Carol Finch (21 page)

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Authors: The Ranger

Fletch barked a laugh as he leaned over to tether Hawk’s black mustang to the tree. “Well, good luck with that last part, big brother. Honestly, I don’t see anyone exerting much control over this hellion. She has too much spirit.”

Shiloh laid her head against Hawk’s shoulder and smiled good-naturedly at Fletch. “You’re always welcome here so don’t be a stranger. Come back soon, Fletch.”

He tipped his hat and smiled gratefully. “Thank you, firebrand. I must admit that the accommodations here are a damn sight better than the cave in Sundance Canyon.”

Hawk watched his brother ride away. He felt a little guilty that he hadn’t joined the crusade to track down Grady Mills. But he was too much in love—for the first time, the only time in his life—to walk away from Shiloh. He was tired of chasing the sunrise. He preferred to embrace his secret dream.

“Last chance to get rid of me,” Hawk whispered as he brushed a feathery kiss to Shiloh’s forehead.

“It would have broken my heart if you had left,” she confided as she led him back to the bedroom.

A sense of peace and belonging settled over Hawk as Shiloh pivoted in front of him to kiss him hungrily, desperately.

“I love you with all my heart and soul,” he told her earnestly.


“And then some. Marry me?”

She grinned impishly as she leaned back in the circle of his arms. “I thought you’d never ask.”

“Is that a yes or a no?”

Anytime. Anywhere.” Shiloh peered into his ruggedly handsome face, feeling her love for him expand to fill every part of her being. “When the love of my life dropped out of the sky, it got my attention…and what do I need to do to keep

“Just love me back,” he whispered before he wrapped Shiloh in his arms and left no doubt as to his unfaltering devotion to her. Only her.

And she offered him the same solemn promise. She made absolutely certain that he knew that her love and devotion to him would last far beyond eternity.

Sure enough, it did.

ISBN: 978-1-4592-2979-2


Copyright © 2006 by Connie Feddersen

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