Capturing Our Lady's Heart [Commando Cowboys and Renegade Texans Unite 1] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Polyromance) (19 page)

He stood and paced the room.
I should have waited and let her meet them first. I’ve never been impatient in my life until I met her. If I lose her, it’s my fault for rushing things. When I’m with her my desire to make her mine and marry her clouds my thinking. For better or worse, I’ll know more after she gets to Wyoming.

The door opening broke into his thoughts. When he turned, his heart jolted and his cock rose to attention. She’d put on a purple nightgown that darkened her eyes and showed every curve of her body. She ran and got under the covers. He clenched his hands to control himself. Inside his body was yelling, take her, but he knew this wasn’t the time to act like a caveman.

He quickly walked to the bathroom and shut the door. A cold, cold shower was needed.


* * * *


Bliss lay in bed wide awake. Her mind was in a turmoil. She didn’t know what to think. She didn’t believe Bern would be his friend if Lann’s secret was anything too terrible. But then how much did she really know about either one of them? She’d never rushed into decisions before. Her friends called her the cautious one.

And yet here she was alone, in a house far from any other people but his house guard. Lann could decide she knew too much already and strangle her in her sleep.

Be serious, Bliss. I don’t believe he’d hurt me. I thought I trusted him. Still his story and the secretiveness of it would be enough to shake anyone’s trust. And what kind of machine can erase memories? That’s scary. I’m scared and attracted at the same time.

Bliss tossed and turned in the bed. When she heard him coming out, she pretended to be sleeping.

The bed gave as he got in. He rolled toward her and pulled her close to his naked body. “I know you aren’t asleep. Relax. I’m not the big, bad wolf.”

“You could be.”

“True, I’d like to eat every sweet morsel of you,” he teased.

She tried to relax, but it was difficult when she felt his hard cock against her backside. Still, gradually the warmth of his body lulled her to sleep.


* * * *


Outside, crouched behind a tree, a lone, white leopard lay breathing hard and bleeding from several wounds. His enemy was dead, or at least one of them. He saw the lights go out in the house. He had the night to rest, but he had to move before morning. They mustn’t find him. His life depended on it.

Chapter Thirteen


Bliss woke first. She suspected Lann had not slept much during the night. At some point he’d rolled to the other side of the bed. Tiptoeing, she crossed the room, took her clothes, and went in the bathroom. She quickly dressed in jeans and a sweater. It was cool this morning.

Creeping along, she got to the front door and opened it. Outside the sun had just peeked above the horizon. Dew was still wet on the grass. Walking slowly, she moved closer to the edge of the cliff. Waves rolled in, splashing along the cliff wall.

She took a deep breath and let the lovely morning seep into her soul. Suddenly from the side she saw something gray running toward her. There was nowhere to go. She had the cliff behind her and the wolf between her and safety.

A white leopard shot out from the forest running toward the wolf. The wolf growled and turned, taking on the leopard.

Lann came to the door. He’d put on his jeans and held a rifle in his hands.

“Don’t shoot the leopard. He’s defending me,” she yelled to Lann.

Lann put the rifle to his shoulder. Bliss held her breath. Then a shot rang out, and the wolf fell dead in front of the leopard.

“Run. Get inside. We can’t trust a wounded animal.”

Bliss ran and stood behind Lann. The white leopard stared at them.

“He’s wounded and bleeding badly. I’m going to put him out of his misery.” Lann started to pull the trigger.

“No, please. See if he’ll let us help him first.”

Lann relaxed his finger. “I’ll try. If you promise to stay inside.”

“I’ll hold the rifle, and I’ll shoot if he starts to hurt you.”

“Okay.” He handed her the gun. “You know how to use this?”

“I’m a country girl.”

“I suppose that’s a yes.” Slowly, Lann stepped out and walked cautiously toward the injured animal.

The leopard didn’t move. He kept his eyes on every step Lann took.

When Lann got closer, the leopard growled.

“I won’t hurt you. You saved the woman I love.” Lann held out his open hands. “I have no weapons.” Then he got close enough and saw the leopard’s blue eyes. He stopped, stunned.

“You’re a shifter,” he whispered. It wasn’t a question. Lann knew those eyes. This leopard had to be related to Garth’s family in some way. “You’re safe with me. My best friend is a shifter leopard with blue eyes.” Lann stopped walking to give the shifter a chance to think about what he’d said.

“Let me help you.”

The leopard walked in a small circle, and then collapsed on the ground. Lann glanced back. He saw Carl standing by Bliss.

“Carl, come and help me carry him in the house.”

Carl ran in his direction, but when the leopard raised his head, he slowed and walked. “I have the first aid kit.”

“Good. We can take care of some of the wounds now, before we transfer him.”

Bliss ran up. “I have a bucket of water. I found the bucket in the garage.” She knelt by the wounded animal. “You poor thing. We’ll have you well in no time.”

Lann started to grab her, but the leopard licked her hand. She sat on the grass putting his head in her lap. “He’s ready for you two to work on him.”

Carl glanced at Lann and shrugged. “I think she’ll make you a fine wife,” he said and smiled at them.

Bliss was confused by Carl’s statement. But then the leopard moaned and brought her attention back to him.

Lann knelt by the animal and opened the first aid kit.

He cleaned the wounds as gently as possible. The animal growled softly once or twice. Each time Bliss rubbed his snout and his ears, and he relaxed. Once the worse wounds were bandaged, Lann closed the kit and stood back.

“Can you stand?”

The leopard nodded his head and steadily moved his body into an upright position. Bliss stood beside him and rubbed his back.

“He understood you,” she said.

Lann nodded agreement. “Can you walk to the house?” Lann asked the animal.

Carefully putting one paw in front of the other, the leopard made his way inside. He stopped just inside the front door.

Carl walked ahead down the hall and opened a bedroom door. He motioned to them.

“Come with us,” Bliss said in a soft voice. She waved her hand toward him, and the leopard caught it in his mouth. Lann, Carl, and Bliss stood motionless. Then Bliss said, “I’ll lead you. It’s safe.”

She started to walk. Lann followed, holding his rifle ready. She shook her head at him. The leopard didn’t release her hand but walked beside her to the room. Carl stepped aside, and they went in.

Lann moved forward. He faced the leopard. “Let go of her hand.”

Immediately, she was freed. Lann checked her skin. There were no tooth marks.

“You can rest here.” He glanced at Carl and Bliss. “Give us a few moments of privacy.”


* * * *


Bliss walked out of the room, and Carl shut the door. Lann turned back to the leopard. “Are you alone, or do you have a family?”

The white leopard blinked and his body, slowly because of the injuries, changed into a tall, blond man with startling blue eyes. He had a jagged scar, from his fight with the wolf, across his otherwise handsome face.

“I have a family, but they don’t know what I am. I turned twenty-five two weeks ago, and suddenly I found I could shift. It scared the hell out of me. I’ve never believed in such things. Thankfully, I was alone. I called my family and friends and told them I was going on a business trip. I came to this remote location to see if I could learn to control what was happening to me.”

“And you ran into the wolves.”

“Yes. I think they’re shifters. They’re too smart, otherwise.”

“I’d heard there was a colony of shifters in this area, but they’ve never confronted me or my assistant.”

The man shook his head. “I think I’m going crazy. This can’t be real.”

“It is. I have a friend who’s a blue-eyed leopard when he shifts. Later today, we’re going to the Wyoming ranch where he lives. If you’d like, you can come with us. My friend can teach you all you need to know about how to exist in this world.”

“I don’t understand any of this. But I haven’t got a choice. I have to learn how to live with what’s happened to me.”

“Rest for a few hours, and then we’ll leave.”

Lann walked into the living room. Bliss stood staring out the windows. Carl had apparently left.

In a rush, all the fear he’d held inside came to the front and his anger at her for endangering her life. He took a couple of quick steps to her side and grabbed her arms, turning her to face him.

“Why the hell did you go outside without me?” His anger had him shouting at her.

She got right into his space and lifted her chin. “You didn’t tell me there were wild animals that would attack in daylight,” she shouted back at him.

They glared at each other several seconds before Lann reached out and took her in his arms. “I was scared for you, and I thought I might lose you. Then suddenly the wolf was being attacked by a leopard, and they were between us.” He caught her more tightly against his hard frame.

Her arms crept around his neck. “I know. I was terrified, too.” She kissed his cheek, and he caught her mouth in a ravishing kiss. With one arm he held her body close to his hips. His cock pulsed against her abdomen. His tongue invaded her mouth and tangled with hers. She rubbed herself back and forth over his rigid cock until his whole body vibrated with his hunger for her.

Lann gasped for breath, and his heart threatened to burst out of his chest. All he saw was her, and all he felt was an overwhelming lust to invade her sweet body.

He laid Bliss on the floor and yanked off her jeans and panties. Then he unzipped his jeans, freed his cock, and plunged all the way into her hot, wet pussy. Lann pulled her sweater over her head and opened her bra. His mouth sucked on her peaked nipple as he rode her fast and hard.

She held on to him tight and responded with equal fervor. Her hips rose and fell, meeting his insatiable desire. His cock hardened even more. He stared into her iris-colored eyes. “You are mine, now and forever,” he snarled. “No more playing games.”

Anger and defiance flashed in her beautiful eyes. “Have you forgotten Bern?” she asked in a breathless tone.

“No, he’s included, but no one else.”

“And if I don’t want to marry you?”

He grinned. “I’ll tie you to my wrist until you do.” Then he kissed her, rubbed across her clit, and her body arched and shook when her orgasm hit.

Her pussy’s spasms stoked his fire. After a few more thrusts, he yelled out his release. He rolled off of her and lay taking deep breaths and waited for his pulse to stop pounding.

When her breathing slowed, Lann saw her glance at him and her face flushed.

“We’re lying in the middle of the living room where Carl or the leopard might have come in and seen us.”

“The leopard is too wounded to move yet, and Carl always knocks first.”

“But I didn’t know. I forgot everything but us.” She grabbed her clothes and ran toward their bedroom.

Lann lay on the floor with a smile on his face. He loved all of her including her defiance and the shyness she showed at times. Then he remembered, he hadn’t used a condom. He wanted children, but he didn’t want Bliss to feel she had to get married. Hopefully this once wouldn’t be fruitful.

He put on his jeans and walked outside.
Who were the band of wolves? And where did they come from?
He didn’t care as long as they stayed off his property and didn’t attack innocent people. He’d have Carl check and see if any wolves had been seen recently. Lann flipped open his phone and punched in Ethan’s number.

“Good morning, Lann. What’s up? Are you still planning on coming to Wyoming tomorrow or do you want to stay in California longer? I bet Bliss loves your place.”

In the background, Lann heard a baby cry. “Your daughter sounds unhappy.”

“She’s an impatient lass. When she wants to be fed, she wants it that instant. But she’s a sweetheart.”

“I called because we’re going to have a guest flying with us, and we’d like to come to Wyoming today.” He explained what happened to him.

“You think it’s safe to travel with him?”

“Yes, he’s too wounded to put up much of a fight, and he responds well to Bliss. She’s the only one he really trusts. I’m going to call Garth and ask him to meet the plane.”

“Good idea. I’ll call him for you and ask him to come with me.”

“Great, see you this afternoon.”


* * * *


Lann watched as the jet circled and came in for a landing. “I think that’s Ethan. Yes, I can see our logo now.” He and Bliss stood on the edge of the tarmac at the private airport Lann used. Carl waited in the car with the young man.

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