she placed her fingertips to his temples sending light pulses of energy into him. After his standoffish attitude of the past couple of weeks, she half expected him to recoil from her touch or pull away, but his eyes closed on a sigh. “At least now you have a bit more information to go on. It narrows down the search, right?”

He took a deep breath and opened his eyes again. “I’ve discussed this with Evan, and you’ll have to stay in your suite until we figure this out. One of your brothers will stay with you at night.” Before she could object, he added. “It’s for your safety, Rhia.”

She let her fingers drop from his temples and came to stand before him, hands on hips. “I refuse to be a prisoner.” Her chin lifted.

“What choice do we have? That was close, too close. We can’t take that kind of risk with you.” His voice tightened.

“No. I refuse to hide. If you feel the need to stay with me, Drake, then fine, I’ll accept it, but don’t ask me to hide in my room like a scared child.
, I won’t do.”

“It’s not so much to ask, please be reasonable.”

“I’m trying.” She wanted to give him more, but they needed to settle this. “Okay, let’s compromise.
can stay here with me at night but during the day, I want to be able to get out of the suite.” She raised her hand when he would have objected. “I’ve made plans for tomorrow, and I don’t want to change them.”

When he didn’t respond right away, she continued. “Whatever you tell me to do, I swear, I’ll do. Just don’t ask me to be locked up like a common criminal.”

“How do they say it in the lands of men? Oh yes… not gonna happen. It’s too dangerous.” Had he not been so serious, she might have smiled at his choice of words.

“How are we supposed to instill faith and hope in our people when we hide and cower behind the palace walls? They’re probably scared in their homes right now, thinking another attack is coming.” Squaring her shoulders, she pressed on. “I trust you and the Coalition to keep me safe.” She knew she had him, and by his frustrated groan, he knew it too.

“Not that I’ve agreed, but you have to know security will be even tighter now. Moving about won’t be easy.”

“Fair enough. I’m no more eager to put myself in harm’s way than you are.”

“Aiken’s on his way. He’s agreed to stay with you tonight.” Drake stood, as though to leave.

The small victory she’d experienced a second ago vanished. “I don’t know where you plan on sending Aiken, but it won’t be here.” She braced herself for another battle.

“I can’t stay in your suite with you. The Elders won’t have it.”

“I haven’t asked for the Elders’ approval, now have I?” She was damned tired of hearing about what they would or wouldn’t tolerate.

Drake’s soft groan reached her ears. “You have no idea how difficult this is for me, Rhia. I can’t do it. I won’t stay here with you.”

have no idea? Are you kidding me?” After everything she’d been through, she’d at least thought Drake would understand. She shook her head. “No,
have no idea, Drake. You have no clue just how hard this is for me. You, and Evan, and everyone else want me to play by
, your
ideas of right and wrong, and
moral standards. Yet no one, not once, has cared enough to ask me what
want, or what would make


She lifted her hand to stop him. “You want—no, you
—me to behave the way you imagine the Queen of Avalore should behave.” She took a deep, shaky breath. “Do you have any-fucking-idea how frightening that is? What if I can’t do it? What if I’m not what you and everyone else wants me to be? I’m not the perfect Avalorian woman, and I never will be.”

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