Read Call of the Dragon (Return to Avalore Book 1) Online

Authors: Elianne Adams

Tags: #Paranormal Erotic Romance

Call of the Dragon (Return to Avalore Book 1) (28 page)

Without speaking, he pressed his lips to hers in a feather light kiss before setting her down on the bed and pulling the covers over her. The muscle in his jaw ticked and his mouth opened as though he’d say something, but then he just sighed and left the room. Had she not been so sated, she might have objected, but she’d known he wouldn’t stay. She’d take whatever she could get—for now. As it was, she just stretched, and then closed her eyes before drifting off to sleep.

She couldn’t help but giggle as Drake smiled, his eyes twinkling as he lowered his head to whisper in her ear. The sun warmed her cheeks and the sweet scent of wildflowers floated on the gentle breeze, making her special day even more beautiful than she could have hoped for.

Grinning, Drake twirled her away from him before bringing her back in his arms. Only when the spin ended, she wasn’t in Drake’s arms anymore. William, strong and healthy, had taken his place, leading her as the music played, his love engulfing her.

She’d never been so happy in her life. The people of Avalore smiled, all except for one. The woman’s lips turned down in something crossed between a sneer and a frown. Her jet-black hair blew in the wind behind her before she turned and walked away.

Dark clouds rolled in fast, taking the fragrant scent of the flowers with its increasing wind, replacing it with a rancid stench burning her nose. The cold wind stung at her cheeks, making her heart pound. This wasn’t right.

Rhia’s breath caught in her throat, choking her as all the light leached from the meadow. The darkness pressed heavy on her spirit as black energy swamped her, making her want to cry and yell, but no sound came. She closed her eyes tight, for the first time, afraid of what she’d see. She couldn’t survive such sorrow, such pain. It crushed her, making her heart stutter beneath its weight, and her lungs burn for air that was no longer there.

When she opened her eyes again, she wasn’t in the meadow. Drake was gone, and William cried. His broken sobs tore her heart out, leaving a gaping wound that would never heal. Scene after scene of absolute destruction and the massacre of her people flashed before her eyes. The utter devastation feasted on her soul, wrenching it, and leaving it in a bloody mess at her feet.

When she saw five heads huddled over a flower-covered grave, she knew she’d never be the same. Pain and despair consumed her, helpless to take away their misery, she wanted to cry with them. She couldn’t bear to witness their sadness, yet she couldn’t leave. She couldn’t turn away. It wasn’t until all the hope had been wrenched from her she was able to close her eyes, but by then, the pain and darkness was branded into her soul, leaving it scarred forever.

Rhia woke with a start, her body still wracked with sobs she couldn’t begin to contain. Her heart ached. If what she suspected was true, then what she’d dreamt wasn’t a dream, but a vision of the past, and she knew she’d do anything to keep the people she’d grown to love from ever suffering the same agony again.

She found Drake in her sitting room, showered and ready for the day. The moment she entered the room, his brows furrowed. “What’s wrong?”

She drew a trembling breath.
“I don’t know. I need to speak with my father. He’s already on his way.”
Her fingers shook as she pushed a stray lock of hair behind her ear. She couldn’t look at him. It hurt too much.

“We need to talk about last night.” A soft knock at the door interrupted him.

“What I have to speak with father about affects you too, so if you want to stay, you’re welcome.” She swallowed past the lump in her throat as her father came in.

William frowned as he came to sit next to her on the sofa. “How are you this morning, sweetheart?”

Drake sat in a chair facing her, but remained silent.

She wrung her hands in her lap. “I had a dream last night, Father. I know this is going to sound crazy, but I swear it’s the truth.”

“I’m sure it is.”

“When I was a child, I used to have dreams. I dreamt of Evan and the other boys.” She’d lay it all out on the line and deal with the fallout later. “I swear I’m not insane. I remembered their names.”

Drake nodded, encouraging her to continue. “Since I’ve left New York, even before then, the dreams started up again. Now, I think,” She took a steadying breath. “I’ve been seeing my mother’s death, or at least the events which led up to it.”

William gasped. “Sweetheart, I’m so sorry.”

“You don’t think I’m crazy?” Her high-pitched voice cracked on the last word.

“Of course I don’t. Sweetheart, you’re Soothsayer. Your ancestors, the women on your mother’s side at least, all possessed the same ability. It’s natural for you to have such dreams. I only regret your visions have been about such a difficult and heartrending part of our past.” He took her hand in his and squeezed.

“So it’s true then? What I’ve dreamt is what happened?” Rhia’s voice tightened, and the fissure in her heart grew wider. She’d wanted to hear that they were dreams, and nothing more, and what she’d seen and the sorrow she’d experienced were just a part of her imagination, but she knew they weren’t.

“I don’t know what you’ve dreamt, darling. If you feel in your heart it is so, then I would have to assume it was.” William’s eyes grew moist. “It was a very dark time, Rhiannon. Don’t dwell in the past. There’s nothing to be gained there.”

She hung her head, pain and despair threatening to swallow her whole. “I felt the devastation of when mother was killed. Even now, my heart can barely keep beating after experiencing a tiny bit of the sorrow you’ve all lived through.” Her throat hurt with the effort it took to keep her sobs at bay. “I have to do what’s right for the people of Avalore, don’t I?” She didn’t expect an answer, and if she were being honest with herself, deep down, she already knew what it was.

Squaring her shoulders, she faced her father again. “Please ask the Elders to meet with me. I’m ready to ask for my mate.” In the dead silence of the room, both Drake and William heard her whispered words. She didn’t wait to see their reactions. It wasn’t until she was in the privacy of her room she let her sobs break free, and her heart shatter.

Chapter 22

Rocking back and forth, Rhia fought the urge to connect with Drake for the hundredth time this morning alone. The constant need for the mental touch beat at her, shaking her to her core. It had been seven long, soul-crushing days since she’d met with The Elders, since she’d last seen or spoken to Drake.

Her broken sobs filled the quiet room as she hugged her knees closer to her chest. Why hadn’t The Elders come back yet? Were they trying to drive her insane?
What the hell do they know about love anyway, them with their stupid colorful robes, and creepy blue eyes

Not one of them had shown any emotion when they’d met her, none at all. When they’d entered the study, all seven of them had looked right through her, their glacial eyes cutting straight into her soul, making her skin crawl and her heart pound. It was no wonder why more women weren’t joined. Who’d willingly subject themselves to their scrutiny?

Katie and Chantelle had come by a few days ago. If she thought about it hard enough, she’d swear she’d seen some dresses, but for the life of her she couldn’t remember if she’d chosen one, or if she even liked any of them. Sniffling, she wiped her sore nose with a tissue. Maybe if she showed up looking like a hag, the guy would run for the hills before the ceremony began. She snorted.
Yeah, right. I wouldn’t be so lucky.

What was she going to do? She couldn’t keep going like this. Swiping at her tear streaked-cheeks, she fought against the driving need to reach out to Drake—again.

Masculine energy resonated from the sitting room, as each of her brothers arrived and then her father. Rolling her eyes, she braced herself as their newest morning ritual was about to begin. Any second now, their deep voices would rumble as they decided who would try to coax her out of her room.

Why couldn’t they just leave her the hell alone? She hated lying to them, but what else could she do? She couldn’t see anyone right now, not even them. She couldn’t think, much less carry on a conversation and pretend she was okay. Aiken would want to heal her and the others would want to feed her. They’d try to entertain her to get her mind off Drake, but she didn’t deserve any of it. She deserved every bit of the anguish she was going through, and then some.

Had she not felt the intensity of Drake’s pain in the brief moment after she’d asked her father to summon The Elders, she might have had a chance at saving a tiny piece of her heart, but knowing she’d hurt him, she’d never forgive herself.

As expected, the low rumblings began, lasting a few minutes before the room became quiet again.

A soft tap-tap sounded at her door, making her groan through her tears.

“Rhiannon, this has gone too far.” Her father didn’t raise his voice. He didn’t need to.

They deserved better than this. Better than a basket case who couldn’t even come out of her room. Maybe tomorrow she’d make an effort to have breakfast with them.

“I’m sorry. I’m not feeling well this morning.” It wasn’t a total lie. Putting her heart through a meat grinder wouldn’t be classified as feeling well. “Maybe we can have breakfast tomorrow?”

“That’s what you said yesterday, sweetheart. Please, come out. I know you’re hurting. We need to talk.”

What was there to talk about? She had to do this. The crippling pain they’d suffered when her mother had died still suffocated her every time she even thought about it, and she hadn’t even been the one to live through it. There was only one thing to do, cut the ties and deal with the pain the only way she knew how, on her own.

“Rhiannon, you need to eat. It’s been three days, and don’t think I didn’t notice you just picked at your food the day before. I’m putting a tray at your door and then we’re leaving. I expect it to be empty when I return in half an hour.” He paused again. “When I get back, we’re going to talk. I’ll take the door off its hinges if I have to. Please don’t make me do that.”

Just thinking about eating had her stomach rolling, the wave of nausea making her gag.

“Sweetheart, please do this for me.”

Hanging her head, she closed her eyes. Fine, they wanted her to eat, she would. If only to please her father, she’d choke a few bites down and be done with it. Maybe then, they’d leave her alone. She had every intention of doing it, but the thirty minutes ticked by and she had yet to get off the bed.

Evan’s fury reached her, warning her a split second before the loud pounding began, startling her. Everything on top of her dresser rattled as he slammed at the door. “Rhia, open the damn door.”

She heard the low rumble of one of her other brothers talking to him before Evan spoke again. “No, this has to stop. Enough is enough.” He turned his attention back to her. “Open it, Rhia.”

“I’ll be out later, I’m tired.” Her soft words, too quiet to be heard, were lost in the pounding.

“Open it or I’m breaking it down. You have thirty seconds.”

Why couldn’t they just leave her alone? Was it so much to ask?

“Twenty.” He sounded like he wanted to wring her neck.

“I’m try-ing to rest. I’m not f-feeling well.” Her sobs broke the words as she spoke, louder this time.

“Ten seconds, Rhia. Open. The. Damn. Door.”

“Go away. I don’t want to see anyone.” She said gruffly, hoping he’d get the hint and go away.

“That’s it. I’m coming in.”

“Wait. I’m not decent,” she lied.

“Too bad, cover the hell up.” Energy sizzled on the other side of the door. Heart racing, she squeezed her eyes shut, bracing for impact. She couldn’t believe it. He was going to do it. He was going to blast her door into tiny bits.

“What the hell’s going on?” Drake’s voice boomed from the other room.

She tried to listen as the deep murmurs began again, but the voices in the other room were too low for her to hear. When they grew quiet again, she held her breath. Had they all left? Was Drake still there?

Untangling herself from the bed, she stood on shaking legs, taking one step closer to the door. She’d been listening so intently for his voice, she jumped when a soft knock came at the door.

“Rhia, open the door for me.”

Her eyes closed at the sound of his deep voice. He hadn’t left.

“I don’t w-want to see an-anyone.” Rhia strained to hear him, wanting to absorb him from where she stood.

“I know you don’t, but you’ve got to let me in.” The weariness in his voice shocked her. Was he okay?

She knew she should cut all ties and push through this, but who was she kidding? She wanted to see him so much her whole body shook. Wiping at her eyes, she blinked back her tears as she tried patting her hair down into some semblance of neatness. Glancing down at her rumpled clothes, her heart sank. Damn. She should have taken the time to shower and change her clothes, but she hadn’t been up to it. She’d managed to brush her teeth, but that had been it. Maybe she should ask him to wait for a few minutes while she got herself together.

Even as she contemplated the idea, she moved towards the door. Trembling fingers reached for the lock, turning it. The snick of the lock sounded loud in the silence of both rooms. Taking a step back, she waited. Did they expect her to come out? Because she wasn’t. She couldn’t deal with all of them right now. Glued where she stood, her eyes widened and her heart raced as the doorknob turned and Drake stepped into the doorway.

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