Castles Burning Part Two (10 page)

We knocked them back and chased them with water before we went back to the dance floor, Tyler and Dean following and leaving Chief back at the table with the others.

“Come here.” Dean said after he took a shot from a platter that passed us. “Open your mouth.” He said as he pressed me against the wall we had occupied before.

I grinned at him as Jessica and Tyler came over to us. He smiled back at me as he tilted my chin up, tossed back the shot, and brought his mouth down over mine, the sharp liquid stung my throat as it trickled down but Dean’s tongue quickly chased it away, seductively lapping all traces of it from my mouth.

“Ten minutes okay?” Tyler
leaned over and asked Dean. He nodded, kissing my fingers and biting the tips of them, his pupils were huge, making his dark eyes look like large black orbs in his skull.

’s hands scooped my bottom up and I wrapped my legs around his waist, my back pressed firmly to the wall behind me as his hands molded my ass and his fingers trailed to my panties and easily moved his fingers past the thin string, to my labia. I took in a sharp breath and tried to scoop myself up and away from his exploring fingers but he pressed his body against me firmly, one of his knees beneath me pressed against the wall.

“No one can see.” He said low at my ear before he kissed my neck and dipped his middle finger into me, his thumb pressed against my clitoris. My fingers gripped his shoulders as he stroked inside me and my body came alive.
I pressed my nose and mouth to his shoulder as he lazily drew his fingers over my silky wetness.

“Oh God please no, not here.” I pleaded with him
, my lips at his ear as I clung to his shoulders, desperately afraid of gushing all over the place in public.

He made a low, growling sound and
took his hand away leaving me shaking and hungry for more, slowly he brought his hand to his mouth, and sucked each of his fingers slowly, deliberately as he looked at me. He leaned forward and kissed my neck, I noticed that Jessica and Tyler had moved next to us, nearly shielding us from sight of the people around us. Unfortunately the table that our coworkers occupied was still in plain view and my eyes collided with Chief, I yanked my head back to Dean and pulled him close to me.

“Let’s go back.” I told him. He nodded
at me and let my legs slip to the floor.

I straightened my skirt and walked on wobbly legs back to our table. The four of us gathered our things and Chief put his hand on my arm, I stilled instantly and forced my eyes to his.

“Excuse me Chief.” I said.

“You need to make sure you don’t appear drunk, they will cane you here for public intoxication.” He said plainly, looking at the four of us, his hand still on my arm.

“We’ll be careful Adam.” Jessica said unceremoniously, smiling at Chief.

“Good. Sonny?”

“Yes… Adam. We will be careful.” I was still weak in the legs from my near orgasm only moments ago.

“Oh you have something here.” He
suddenly said.

I watched his hand leave my arm as if it were in slow
motion; his eyes were fixed on my legs as his hand reached around the back of my thigh, as if he knew my body already his fingers trailed in between them, resting on my right inner thigh. He slowly swept his fingers along my skin and my mouth fell open in shock and I winced as I felt the unmistakable feeling of my own wetness smearing along with his fingers.

“Someone spilled something on you out there I think.” He said, turning his glittering eyes to mine again.

I was horrified, and he was amused at the look of shock on my face. He sat back in his booth in that casual smug way again, and when I saw him rub my liquid between his fingers and thumb, and then bring the same hand to rest beside his mouth as he gazed at me, I couldn’t stop my hand from raising up as if on its own and striking him across the face. Quickly the Chief’s face went from one of shock, to one of amusement and he laughed heartily at the guys around us, and then looked pointedly at Dean and Tyler.

“Get these girls out of this bar.” He said, popping an olive into his mouth, I stared at him fiercely
before I spun on my heel and stomped out, instantly sobered by what had happened.


              The last day of our port visit to Singapore was spent on the ship; our department had been called to muster early because one of our systems needed to be repaired. When we finished, the ship had been sailing for three hours and it was only four in the afternoon. Chief called our entire division to the CBR shop because it was the largest and it was by the Chief’s and LPO’s offices. We all stood in lines, waiting for the Chief to start talking. He looked at all of us carefully, one at a time and landed on me finally before he began.

“There are several of you who will be on restriction for a week after what I witnessed happen in this port.” He moved his eyes away from mine and swept them over us, his hands behind his back. “May I remind you that this is the military?” He demanded taking a step away from me and walking down the ranks, I let out a breath I hadn’t realized I was holding.

I noticed that a few of the guys from the other shops were wearing restriction badges, which meant they had no free time. They had to muster every hour with someone except for when they were asleep. Sawyer had a blue swollen eye, and a reddish bruise on his jaw, he wore a badge. Smith had a large anchor tattoo on his forearm that was obviously fresh and not well hidden when his coveralls were rolled up, he also wore a badge. Chief turned on the heel of his boot and made his way back toward us, my stomach sinking with each foot fall.

“You will all conduct yourself in a more appropriate manner next port, in a
way which represents our country in a positive light! Do I make myself clear?” He yelled over us, his jaw flexing.

“Yes Chief.
” Collectively we all answered him. He turned his back to us to go back to his office, but paused after a step.

“You’re all off for the rest of the day, work is finished
so you should rest up, and we have a long day ahead of us tomorrow. Fireman Carlson and DC3 Johnson,” he said, turning slightly to glance back at Jessica and me as he squeezed his lower lip between his thumb and forefinger. “Sweep and swab this deck, and then come into my office. The rest of you are dismissed.”

I looked at Tyler and Dean as everyone climbed the ladder well to enjoy the rest of their free time. Tyler shrugged and shook his head. Dean gazed at the Chief’s office door, his jaw clenching
before he put his hand on my side and kissed me quickly before leaving the compartment, Tyler followed him. I looked at Jessica and she and I began to sweep the floor.

“What do you think it is?” I asked.

She laughed. “You’re pretty silly you know that?” She asked.

“What are you talking about?” I asked her holding the broom to the side and straightening up to look at her. “You keep saying all these little weird warning things but you won’t tell me what they mean.” I wiped my brow on my
forearm; the heat over in this part of the world was exhausting.

“Chief wants you
, Carlson.” She said, glancing at me.

me?” I asked incredulously. I shook my head and began sweeping again, my heart pounding in my chest.

“I slept with him my first week in this division.
” She said shaking her head as if the memory was silly. “He did things to me I didn’t even imagine existed as far as sex was concerned. I can’t believe you’ve held out this long.” She said as she prepared the swab water in a yellow bucket. I grabbed two of the dirty old swabs and dipped them both into the hot soapy water; it instantly turned a grayish color.

“You’re kidding.” I nearly whispered.

“I’m not.” She looked at me. “It’s okay. He is a great guy, and so sexy… he’s good too, so good. He isn’t married, not really.” She added when she saw the look on my face.

“But he said his wife sends him things.” I told her, remembering the chocolate.

“Yeah but they’re only married for the paycheck. She used to be a first class, stationed on one of the small boys back in port but she isn’t in anymore. She has a girlfriend that lives with them and she knows he isn’t faithful to her, not even when the ship is in port. They have an arrangement.” She hefted the bucket into the compartment and we began to smear the hot water across the floor, mopping up what we’d missed when sweeping.

“This is insane.” I said.

“It isn’t, not really. You should hear about some of the things that happen in Air Department, I’ve got some friends who could tell you stories to curl your toes” She winked at me.

Fireman Carlson!” Chief hollered from his office, I stood up straight and looked at Jessica wide eyed. She shrugged and continued mopping.

“Yell for me if you need me.” She joked. I plopped the swab in the
murky water.

“Not funny.” I told her, but I couldn’t help smiling as I walked to chief’s office.

I tapped on the door before turning the knob and entering.

Come on in.” Chief said.

I looked at his desk as I entered
, and took the seat across from him; the only picture that was on his desk was of a brindle pit bull. I watched as he finished writing something on his computer and then turned to me, folding his hands on the desk in front of him.

“Now, let’s talk about this
office.” He leaned back casually and smiled at me. “It’s filthy isn’t it?” He asked, running his finger along the top of his lip, under his nose. It was the same hand he’d swept along the inside of my thighs. I felt my jaw flex with irritation at the memory of him in the bar that night.

“Yes, it is Chief.” I
said my back as straight as it would be if I had a steel rod for a spine.

“Clean it up for me please. Cleaning supplies are in the bottom drawer.” He gestured to a large filing cabinet to my left and turned his chair to his computer. He began typing again at a rapid pace as I bent over and pulled rags and a spray bottle with green liquid
from the drawer. I stood and began to mist surfaces around the office and wipe them down. The large room was dwarfed by all of the cabinets and storage containers, each littered with piles of papers on top of them and maintenance logs, old oil rags and tools that should be back in the shop. I began to clear things out, and put papers back where they belonged. When Jessica finished swabbing the shop she poked her head in and tapped on the open door. I heard Chief stop typing behind me as she asked if she could go.

“Yes of course, see you in the morning Jess.” He said, I looked back at him and he was smiling warmly at her.

“Thanks Chief. See you later Sonny, are we working out before dinner?” She asked me.

“Yes, I’ll meet you in the birthing.” I said as I juggled three wrenches of various sizes and several gaskets
in my hands, I put them all back in the shop and when I returned Jessica was gone.

I looked around the office; I didn’t see anything else that needed to be straightened. Chief seemed to notice me just standing there and he turned his chair to face me again.

“All finished?” he asked.

“Yes Chief, do you need anything else?” I asked.

“Sit down.” He pointed to the chair I’d previously occupied.

He stood and crossed the office to close the door, placing one hand in his pocket as he meandered back to his desk
, half a smile on his face as he looked at the floor. He casually sat on the corner of his desk in front of me. I swallowed before I turned my face up to look at him. He was staring down at me, his handsome features very serious and I felt my heart rate pick up when his blue eyes wandered down to my lips.

“How we
ll do you think it might go over with our chain of command, if they found out that a Fireman used physical force against a Chief? Especially when that Chief was simply… instructing, an overly intoxicated Sailor back to the ship?” He asked. My stomach dropped and I was at a loss for words for a second, he stared at me smiling, waiting for my reply.

“I… I’m sorry chief; I did have way
too much to drink. I think we all did.” I said, anger boiling under my calm surface as I recalled the feel of his fingers on me. I stared at those fingers now, pointedly lifting my gaze back to his, I lifted one eyebrow slightly to drive my point home.

“Stand up.” He told me
, the charismatic grin still hung on his gorgeous features; his hands hovered around me, guiding me in front of him like someone using air to push a butterfly in the direction they want it to go.

I stood stone still as
he gazed at me while he still sat on the desk, and his hands reached up and unbuttoned the top of my coveralls. My breasts lifted and fell with my breathing but I made no move to stop him as his fingers found the zipper of my coveralls and pulled it down to my waist; displaying the white undershirt clinging to my body. He splayed his hand across my tummy and then wrapped it around my waist to pull me closer to him, my heart was thrumming in my chest and I licked my bottom lip to moisten it.

“You are so beautiful
Amber, far too beautiful of a creature to be placed so,
on display for so many to see.” He murmured.

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