Capturing Our Lady's Heart [Commando Cowboys and Renegade Texans Unite 1] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Polyromance) (21 page)

He slipped his fingers inside the elastic holding up her panties. “We can get rid of these.” Lann pulled them down and off. “Let’s see, where was I? Ah, yes, about to taste your luscious breasts.”

He slid the straps down and exposed her breasts, but also kept her arms at her side. “They are perfect.” He cupped one in his hand and licked the peaked nipple. She shivered when he blew air across it and became more aroused and excited. Moisture coated her lower lips.

“Let my arms loose so I can touch you.”

“No, this is all for you tonight.”

“That’s not fair.”

“It is. I’m aroused by watching your reactions and smelling the sweet scent of your desire.” Lann kissed around both breasts and then sucked on each peaked nipple. A link between her breasts and her core had her pussy aching with hunger and the need to be filled by him.

When he suddenly moved downward and sucked on her clit, she screamed as pleasure shot up her spine. He licked her nectar from her lower lips and pinched her jewel, keeping her body on the edge of her orgasm. She wanted to plunge over, but each time she almost did, he slowed his movements or kissed her leg instead of the opening to her pussy.

“Take me, please.”

Lann chuckled against her overly sensitized clit. Reaching up with his hands, he clasped both breasts and rubbed the nipples.

“I can’t take much more,” she pleaded.

But he ignored her and licked and kissed her clit, along her lower lips, and thrust his tongue inside her pussy opening. Her body shook with a passionate craving for him. Her nerves were so inflamed with her need for him to fill her that it was almost painful.

Then he rose over her, put his cock at her opening, and thrust into her pussy. She screamed as her orgasm hit fast and hard. Lann pumped in quickly. He bent and sucked on her nipple.

Her body bucked under him, and her pussy rippled around his wide cock until his orgasm hit him. Bliss clung to his body and her pussy clenched and unclenched around his dick until he’d finished. He kissed her and rolled to the side.

He reached out and took hold of her hand. “When doubt clouds your thoughts tomorrow, remember tonight and our loving.”

Bliss wrapped her body across his. Their hearts pounded together, and they both were breathing hard. “If that was slow and easy, I can’t wait for fast and hard.”

Lann smoothed her hair back from her forehead and kissed the top of her head. “Go to sleep, darlin’. It’ll be morning before we know it.” He rolled her to her side and rubbed her back. Gradually her breathing slowed, and her eyelids got heavy.

“Wake up, Sleeping Beauty.”

Bliss opened her eyes to a fully dressed Lann. “How long have you been up?”

“Long enough to shower, dress, and fix breakfast. Put on a robe and come eat. You can shower afterward.”

She sat on the side of the bed and frowned. “It has to be too early to wake up.”

“The clock says nine. We have a ten o’clock appointment.”

“What? I slept ’til nine?” She grabbed a robe from her suitcase. “I’m ready. Where’s the food.”

He just stared at her for a minute. “If we only had more time. It’s difficult to see that body and not want to make love to you.”

“Is that all you think about? I’m hungry.” She pushed him out the door toward the kitchen.

“I’m hungry, too, for you. And yes, it’s what I think about most of the time since I met you. Maybe after fifty years I’ll be more hungry for food than you.” He swatted her backside.

His teasing kept her from getting too anxious. The sausage, eggs, and toast he’d cooked were good. She sat back, enjoying her coffee.

“You are a good cook.”

“Our mother insisted my brother and I learn to cook right along with our sisters. Most of the mothers in our tribe teach their boys how to be good husbands. Our fathers teach us how to be good men, good citizens, good friends, and faithful husbands.”

“Who taught you to be bossy?” she asked with a grin on her face.

“It is inherent in our genes. Go get dressed before I weaken and take you back to bed.”

She glanced at the clock. “There’s twenty minutes to shower and dress. I’ll make it.”

Bliss took a quick shower and dressed in a new pair of jeans with a yellow blouse. Then she pulled her hair back, fastened it in a ponytail, and tied a white-and-yellow scarf around the rubber band. She wore her better pair of boots.

“I’m ready.”

“You make the day look brighter.” Lann kissed her and led her out the door to Ethan’s truck. He’d let them borrow it last night. “It won’t take but about ten minutes to get to Elle’s house. She lives on the outskirts of the main part of the ranch. But I know a shortcut.”

Bliss looked out the window at the houses and some barns as Lann drove on a hard-packed dirt road. They’d left the main area and drove another mile or so before he turned down a long driveway. There was nothing surrounding the house but wide-open prairie and wild flowers. The house was a large A-frame.

When Lann parked and stopped, she felt a tightening in her chest and her stomach churned. He put his hand over hers. “Don’t be frightened. Elle is a wonderful, warm woman. You’ll like her husband, Pruet, too.” He walked around and opened her door. Perspiration broke out across her forehead.

“You don’t have to do this if it’s going to upset you.”

“No. I need to understand you and your people before I totally commit to marrying you.” Bliss stiffened her back. She wasn’t a coward and no need to start acting like one. She got out of the car and Lann put his arm around her waist.

The door opened as they got to it. “Welcome, Lann. It’s good to see you.” A tall man stood in the doorway. “Come in. Elle and I are both excited to meet the lady who’s won your heart.”

Bliss smiled and shook his hand as Lann introduced them. Then a slim woman with hair as dark as Bliss’s came forward. She was dressed in jeans and a bright blue shirt. Her smile was warm and welcoming.

“Lann, it’s good to see you.” She hugged him. “And this must be Bliss. I love your name. I’m Elle.”

“Thank you, Elle.”

“We’re going into my private study. It’s much more comfortable for talking. I’m sure Pruet can keep Lann entertained.”

“I want to show you a new horse I bought. He’s a bit wild.”

“A bit!” Elle said. “Cody Jessup comes every day to work with him and the horse is difficult even for him.”

“As you might note, my wife is not fond of my new acquisition.” Pruet winked at Elle and led Lann outside.

“There, we have the place all to ourselves.” She led Bliss around a corner and into a large room. The walls were almost all bookshelves and they were full. One wall did have large windows showing the prairie.

Bliss stopped and looked out. “It’s a lovely view.”

“I like to sit and enjoy looking at the prairie and the mountains. Many times I find answers to problems if I relax and open my mind.”

Soft flute music played in the background, and Bliss smelled the faint scent of violets. “This is a restful room.”

“Please have a seat in one of the leather chairs by the fireplace. In the morning there’s often a slight chill in the air, and I find any excuse to have a small fire.”

Bliss sank into the buttery leather chair. The fire crackled in front of her and much of her anxiety left her.

Elle sat in the opposite chair. “I am to tell you of our people and how we ended in Wyoming. It’s a long story. You may be skeptical, but it is all the truth.” Elle pointed to a number of rolled scripts in one area of the shelves. She got up and got one and brought it to Bliss. “You can see this is very old, ancient in fact. It tells of our ancestors’ journey to find a new world compatible with our physical makeup. A world where we could survive and make a new home.”

“You are saying you are not from Earth?” Bliss asked.

“Our ancestors were not. Over the centuries we have become more like humans in many ways. There has been much more intermarriage in the last fifty years and so our children will be a mixture of both.”

“How did your ancestors get here?”

“They crash-landed in a desolate part of Europe. The spacecraft was taken apart and what wasn’t saved was buried deep. The nearest village accepted the story of our ancestors moving from the busy city back to the country.”

“Since you are not earthlings as you say, is that why Lann is so strong and has such superior eyesight?”

“Yes. We all are stronger and our senses more acute. Also certain ones of our tribe have other talents or abilities.”

Bliss listened as Elle told her more and more about their people. Her head began to hurt from all the mind-boggling information she’d been told.

Elle stopped talking. “You look pale.” She walked to her desk and pushed a button, and then she knelt by Bliss and took her hands in hers. “Don’t be frightened by what I’ve said. We do not want to hurt anyone. And we do help many people. But only a few are told who we really are because we fear the reaction of the masses.”

“I think you are smart not to tell the world. I’m not frightened. I’m fascinated and a bit overwhelmed.”

“That is certainly understandable. Ah, here is Pruet and Lann with our tea. Come in gentlemen.” Elle took the tray from her tall, handsome, dark-haired husband. She kissed him and turned to place the tray on her desk.

“Sit and join us. Bliss and I have finished talking. Lann, you may answer whatever questions she has, and I’m hoping to see her again on your next visit.” Elle handed the tea cups around and the plate of cookies.

Bliss drank the fragrant tea and ate two of the chocolate-chip cookies. Her headache had gone away. “I’m so glad I met you two, and that you and I had a chance to talk, Elle.”

“We have enjoyed the visit. We are both fond of Lann as are all of our people. He might not have told you, but for many years he was the leader of the third tribe. A job he did well.”

“He said that is why he’s so bossy.”

Elle and Pruet laughed heartily. Elle wiped her eyes. “Oh, I love that explanation. All our men tend to be a tiny bit bossy.” Elle winked at her husband. “We let them be some of the time, but we’re all strong women. They know not to push their luck too far.”

Lann glanced at his watch. “I hate to leave, but we’re due around noon at the main ranch house for lunch. It’s twelve now.”

“You’ll love Sara when you meet her. She, like you, was surprised to find out about us. She married Mitch and Daren, the leaders of our other two tribes. Kira leads the third tribe now. I’m sure you’ll meet her on one of your visits.”

Bliss had stood. “You seem certain I’ll marry Lann.”

“I see the love between you. It won’t be denied.”

They’d started to leave when Lann turned back to Elle. “I’m going to believe Bliss and I will get married. Bernardo and I have talked about having you marry us, besides having the regular ceremony first in Texas. I’d like for the three of us to be joined in our people’s ceremony of marriage.”

“I suggest you talk to Bliss. She’s looking puzzled. My other suggestion is you find a spot on your land and build a gazebo. I’m sure the other men who moved with you might want to have me marry them when the occasion arises. I don’t mind traveling to your ranch to do the weddings. I’ll bless the spot when I get there, and we’ll have the ceremony. What do you say?”

“We’d love it, but are you sure you don’t mind?”

“Not at all. It’ll be a little vacation for Pruet and me.”

He hugged Elle, shook Pruet’s hand, and urged Bliss forward. “We’re late.”

Elle and Pruet stood at the door waving until they were out of sight.

“I really like them both,” Bliss said.

“I knew you would, and you’ll like Mitch, Sara, and Daren.”

“After lunch can we fly home?”

“Are you tired?”

“I need some time to process all that’s happened.”

“Sure. I’ll let Bern know when we’re going to arrive. He’ll be happy to see you.”

“I do have one more question that I didn’t ask Elle,” Bliss said as they drove toward the main ranch house for lunch.

Lann glanced across at her. “What is it?”

“Are you a shape-shifter?”

He chuckled. “If I was would you run screaming from the car?”

“No. But I’d like to know.”

“Neither Cad nor I are shifters, nor any of my immediate family. About half or maybe a little more of the third tribe are shifters. But I have the stronger senses of my people, and we’re all physically much stronger than humans.” He parked the car by the ranch house. “We also don’t feel the cold as much as humans and generally our life-span has been longer. That is beginning to change. We are gradually becoming more susceptible to human diseases.” He grinned. “I think that’s enough information for now. You’re looking bewildered. Let’s go inside. Some food in your stomach might help.”

“It’ll take more than food.” She took his hand as they walked to the door. “I’m sure I’ve fallen down a rabbit’s hole and found a mysterious land.”

Lann laughed heartily and hugged her. “I do love you.”


* * * *

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