Casey's Warriors (Bondmates) (19 page)

“Do you find my body pleasing, bride?” he asked in a strained voice.

Not looking up from his erection, she nodded. “Very, very much.”

A small amount of what looked like a shimmering pale lilac precum had gathered at the tip of his cock. Curious, she leaned forward and took a lick, delighting in how delicious it was. The same taste she got while kissing Lorn was there, but intensified until it was like eating rich candy. Eager for more, she grasped him in her hand and brought his cock to her lips.

Lorn let out a growling roar as her mouth engulfed him, her jaw hurting slightly as she tried to open wide enough to take him. Deep-throating this beast would never happen, but she tried to make up for the lack of depth by using both hands to grip his shaft. The ache in her jaw increased but she couldn’t stop, not when it felt so damn good to have an echo of his pleasure moving through her. Sucking him almost felt like someone was sucking on her clit and she spread her thighs, arching up to that invisible mouth that seemed to be tormenting her.

“Enough!” Lorn shouted. Moving quicker than should have been possible, he had her on her back with his heavy erection pressing against her slick entrance. His eyes were wild and his lips curled in a savage snarl to reveal his fangs as he growled out, “Give me permission, Casey. Let me have you. Please.”

She wrapped her legs around his waist and her arms around his neck, opening herself to him in all ways. “Take me.”

To her surprise, he leaned back so he was kneeling and gathered her up in his arms, easily holding her body suspended over his thighs. Their eyes met and her world exploded with pleasure as the fat head of his cock began to slowly work into her. He lowered her the tiniest bit at a time, her pussy burning as it tried to accommodate him. Gritting his teeth, looking unbelievably sexy, he adjusted his hold on her and began to press her down again, the head of his cock entering her with an audible pop. The sensation of him filling her was beyond good, beyond anything even as it stung. The ridges along the sides of his cock seemed to vibrate and she looked at him in shock as the sensation increased until it almost felt like he was fucking her with a very large version of her favorite vibrator.

His pleased, utterly male smile of satisfaction deepened as he continued to push into her. Unable to hold his gaze anymore she closed her eyes and let her head fall back, utterly absorbed with the delicious push and burn of his erection filling her. When he was halfway in he pulled almost all the way out until the bulbous crest stretched her before pushing back in.

“Oh, God,” she moaned and dug her fingernails into his shoulders. “So good.”

“The feel of your tight pussy gripping me, rippling around my pleasure ridges, it is the best thing I have ever experienced. You will kill me with pleasure,

She could only moan in agreement as her body struggled to take the final inches, sweat slicking their skin and her breath coming in short pants. At last he was all the way in and they both stilled. Warmth, bliss, and joy exploded within her, carrying her away in a tidal wave of sensations.

With a growl that was so deep it resonated in her bones, Lorn began to lift and thrust into her, making her toes curl as those amazing vibrating ridges dragged over the hyperactive nerve endings of her stretched pussy. She clung to him, not even needing the direct stimulation on her clit that she usually required in order to climax. Each hard thrust, each slow withdraw drew her release closer until she was trying to move against him, wiggling her hips as he moved her up and down with his hands on her hips.

“Casey, stop, I will not last.”

Feeling savage, she bit his chest hard enough to feel his skin almost give way beneath her teeth before she released him and he growled. “Give it to me, Lorn. Come with me.”

He held her close and rocked into her, gentling her against him as she struggled to go harder and faster. Then his cock seemed to swell inside of her and she stilled, crying out at the exquisite sensation of those vibrating ridges pressing deeper into her pussy, nearly killing her with an overwhelming sense of being filled, taken, and owned by the glorious male who now possessed her in every way possible.

With the first contraction of her orgasm, she screamed and bucked against him, only to feel the blinding pleasure increase exponentially when Lorn gave that roaring howl and began to pump his seed into her. It was hot, so hot, and filled her until she completely lost herself in him. His love thundered into her mind along with his seed in her body, and she clawed at his muscled back, overcome by the shudders racing through them both. He held her close, caressed her, and whispered to her how important she was to him, how he’d been waiting so long for her, that he’d dreamed of her before he even knew she existed and how much he adored her. Her lonely heart filled with his words like he filled her body, and she rubbed her face against his chest, fighting back tears as she recognized the truth of his words and knew Lorn was the man she’d been waiting for.

Her soul opened and she accepted the precious gift of his love.

She felt a riot of impressions and emotions, each filling an empty place inside of herself she didn’t know she had, each soothing emotional pain that she wasn’t aware she carried, cleansing her and making her stronger. He was so much older than she was, world-weary and jaded in a way she couldn’t understand but nonetheless wanted to soothe. She’d tasted his soul and knew he was a good and honorable man and that he loved her with everything he had. No, love wasn’t a strong enough word. She couldn’t describe this feeling of belonging to each other, of finding an emotion so intense it tore apart any concept of romantic love she’d ever held.

He was hers and she was his.

After what felt like a long time the intense rush of emotions eased and she slowly came back to herself. Forcing her eyes open she found that Lorn had put them beneath the deliciously soft covers of his bed at some point, and that he was watching her with a heart wrenchingly gentle smile. His long hair hung loose about his shoulders and she loved the contrast of it against the deep tan of his skin.

Reaching up, she traced her fingertips over his face. “Hi.”

He turned and kissed her fingers. “Hello,

The pride that teased at the edges of her mind made her smile. He was so utterly satisfied that if he was a cat he’d be purring right now. “That was…wow.”

“I pleased you?”

His innocent look didn’t fool her, not when she could feel his masculine satisfaction, and she lightly punched his solid chest. “You know you did.”

His smile was so full of joy she couldn’t help but smile back. “I am glad I pleased you, bride.”

She sat up and pulled the covers around her, now sitting just slightly higher than his head. “Will it always be like that?”

“No. It gets better.”

A shaky laugh mixed with a giggle bubbled up out of her chest. “I don’t know if I could survive that.”

He grinned and pulled her down for a long, slow, deep kiss that began to warm her again. “I would keep you properly fed and rested.”

Snuggling into his arms she turned so her butt pressed against his erection. “What would I do on Kadothia? I mean, would I have like a job or something?”

“You would be the Matriarch of House Westfall.”

“What does that mean?”

“While your planet is patriarchal for the most part, Kadothia is matriarchal. Every profession that is available to men is also available to women, except for that of a Warrior. You would be in charge of the estate, the household, and the men that you bond with, and your children, so I’m not sure if you would have the time to take on other duties.”

“Wait, what do you mean the men I bond with? Bond like you and I are bonding?”

His expression closed down and she had the strangest feeling of separation from him even though they hadn’t moved an inch. “It is my most fervent prayer you will consider taking another bondmate.”

Hurt raced through her and she stared at him, a terrible sensation tightening her stomach as she searched his face for some indication he was joking. No, he was deadly serious. “I don’t want to bond with anyone else. I only want you. You want to

Lorn nuzzled his face against her neck and she calmed somewhat, even though she was still super fucking pissed and unhappy. What the hell was it about his touch that soothed her against her will? Part of her wanted to shove him away and another part wanted to curl up and cry in the shelter of his arms.

“Remember our discussion about the Knights? At some point you would have to claim at least three men as your Knights, though I hope you will bond many more. You could easily bond over a hundred. There are not enough women on our planet, and without the partial bond we would lose them to the madness. I would lose my friends, the men I love like brothers, to the madness if you choose to not take them on. Even worse, without a partial bond they are easy prey to the Hive.”

Anguish tore at her and her lower lip trembled as she blinked back tears of betrayal. “Hundreds of men? You want to share me with hundreds of men? How could you even suggest that? What kind of woman do you think I am?”

He made a frustrated noise. “This is very hard for me to explain due to our cultural differences. I do not see this as sharing you. I am in your soul, I am a part of you so I have no insecurity about your love for me just as you should have no doubt about my love for you. You do not understand what I am asking of you. Casey, you are their last hope. I know what a valuable gift you would be giving to these men. If the Matriarch of House Qaulin had not partially bonded me I would have been dead long ago.”

Jealousy coiled in her stomach as she tried to make sense of what he was saying. First he wanted her to have sex with
of men and now she had to deal with some other woman having a claim on his soul. “You’re bonded to another woman? Are you fucking kidding me!”

“I am not kidding you and I am not partially bonded to her anymore.” His amusement did nothing to help her jealous anger. “My love for her is nothing like my love for you. It is…lesser. Like the love you would have for a respected friend. Plus, my bond with Matriarch Qaulin was not forged through sexual contact. That is a trait unique to Earth women.”

She tried to wrap her mind around what he was saying and couldn’t imagine feeling the connection she had with Lorn with anyone else. “Would I feel this passion I feel for you for them? Would I need to have sex with them to bond them?”

“Because of the nature of Earth female’s shielding you would need to find physical pleasure with them at least once.”

She stiffened and tears filled her eyes. Their relationship was doomed from the start. “I can’t have sex with anyone else, Lorn. If I love a man I only want him. Please don’t ask that of me.”

He cupped her face and stroked her cheek with a tormented expression that matched how she felt at the moment. “Shhh,
, there are other ways to have pleasure than having a man plant his seed in you. And I would not subject you to hundreds of men against your will. Just because you can do something does not mean you have to, ever. Your happiness is more important to me than anything in the universe and I want you to never fear being honest with me. Just know that anyone I would bring to you for consideration will be a good friend of mine and a man worthy of you. Never doubt that.”

She tried to move away from him but he wouldn’t let her. His touch and scent seduced her even as she shoved at his restraining arm around her waist. “How could you even want to share me, Lorn? You wouldn’t be jealous? How could you not be jealous? If you loved me you wouldn’t be able to stand another man touching me. And I’m sure as fuck not letting another woman touch you.”

“I do not want any other woman. You are my soul mate.” He let out a frustrated breath when she snorted and rolled her eyes. “I
you, Casey. I am not limited to what I think of a situation like your Earth males. We are connected; I do not fear my place being taken in your life because no one
take my place. If you are willing, and I pray that you are, I will be your bondmate and your love; your pleasure already is my pleasure.”

Her lower lip trembled as she tried to hold back her tears. “I don’t understand this, Lorn. Relationships aren’t like this on Earth.”

,” he brought her resisting hand to his mouth and softly kissed her knuckles. “I am sorry I am explaining this so badly. Please try to keep an open mind and listen to me. Kadothia is not like Earth; Kadothian men are not like the men of Earth. While people on your planet have to hide who they love, or lie about it because your society does not approve, on Kadothia we embrace love in all its forms.”

She was so confused, so tired, and she allowed Lorn to pull her back down so she was lying on her side, facing him. “I’m trying to understand, Lorn, I really am, but this is just all so…overwhelming and weird. I don’t get how you won’t be jealous because I’d cut your fucking dick off if you cheated on me.”

A smile teased at the corners of his mouth and she glared at him. “Thank the Lord of Life Kadothian men do not cheat.”

She sighed and rested her cheek on her hand. “So watching me with other guys would turn you on?”

A hint of hard male lust and frustration came through their bond. “I will admit it is very arousing for me to think of you finding pleasure with your Knights, but you will not love them like you love me because you are not their soul mate. And it would not be watching them with you that would be arousing. Well, I would enjoy watching you find your pleasure, you are beautiful when you orgasm, but remember, what you feel I feel. Your pleasure
my pleasure. That is one of the reasons marriages with one woman and multiple men work so well on my planet. There is no jealousy because there is no feeling of being left out. And if I ever brought a man to you as a potential husband, you must understand that I believe with all of my heart that you are meant for each other.”

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