Campbell's Reaper: Soul Reapers #2 (4 page)

Alright Sunshine,

I replied, putting my hands
in the air showing her I surrendered.


Shit did I really
just call her that?
It was definitely worth it once I saw the
larger-than-life smile that overtook her face. It shone brighter than any sun
that ever brightened my day. I wanted to always bask in her light.
God, now
I sound like a pussy.

So you guys coming to the
shop tomorrow?

change was needed NOW.


the plan,

answered as she looked out over the street.


pretty quiet.

For the most part.
Sometimes some jerk-offs ride their loud ass bikes up and down the street at
all hours, but other than that it is pretty quiet around here.

The quirk of Campbell

lips told me my lame-ass attempt at flirting was working.

Good to know,

she said. She gave me a
quick once-over and then asked,

long have you lived next door?

I don


I replied, watching her
reaction to see if she showed any disappointment in my answer.


pouted Campbell as she
broke eye contact and looked down. Just the reaction I was looking for.

But I stay here most

I shoved my hands in my
pockets to stop myself from reaching out to lift her chin and have her eyes
back on me.

Campbell granted my wish anyway when
she lifted her head, her eyes connected with mine and a small smile spread
across her face.

Good to know,

she cooed. She winked
before turning towards the door again. Flirting was fun with her.


she said as she opened the
door. She paused before turning around.

meeting you Tank.

Her sincerity shown through, making me feel
a warm, odd feeling in the center of my chest. I rubbed it hard to make it

You too Sunshine.

Campbell walked into the







Today could not have gone any better.
Not only was the car working better than it had in the longest time, but I got
a job and a lunch date with Tank. Although Logan was there she stayed pretty
quiet letting Tank and I get to know each other, like his full name - Henry
James Whittaker and that he was six foot four inches. I actually think Logan
was disappointed that Colton was nowhere to be found when we went to get the
car. She tried to act unaffected by him but I could see right through it.

There were several times she had to
save me when I got too tongue-tied to say anything. Tank was a biker god. My
initial thought that Colton was hotter than Tank was dead wrong. Tank was
gorgeous with a capital G. His black hair curved at the base of his neck right
at the top of his cut. It was thick and called to me to run my fingers through

I drooled when he got up to pay the
check. His body was amazing. Tank

tall frame and wide shoulders were followed by a trim waist. Muscular arms
flexed whenever he moved in the slightest of ways. And I bet his legs were the
same from what I could see from the way his jeans hugged his body just right.

But it was his eyes that caught and
held my attention. They were so dark, practically black but had the slightest
ring of amber on the outside. Where some men

eyes got darker with desire, I bet his got brighter from the amber, making them
look like they were on fire. And in that moment I knew what I wanted for my

Just thinking about him, his body got
me so excited.

And now I could not sit still. I
already showered and curled my long blonde hair. It was time to get dressed and
wake up Logan. What to wear? What to wear? I did a quick scan over all the
dresses that made our hasty exit. There was not much to choose from, but oh
well. I fucking loved lemonade and that was what I was making out of these
lemons. All I needed was a little sugar to make it perfect and I planned on
getting some tonight from Tank.

I grabbed the blue dress I wanted Logan
to wear and went to wake her up. When I walked into her room, she was groaning
in her sleep. I rushed to her.

Logan, wake up.

She did not respond so I
shook her trying to get her to wake up. I hated when she had nightmares because
that meant she did not feel safe. Logan finally came around and blinked her
eyes open.

You were moaning in your sleep. Were you
having a bad dream?

Her eyes immediately found mine, but the
slight blush gave her away.

No Cam,

was her response.


Then that wasn

groaning? Holy shit it was moaning.

not a nightmare?

I asked as I tried to hide my laughter.
Hell, I wanted details.

Then you were having a good
dream, like maybe a fantasy of one Hottie McHotterson?

Not quite,

she replied as she pushed
me off the bed.

Why are you in my room?

she asked trying to change
the subject. I let it slide this time and said,

is going to be here in 30 minutes to get us for the party. I came to tell you
and found you moaning for your biker god.

Oh Lord. Just go so I can
get ready.

waved me out of the room, but not before I told her my outfit plan.

About that . . . since we
are the same size and I got more clothes out of the last place than you did, I
brought you this dress to wear. It matches your eyes.

I handed her my favorite
blue strapless dress. She loved this dress and it looked so good on her.

your hair down and if you hurry I can curl it for you.

Hey Cam,

Logan called after me as I
was already walking back into my room to finish getting dressed.

for this. But what are you going to wear?

Number one, it doesn

matter what I wear because I am fucking hot,

I yelled back.

number two, my gold halter dress made it with matching sandals so there is a
God after all.

Tank was right on time, but seemed a
little distracted. I mean I did not really know him that well, but I could tell
something was on his mind. He barely talked the whole ride to the clubhouse so
I made up for it with idle chit chat.  Before I knew it we were parked and
walking up to what looked like every other damn clubhouse our father, Baxter,
had ever taken us too. It even had a standard black flag hanging on the
flagpole displaying the same emblem as the guys

cut, marking this as Soul
Reaper territory. I gasped as Tank took my hand in his and began to lead us
into the clubhouse. I looked over to Logan and she was staring at our joined
hands. When her eyes found mine she gave me a quick smile in response to my
shoulder shrug.

The noise of the party hit us right
before the cigarette smoke did.
Jesus, ever hear of lung cancer?
As we
entered the clubhouse, a cloud of smoke could be seen hanging from the
But what was even more shocking was the pure number
of cut-wearing bikers. Most were older but there were some younger guys who
would have caught and held my attention if it were not for the breath-taking
man leading me to the bar. I saw a few women scattered throughout the crowd.
Most looked a lot like a cross between Amy Winehouse and Miley Cyrus who found
bleach in their washrooms and used it on their skank-ass hair. Logan and I
stuck out like sore thumbs in our bright dresses and light make-up.

One in particular caught my eye as she
tried dancing with the guy named Trigger who we met earlier. She was slamming
her hips into his crotch in what looked like the most painful dance I had ever

looks like it hurts,

I said, which earned me a laugh from both
Logan and Tank. Colton and Logan were cozy within minutes of us arriving. Trigger
tried to start drama but Knox defused the situation pretty fast. We stood in a
small group laughing and joking. Tank kept my cup filled the entire time, with
Damn him!
While Logan on the other hand was putting them back like
a champ. After a while we made eye contact and I knew she needed a break from
all of this.

Tank had been pretty quiet and was
still standoffish. He never left my side but we only touched when I initiated
it. So I took this opportunity to close the distance. I stepped right into his
space enjoying his woodsy scent combined with his leather cut, and laid a hand
on his chest as I stood up on my tiptoes. Tank was considerably taller than me
so even on the tips of my toes my nose only came to the crook of his neck. My
other hand curled around his neck as I tugged lightly, bringing his head lower
so I could reach his ear. I dragged my nose up along his neck as he slowly
lowered until my lips came to rest right next to his ear. In my best seductive
voice, I whispered,


the bathroom?

Not seductive I know!
His body immediately responded to mine
as a shiver sliced through his body.


hand ran from my hip where it was resting up to the side of my breast and back.
My breathing picked up as my heart rate took off from this unexpected but not
unwelcome caress. He leaned back and looked in my eyes. His endless deep, black
eyes flickered from the amber ring, making all the desire I felt glow back at
me. My teeth worried my bottom lip as I took a deep breath in hopes of
controlling my urge to jump this man in front of all of his brothers and my
sister.  A small smile tugged at his lips. Tank leaned back into me, finding my
ear to whisper,

Walk past the stairs and
down the hallway. A bathroom is back there.

His hot breath wreaked
havoc on my body.
That bathroom talk could be so arousing!

Thank you,

I murmured as color crept
up my neck and stained my cheeks. I took a step back and looked around as I
took in my surroundings. I could not believe that intimate exchange just
happened in the midst of the chaos unfolding in the clubhouse.

I made quick work of grabbing Logan

hand. Hell I needed a break now too.


Colton called out as we
started to walk away.


we said at the same time.


we yelled as we pointed to
each other. We both burst out laughing at our antics.

You totally owe me a beer,

I said. Logan just shook
her head at me, which caused her tipsy ass to stumble a little. Colton could
not resist reaching out to steady her.


Logan said as I led us away
from the two men who were helping to make Camden City more of a home than
either of us ever expected.




Just breathe motherfucker. Just

The conversation with Colton earlier
today was on repeat in my fucking head. I know I claimed her as mine but was
she? I felt like every brother in here was eyeing my girl.
My girl?
way in hell.
God, I sound like a fucking chick!
I was trying to keep my
distance but stand guard at the same time and it was fucking with my head. Our
little show about the bathroom did not go unnoticed as I got several raised
eyebrows from brothers when she finally escaped. Our moment was so fucking
intense that it took every ounce of self-control I had not to throw her over my
shoulder and race to a dark corner to have my way with her. I adjusted my
semi-hard cock which never seemed to deflate when she was around.

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