Castles Burning Part Two (6 page)

“Sounds good I’m starved.” Tyler said
, wrapping an arm around her shoulders.

“I want to take a shower, and then we’ll come join you?” I asked her.

“Sure.” She smiled suggestively at Dean.

I followed a step behind Dean
, to the elevators, my hand in his while Jessica and Tyler sat at a small table with pretty bright flowers in the center. The elevator was sparkling clean; it looked like we were in a box of thick polished black glass; when the doors opened to the presidential suite my mouth fell open. Now I understood why we had shelled out so much money for this.

“Oh my God.” I breathed,
removing my shoes and stepping onto the thick soft white carpet.

“Nice right?” Dean asked.

“It’s incredible.” I said looking around.

There was a
sitting area with two black leather sofas, the backs were tiny, maybe five inches high and may as well have not even been there. A glass coffee table sat on a black fur rug, and there was a fireplace separating the kitchen and the sitting area. On the other wall was a dark cherry wood bar with several types of glasses and decanters glittering elegantly, it was located between the two bedrooms. I walked into the one that was furthest from the elevator; it had a large bed, fireplace, a large closet and a cozy chase by a window that took up the entire far wall. It was done in deep reds, and black.

Dean’s hand
slowly slipped between my arm and side, and he hugged me as I looked out the large window at the view of the city. He placed his hand on my stomach and pulled me back against his chest, his faint cologne wafting softly into my nose. I closed my eyes when I felt his lips on my neck; he kissed my ear lobe, softly clenching it between his teeth before kissing my shoulder.

“Do you still want to take a shower?” He asked
, and even though I couldn’t see his smile, I knew that those sexy simples would have been flirting with me.

I let a smile spread across my lips
, my eyes still closed, as I slid my hands up and down his firm forearms. My senses were so overwhelmed with this comforting. All these weeks being surrounded by gray metal, and away from the sunshine, no human contact that wasn’t stolen in seconds of solitude, and no comforts of home, not even a carpet in the birthing. Now here I was surrounded by beautiful things, luxurious things that I’d never seen before… and being caressed by the man I’d been fantasizing about for the last few weeks.

tightened his arms about my waist and pressed forward, still holding me unyielding against his front; he walked us into the bathroom. It was stark white, with elegant black accents here and there, a black toilet and sink. It had what looked like a marble tub, but I thought might be granite; it was huge and sat in the center of the room, the black and white granite flooding over to line the bottom of a glass enclosed shower that had two shower heads.

reached into the shower and turned on both heads before stripping his shirt over his head, his muscles flexing slightly with the movement. He turned to me, and wrapping his arms around me and kissed me softly before looking down at my face. I placed my hands on his chest lightly and stared at them against his bare skin for a moment before I looked up into his dark eyes and pressed my lips against his again. I watched his face carefully as he took my shirt over my head, his eyes open slightly, and resumed kissing me before he did away with my jeans.

hile Dean removed the rest of his clothes I stepped into the shower and adjusted the water, the warm steam engulfing me. I stood under it with my eyes closed, letting it fall over my face; it felt glorious to be under fresh water, and not the harsh drying water that was on the ship. I jumped a little when Dean’s careful fingers touched the scar below my tattoo, I turned around to look at him, and there was a question in his eyes for only a second before his mouth was on mine again. I felt tears threaten suddenly, and unexpectedly, but I fought them off; I moved my hands along Dean’s shoulders, made silky from the steam and water; and wrapped them around his neck, pulling him to me.

My breasts pressed agains
t him fully and I moaned into his mouth when his hands found my rear and squeezed it hard, pulling and molding me to fit his hands. His beautiful pink cock was magnificent as it stood perfectly erect and pressed into my hip; I wrapped my hand around it and slid my hand up and down once before releasing him again and running my hand back up his stomach, chest, and around his neck. He looked into my eyes, his blonde hair collecting droplets of water, I felt the need to tell him everything that had happened to me, explain to him why I was feeling this way. But I didn’t allow myself, I didn’t want to let him in, I didn’t want to let anyone in, not yet.

slid my hand down his shoulder and along his arm as I leaned my head back against the cool glass wall. I left my hips pressed to his, and his hands held them as his thumbs lazily stroked the sensitive skin at my hip bones. I stared at him through the steam; his lean torso was beautiful, and aside from pubic hair, his light skin had hardly any body hair, I reached out to touch his smooth chest. I’d never been with a man like Dean Cross, normally I was drawn to large men, tall and broad who could lift me easily, who could possibly hurt me if they wanted to, but I was attracted Dean Cross to my very core. We were like two magnets. All the foreboding that was bottled in such an unexpectedly powerful package, outside he didn’t look dangerous, or powerful, but he was and that frightened and excited me.

took my bottom lip between my teeth and quirked my finger at him, he leaned toward me and I kissed him as if I were sucking the last bit of juice from a peach, pushing all of the emotions that threatened to ruin my first day of freedom to the back of my mind. I caught his bottom lip between my teeth and pulled on it hard, letting it slip between them; he was staring into my eyes and as I bit down a little harder, this ignited the twin onyx, they blazed wildly at me, his brows closing in on one another. I dug my hands into his hair and pressed against him, kissing him hungrily again. 

pulled me to him with a low growl that seemed to reverberate through my rib cage and I put one of my hands over his that was grasping my left thigh just below my ass; I lifted my knee and dug my nails into his hand. He squeezed harder at my cue instantly, as if he could read my mind, and I let my head slip back again as his nails clawed down my thigh like tiny razors. He kissed my throat and I moaned when his teeth grazed my chin and he sucked hard just below my jaw, I pressed myself against him ardently.

“Please.” I whispered against his lips as they sought to cover every inch of me with tender kisses.

I shifted
my eyes to his as the steam made my head feel light and he slipped his fingers between my labia torturously slow, my left nipple captured between his teeth. He moved his fingers slowly, he was so gentle, but I didn’t want soft and gentle. I placed my hand on the side of his face, his hair was dripping, condensation had collected like morning dew around his lips, and he was mouthwatering. I was almost shaking as he dragged his eyes to mine and I told him everything in my mind. I begged him to grab me, to choke me, to throw me around the hard wet hard floor and fuck me until not a muscle in my body could function.

I put my
hands over his as they held me, and slowly I slid his hands up, and over my newly flat stomach, over my breasts and nipples that had been teased into hardness. I lifted them with mine over my head, against the cool glass wall, not letting my eyes stray from his. He quickly placed one hand around both of my wrists again as if he was reading my mind. His other hand rested on the back of my neck; his thumb gently stroking my jaw. He was looking down at my face, his beautiful features darkened with passion. I swallowed before nodding my head slowly, wiling him to keep going, I ground my hips against his and lifted my thigh that was between his legs to press my silky thigh against his balls and rub them gently.

hand left my face, and I felt it join the other hand at my wrists, I pressed my hips against him again, his eyes were locked on mine as he slid his hands down my arms, over my breasts, squeezing them together so he could take both of my nipples into his mouth, and then he sucked hard, sending a shock of pain through me. I moaned loudly as I watched him grin wickedly at me, releasing my breasts slowly, sliding his hands up to my throat. My breathing picked up as his hands splayed around the base of my neck and pressed firmly on my collarbone; I sank down before him, my hands in front of me. I took his penis into my hands, and kissed his head before fully taking it into my mouth, and swirling my tongue around on him while I slid my hands up and down his shaft.

He looked down at me,
his forehead resting on his forearm against the glass, reverence and lust poured out of his eyes like the water from the showerhead; I slid my teeth down his head and then back, before I pressed him into my throat. I watched delightedly as his eyes widened and he dragged a hand down his face, wiping away the condensation that collected there. I slid my right hand down my front to my clitoris and began to circle it slowly, my knees spread wide for him to see. I looked up at him, my left hand pumping him, and pleading with my eyes while I sucked languidly on his cock, for him to take control of me. His hand came to the back of my neck again and I closed my eyes and took him deep into my throat again, slipping two of my fingers inside of myself slowly.

Dean’s grasp tightened
and he pulled me up gently into a passionate kiss, his hands wandering over my breasts and teasing them. I tugged on his dick ferociously and bit his lip again, I was going mad with want for him and I couldn’t hold back any longer. He pushed me away from him and against the wall, his lip red and swollen, I felt like an animal. He kissed me again, but harder this time, I pulled back from him and lightly smacked his cheek, testing his reaction. His eyes widened a little, I took my other hand and slapped his other cheek a little harder, and his eyes lit up with fire, he caught my wrists in his hands before I could slap him again, and hauled me to him, pinning my hands between his chest, and mine as he shoved his tongue into my mouth. I melted.

“I want you
.” I told him through gritted teeth, practically shaking with need, writhing against him. “Take me.” I whispered against his mouth ardently. “Please.”

Dean lifted my knee up over his arm and pressed
the tip of his cock against my aching vagina, his other hand slid up to my throat and rested there. His dark eyes held my gaze, penetrating my soul as he pressed into me, every hair on my body came to attention, and I let my eyes close. Dean gave my neck a small jerk, a quiet grunt in his throat, and I forced myself to open them, he was a fraction of an inch from my face and I stared desperately into his eyes as he thrust in and out of me, my lips parted. He kissed me gently, quickly and then thrust harder, my back slamming against the glass with each one, my body building up.

” I whimpered, my sex burning around him.

His fingers were curling tighter at my neck
and I felt like my knees might buckle. I gasped and gripped his forearm, and he stared into my eyes tightening his hold on my neck slightly, his forehead resting on mine, his breathing hard and fast. I stared into his dark eyes, full of lust and it only fueled my own pleasure.

“Oh my God.” I ground out
as I came around him, my body clenching and shaking.

“Fuck.” He growled
when my fluids released, he released my throat and let my leg slip to the floor before he seized my neck and kissed me again, finally as rough as I’d wanted.

My mind was still foggy from my orgasm when h
e spun me around harshly by one shoulder, my face almost slamming against the glass, and I couldn’t fight the huge grin from splitting my face as he filled me again. I called out his name and he wound a handful of my wet hair around his fist and yanked me back against his chest. Finally I felt it, washing over me like a drug, the uncertainty, and adrenaline, the pleasure, the madness, I was drunk with desire.

“Yes, baby, take it.
” I moaned, craving more.

His hands were everywhere, and I reveled in the feel of him all over me.
He brought his free hand up my side, caressing my breast before he brought his hand to my neck again.

“Harder.” I whispered when I felt his breath at my ear.

His hand tightened at my throat and his thrusts came slower, but harder, he vaulted me forwa
rd with each one, only his hand on my throat kept my face from slamming into the glass in front of us. I felt my body tightening and burning; my knees were getting weak and Dean wrapped his free arm tight around my waist.

o it again.” He said at my ear, his fingers still around the front of my throat. “Come again Amber, I want to feel you again.”

I was moaning and my hand reached behind me to grip his hip as he pressed into me again and again. I started to lean forward, almost pulling away from him, not sure if I had the strength to keep standing when I came, and not sure if Dean could hold me up either.
I wanted it desperately, I was nearly grunting with desire but the uncertainty made it harder to obtain.

Dean’s hand left my throat and the hand that held my hair pushed me forward so that I was against the
cold glass. His body pressed against my back. I could see our reflection in the bathroom mirror, my breasts and hands pressed against the glass, his hair falling over his brow as he stood back and looked at my back for a second before I saw him raise his hand and sweep it across my ass. The slap was unexpected, and I jumped, but I had been craving it so desperately that I almost screamed and jumped with joy at the contact.

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